Unit2 Poems-Lets appreciate them History makes man wise Poem makes man witty.Task 1:Lets enjoy a song and find out the similarities between songs and poemsn n HereIam-thisismeTheresnowhereelseonEarthIdratherbeHereIam-itsjustmeandyouAndtonightwemakeourdreamscometrueItsanewworld-itsanewstartItsalivewiththebeatingof-youngheartsItsanewday-itsanewplanIvebeenwaitingforyouHereIamn nHere we are-weve just begunAnd after all this time-our time has comeYa here we are-still goin strongRight here in the place where we belongIts a new world-its a new startIts alive with the beating of-young heartsIts a new day-it s a new planIve been waiting for youn nHere I amthe the similaritiessimilaritiestunefulhelptoexpressthefeelingsatthebottomofourheartshaverhyme&rhythmNurtureourmindsCreatemanyvividimagesmakeuslookatthingsinanewperspectivesharethefeelingsandexperiencesn Task 2:n Appreciate some poems and try to translate them.天净沙秋思 马致远n n枯藤老树昏鸦,枯藤老树昏鸦,枯藤老树昏鸦,枯藤老树昏鸦,n n小桥流水人家,小桥流水人家,小桥流水人家,小桥流水人家,n n古道西风瘦马。古道西风瘦马。古道西风瘦马。古道西风瘦马。n n夕阳西下,夕阳西下,夕阳西下,夕阳西下,n n断肠人在天际。断肠人在天际。断肠人在天际。断肠人在天际。n n n n天净沙天净沙天净沙天净沙 秋思秋思秋思秋思 马致远马致远马致远马致远n n枯藤老树昏鸦,枯藤老树昏鸦,枯藤老树昏鸦,枯藤老树昏鸦,n n小桥流水人家,小桥流水人家,小桥流水人家,小桥流水人家,n n古道西风瘦马。古道西风瘦马。古道西风瘦马。古道西风瘦马。n n夕阳西下,夕阳西下,夕阳西下,夕阳西下,n n断肠人在天际断肠人在天际断肠人在天际断肠人在天际n =clear =clear v.净,洗净净,洗净净,洗净净,洗净n n2.the withered wisterias 2.the withered wisterias 枯藤枯藤枯藤枯藤n n3.twine(round)v.3.twine(round)v.缠绕;纠缠缠绕;纠缠缠绕;纠缠缠绕;纠缠n n4.remote=faraway 4.remote=faraway 遥远的,远距遥远的,远距遥远的,远距遥远的,远距离的;偏僻的,离的;偏僻的,离的;偏僻的,离的;偏僻的,n n4.heart-broken 4.heart-broken 难过的,断肠的。难过的,断肠的。难过的,断肠的。难过的,断肠的。n n5.maid5.maid诗少女,姑娘。诗少女,姑娘。诗少女,姑娘。诗少女,姑娘。n n6.gurgle 6.gurgle 汩汩地流汩汩地流汩汩地流汩汩地流n n7.creek=brook,stream 7.creek=brook,stream 小河,小小河,小小河,小小河,小溪,溪流溪,溪流溪,溪流溪,溪流n n8.household 8.household 一家人一家人一家人一家人,户户户户The Heaven-Netting-Sands The Autumn Sense_ by Ma Zhiyuann nThewitheredwisteriastwineroundanoldtreeThewitheredwisteriastwineroundanoldtreewithcrowsatwithcrowsatduskduskByhouseholdsunderasmallbridgegurglingByhouseholdsunderasmallbridgegurglingsilentlyisasilentlyisacreekcreek.OnanoldroadanoldthinhorseisagainsttheOnanoldroadanoldthinhorseisagainstthewestwestwindwindThesettingsunisslowlygoingwestThesettingsunisslowlygoingwestwardward.Imlovesickwithmyremoteheart-brokenImlovesickwithmyremoteheart-brokenmaid.maid.n n What What images does the poet use does the poet use?n n _ _Thewitheredwisterias,anoldtree,crowsatThewitheredwisterias,anoldtree,crowsatduskdusk,asmallbridge,acreek,anoldroad,anoldasmallbridge,acreek,anoldroad,anoldthinhorse,thewestwind,thesettingsunthinhorse,thewestwind,thesettingsunn回乡偶书回乡偶书n n少小离家老大回,少小离家老大回,n n乡音无改鬓毛衰;乡音无改鬓毛衰;n n儿童相间不相识,儿童相间不相识,n n 笑问客从河处来笑问客从河处来?n nHomeland bound Homeland bound LinesLines by He Zhizhang by He Zhizhangn n I left home young but I left home young but Ive returned an old Ive returned an old man,man,n n My accent is the same,My accent is the same,my hair has turned hair has turned grey.n n The kids are amazed The kids are amazed to meet this stranger to meet this stranger here,here,n n “Where do you come “Where do you come from?”with a smile from?”with a smile they say.they say.Where she awaits her husbandOn and on the river flowsNever looking backTransformed into stoneDay by day upon the mountain topWind and rain revolveShould the journeyer returnThis stone would utter speech.n Task 3:n Read the list poems&try to write one.n nSigns of FallSigns of Falln nWhen summer is departing(When summer is departing(离去离去离去离去)n nand fall is arrivingand fall is arrivingn nthe wind whips through(the wind whips through(拂过拂过拂过拂过)the trees)the treesn nand spooks(and spooks(惊吓惊吓惊吓惊吓)the cat)the catn nThe leaves considerThe leaves considern nwearing bold(wearing bold(醒目的醒目的醒目的醒目的)new colors)new colorsn nIn the corner of my roomIn the corner of my roomn nmy mother builds a pilemy mother builds a pilen nof new notebooks and pencils and of new notebooks and pencils and paper.paper.n nAnd when I bike past the schoolAnd when I bike past the schooln nI start hoping my new teacherI start hoping my new teachern nisnt too strictisnt too strictn nand that my friend and I and that my friend and I n nare all assigned to the same class.are all assigned to the same class.n nILongtobe_byYanglibyYanglin nIlongtobeabutterflyanddancetrippinglyforyou,Ilongtobeabutterflyanddancetrippinglyforyou,n nIlongtobeaflowerandbringtheIlongtobeaflowerandbringthefragrancefragranceforyou,foryou,n nIlongtobeaIlongtobeameteormeteorandmakeaandmakeavowvowforyou,foryou,n nIlongtobeabirdandtransportthedreamforyou,Ilongtobeabirdandtransportthedreamforyou,n nIlongtobethesunandturnthedarknessforyou,Ilongtobethesunandturnthedarknessforyou,n nIlongtobealightandguidethedirectionforyou,Ilongtobealightandguidethedirectionforyou,n nIlongtobeaspringandwashthedustforyou,Ilongtobeaspringandwashthedustforyou,n nIlongtobeabridgeandconnectthesuccessforIlongtobeabridgeandconnectthesuccessforyou,you,n nIlongtobeaseedandplanttheloveforyou,Ilongtobeaseedandplanttheloveforyou,n nOh!IlongtobeyourfriendandsharethehappinessOh!Ilongtobeyourfriendandsharethehappinessandsorrowwithyou.andsorrowwithyou.nTask 4:Appreciate cinquain and practice writing one.Letsappreciatetheworksofstudentsn nLife n n by Chen Liangn n competitive imaginativen n interesting exciting unexpecting full of ups and downs n n challengen n Warn nbySongTingwarn nsaddestructiven nkillinginjuringdestructingn nathingthatkillseverythingn nterminatorn n FamilynbyXuRuinfamiliarstrangenfiringboilingmeltingnfilledwithunselfishlovenforevern n nTask 5:Whats is Haiku?n nItisapoeticformfromtheJapaneseculture.Haikucombinesform,content,andlanguageinameaningful,yetconciseform.Haikupoetswriteabouteverydaythings.Manythemesincludenature,feelings,orexperiences.Usuallytheyusesimplewordsto“paint”amentalimage(映象映象)inthereadersmind.ThemostcommonformforHaikuisthreeshortlines.Thefirstlineusuallycontainsfive(5)syllables,thesecondlineseven(7)syllables,andthethirdlinecontainsfive(5)syllables.Haikudoesntrhyme.ARainbowDonnaBrockCurvingup,thendown.MeetingblueskyandgreenearthMelding(合并)(合并)sunandrain.Task6:Appreciate some haikunTask 7:n Enjoy the English poems and appreciate them.n n Dreams by L.Hughes Dreams by L.Hughesn nHold fast to dreams Hold fast to dreams 将幻想握紧别放将幻想握紧别放n nFor if dreams die For if dreams die 幻想一旦消亡幻想一旦消亡n nLife is a broken-winged Life is a broken-winged n n bird bird 生活象折断翅膀的鸟儿生活象折断翅膀的鸟儿n nThat cannot fly That cannot fly 不能再翱翔不能再翱翔n nHold fast to dreams Hold fast to dreams 将幻想握紧别放将幻想握紧别放n nFor when dreams go For when dreams go 幻想一旦消亡幻想一旦消亡n nLife is a barren field Life is a barren field 生活象严冬的荒野生活象严冬的荒野n nFrozen with snow Frozen with snow 遍地是冰霜遍地是冰霜n n n n n n兰斯顿兰斯顿.休斯(休斯(1902196719021967)当代美国手屈一指的黑人文学家,)当代美国手屈一指的黑人文学家,“哈莱姆复兴哈莱姆复兴”运动的运动的主要代表之一。主要代表之一。n nUse the patterns to write about your Use the patterns to write about your understanding of the poemsunderstanding of the poemsn n n n1.Who wrote the poem?Is it popular?1.Who wrote the poem?Is it popular?n n 2.What 2.What imagesimages does it have?does it have?n n 3.What idea does it 3.What idea does it conveyconvey?n n 4.What was the purpose of it?4.What was the purpose of it?n n 5.What does the poem 5.What does the poem illustrate/show/demonstrateillustrate/show/demonstrate?n n 6.What does it 6.What does it indicateindicate?n n 7.Whats its thyme scheme?(aaba bbcb 7.Whats its thyme scheme?(aaba bbcb ccdc ddddccdc dddd)n n n n The poem Dreams is written by a black writer named Langston Hughes.The poem has clear rhymes and a strong rhythm.The writer use two images-a broken-winged bird and a barren field to convey the idea that life is unbearable without hope.It meant to encourage the black people not to give up hope or lose their ideal for a better world.n 未选择的路未选择的路 n黄色的树林里分出两条路黄色的树林里分出两条路 n惋惜我不能同时去涉足惋惜我不能同时去涉足 n我在那路口久久伫立我在那路口久久伫立 我向着一条路极目望去我向着一条路极目望去n The Road Not Taken The Road Not TakennTWO roads diverged in a yellow TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood wood And sorry I could not travel both And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler,long I stood And be one traveler,long I stood And looked down one as far as I And looked down one as far as I could could To where it bent in the To where it bent in the undergrowth(undergrowth(灌木丛灌木丛)n n但我却选择了另外一条路但我却选择了另外一条路但我却选择了另外一条路但我却选择了另外一条路 它荒草萋萋,特殊幽寂它荒草萋萋,特殊幽寂它荒草萋萋,特殊幽寂它荒草萋萋,特殊幽寂 显得更迷人,更美丽显得更迷人,更美丽显得更迷人,更美丽显得更迷人,更美丽 虽然在这两条小路上虽然在这两条小路上虽然在这两条小路上虽然在这两条小路上 都很少留下旅人的踪迹都很少留下旅人的踪迹都很少留下旅人的踪迹都很少留下旅人的踪迹 n nThen took the other,as just as fair Then took the other,as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear Because it was grassy and wanted wear Though as for that the passing there Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same Had worn them really about the same n n虽然那天早晨落叶满地虽然那天早晨落叶满地 两条路都未经脚印污染两条路都未经脚印污染 呵,留下一条路等改日再见呵,留下一条路等改日再见 但我知道路径延绵无终点但我知道路径延绵无终点 生怕我难以再回返生怕我难以再回返 And both that morning equally And both that morning equally lay lay In leaves no step had trodden In leaves no step had trodden black black Oh,I kept the first for another Oh,I kept the first for another day day Yet knowing how way leads on to Yet knowing how way leads on to way way I doubted if I should ever come I doubted if I should ever come back back n n也很多少年后在某一个地方也很多少年后在某一个地方n n我将轻声叹息把往事回顾我将轻声叹息把往事回顾 一片森林里分出两条路一片森林里分出两条路 而我却选择了人迹更少的一条而我却选择了人迹更少的一条 从今确定了我一生的道路从今确定了我一生的道路n nI doubted if I should ever come I doubted if I should ever come back back I shall be telling this with a I shall be telling this with a sigh sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence Somewhere ages and ages hence Two roads diverged in a wood Two roads diverged in a wood and II took the one less and II took the one less traveled by traveled by And that has made all the And that has made all the differencedifferencen n n n Everyone is a traveler,choosing the roads to follow on the map of their journey,life.There is never a straight path or sole direction in which to head.The Road Not Taken,clearly demonstrates Frosts belief that it is the road that one chooses that makes him the man who he is.The fact that the traveler took the path less travelled by over the more popular,secure one indicates the type of personality he has,one that does not want to necessarily follow the crowd but do more of what has never been done,what is new and different.He realizes that the decision is not just a temporary one which will affect every other choice he makes afterward.Once you have performed an act or spoken a word that shows who you are,there is no turning back and it cannot be undone.Yet he remains proud of his decision and he recognizes that it was this path that he chose to live his life the way in which he lived.To this man,what was most important,what really made the difference,is that he did what he wanted,even if it meant taking the road less traveled.If he hadnt,he wouldnt be the same man he is now.Homework:Choose a poem or song you like to write a article to appreciate it.THANK YOU for listening and participation When I Count to Threen nWhen I count to three,the toys better be When I count to three,the toys better be picked up.picked up.n nWhen I count to three,the quarter will When I count to three,the quarter will disappear from my fist.disappear from my fist.n nWhen I count to three,your butt better be in When I count to three,your butt better be in the car.the car.n nWhen I count to three,Ill have calmed down.When I count to three,Ill have calmed down.n nWhen I count to three,the swats will end.When I count to three,the swats will end.n nWhen I count to three,the world will explode.When I count to three,the world will explode.n nWhen I count to three,the pain will be goneWhen I count to three,the pain will be gone.n nHomeHomen nHomeiswhereyouHomeiswhereyoun ncanshrugoffyourcanshrugoffyourn nbackpackandyourbackpackandyourn nworries,slingaroundworries,slingaroundn nyourcomplaintsaboutyourcomplaintsaboutn nimpossiblequestionsonthescienceimpossiblequestionsonthesciencen ntest,andsupposedlytest,andsupposedlyn nbestbestn nfriends,flingyoursmellyfriends,flingyoursmellyn nclothesandyourtowelonclothesandyourtowelonn nthefloorafterastinginghotthefloorafterastinginghotn nshower,sprayontheshower,sprayonthen ncouchandflickoffcouchandflickoffn nyourmindwiththeyourmindwiththen nremote,bragremote,bragn nlikeahyenaaboutlikeahyenaaboutn nthegoalthatjustthegoalthatjustn nnippedthenippedthen ngoalpost,andjustbegoalpost,andjustben nyourself(buteventually,youhavetoexplainyourtestgrade,losetheyourself(buteventually,youhavetoexplainyourtestgrade,losethen nargumentthatTVenhancesyourhomeworkskills,andespeciallyargumentthatTVenhancesyourhomeworkskills,andespeciallyn npickup“thosefilthyclothesandthatwettowelthatsruiningthepickup“thosefilthyclothesandthatwettowelthatsruiningthen ncarpet,thisminute-youheardme!”Ido,anyway.carpet,thisminute-youheardme!”Ido,anyway.