宝贝我的慢炖要开始了Hey, babe, I'm about to start the slow cooker.如果你父母有什么食物过敏If your parents have any food allergies, 现在跟我说不然就没机会了speak now or forever hold your peace.尼歇尔Nichelle?-抱歉没有食物过敏-好的-Sorry. No food allergies. - Cool.那现在就是二人早餐时间了 好的-Now it is breakfast time for two. - Okay.今晚需要紧张的应该是我Hey, if anybody should be nervous about tonight, it's me.是我跟第一次跟你家人见面I'm the one who's got to meet your folks for the first time.我告诉过你我爸是个理想主义者I've told you my dad is an idealistic man, 非常有自己的想法very opinionated.要当社会科学院院长You don't become the Dean of Social Sciences就得对事物有自己的见解我妈也是-unless you got opinions. - My mom, too.她之所以能成为一名出色房♥地♥产♥经纪人What made her such a good real estate agent was being.就是因为她对什么都吹毛求疵judgy about everything.很多父母都是这样我的也不例外You just described a whole bunch of parents, including my own.我真的很期待跟你♥爸♥妈见面I am so excited to finally meet your mom and dad, 虽然晚了那么几年even if it is a few years overdue.我只是想提醒你他们可能会对I'm just warning you that they're gonna have some thoughts 婴儿房♥的颜色婴儿床的尺寸on the color of the baby's room, the size of the crib, 以后上的学校有些自己的见地.and schools and.也许你可以坐下来和她谈一下but what if you just sat down and talked with her?伊娃也只是想和你谈谈That's all Eva wants right now.毕竟如果她是你的妹After all, if she is your sister.嘿洪都我刚和迪肯谈过Hey, Hondo, I just talked to Deac.电♥话&hearts银行那个受伤的保安The wounded guard from the phone bank不知道公♥司♥或员匚是否受到过威胁didn't know of any threats to the company or its employees.嗯巴罗斯警探说的情况Yeah, I heard pretty much the same thing跟你这差不多from Detective Burrows.不管今早这两家公♥司♥之间Whatever the connection is between有什么关联the two targets this morning,我们都还是一头雾水we still haven't found it.所以枪手可能是随机挑选的攻击对象Which means the attacks could be random.情况可能远比我们想的Making this even more dangerous and unpredictable更危险更难预测than we thought.枪手随时可能出现在任何地方Our shooter could pop off anywhere, any time.希望弹道报告出来之后Still waiting on the ballistics report.能给我们点线索Hopefully it tells us something when it comes in.-什么-没事吧-What? - Everything all right?尼歇尔的父亲来找我了Nichelle's father is inside asking for me.你们约好的吗Were you expecting him?不不我本该是今晚上No. No. I was supposed to meet him聚餐的时候才第一次见他们的for the first time tonight at dinner.为什么他会提前来找我呢I wonder why he'd come by here first.见了才知道Well, only one way to find out.没错Yeah.卡迈克尔先生真是惊喜Mr. Carmichael, this is a surprise.很高兴终于见到你了Nice to finally meet you.我知道这有点唐突I know this is a little preemptive.希望你别介意没事-1 hope you don't mind. - No.我刚在瞻仰警局的历史I was admiring the history here.队里直到近几十年才You don't see many faces like ours出现黑人面孔对吗until the last few decades, hmm?改变是需要时间的Well, change takes time, sir.-我们都在给彼此机会-嗯-And two parties giving each other a chance. - Mm. 但我相信情况在改善But I like to think that things are improving.希望现在的洛杉矶Well, let's hope we're moving back比我们离开时要有进步to a better L.A. than the one we left.我和我妻子真的很喜欢纽约My wife and I really enjoyed New York.我费了不少功夫才离开康奈尔大学It took a lot to pull me away from Cornell.你们回来尼歇尔很开心Well, 1 know Nichelle is so happy that you're back. 而且为了孙女搬到这儿是值得的And I'm sure your grandchild is worth relocating for.听着丹尼尔Listen. Daniel, 我来这找你就是为了the reason I came down here is跳过那些繁荣婚节的客套话打开天窗说亮话to cut through the theatrics and get to brass tacks.我和我爱人都很期待今天的晚餐My wife and I are looking forward to dinner tonight.不过坦白说别以为我们过来吃饭But, man to man, do me the courtesy就是认可了你of not mistaking our presence as approval.那请问我到底要怎么做才能得到你的认可May I ask what exactly do I need to do to win you over? 恐怕没那么简单I'm afraid it's not that simple.好吧我从未想过事情会是这样Well, sir, I never thought that it would be.我父亲教我的是简化问题看清本质I just learned from my father to boil it down 这样人人都能知道问题真正出在哪to where everyone knows what the real problem is.洪都弹道报告出来rHondo, ballistics just came back on our shooters.抱歉突然打断你们Sorry to interrupt.没事我已经讲完了it's okay. I, uh. I've said my piece.你继续工作吧I'll let you get back to work.晚上见卡迈克尔先生Well, I'll see you tonight, Mr. Carmichael.谢谢你过来看我Nice of you to stop by.我知道I know.你们这是怎么回事Okay, what was that all about?他是尼歇尔的父亲That was Nichelle's father.他就是过来给我个下马威He just came to fire a shot across the bow 告诉我他不认可我和尼歇尔的关系 of Nichelle and my relationship. 要我说Well, you ask me, 他看起来就是个很难搞的人 just seems like a guy with a bug up his ass. 尼歇尔之前就说她从鲍德温山搬过来 Nichelle warned me that he might feel some type of way 到我这里定居 about her coming down from Baldwin Hills 他爸爸会很有意见 and settling in my hood. 那你有什么想法Does that make you feel a certain way? 就觉得今天的晚餐肯定会很有意思 Just that it's gonna be real interesting tonight at dinner. 走吧Come on.托卢卡湖的枪手使用的弹&hcarts;药&hcarts;Ammo from the Toluca Lake attack 是3.5英寸的大号♥铅弹 was a three and a half inch buckshot shell. 而在范奈斯查到的是2.75英寸的霞弹 In Van Nuys, it was a two and three quarter shotgun slug. 弹♥药♥不同 那公用的枪也不同 Different ammo, and to fire them, different guns. 还有托卢卡湖的那个枪手穿的绿衣服 Plus, the Toluca Lake shooter wore green. 而范奈斯的目击者说枪手穿灰色连帽衫 Witnesses from Van Nuys reported a gray hoodie. 所以枪手不止一个So there's more than one shooter? 今早那辆蓝色雪佛兰的协杳通报有线索r The BOLO on the blue Impala from this morning just got a hit. 我们在洛杉矶东部的一片住♥宅♥区发现了它 Turned up in a housing project in East L.A., 在东洛杉矶学院南部两条街外 two blocks south of ELAC. 这片治安不好哪个帮派盘踞在此That's a rough part of town. Do we know who controls the block?我刚问过帮派毒品科了没有No. I just talked to GND.该街区一直是各路争霸的地方That block's in a constant turf battle.经常易主Main set's always changing.所以我们也不知道对方到底是谁So we don't know who we might be dealing with? 但我们知道的是凶手的车就在那But we do know the shooter's car is there.是目前最好的线索That's our best lead yet.叫上队员一起值得调查Grab the squad. It's worth a recon.斯特里特你和我盯着车Street, you're with me on the car.卢卡谭和卡布雷拉Luca, Tan, Cabrera, 负责楼宇和我们的背后 check out the building, watch our six. 灵活机动Stay liquid.没事吧Hey, you good?没事Yeah, of course.瞭望员去给同伙通风报信rOkay, lookouts are calling their friends.就是这辆车Definitely the right ride.凶手会去哪了呢Where'd our shooters go?可能就在这附近Well, they could be anywhere here,也可能早就跑远了or they could be miles away by now.有人吗Excuse me !有人知道是谁把车扔在这的吗Anyone know who dumped this car here?30D呼叫长官无疑犯迹象30-David to Command. No sign of the suspects.联♥系♥劫案凶杀专案组的巴罗斯警官Contact detective Burrows at RHD.让他们派人到这来处理车辆Have them roll out to our location and process a vehicle.你知道谁在这片说了算吗Hey, you know who runs this block?当然知道肯定不是你们警♥察♥Yeah. Not you guys.这个社区环境真差这长大的孩子Tough neighborhood. You come from here, 人生可能没什么希望了 you might not stand a chance.这里到处都是标记Hey, there's tagging all over this place.是第三街敢死队的地盘This is Third Street Bravos' territory.如果目击证人说的没错And if you take into account that witnesses said犯罪嫌疑人是青少年的话the shooters were in their teens.我觉得今天这两起爆♥炸♥应该是I'm thinking the attacks today could be帮派发起的杀人行为gang initiation killings.有可能谁知道有多少人参与其中Yeah, who knows how many recruits are involved, 又有多少起这样的活动即将发生or how many initiations we could be looking at.没有首领的示意Nothing around here happens这些事情肯定不会发生without the shot-caller's approval.我们不是来端掉这里的吧We're not trying to rile this place up, right?对回总部No. Let's head back to HQ.跟帮派毒品科协作看能不能We'll work with GND, see if we can find out找出凶手是谁在哪who the shot-caller is and where we can find him.好主意这的人应该不愿意跟我们沟通Sounds like a plan. I doubt anyone here's gonna talk to us. 不要脸的东西 iSinverguiienza!叛徒-别动-jRata! - Stop right there!往后退Back it up.叛徒美♥国♥佬♥-别过来退后-Vendida gringa. - Huh? Stay. Stay back.-快点滚-没准她愿意好好说话-jLargate! - Maybe she'll talk to us.看起来她有挺多话想说Looks like she got a lot to say.她好像不太喜欢女警♥察♥She doesn't seem to like female cops very much.不是她只是不喜欢我罢了It's not that. She doesn't like me.-快点滚-她是我表妹-jLargate! - She's my cousin.够了You know what? Thafs it!往后退把你手给我Hey, back up! Back up! Give me your hand.我们人手可不够控制这个场面的Hey, we don't have the numbers for crowd control-如果真闹起事来-是的-if this pops off. No. We don't.我们离开吧赶紧走了Let's get out of here. Let's move!-不要动后退-我们走-Back up. Stay back! - Let's go.我们走快点-不要动往后退-Let's go. Right now. - Back up. Stay back. Stay back!进去快点Hey, get in. Now!卡布雷拉还好吗Cabrera, you all right?看来你和你表妹的关系不太好I take it things aren't great between you and your cousin. 有什么隐情吗What's the story there?十年前拉克尔才十几岁Long and short of it, ten years ago, when Raquel was a teenager, 她走错了路she was going down a bad path.跟那些不三不四的人混在一起She got involved with the wrong people.还想着加帮入派She was about to join a gang.那会我刚从警校出来她妈妈找到我Since I was just out of the Academy, her mom came to me.她知道拉克尔干了些不好的事She knew Raquel had done some stuff.持枪抢劫偷窃非法人室Hold-ups, theft, B&E's.所以她妈妈想让你检举她So her mom asked you to turn Raquel in?她服刑了一年She went to jail for a year.但是阻止了她加入帮派But it kept her from joining a gang.因为这件事我成了家族的叛徒And I became the family rat in the process.拉克尔知道是她妈妈让你这么做的吗Does she know her mother asked you to do it?不知道作为警♥察♥No. As a cop,我觉得我能独自承受I felt it was a burden I could bear alone,恨我总比恨自己的母亲好her hate focused on me, better than on her mom.你承受的压力真是太大了Damn. That's a lot to put on your shoulders.但是不管怎么说But, for what it's worth,我觉得你很伟大I think that's huge.如果拉克尔还在那住Hey, if Raquel still lives in the neighborhood,你觉得她会不会知道一些you think she's got some info第三街敢死队的消息on the Third Street Bravos?有可能She might.-值得一问好的-Worth a shot. - Okay.斯特里特说尼歇尔爸爸今天来过Street said Nichelle's dad came by earlier.一切顺利吗Everything good?这么说吧迪肯Ah, Deac, put it this way.他不太喜欢我Uh, he is not my biggest fan.别往心里去I wouldn't let that get to you.安妮的父母也不太待见我Annie's parents aren't my biggest fan, either.-一向如此-这倒是闻所未闻-Never have been. - That right there is a surprise.我以为他们很喜欢你I thought they'd be all about you.开玩笑吗他们所有的骄傲和喜悦都在她上r法学院Are you kidding? Their pride and joy is in law school, 看着她成长为律师法官或参议员中on her way to becoming a lawyer or a judge or a senator. 结果她怀孕辍学She gets pregnant, drops out.-你觉得他们怪谁好吧-Who do you think they blame? - Okay.但他们仍然会来至少为了孩子But they still come around, especially for the kids.你是怎么处理的How you making that work?你真想知道吗You really want to know?听起来很傻但有用It sounds silly, but it works.他们一进城我就Whenever they come into town, I just.想象自己是银行人♥质&hcarts;I imagine myself as a bank hostage.百依百顺I just do what I'm told.不做让他们不爽的事I do nothing to upset them因为我只需要忍♥到他们离开because 1 know I only have to survive until they leave.不会吧迪肯我不知道为了吃顿晚饭Damn, Deac. I never thought I'd have to put myself in the shoes 还得把自己当人♥质♥of a hostage to get through a dinner.真的有用No, it works.等他们走了我告诉安妮我爱她And then, when they're gone, I. I tell Annie I love her, 拥抱孩子们因为那才是最重要的 hug my kids, because that's what's important.你得问问自己You got to ask yourself怎样更糟糕为了尼歇尔what's worse? Keeping things status quo和你们未来的孩子维系现在的生活for Nichelle and your future kid, 还是与她的父母正面交锋or confronting her parents head-on,为了自己的自尊心毁了一切and spoiling everything because your pride can't take it?我现在满脑子都是这个That's all I'm thinking about right now.放过自己吧Ah, do yourself a favor.别多想了Don't overthink it.听着拉克尔你知道该怎么做Look, Raquel, you know how this works.帮助我们我们就有可能You help us out, there's a chance 撤销你"袭&h ea rts;警♥"的指控 we'll make the "assaulting an officer" charge go away. 帮助你们你是说打谁的小报告吗Help you? You mean snitch on someone.你懂的吧当然-You get the picture, right? - Yeah.我不希望你被吓到I don't want you to be put off.听起来今晚我们会有些Sounds like we're gonna have some good有意义的家庭交流family conversation tonight.会很有趣的It's gonna be fun.很庆幸我们中有人这么想I'm glad one of us thinks so.要是他们开始推荐小孩的名字If they start pitching baby names,-你可以只是笑笑点点头吗-你可以吗-can you just smile and nod? - Can you?你是换了射击姿势还是怎么了Hey, you switching up your stance or something?没有只是有点没睡好No. Just not getting great sleep, man.没什么大问题我没事It's not a big deal. I'm fine.有什么心事可以跟我聊聊Hey, you can talk to me if something's up.睡不着通常只是症状而不是原因No shut-eye is usually a symptom, not the cause.邦妮最近出差频率变高了Bonnie's been traveling a lot more for work lately.参加各种重大体育赛事She's hitting all these VIP sporting events,我们的周年纪念日都没回来couldn't make it back for our anniversary.实不相瞒我们最近离多聚少We've been apart a lot. I'm not gonna lie.我心里很不是滋味很想念我老婆It's been hard. 1 just miss my wife.抱歉真希望能帮上忙Damn. I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could help with.-卢卡警官-我是-Officer Luca? - Yeah.多米尼克卢卡是的做叛徒Be a rat?几年前你出♥卖♥♥♥我你心里好受吗Was it hard giving me up years ago?希望如此毕竟我是你的家人I hope it was, seeing as I'm family and all.听着你现在有麻烦了Listen, you're in some trouble right now.不管什么私人恩怨Whatever your personal beef is,只会让你的情况更糟this is only gonna make things worse for you.我们认为今天早些时候的燃♥烧♥弹♥We think the Third Street Bravos are behind和枪击事件是第三街敢死队所为the firebombings and shootings earlier today.我们都知道消息会在街区传开We both know word gets around in the project,所以你知道是怎么回事so you know what's up.我听说今天发生的事了那又怎样Okay. Yeah, I heard about what popped off today. So what?这些犯罪都有帮派参与的特征So the crimes have all the hallmarks of gang initiations.你知道幕后黑手是谁吗Do you know who's behind them?不是敢死队Ain't the Bravos.好吧不如这样Okay, no offense,你告诉我们敢死队的领头人but how about you give us the Bravos' shot-caller,我们自己去确认and we can, uh, confirm that for ourselves?你不需要跟他谈You don't need to talk to him.就像你说的消息会传开Like you said, word gets around.那些突然冒出来的家伙不是敢死队成员Bravo homeboys ainrt the ones popping off.那为什么在敢死队的地盘上Then why did we find the shooters' getaway car 发现了枪手用来逃跑的车in Bravos territory?因为幕后黑手想让你在那里找到它Because the guy behind this wanted you to find it there.让他的人把它扔在我们街区引来洛城警♥察♥Had his guys dump it on our block so LAPD would roll in, 敲碎几个脑壳铐走几个人 maybe crack a few heads, slap some cuffs on.就像这些Mm. Like these right here.所以你确实知道谁是主使我可不会告密-So you do know who's behind this? -1 ain*t a rat.即使这家伙给你的社区带来麻烦Even if this guy is bringing heat to your neighborhood, 想把敢死队牵连进来你都没意见 trying to implicate the Bravos? You're okay with that? 我们不是要你做内奸拉克尔We're not asking you to be a rat, Raquel.我们只请求你为你的社区挺身而出We're just asking you to stand up for your hood. 防止无数的无辜百姓And keep who knows how many more innocent people 无辜丧命from getting killed.给我们一个名字就好Look, just give us a name?拉克尔做正确的事Raquel, do the right thing.有个混♥蛋♥费利佩卡尔沃There's a banger- Felipe Calvo.他真的很危险He's real dangerous, all right?我听说过的最可怕的亡命之徒One of the craziest fools I ever heard of.上个月被踢出了敢死队Got kicked out of the Bravos last month.被踢出去了为什么Got kicked out? Why?因为那个傻瓜想杀了那些离开帮派的人'Cause that fool wanted to kill homies that left the gang.所以这个费利佩卡尔沃喜欢报«So this Felipe Calvo guy's into retribution?是咯Word.但敢死队不是这样的But Bravos ain't about that.如果你无法驾驭这种生活你可以走If you can't handle the life, you can walk.我知道因为我男朋友曾参与其中I know, 'cause my boyfriend was in the game.所以费利佩被赶出了敢死队So Felipe gets kicked out of the Bravos.现在他想组建自己的帮派So now, he's looking to start his own gang.说得通是不是Makes sense, don't it?关于这个混♥蛋♥我们了解多少What do we have on this jackass?费利佩卡尔沃有很多前科持有毒品Felipe Calvo, he's got a list of priors, drug possession,持械抢劫使用致命武器袭击他人armed robbery, assault wi