材料科学基础II课程简介课程英文名Fundamentals of Materials Science II课程代码05M0062学分2.5总学时40理论学时40实验/实践学时0先修课程材料类专业导论、材料科学基础I适用专业材料科学与工程内容简介 (中文)材料科学基础课程是材料科学与工程一级学科下设的公共性专业基础理论 课,它是材料科学与工程专业本科生在完成公共基础课和部分技术基础课后,于专 业课或专业方向课开设前的第一门专业基础必修课程,也是材料科学与工程类专业 最重要的技术基础课。材料科学基础在课程设置上起着承前启后的作用,它是大学物理、化学以 及物理化学等课程中相关内容的深入,又是材料专业基础理论的启蒙,为后续课程 的展开扮演着基础铺垫和专业引导的角色。本课程以物质结构及结构形成为主线, 将金属、无机非金属、高分子三大固体材料专'也理论中的部分基础有机结合,通过 三大材料间基础理论的相互联系与相互映衬,使学生能更深刻的理解各类固体材料 物理化学的基本属性以及与过程相关的行为规律,为学生能顺利进行后继材料专业 课程的学习奠定理论基础。材料科学基础在课程教学上跨越两个学期,分成材料科学基础I与材 料科学基础II两个部分。内容简介 (英文)The "Fundamentals of Materials Science course is a basic theoretical course of materials science and engineering after completing basic public courses and some technical basic courses. This course is also the most important technical course for materials science and engineering majors."Fundamentals of Materials Science " is the in-depth content of the university's physics, chemistry, physical chemistry, and other related topics. In this course, the main content are material structure and structure formation, and some of the basic theories of the three major solid materials of metal, inorganic, and polymer. The students are able to interact with each other through the mutual connection and mutual lining of the basic theories of the three materials. A deeper understanding of the basic physical and chemical properties of various types of solid materials, as well as the process-related behavioral laws, will lay a theoretical foundation for students to successfully carry out the follow-up material courses.The " Fundamentals of Materials Science " spans two semesters in teaching and is divided into two parts: n Fundamentals of Materials Science I" and " Fundamentals of Materials Science II”.执笔人、审定人制定时间2020年10月