竞争法课程简介课程英文名Competition Law课程代码N0301Z73学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时先修课程经济法、民法适用专业法学、知识产权内容简介 (中文)该课程是经济法系列课程中的专业选修课,是市场规制法的核心内容。设置该课程的目的是为了让学生理解竞争法对市场公平、自由竞争的保障作用; 理解竞争法与民商法、知识产权法在促进和维护市场经济中的互补性;理解与掌握 竞争立法、竞争法理论及分析方法;培养学生运用竞争法分析解决市场竞争以及关 联问题的能力。该课程的内容主要包括市场经济与市场竞争理论;反不正当竞争法与反垄断法 的产生与发展;竞争法理论与分析方法;美国与欧盟主竞争立法及实践;我国反 不正当竞争法和反垄断法的主要内容。内容简介 (英文)Competition Law is an optional course of the Economic Law Series and the core of the laws concerning market regulation.The aim to establish this course is to enable the students to understand and know the following contents: the correlation between market economy and competition; competition law's safeguarding function to the market economy; (he relationship between competition law and civil law, commercial law and intellectual property law; the history of competition law and its related theories; the main legislations of competition law, especially the contents of the unfair competition law and anti-monopoly law of China. The teaching on students, legal practice ability in such field is also included.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年5月