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    停下别动Stop right there!这里是普莫企业区知道吗You're in Pre-Mor corporate zone. You know that, right?他没有呼吸了你杀了他He's not breathing. You killed him.普莫当局正在搜寻一名居住在费里克斯的克纳里男性配合调查"P-P-Pre-Mor Authority is seeking a Kenari male resident "of Ferrix for questioning. 知情市民*'Citizens with any information should contact请立即联络普雷奥克斯-莫拉纳安全总部"the Preox-Morlana Security HQ without d-d-delay.n有嫌疑人了We have a suspect?卡西安安多Cassian Andor."反♥动♥分子破坏帝国财产"''Insurrection, destruction of Imperial property,袭击帝国士兵*'assault on Imperial soldier.*'还有谁知道你出生在克纳里Who else knows that you were born in Kenari?比克丝比克丝正在找你这跟比克丝没关系-B-B-Bix. Bix is looking for you. -Bix has nothing to do with this!那是谁跟这帮普莫混♥蛋♥提了克纳里But then who told these Pre-Mor bastards about Kenari?“克纳里”“Kenari.“帝国矿难后就被废弃了”"Abandoned after Imperial mining disaster.11人都死光了Everyone died.安多持有武器极端危险Andor should be considered armed and dangerous.他看起来似乎不难对付He may not appear to be a formidable opponent,但两个弟兄因为小瞧他送了命but two of our men are dead having made that mistake.我有东西要卖♥♥-什么-1 have something to sell. - What?我有个无法被追踪的NS-9星路组它是密封的It's sealed.我一开机就掉价了The moment I plug it in, the value drops.说不定你在骗我So you could be scamming me.我想你保证I'm giving you my word.如果我还不信呢And if that's not enough?你知道我住在哪里You know where I live.如果我不满意还可以来找你退货So I could come back if I were dissatisfied.比克丝什么时候骗过你Has Bix ever burned you before?你不打算离开这里吗You*re planning on sticking around, are you?有一帮企业兵在找卡西安There*s a bunch of Corpos looking for Cassian.-威尔蒙看见了 -在这里-Wilmon saw them. -Here?他们去玛尔瓦家糟了-They're down at Maarva*s. - No.他这次又惹了什么大乱子What in the name of Chobb has he done this time? 天呐Oh, God.昨晚有个通告你看到了吗There was a bulletin last night. Did you see it?“一名克纳里男性”"Kenari male resident.'1等一下让我想想I need to think. Just let me think.就是关于这件事吗Is that what this is about?有人出 ♥卖♥♥♥ 了 他 Someone ratted him out.什么什么意思What? What do you mean?我得去找他不比克斯别去-1 need to go find him. - No. Bix, no.总得有人去你也找不到他劝劝她-Someone has to. - He could be anywhere. Tell her.别去Don't.“别去”什么意思Don*t? Don't what?他自己可以解决He can take care of himself.谁Who?你怎么知道我们在说谁How do you know who we're talking about?我有没有告诉过你卡西安出生在克纳里Did I ever tell you that Cassian was born on Kenari?我不我不记得了-I don't. I don't. I donrt remember. -Hmm?我记得I do.我记得I remember.你怎么能这样How could you?等等到底怎么了Wait. What is going on?真想不到会是你I can't believe you'd do that.你干什么了What did you do?蒂姆Timm!你从哪里弄来的Where'd you get it?这很重要吗What difference does that make?我猜有三种可能I see three choices.要么你是帝国间谍Either you're an Imperial spy,要么你只是个中间人you*re fronting for the person I really want to speak to, 要么是你亲手偷的or you're the thing itself.我看只有两种可能I see one choice.要么你带钱了要么没带Either you got my money or you don't.到底是怎么来的So which is it?我知道比克丝有些手段I know Bix has her game.知道你们会贿赂军需官给你们先留下值钱货I know you bribe quartermasters to leave valuables on the ships再来收废料before they come in for scrap.但这个不一样But this isn't that.这不是他们敢倒卖♥♥的东西This isn't something they'd let pass.不No.这是我亲手弄来的I went in and got this myself.怎么弄的这怎么可能How? How's that possible?它被封存在斯蒂尔加德的帝国海军基地It was. It was sealed on the Imperial Naval Base in Steergard.行了你有钱我有匣子Look, you got the money. I got the box.还有什么好废话的What else is there to talk about?我再加一千告诉我是怎么弄到的Ill give you another thousand credits to tell me how you got it.再加一千Another thousand?成交Done.说吧How?光明正大走进去就行You just walk in like you belong.不可能那么简单吧什么从帝国偷东西-Takes more than that, doesnrt it? - What? To steal from the Empire? 需要什么What do you need?一套制♥服♥脏兮兮的手拎个帝国工具箱A uniform, some dirty hands and an Imperial tool kit.他们太傲慢了根本不会起疑心They*re so proud of themselves, they don*t even care.一个个脑满肠肥哪里会往这方面想They're so fat and satisfied, they can't imagine it.往哪方面想Can't imagine what?我这种人竟敢混进他们的地盘That someone like me would ever get inside their house, 还大摇大摆的walk their floors,往食物里吐口水偷他们的设备spit in their food, take their gear.他们确实非常傲慢是不是The arrogance is remarkable, isn't it?他们眼里根本没有我们They don't even think about us.我们我和你很熟吗Us? I don't know you.好吧但我了解你Fair enough. But I know you.这样的日子就要结束了卡西安安多These days will end, Cassian Andor.他们那副嘴脸蛮横无理的样子The way they laugh. The way they push through a crowd.颐指气使的腔调让你站住让你滚The sound of that voice telling you to stop, to go, to move.甚至让你去死Telling you to die.你也见识过对不对Rings in the ear, doesn't it?你能不能先把钱给我Why don*t you let me count that money?他们很快就会注意到我们了But they*ll think about us soon enough.我们得赶紧离开We should get moving.用不了多久他们就能听见我们的声音Soon enough, they'll have something else to listen to.你不想被他们抓个正着吧You don't want to get caught with it.他们会把我绞死对不对Well, they'd hang me, wouldn't they?在里克斯路的广场上把我吊死Take me up Rix Road and hang me in the square.反正也不是第一次了Wouldn't be the first time, would it?他们不就是这么对你父亲的吗Isn't that where they hung your father?你是谁Who are you?你想干什么What is this?我说过我了解你I said I know you.我对你知根知底I know all about you.没错我想要那个盒子Yes, I want the box,我拿上它现在就可以走and Fil leave with that if it's all I can get.但我想要的不止于此I came looking for something more, and I think I've found it.我希望你跟我一起走fd like you to come with me.你为什么知道我的事How do you know about me?我本来想找机会和你好好谈谈I was hoping for a more relaxed conversation,但你说得对没时间了but you're right, we don't have time.你嘴上说不会跑路但你不可能留下Contrary to what you told me, I doubt that yourll be stickin1 around.我知道你在莫拉纳一号♥杀两个企业员_LI know you killed two Corpos at Morlana-One,我知道他们正在抓你and I know they're coming for you.被抓到就太可惜了Seems like such a waste to let them have you.你是个人才Waste of talent.你是谁Who are you?你问错问题了That's the wrong question.你应该问我们还有多少时间逃跑The right question is how much time do we have to get out of here.我为什么要跟你走Why would I go anywhere with you?难道你不想好好教训这帮混♥蛋♥吗Don't you want to fight these bastards for real?快快点Go. Go! Go! Go on!拿好我们走Grab it. Let's go.那是什么意思What does that mean?是信♥号♥♥我们走快点赶紧走It*s a signal. Let*s go! Come on. Let's move.他们在干什么What is all this?吓唬我们长官Intimidation, sir.虚张声势罢了Bluff and bluster.你是怎么来的How did you get here?我有艘飞船停在轮渡站附近I have a ship near the ferry lot.我看你才是帝国间谍吧Maybe you are the Imperial spy.为什么这么说To what purpose?你知道他们要来抓我为什么还不跑If you knew they were coming for me, why would you be here now?因为人才难得我不想看你送死Special people are hard to find. I didn't want to see you tossed on the pyre. 本以为有时间说服你但我错了I thought there was time to figure it out, but I was wrong.可以吗May I?现在只有我能帮你了I'm the only decent bet you've got right now.不想死就别疑神疑鬼了You want to die being careful?你身上带了通讯器怎么了-Are you carrying a comlink? -Why?给我快把它给我Give it. Give it to me now.快点Give it!第一原那么永远不要携带你无法掌控的东西Rule number one, never carry anything you don't control.那里Hey! There!他们已经到门口了They're taking the doors.我们被包围了We're surrounded.快点赶紧过来Come on. Get back here.d夬点-快关上-Hurry. Hurry. - Close it up. Close it up.你站住You, stop!给我站住I said stop!你慌什么姑娘You look scared, girl.你要去哪里快说Not runnin* home, are we?西队我是东队West Team, this is East Team.我们已到达工厂是否行动We*re in place at the factory. Should we engage?不No. No.先不要动我们很快就到封锁目标Wait for us. We'll be there soon enough. Hold the perimeter. 已经包围他了长官They've got him pinned down, sir.可以收网了Time to close the snare.他们在磨蹭什么What are they waiting for?在等援兵Reinforcements.你本来打算怎么跑路How were you getting out of here?行不通了My plan's gone.你的船在废料场另一边离这里40千米And your ride is 40 klicks across the Wastelands.得弄一辆陆行艇哪里能搞到We just need a speeder. What*s our best option?往西边进城West. Into town.这个通到哪里Where does that go?.旧熔炉下面-能从这里出去吗-Under the old furnace. -Does it get us out of here? 可以绕远路出去Yeah. Itrs the long way around.那是什么我在门上装了炸♥药♥-What is that? -1 put slap charges on the doors.什么什么时候What? When?第二原那么进门时就给自己留好退路Rule number two, build your exit on your way in. 小心爆 ♥炸♥Brace yourself.我们走Let's go!盒子我们没拿盒子.别去-The box! We left the box! - No!他在那里There he is!趴下Get down!我去拿掩护我别管盒子了-I'm going. Cover me! - Forget the box!敌人火力猛烈We*re taking heavy fire.我说过先不要动I told you to wait!我们损失了两个人We*ve got two men down.东队重复一遍East Team, repeat last.东队重复一遍East Team, repeat last.快来Come on!小心Look out!快走Now! Come!东队East Team!你们情况怎么样What's goin* on up there?北队你们在哪里North Team, where are you?这里没路牌There's no signs.不知道是什么路I don*t know what street.我们已经交火rWe*re in a firefight here.告诉我你确实切位置I need your exact position.让你老实待着Told you to wait here!Wait! The box!盒子还在里面The box is just sitting back there. 我还以为你是个聪明人I thought you were smart.要是只剩一个人了呢What if it's just one guy left?他们不可能只有四个人They wouldn't come here with only four men.我们在北阶巷北阶巷We're on North Stairs Lane. North Stairs Lane.别管她了Leave her!带着你的人去里克斯路马上开一架战术艇来Get your men to Rix Road and put a tac pod in air immediately. 比克斯Bix! Bix!-你们把她怎么了 -站住别动-What have you done to her? -You stop right there.她流血了 我让你站住别动-She's bleeding! -Fm telling you to stop.北队报告情况North Team, sitrep.是谁干的Who did this?蒂姆Timm!北队报告情况North Team, sitrep.你们那边怎么了What*s going on up there?我需要空中侦察I need eyes in the air now!收到长官稍等Acknowledged, sir. Stand by.把枪给我Give me the rifle!为什么Why?你回去开战术艇You're going back to the pod!我一个人By myself?赶紧起飞保持通讯Get the pod in the air. Keep your radio on.快点去Get moving!我们出发Let's get out of here.An untraceable NS-9 Starpath unit.-你知道那东西值多少吗当然-Do you know how much that*s worth? - Yeah.足够让我离开这里避避风头Enough to get out of here, lay low till things cool off. 你朋友肯定想要Your friend will want this piece.他一定会来的He'll come for this.星球大战安多第一季第三集好了没有障碍物没错All right, she's clear. Yeah, that's it.准备别离Standby for the detach.没问题吗-没问题It's good? - It's good.慢一点-Bring more over here. - Slow it down.把测试仪拿过来Bring the tester over here.准备就绪-Release the catch. - Clear it out.开始别离Go for the detach.你盯着12-8Watch the twelve-eight.这个交给你You got this one.这个还有读数呢Still get a reading off of this one.还在运行It's still live.嘿Hey.我应该能搞到一笔钱I think I have some money on the way.等钱到了我就得走If it comes through, I'm out of here.什么时候北队正前往里克斯路North Team heading for Rix Road.空中支援马上就到Air support en route.蒂姆Timm.损失三人了Now it*s three men?这怎么可能How is that possible?他们把房♥子炸了They brought the building down.他们有炸♥药♥Theyfve got explosives.等等你说他们”是什么意思Wait. Hold on. Hold on. What do you mean ntheyn?他们有两个人There's two of them.两个人类全副武装Two humans. Heavily armed.-往你们那里去了 -包抄他们-Heading your way. - Keep 'em flanked.咬住他们保持通话畅通Keep pushing. Keep the channel open.现在有两个了 看来是这样-Now there's two of *em? -Apparently so.我们就在这里干等吗We*re just gonna stand here?明白Point taken.我们散开占据有利位置等他们过来时就开火We'll split up, take positions, pick 'em off when they come through. 枪给我我们走Rifle! Let's go!左翼右翼散开Left flank! Right flank!有人吗Hello?有人吗Hello?听得心里发慌吧Gets to you, doesn't it?闭嘴Shut it.那就是报应来临的声音That's what a reckoning sounds like.你想让它停下可它就是不停You want it to stop, but it just keeps coming. 我叫你闭嘴I told you to shut up!当它停下来的时候It's when it stops, 你的麻烦才刚刚开始 that's when you'll really want to start to fret. 为什么Why?停下来会怎么样What happens then?安全Clear!上Go! Go! Go!北队报告情况North Team, status?已经就位In position.睁大眼睛弟兄们Eyes open, lads.把枪端好Weapons ready.放下武器Drop the weapon.摘下通讯器Now take off the comm.放地上Put it down.你们有多少人How many are you?我不知道I don't know.杀了他Kill him.多少人How many?我来杀他ril kill him.十二十四Twelve. Fourteen.十几个人两名军官A dozen men. Two officers.我发誓I swear.是他们吗Was that them?不知道我这里看不清I don't know. I can't tell from here.好吧还能是谁Well, who else could it be?那说明他们在我们后方了But that would put them behind us.该死Shit!我们被包围了We're under siege.到处都有他们的人They're everywhere.你想要哪一辆Which one do you want?你还有多少炸♥药♥How many of those charges you have left?坚持住长官Hang on, sir.是他们他们要跑了That's them! They're getting away!开枪快开枪Torch! Torch it!-小心-快跟上-Look out! - Stay on him!截住它-开火-Get it! - Fire!开火Fire!他在那里There he is!不No, no, no!北队回话North Team, come in!北队回话North Team, come in!拿急救包来Bacta!我是德尔塔一号♥我们需要立即运送伤员完毕This is Delta-One. We need immediate casevac, over. 新星我是德尔塔一号♥Nova, Nova, Nova, this is Delta-One.比克丝快点我们得离开这里快来Bix, come on. We need to get out of here. Come on.快走Come on.快来Come on.振作起来返回岗位弟兄们Pull yourself together, all right?And get back to position, men!新星我是德尔塔一号♥听到我的通话了吗Nova, Nova, this is Delta-One. Did you copy my last?好了That's it.我们必须离开这里We need to get out of here.长官Sir.我们必须离开这里We need to get out of here.长官我们必须离开这里Sir, we need to get out of here!根据乔治卢卡斯的星球大战创作When?今天Today.你到底怎么了 我会给玛尔瓦留些钱-That doesn't sound good, -fll leave money with Maarva.能还上欠你的Shell have what I owe you.顺便帮我照看一下她Keep an eye on her if you can.你要去哪里Where are you going?你就别问了It's better you don't know.我会回来的PH be back.我会有方法的Fil find a way.欢迎来到费里克斯航站Welcome to Ferrix Terminal.离开前请携带好您的随身物品Please make sure to check your belongings before departing.穿梭机折扣票套餐可在调度亭获取Shuttle ferry discount ticket packages are available at the dispatch kiosk.你不打算住酒店吧Not staying at the hotel, are you?今晚不住Not tonight.很明智Smart choice.费里克斯有好多黑店It*s the ultimate Ferrix gouge.看好你的钱包Mind your wallet!谢谢你Thank you.遇到了一点麻烦来不及通知你了There's been a complication. I missed the window to call back.镇定点Calmly.普莫执法部门昨晚发了一份通缉令Pre-Mor Enforcement put out a bulletin last night从描述上看就是卡西安for someone meeting Cassianrs description.我看见了I've seen it.通告上没有提到他的名字The bulletin doesn't mention him by name. 上面说他们在找一名克纳里男性It says they're looking for someone from Kenari. 帝国监狱记录显示他来自费斯特His Imperial prison record says he's from Fest.他对外都是这么说Yeah, that*s always been his story.他被认出来了吗Has he been identified?没几个人认识他I donrt think many people know him.他在莫拉纳杀了人He killed these men on Morlana?那我们得抓紧了Oh, then we better be quick about it.他在哪里Where is he?东区九号♥楼East lot. Building nine.能信任他吗You trust him?他会来的Hell be there.蒸汽密度在安全范围内Vapor density acceptable.空气悬浮物浓度低Airborne concentration minimal.没有检测到有毒气体No detectable gas toxicity.怎么样满意了吗There. Are we satisfied?把控制单元也拿了吧Let's get that console unit.我们还是见好就收吧Maybe we should quit while we*re ahead.听见了吗不会有事的Are you listening? It's safe.不管是什么现在早散掉了Whatever it was, it*s burned off.你赶紧把面罩摘了Just get your mask off.不是毒气没时间了Time, not gas.你说最多20分钟We said 20 minutes tops.我不想知道那是什么I don't want to know what that is.前面至少有六个全新的燃料罐There must be at least six brand-new fuel nodules up ahead.再多我们也拿不下了We got more than we can carry already.今天燃料罐的报价是多少出♥售♥还是换货What's the asking price of those today, Bee? For sale or barter?别开玩笑了Are you kidding?我们得赶紧走了We need to leave now!别大惊小怪Could be anything.算你胆子大那你倒是往前走啊Well, in that case, by all means, let's plow forward.小身板挺有劲啊I like your spirit, son.你不是打算待在这里等他们来清理现场吧You just might not want to be here when they come to clean up.他听不懂你说的话He doesn't understand you.共和国护卫舰逼近Republic frigate approaching.西队已


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