组合训练二(寓言故事+人际交流+外国名人+哲理感悟)(限时:25分钟满分:44分)1 .完形填空(每小题1.5分)A (素材选自 One Story A Day Book 1)自作聪明的猴子It began to rain in the valley(山谷).The rain was heavy and did not stop for half a month. And all the animals were looking for I.The monkeys were not 2, for they had good brains and could easily make their way to safety. For now, they were sitting high in the trees.One monkey 3 fish swimming in the water. Fish, you know, love water and they welcomed the floods with 4. The monkey said, “Look there. What are those fish doing? They 5 to be in danger. His friends all agreed with him. "Perhaps we should go and save 6, after all, we are the smartest in the valley." Everyone 7 . So the monkeys began to catch the fish and bring them to land.The fish were 8 to catch. One monkey even felt these animals did not thank them for what they were doing for them.Soon enough, all the fish were caught and put on the land. They lay there 9 moving.“See, we were right to save them, “ said a wise monkey. “Now they are resting. 10, they will soon wakeup and thank us for our efforts.”Actually, those fish died because they left the water.1.A. safetyB. dangerC. happinessD. difficulty2.A. relaxedB. excitedC. interestedD. worried3.A. dreamedB. rememberedC. noticedD. stopped4.A. angerB. fearC.sadnessD. pleasure5.A. seemB. wantC. tryD. refuse6.A. itB. themC. usD. you7.A. repeatedB. allowedC. agreedD. advised8.A. differentB. necessaryC. easyD. difficult9.A. withoutB. withC.aboutD. after10.A. LuckilyB. SurelyC. TrulyD. SlowlyB (2019江西改编)How you speak on the telephone is very important. If you use good telephone skills, the caller will be HIf not, they may not want to deal with you or your company 122 .感叹句:这真是一场惊心动魄的拼搏!3 .拟人句:那一摞碗却仿佛故意捣蛋,突然跳起摇摆舞来。4 .夸张句:全场响起了暴风雨般的掌声。第5课*手指.关联词:他的工作(虽)不如大拇指吃力,(却)比大拇指复杂。(转折关系)1 .排比句:拿笔的时候,全靠他推动笔杆;遇到危险的事,都要由他去试 探或冒险;秽物、毒物、烈物,他接触的机会最多;刀伤、烫伤、轧伤、咬伤, 他消受的机会最多。2 .拟人句:他永远不受外物冲撞,所以曲线优美,处处显示着养尊处优。3 .比喻句:手指的全体,同人群的全体一样,五根手指如果能团结一致, 成为一个拳头,那就根根有用,根根有力量,不再有什么强弱、美丑之分了。First, make sure you L3 the call formally(正式地).You should also remember to 14 as you speak, and use a friendly tone(语调).j 5 you sound bored or too busy, the caller will think you are impolite.Your choice of words can make a big difference, too. For example, if you have not heard what a caller 16>it is much more polite to say "I'm sorry. Could you say that again, please? ” than to simply say “What?”.Similarly, if a caller asks to speak to 17, don't just say “yes"or “no”. If they are unavailable(不在), explain where they are, and then take a 18In either situation, you will also need to get some 19 about the caller, such as his or her name or company. Make sure you get all that you need and, most importantly, 20 it politely. In these ways, you can have better calling skills.11.A. boredB. surprisedC. satisfiedD. happy12.A. yetB. againC. stillD. also13.A. breakB. askC. answerD. bring14.A. smileB. cryC. laughD. shout15.A. SinceB. ThoughC. IfD. Until16.A. sangB. saidC. inventedD. thanked17.A. somebodyB.anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody18.A. showerB. subwayC. noteD. message19.A. progressB. informationC. exerciseD. pronunciation20.A. write downB. find outC. ask forD. give upIL阅读理解(每小题2分)A (素材选自于 English in Mind Book 4)罗莎帕克斯与人权运动One day in December 1955, Rosa Parks left work in Alabama, USA, got on a bus and sat down. More people got on the bus, and soon it was full. One man didn't have a seat. The bus driver said to Rosa, “Stand up! Give this man your seat! ” Rosa was tired after a long day at work. So, she quietly said, "No." This started something that changed the USA forever-because Rosa Parks was a 42-year-old black woman, and the man on the bus was white.When Rosa was a little girl, she walked to school, but the white children took a bus. Rosa saw their bus every day when it went past.“In those days, “ she said, "there was a white world and a black world. I lived in the black world." She went to a black school and studied with black children.When Rosa said"No”, she broke the law. The law said a black person had to give his or her seat to a white person. The police came and took her to prison. Many black people in Alabama were very angry, and they stopped using the buses for a year. Then the law changed, and slowly, things started to change all over the USA.For the rest of her life, Rosa worked to help black people in the USA. She died on 25 October 2005, at the age of 92.1. When did the story happen?A. In 1945.B. In 1955.C. In 1956.D. In 2005.2. Why did the bus driver ask Rosa to give her seat?A. Because she wasn't beautiful.B. Because she was fatter.C. Because she was black.D. Because she was younger than the man.3. What can we infer from the second paragraph?A. Black children were not as clever as white children.B. Black children couldn't afford to take buses.C. Black children liked to live in a black world.D. Black children were treated unequally in education when Rosa was young.4. Where did the police take Rosa to?A. To the shop.B. To prison.C. To the police station.D. To her house.B (2019盐城改编)Have you ever heard the saying"There's no place like home !”? This is just another way of saying that home is a very special place. Our bedroom, our family, our pets, and all of the things we love are at home.Is home a place where you can relax and have fun? Is home a place where you get all of your best thinking done? Being at home means different things to different people. As people grow older, home usually represents more responsibility(责任)because it needs care inside and out. Who takes care of all of these things in your home? How do you help out?Some people might say that family and food are two of the best parts of being home. At home, you can tell your parents about your day, play with your pets, and get a snack from the cupboard or fridge. You can relax in your room and read a book or play a game. You can ask friends over to play. Home is a place to take care of and be grateful(感激的)for. Even though you are young, you can help to make your home a nice place to be. After all, home is where the heart is!5. What does the saying "There's no place like home! "tell us?(不超过 10 个词)6. Why does home mean more responsibility as people grow older?(不超过 10 4、词)7. What are the two best parts of being home according to some people?(不超过 5 个词)参考答案10. B20. CI .A1. A2. D3.C4. D5. A6. B7. C8. D9. AB11.D12. B13.C14. A15.C16. B17. A18.D19. BII.Al.B2. C3.D4. BB 5. Home is a very special place.6. Because it needs care inside and out.7. Family and food.图标汇总s挑战题辄战题jh阱题z1/第1组知识梳理一、近义词弓缴J弓箭辩斗J争辩 专心致志J一心一意沧沧凉凉I清清凉凉空虚I空洞挪移I挪动旋转转动觉察I发觉遮挽遮挡叹息I叹气徘徊彷徨痕迹I印迹聪明聪慧特别特殊枯萎一干枯收成收获依赖J依靠锻炼I磨炼优雅优美语重心长苦口婆心 勃勃生机I盎然生机偶然I偶尔萦绕萦回舒展I伸展歉疚J愧疚陶醉沉醉惊心动魄触目惊心姿态I姿势机会I机遇消受I享受机敏机灵薄弱I单薄渺小J微小 二、反义词远I近热I凉专心致志I三心二意沧沧凉凉I热热乎乎空虚I充实匆匆J缓缓徘徊I果断蒸融J凝结高大I矮小笔直I弯曲相信I怀疑偶尔I经常依赖I独立优雅I粗俗柔软I坚硬喧哗I安静镇静I慌张座无虚席I空无一人意想不到I不出所料目不转睛I左顾右盼不知所措I胸有成竹强硬I软弱机敏I迟钝薄弱I强大渺小I伟大养尊处优I含辛茹苦三、词语积累伶伶俐俐勃勃生机【表示注意力集中的成语】专心致志 聚精会神 全神贯注目不转睛 心无旁鹫(wi)【AABB式词语】沧沧凉凉干干净净虚虚实实 潇潇洒洒恭恭敬敬沸沸扬扬ABB式词语】头涔涔泪潸潸赤裸裸笑哈哈 恶狠狠傻乎乎娇滴滴【AABB式词语】轻轻悄悄伶伶俐俐轻轻悄悄伶伶俐俐整整齐齐慌慌张张勤勤恳恳迷迷糊糊轰轰烈烈吞吞吐吐【形容时间飞快的词语】 白驹过隙日月如梭光阴似箭 稍纵即逝日不暇给日月如流【形容珍惜时间的词语】惜时如金争分夺秒惜时如金争分夺秒时不我待只争朝夕千金一刻闻鸡起舞废寝忘食【表示雨大的词语】狂风暴雨狂风暴雨大雨如注大雨滂沱倾盆大雨瓢泼大雨【描写语言的词语】语重心长语重心长对答如流滔滔不绝谈笑风生高谈阔论高谈阔论夸夸其谈口若悬河冷嘲热讽【描写树木的词语】树形优美高大笔直优雅自在勃勃生机郁郁葱葱枝繁叶茂旁逸斜出AABB式词语】从从容容安安全全飘飘荡荡断断续续浩浩荡荡扭扭捏捏昏昏沉沉【无A无B式词语】无缘无故无边无际无声无息无忧无虑无法无天AABC式词语】勃勃生机津津有味勃勃生机津津有味娓娓动听熠熠生辉【ABAC式词语】 不慌不忙大摇大摆一心一意【形容人多的词语】座无虚席门庭若市摩肩接踵座无虚席门庭若市摩肩接踵人山人海【与想有关的词语】意想不到深思熟虑胡思乱想意想不到深思熟虑胡思乱想费尽心机冥思苦想【表示担心害怕的词语】提心吊胆惊慌失措惊魂未定惊恐万状胆战心惊一模一样无影无踪无缘无故一张一弛呆头呆脑先知先觉心有余悸 惊弓之鸟【一 A 一 B式词语】一文一武一心一意ABAC式词语】随时随地不慌不忙多才多艺独来独往【含有反义词的二字词语】左右进退吞吐深浅高矮强弱快慢多少胜负善恶因果【含有人体器官的词语】指手画脚口无遮拦手足无措卑躬屈膝【表示贬义的词语】养尊处优处心积虑贼眉鼠眼钩心斗角【形容团结的词语】团结一致齐心协力精诚团结群策群力勘(10)力同心好坏(游丝样)的痕迹(明显)的痕迹(缓慢)地挪移(伶伶俐俐)地跨过(坚实)的基业(巨大)的能量长短 高低 明暗正负 贵贱 软硬厚薄撕心裂肺 痛心疾首眼明手快 心急如焚口是心非 鼠目寸光同甘共苦 同舟共济众志成城 患难与共(轻轻悄悄)地挪移(茫茫然)地旋转(小心)地旋转(灵巧)地跨过(依赖)的心(微弱)的能量(百年)的基业(感恩)的心(优雅)的乐曲(优美)的乐曲(惊心动魄)的拼搏(热烈)的掌声(意想不到)的失误(震撼人心)的拼搏(歉疚)地微笑(重大)的失误(暴风雨般)的掌声(宽容)地微笑(剧烈)地晃动(猛烈)地晃动(拉)胡琴(打)算盘 (拧)螺丝 (解)纽扣(研)脂粉(蘸)药末(戴)戒指 (掏)耳朵(强硬)的曲线(优美)的曲线五、积累句型第3课桃花心木1 .关联词:(1)桃花心木是一种特别的树,树形优美,高大而笔直,从前老 家林场种了许多,已长成几丈高的一片树林。(所以)当我看到桃花心木仅及膝盖 的树苗,有点儿难以相信自己的眼睛。(因果关系)(2)(如果)无法在这种不确定中汲水生长,树苗自然(就)枯萎了。(但是), 在不确定中找到水源、拼命扎根的树,长成百年的大树就不成问题了。(假设关 系、转折关系)(3)(如果)我每天都来浇水,每天定时浇一定的量,树苗(就)会养成依赖的 心,根就会浮在地表上,无法深入地下,一旦我停止浇水,树苗会枯萎得更多。 (假设关系).反问句:但是,懒人怎么知道有几棵树会枯萎呢?2 .拟人句:现在,窗前的桃花心木苗已经长得与屋顶一般高,是那么优雅 自在,显示出勃勃生机。3 .排比句:奇怪的是,他来得并没有规律,有时隔三天,有时隔五天,有 时十几天才来一次;浇水的量也不一定,有时浇得多,有时浇得少。第4课*顶碗少年1.关联词:有些偶然遇到的事情,竟会难以忘怀,并且时时萦绕于心。(因为),你也许能从中不断地得到启示,悟出一些人生的哲理。(因果关系)