生产实习课程简介课程英文名Production Practice课程代码05P0004学分3总学时3W理论学时0实验/实践学时3W先修课程学科基础课、专业基础课等适用专业材料科学与工程内容简介 (中文)生产实习是材料科学与工程专业教学计划中十分重要的一项实践性教学环 节,通过实习,学生可以了解金属材料、磁性材料、光电材料以及材料标准与材料 检测在国民经济中的意义与作用,了解与本专业密切联系的相关工程技术人员的基 本素质与工作内容,认识应用材料科学与工程专业人员必备的知识与技能,尤其是 了解金属材料、磁性材料、光电材料的生产工艺、测量技术、质量检测与控制技术、 存在的问题及其解决问题的可能办法等,为毕业设计打下良好的基础。学生通过生产实习实践环节,了解材料生产、研发及应用对社会、健康、安全、 法律以及文化的影响。理解企业工程师的职业性质、责任以及基本职业道德的含义 及其影响。在企业生产、材料研发或检测部门中适应工作岗位,学会沟通交流,通 过管理和经济角度帮助企业提高生产效率。内容简介 (英文)Production Practice'* is a very important practical teaching link in the teaching program of materials science and engineering. Through the internship, students can understand the significance and role of metal materials, magnetic materials, optoelectronic materials, material standards and material testing in the national economy, and understand (he close relationship with (he professional. The basic quality and work content of the relevant engineering and technical personnel, understanding of the necessary knowledge and skills of applied material science and engineering professionals, especially (he understanding of the production process, measurement technology, quality inspection and control of metal materials, Metal materials, magnetic materials, optoelectronic materials, and material standards and material testing, and possible solutions to problems have laid a good ibundation fbr graduation design.Students leani about the impact of material production, R&D and application on society, health, safety, law, and culture through the practice of production internships. Understand the professional nature of (he company's engineers, their responsibilities, and the meaning and impact of the basic professional ethics. Adapt to jobs in corporate production, materials research and development or testing departments, learn to communicate and communicate, and help companies improve production efficiency through management and economic perspectives.执笔人审定人专业建设 委员会制定时间2022年10月