设计程序与方法课程简介课程英文名Design Process & Methods课程代码S0504Z13学分4总学时64理论学时32实验/实践学时32先修课程造型基础1适用专业产品设计内容简介 (中文)(200字左右,应包含本课程的地位、目标及主要内容,课程内容不要写章节编号)()课程地位:本课程是产品设计专业本科生必修的 门学科基础课程。是 学生从基础课进入到专业基础课程的主要课程。设计是一项有目的的创造性活动, 同时又是必须通过企业纳入其产品开发程序的一项工作。本课程教学的目的是要使 学生改变传统中孤立的、仅依靠经验来指导设计的思维方法,运用创造工程学的原 理,认识事物本质特征和发展规律,掌握工业设计的整个程序和各种先进的设计方 法,通过寻找问题入手,发现问题,分析问题,最后解决设计中的问题。(二)课程目标1 .培养学生在产品设计中的设计意识。2 .培养学生寻找问题,分析问题,解决问题的能力。(三)主要内容概述,设计调查,设计构思方法,课程课题案例结题。内容简介 (英文)(1) curriculum status: This course is a compulsory basic course for undergraduates majoring in product design and industrial design. It is the main course for students from basic courses to professional basic courses. Design is a purposeful creative activity, and it is also a task that must be incorporated into the product development process of an enterprise. This is the purpose of teaching is to enable students to change the traditional thinking method in isolated, only rely on the experience to guide the design, use of creative engineering principle, know the essence characteristic and the law of development, grasp the industrial design of the entire program and all kinds of advanced design methods, through finding problems, identify problems, analyze problems, finally to solve the problems in the design. (2) curriculum objectives1. cultivate students' design consciousness in product design.2. cultivate students' ability to find problems, analyze problems and solve problems.3. ) main contentsSummary, design survey, design conception method, curriculum project case questions.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年3月3日