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    斯宾塞我在这Spencer! - I'm here!斯宾塞Spencer!呼吸跟我一起呼吸来Just breathe, breathe with me. Come on.挺住啊呼吸Come on, breathe.我去叫医生Fil send for a doctor.不需要了No need.有人有烟吗Anyone got a cigarette?我需要点个火I'm gonna need a light.你们有人是医生吗Any of you a doctor?我是I am.把你的急救包拿来Get your bag.要先给伤口消毒You need to clean those wounds.已经想在你前头了One step ahead of you.让这些人回帐篷去Tell these people to go back to their tents.请大家回到原住处拜托Return to your quarters, please.已经安全了All is safe.是头母豹It was a leopardess.我之前从没见过母豹伤人I've never seen a female hunt a man.她丈夫还好吗How's the husband holding up?你觉得呢How do you think?医治豹子袭击我不太在行It's not wolves, or drought or blizzards or Texas Fever.而是其他人It's other men.人觊觎已经建造好东西Man will choose to take what you've built而不是自己建造rather than try and build it for himself.世界上所有的文明Every civilization in this world都建立在征服来的原有文明之上is built on top of the one they conquered.你去罗马耶路撒冷或巴黎看一看You go to Rome or Jerusalem or Paris, France这些城市建立在城镇之上and it's cities stacked on top of towns城镇建立在村落之上stacked on top of villages村落建立在每家每户之上on top of one man's house每家每户又建立在最原始的洞穴之上built on top of one man's cave.我也希望不是如此但真理亘古不变Wish it wasn't so, but it is.你要让敌人恐惧你Your enemies have got to be so terrified这种恐惧要超过他们的贪婪that their fear is greater than their greed.我给了那些人一丝生机I gave those men a chance因为我想让他们逃出去放话出去'cause I wanted them to tell the world what happened惹了我是什么下场when they crossed me.咱们睡觉吧孩子们Let's get some sleep, boys.谁也不知道明天会发生什么There ain*t no telling what tomorrow's gonna throw at us.人总是觊觎别人建造的东西"Man will always seek to take from others而不是自己动手that which he could make for himself."这信条一直警醒着我们家族Those are the words that have governed this family.又或许警醒着我们的是那种不愿投降的信念Or perhaps, it is our refusal to surrender that governs us.怎么了What is it?狗子不知在叫什么Dogs were barking at something.伊丽莎白睡了吗Is Elizabeth asleep?她在楼上唱着他爱我的一切方式She's upstairs singing "All the Ways He Loves Me".你还能听到她在地板上练习招待会的You can hear her feet waltzing across the floor,华尔兹舞步呢practicing for her reception.年轻真好Oh, to be nineteen again.还以为成长在牧场You'd think growing up on a ranch她对这些东西不感兴趣呢wouldVe leathered that one a bit.她是在波士顿长大的只有放暑假She grew up in Boston, summered out here like时来暂去仿若度假it was a lodge in the park.在河中戏水在田里赛马Splashing in the rivers, racing her horse across fields.她那双手唯一会使用的工具是钢琴The only thing her hands have touched with purpose is a piano. 相信我儿子会改造好她的但愿他已经开始了I'm sure my son will remedy that, if he hasn't already.艾玛Emma.很抱歉I'm sorry.我知道你看出问题了I know you see it.我是看出了I see it.本来不打算提的I just wasn't going to mention it.我不知道他的急性子遗传的谁I don't know where the recklessness in him comes from.反正不是我Not from me.约翰又是我见过最深思熟虑的人And John is the most deliberate man I've ever met.我本来希望儿媳妇能I was hoping his wife would take some of 改善下一代的暴脾气the fire out of the next generation.看来你的儿子跟汽油桶结婚了亲爰的It seems your son is marrying gasoline, my dear.这火只会越烧越旺And the fire will only get bigger.我自求多福吧My luck.我希望我们有两栋房♥子I wish we had two houses.两栋Two?等他们走后就住小一点的A smaller one for when they're gone.这座房♥子感觉空荡荡的This one feels empty.所以我才坐在外面That's why I'm sitting out here.过来Come here.来好马儿过来Whoa, boy. Come here.对了Attaboy.来吧马儿Come on. Attaboy.很好很好Whoa, whoa, boy. Whoa, boy.做得好Whoa. Whoa, boy.我是来见警督的I'm here to see the super-tendent.你有预约吗Do you have an appointment?请坐吧Have a seat.你有预约吗你等多久了两天很好赶它们过去That's right, bring them up我们不要你的羊We don't want your sheep here.不是我们的羊是你们的羊Ain't my sheep. They're your sheep我们的羊Our sheep?现在是你们的了They're your sheep now.我们不想要羊We don't want sheep.羊群会把草场啃光With the sheep the grass goes away还会把狼引过来and the wolves come.我也不喜欢羊但打打牙祭不错I'm no fan of'em either, but they cook pretty good.我是黄石牧场的I'm with The Yellowstone.唔Mm.你是达顿家的You are the Dutton.为他打工Work for him.我们在山里发现了这些羊Found these sheep in the mountains达顿先生让我送过来Mr. Dutton said to bring *em to you.做什么To do what?凭君外置Whatever you want.养着卖♥♥ 了 宰了Keep 'em。 Sell 'em. Eat 'em.剪羊毛织毛衣都可以You can make clothes from the wool.这是一份礼物They're a gift.你们的土地看着跟我们一样贫瘠Ground seems as bare here as it is on our place.也许能缓缓你们的燃眉之急Figured you could use 'em.确实能救急We can use them你们有羊圈吗Got some pens to hold 'em up?有We have pens.需要帮你们赶过去吗Need help getting them there?不不需要No. We donrt need help.你告诉达顿You tell Dutton.谢谢你"Thank you."我会转达的ril tell him走吧小子们Come on, boys.那边高地有一股泉水汇入湖泊There's a spring feeding into a lake over this rise.也许是个放牛的好地方Might be a good place to hold them.在这里扎营放牛Hold 'em up and let 'em spread out.挑三个人看着牛群Pick three to stay with the herd,在这里放牛散开吃草Hold them here Hold 'em up Ya!赶过来吧兄弟们Get the hell out of here, boys!我们要回家了We're goin home now!请勿在此打盹沃斯先生可以见你了This is not the place to nap. Mr. Worth will see you now. 请进Come in.请坐Have a seat.需要什么帮助What can I do for you?我孙女在达科塔的一所My granddaughter is in a government boarding school 官办寄宿学校in the Dakota.那里叫北达科他州It's North Dakota.没有那个达科塔这一说No such thing as "The Dakota."浸信礼会在保留地开办了日间学校The Baptists have day schools on the reservation.离我家500米不到One is only a quarter mile from my house.你说是你孙女This is your granddaughter, you say?是我孙女My granddaughter.对印第安学生而言For an Indian child to attend a day school,只能上离家2英里之内的the school must be within two miles日间学校of the child's primary residence.我家符合标准That is with me.她被带走之前跟我住She lived with me before they took her.她的父母呢Where are her parents?她母亲已经不在了Her mother is no more.她父亲在保留地放牧Her father works the reservation herd.母亲死了父亲抛弃了她Mother's dead and father abandoned her?没有抛弃是在工作Not abandoned. Working.但没留在她家中这就叫抛弃But not at her home. That's abandoned.法律规定印第安孩子The law states for an Indian child to attend如果想上走读学校必须与直系亲属a day school they must live with their immediate family住在一起in their primary residence.我就是她的家人I am her family你有她母亲的死亡证明吗Do you have a death certificate on the mother?得流感死的Hm. The flu,西班牙大流感The Spanish one还有别的害人流感吗Is there any other?但法不容情This does not change the law.她母亲去世了Just because her mother is deceased,不代表你就可以取而代之does not mean you take her place.法律没有如此规定That's not how law works.你如果想成为她的直系亲属If you wish to be her immediate family,必须办理法定收养手续you must legally adopt her.怎么操作How do I do that?你要去找法官提出申请You must go before a judge, and request it.但是But.这里没法官There is no judge.你不就是法官吗You are the judge.克劳部落有个治安官去那问问吧There is a Magistrate in Crow Agency. Go there.Crow Agency是蒙大拿州克罗印第安人的政♥府♥总部 来吧孩子Come now child.在头发上打肥皂Work the soap through your hair.来吧Come, come.别担心孩子我帮你洗Don*t worry, child. Til wash you.我觉得她够干净了修女fd say she's clean enough, Sister.我去拿浴巾ril fetch her towel.我来拿就好谢谢你修女PH fetch her towel. Thank you, sister.你可以下去了That will be all.你可以说话吗Can you speak?可以I can speak.胳膊能举起来吗Can you raise your arm?你无缘无故打把我的脸打成这样You batter my face with no provocation,却安然无恙坐在这里but sit idly by as Sister Alice被爱丽丝修女用脏手爱抚runs her filthy hands across you.也许我打扰你们雅兴了Perhaps I shouldn't have interrupted.你烧得要把冰窖消耗完了Your fever will empty the ice house all by itself.你把我当成敌人但我不是You think I am your adversary, but I am not.我是你的救星泰娜I am your salvation, Teonna.我是一座桥梁要把你们灭亡的文明带向I am the bridge from the extinct civilization of your people繁荣的当代社会我们的任务是驯服这个无神之地to the thriving society tasked with taming this godless place.我会教给你一个年轻女性作为母亲I offer all the skills required for a young woman和妻子的一切技能to thrive as mother and wife.如何种地做饭How to farm, how to cook,如何清洁阅读how to clean, how to read,算术科学最重要的是圣经arithmetics, science, and most important of all, scripture.我会教你过上富足生活的所有技能I offer all the skills you need to live a bountiful life.但你拒绝接受甚至因此攻击我And you refuse them, attack me for teaching them.看着我r头Look at me, girl.我发誓要把你身上的印第安印记消灭干净我会遵守到底I have sworn to kill the Indian in you, and will keep my word.你再敢动我一下If you ever lay a hand on me again,我会消灭你剩下的一切Ell kill the rest of you.走吧Hey, let's go.我朋友太害羞所以派我来问My friends are too intimidated to ask, so they sent me.问什么Ask what?美国American.我就是不明白美国人只要出现在国外Ell never understand why you British are always大惊小怪的怎么都是你们这群英国人so shocked to find an American anywhere but America.因为太远了Because it's so far.看你走了多么远Look how far you've traveled.你也走了这么远我却没大惊小怪Look how far you've traveled. Tm not shocked to meet you.你真无礼You're rude.美国人是出了名的没礼貌Us Americans are renowned for our lack of manners.也对Hm. True.你喝香槟吗Do you drink Champagne?庆祝时才喝When I'm celebrating.心情不好时喝威士忌对吧And whiskey when you're down.对心情不好Whiskey when I'm down.那就为值得庆祝的事干杯Here's to something worth celebrating.希望很快会降临先生May it find you soon, sir.厉害Huzzah.我喜欢你的风格先生I like your style, sir.你是来问什么问题的What is this question you've been sent to ask me?我不用问了已经有答案了I don't have to ask it, now. I know the answer.你是个猎人You're a hunter.哪个保护区的Which reserve?我不是向导猎人我为保护国工作I don't guide hunters, I work for the Protectorate.我听不懂你在说什么I can*t understand anything you're saying你是斯宾塞达顿美国的战争英雄You're Spencer Dutton the American war hero也是专杀食人♥兽♥的猎人I can*t say I'm familiar with treating a leopard attack. 豹子爪里有屎They got a bunch of shit in their claws.不好好清理我一周之内就会生坏疽If we don*t clean it good, I'll have gangrene within a week. 我这里有碘和溟I have iodine and bromine.杀菌应该足够了That should kill just about anything.药物需要进到伤口深处I'll need to get it deep into the wound.你应该去内罗毕的医院You should go to the hospital in Nairobi.这些伤口需要再次清洗和包扎They will need to clean and dress these wounds again.我必须带他回家琳达需要带卡吉索回家Linda needs to take Kagiso home.我会安排他们上火车I'll get them on the train.非常感谢Much appreciated.他们会安排你上火车你背上有伤吗Any wounds on your back?没它是迎面向我扑来的No, I took him head on.真希望我有止痛药Wish I had something for the pain.这时候威士忌就派上用场了That's what the whiskey's for.有道理Fair enough.天啊兄弟My God, man.我离豹子的最近记录只有20英尺The closest I*ve been to a leopard is twenty feet.那之后我一个星期寝食难安And I couldn't sleep for a week after.那是什么感觉What was it like?who hunts the man-eaters.你杀死了喀拉哈里沙漠You killed the-man eater of the Kalahari, 还有撒比和察沃的食人♥兽♥ the man-eater of Sabi and the man-eaters of Tsavo. 察沃食人狮被杀时我才五岁I was five when they killed the man-eater of Tsavo. 你跟她讲不通的You'll never convince her that.你还刚猎杀了苏斯瓦山的And you just killed the man-eating leopards 食人豹of Mount Suswa.你很出名也许你不知道You're famous, in case you were unaware.是不知道I was unaware.确实很出名Well, you are.据说你能徒手擒虎豹It's said you killed one with your bare hands.这些话你真的信吗You believe everything you hear?我希望是真的Only when I want it to be true 为什么Why would you want that to be true?有种浪漫主义情怀For the romance of it.跟浪漫毫不沾边There's no romance in it.那你为什么要去做Then why do you do it?人在濒死时最能体会到勃勃生机Because dying is the most alive you'll ever feel.你看不出这多浪漫吗You don't see the romance in that?撩够了两位And that's quite enough.她已经订婚了先生She's engaged, sir.祝您一天愉快Good day to you.走了走了Come along, now.真为卡吉索抱歉Man: Terrible about Kagiso他是戊们最好的向导He was our best guide.没错Yes, he was伤口要多久能恢复How long for those wounds to heal?医生说需要几周Doctor says a couple weeks我需要你去坦喝尼喀I need you in Tanganyika.我没有向导I don't have any guides当地会有There's guides in Tanganyika.豹子还是狮子鬣狗Leopard or lion? - Hyena.被目击到了吗Spotted? - Mm.营地里没别人能外理吗You don't have anyone at the camp who can handle it?不在营地附近出没Oh, it's not near a camp.它总袭击筑铁路的工程师Itrs hitting the engineers on the railroad,我不想等你两周伤愈再过去rd rather not wait two weeks for you to get there.你肩上能扛枪吗Can you hold a rifle to that shoulder?能扛Yeah, I can hold a rifle.去坦喝尼喀的路况如何How is the road to Tanganyika?跟伦敦的路可没法比You'll not confuse it for a street in London.我已经把你酒吧的账结清了I've settled your tab at the bar.我还没喝完I'm not done yet.未来的账单也算进去了Oh, I have factored in the future.明天早上会有车等你There will be a car ready for you in the morning.我要为这个史上最独特的订婚地Allow me to raise a glass to this most unique of locations举杯讲两句for the presentation of an engagement,你若是真的认识新娘but when you consider the bride, 那这个与狮共舞之地就再合理不过了perhaps the company of lions makes perfect sense.毕竟她的气魄和名字都与狮子有关After all, she has their spirit, and their mane.干杯-说得好Cheers. - Hear, hear.亲爱的Oh, dear.能失陪一下吗If you'd excuse me.当然Of course.谢谢Thank you.亚历珊德拉Jennifer: Alexandra.我上了一列火车目的地非我所选I have been placed on a train with a destination我也没办法让车停下not of my choosing and I have no means of stopping it.他人很好亚历克斯He's kind, Alex至少这一点我能肯定That's more than I can say for most.谁会为了人好就嫁给他呢Who did kindness sweep from their feet?我就是桩房♥产交易詹妮弗I'm a real estate transaction, Jennifer.说白了就是这样That's all this is.亚历克斯Oh, Alex.男人过了 30都一样All men are the same after thirty:发际线后撤小肚脯鼓起their hair line retreats and their bellies march forward.到时候你就知道嫁个好人多么重要了The time will come when kindness is the only thing that matters.那我也希望你能嫁个好人Then I pray a kind one finds you.把我的抢走也行Or have mine.我真为你家娃担心啊What terrible children you'll raise.咱们回去吧Let's go back.你回去吧You go.我再待一会I'll be along.你就像这里的野生动物You're just like the wildlife here.从一处水源迁徙到另一处水源Migrating from watering hole to watering hole.这让伏击变得很容易rd be easy to ambush.我猜明天一早的餐厅I suppose PH see you at the bar也会看到你在吧台流连in the breakfast hall in the morning.我明早就走I'll be gone in the morning.又要去哪里冒险了Where does the next adventure take you?东部East.你呢要去哪里冒险Where's it take you?恐怕我的冒险已经结束了I'm afraid all my adventures are over. 真遗憾That's a shame.同意I agree.除非你想带上我一起冒险Perhaps you'd whisk me away on yours.你不会喜欢的You wouldn't like mine.你敢不敢打赌Don't bet on it.亚历珊德拉Fiance: Alexandra.我明白你的意思了I see what you mean.早上好Good morning.说好说得太早了Little early to call it good.那个瘦骨嶙峋的小子可吃不消她She's going to run that skinny boy ragged. 听说去塞伦盖蒂的路不好走I hear the road to Serengeti is bad.绝对Definitely.烂到超乎想象You will find it most unpleasant亚历珊德拉Alexandra?停车Stop the car.还有空位吗Got room for another?呃不太有No, not really舍命陪君子My knight in shining armor.亚历珊德拉Alexandra?快开Please drive.看着我Look at me.你说不想带上我我就下车If you don*t want me to come, I'll get out.我去的地方很危险Where I'm going is dangerous.那我们就跟死亡面对面好吗Let's look death in the eye then, shall we?找个爱你的人吧Find someone who loves you.徒手和那东西搏斗是什么感觉Fighting the thing with your bare hands, what was that like?你没说你很抱歉You didn't say you were sorry.什么Sorry?对我朋友的悼念About my friend.哪个朋友Which friend?那个为你们而死的人The one who died for you.我会安排他上火车的I'm sending him on the train.但你没说你很抱歉But you didn't say that you were sorry.这是一对正在交♥配♥期的豹子霍兰德They were a breeding pair, Holland.交&hearts酒己♥的伴侣一起狩猎Breeding pairs hunt together,但你只指给我们一组脚印but you only showed us one set of tracks.你早知道You knew.我不知道I didn't know.你知道You knew.我要是知道就不会跟他们分开If I'd known I would have never split us up.我会跟团队在一起I would have kept us together.现在你要说你很抱歉Now say you're sorry.给你造成损失我很抱歉I'm sorry for your loss.我没损失什么I didn't lose anything.我很抱歉给他造成损失I'm sorry for his loss.我为他家人的抱歉为他妻子抱歉I'm sorry for his family's loss, I'm sorry for his wife. 为他的孩子抱歉For his children.对他的孩子我为他的孩子抱歉Yes, his children. Tm sorry for his children.我很抱歉I*m sorry.再说一遍Say it again.对不起我很抱歉很抱歉


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