你什么时候回来-今晚When will you be back? - This evening.小心点Be careful.这个怂货占优势时都没杀了我Well, this coward couldn't kill me when he had现在换我们占优势了他更杀不了我the jump on us, damn sure ain't killing me when we have the jump.你说出来Say it,我会小心的I'll be careful.我爱你I love you.我们晚饭前回来Be back by supper.一定要回来Just come back.大早起喝香槟Champagne in the morning?天色看不出是要下雨还是下雪The sky can't decide if it's gonna rain or snow.总之下什么我都不想出门I don't want to be out in either.今天就在床上虚度吧I think we'll waste this day right here.给我也来一些I want some.你当然想要Sure you do.翻过身去Roll over.先等等Wait.真♥他♥妈♥走运My fucking luck.说真的等我我付了钱的I mean it. Wait. I'm the one who's paying.我他妈来了I'm fucking coming.班纳克莱顿你被捕了Calvin Coolidge had two Grizzly Bears captured 放生了两只在墨西哥捕获的灰熊in Mexico released on the White House lawn.他干嘛要从墨西哥弄灰熊Why'd he get them from Mexico?这里的灰熊不够他抓吗He can get all the grizzlies he wants right here.标题里传递出的信息如此让人担忧Of all the things in that headline to disturb you, 你却只关心那头熊的来历吗where the bears are from is the one thing that stands out?毕竟对灰熊来说是挺长的一段路呢I'm saying that's a long way to go for a grizzly.他是在白宫草坪上放生的灰熊It doesn't bother you he let them loose你对此没意见吗on the front yard of the White House?我不想当那个再把它们I wouldn't want to be the man who has to put them 关进笼里的人 back in their cage.失业率降至2.4%又创新低Unemployment at historic lows, down to 2.4 percent 在哪里Where?不在这里Not here.华盛顿成立了新的委员会管理采矿New commission formed in Washington to regulate mining, 蟒蛇铜矿的首席执行官被任命为董事长CEO of Anaconda Copper Mines appointed chairman.惠特菲尔德Whitfield.惠特菲尔德银矿的首席执行官唐纳德惠特菲尔德担任副董事长Westfield Silver Mining CEO Donald Whitfield, vice-chair. 他们竟让矿业公♥司♥的老板They put the bosses of the mining companies 负责管理矿山in charge of regulating the mines?你从中能悟出政界That should tell you all you need to know有多黑暗了吧孩子about politics, son.你也是政界的You're in politics.我是执法部门的I'm in law enforcement对执行自己通过的法律You enforce the laws you push through.杰克Jack.我不是抱怨我只想说到处都一样I ain't complaining, I'm just saying it's the same thing.你自己就是开牧场的负责畜牧业You're a cattleman in charge of regulating cattle.我没说错吧Am I wrong?曾有科学家在研究了印度There's this theory that these scientists came up with非洲和南美地区的部落后after studying tribes in India and Africa, 提出了一个理论and South America.一些小部落根本没有政♥府♥The smaller tribes didn't have any government.也无需政♥府♥Didnrt need any.所有问题坐下谈谈就能决定They could sit down and talk out their problems, 比如去哪儿种庄稼去哪里打猎decide where to plant crops, to hunt.就像一个大家庭真的They was just a big family, really.但当人数到了五百多的时候But when the number of people got up around five hundred, 假如没有政♥府♥就会出现if there wasn't any government, the strongest people弱肉强食的局面would take advantage of the weakest.比比皆是无一例外Every time. Without fail.他们会奴役强♥奸♥偷窃They would enslave, rape, steal.牺牲别人的生命把自己变得富足Enrich their lives at the expense of other people's lives. 政♥府♥是人类约束Government is man's way of trying 自己行为的手段to control our behavior.但人是控制不住的这是人的天性But it can't be controlled, it's what we are.迟早有一天那些想要牺牲你Sooner or later, the kind of people who would富足自己的人enrich themselves at your expense, 会用政♥府♥的手来达到目的will use the government to do it.你记住他们将来还将制定法律And mark my words, one day they'll create控制我们的言论和想法laws to control what we say, how we think.如果我们听之任之连持不同意见的权利They will outlaw our right to disagree, 也会被剥夺if we let them.我成立委员会是为了捍卫这个家族I created the commission to protect the way this family 自食其力provides for itself.和保护土地的方式How it protects the land.惠特菲尔德不也在做同样的事吗Isn't Whitfield doing the same thing?一模一样The exact same thing.不幸的是Unfortunately for him,对他生存方式有利的事对我们不利what's good for his way of life is not good for ours.那到底谁对谁错呢What about right and wrong?没有这回事也别去纠结对错No such thing. Can't think that way.你只考虑什么对这个牧场有益You can only think about whats good for this ranch.什么对家族有益就这么多What's good for your family, that's it.然后利用他们的规则达到目的Then use their rules to do it.白宫赦免了一头熊A bear in the White House.世界上整天那么多事儿Of all the things that happen in the world each day, 报纸为什么要报这个why is the news telling you that?背后想传递什么信息这才是问题所在What aren*t they telling you, that's the question.这不是新闻杰克这是障眼法This isn't the news, Jack. This is camouflage.我们餐桌上不谈政♥治♥We don't talk politics at the table.说到对家族有益你就该记得这一点If you know what's good for you, you'll remember that.怎么我老婆也生气了How'd we both get in trouble?班纳进了监狱也没用Banner in jail doesn't solve anything.这场仗还没结束这才刚刚开始This fight ain't over. It's just begun.她不是生气She's not mad.她是害怕she's scared.出什么事了我不知道遭贼了她家里没什么可以打劫的盗贼的马也不会钉马掌那会是谁干的谁的马♥会♥钉马掌政♥府♥的马你怎么没去放羊我爸让我来找你你女儿从学校逃了出来跟我父亲在一起我觉得她有麻烦了我父亲只让我告诉你一人哪种麻烦他没说应该很棘手你回去时别走原路不要经过城镇远离公路你会来吗先等等去吧会说英语吗孩子Speak English, boy?我会说I speak English.你在这里干什么What are you doing out here?放羊Tending sheep 我一只羊都没看到I don't see any sheep所以我才要找羊啊That's why I'm looking for 'em.看来你扔下羊群自己跑了Sounds like you strayed from the flock.我睡觉时羊群跑走了Flock strayed from me while I was sleeping. 我没有看到羊的足迹I've seen no sheep tracks.我不会沿着足迹追我直接去河边Not following them. I'm headed to water.它们一定在那That's where they'll be.你多大了How old are you?与你什么相关What do you care?你应该去上学You should be in school.我已经毕业rFinished school.在哪儿Where?堪萨斯Kansas.什么名字What's the name?我不用回答你的问题I don't have to answer your questions.你要是不回答我就揪着你头发把你送回学校You'll answer them or get drug back to the school by your hair.你没有这个权利You don't have the right.不知道这孩子是从哪个学校逃出来的No telling which school this one escaped from.不重要送回咱们学校就行Doesn't matter. He's headed to ours, now.我把这个送回去你们继续找I'll run this one back. You keep going.有一个就会有更多Where there's one there's more.也许能找到他们的聚集地Maybe a whole camp of'em.只要找到他们Wherever they are.就能找到她she is.我来送他回去吧I'll take him back.我是神职人员I'm a man of the cloth.也就是说我言出必行Which is to say, I'm a man of my word.我去阿根廷派传过教I served a mission in Argentina.在秘鲁也派驻过Served one in Peru.还有菲律宾The Philippines.那里全都是你这样的人All populated with people like you.他们现在发展得很好People who now thrive.他们日益强大They thrive.建造城市Build cities.种植作物Grow crops.沫浴在基♥督♥的圣光中All in the bosom of Christ.他们听从了我们的教诲取得了成功They followed our teachings and they prosper. 而你You.拒绝教诲reject them.抗拒开化Fight them.苦难就是你的回报And suffering is your reward.救赎在光明中等着你Salvation awaits in the light, 可是and yet.你们这些人you people.却选择黑暗choose darkness.寻找黑暗Seek it.渴望黑暗Crave it.我觉得你们的灵魂已经没救了I think your souls have been spoken for already. 已经被魔鬼占据I think the devil has them.你们需要的不是学校You don't need schools.而是驱魔You need exorcisms.你是牧师You are a priest? 对I am.一位圣人A holy man.是Yes.但你杀过人But you've killed.以上帝之名In the name of God.你偷窃Stolen.我偷了什么What have I stolen?你脚下的土地The land you sit on.我什么都没偷I have stolen nothing.要是没偷你也来不了这里If you hadn't stolen it, you wouldn't be here. 你会在其他地方You'd be somewhere else.真搞不懂你们异教♥徒♥的逻辑I don't understand your pagan logic. 你们上帝的那套律法Your God has all these laws. 我都知道I know them. 我也学过I studied them.你们是他律法的传教士You're supposed to teach His laws, 但你们为了传教却打破律法在先 but you break them to teach them. 你眼里根本没有祗的律法So, the laws means nothing to you.也就是说Which means.你的上帝并不存在你知道Your God doesn't exist, and you know it.这是亵渎你们这些不敬虔的异教♥徒♥Blasphemy. You godless heathen.这个世界没有你会更好I think the world will be a better place without you in it.没有你们任何人Without any of you.我们的天父啊Our Father, who art in Heaven.我讲话时要看着我Look at me when I speak!愿人都尊你的名为圣Hallowed be thy name.愿你的国降临愿你的旨意成就Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done.如果他的旨意On Earth as it is in Heaven.在地上得以实现我的刀要抵着你的喉咙If his will is done on earth, and my knife is to your throat, 这一定是你的神所要的this must be what your God wants.你能走路吗Can you walk?我跑都行I can run if you want.我们把马放跑We let the horses run.还有两个牧师去找泰娜了There's two more priests looking for Teonna.我看到他们足迹了I saw the tracks.他们走了哪条路Which way did they go?汉克还留在不毛之地Hank in the badlands?在红溪边By the Red Creek.他们晚上会停下休息They will stop for the night.我们要继续赶路We won't.我们拿他怎么办What do we do with him?你去马那边等着Go wait with the horses.你做了什么What did you do?我把他灵魂吃了Ate his soul.咱们得赶紧赶路了跟上We must ride fast. Keep up.驾He.天Man: Boy!这个也是学龄儿童This one's school age, as well.至少他还有个事做Well, at least he's got a vocation.放羊是为上帝工作Tending sheep is God's work.我们在找一个15岁左右的女孩We are looking for a girl. About fifteen.找她做什么Why looking for her?她犯了法Broke the law.犯了什么法What law?不要多问孩子We owe you no explanation, child.你有看到这个女孩儿吗Have you seen a girl?没见过什么女孩I've seen no girl.我看看Let me see.这女孩把你戳瞎了The girl has blinded you.你这个不敬的巫婆You godless witch!我会杀了他的师兄Banner Creighton, you're under arrest.凭什么For what?两项谋杀罪四项谋杀未遂罪Two counts of murder, and four counts of attempted murder. 我杀谁了Who'd I murder?我又谋杀谁未遂了And who the fuck did I attempt to murder?你的脸色好像见了煞神班纳Look like you've seen a ghost. Banner.我就是你的煞神And you have.你光抓我怎么不抓他If you're arresting me, arrest him.这该死的恶棍吊着我脖了This fucking jackal hung me by my neck让我自生自灭就因为非法入侵and left me to die, killed my friends就杀了我兄弟for trespassing.他完全有权利这么做And he was well within his rights.转过去Turn around.至少让我穿好衣服At least let me get fuckin' dressed.县监狱为你准备了全新套装County jail has got a brand new suit for you.你这是把自己的军队带来了杰克I see you brought your army, Jake.你会需要军队的听到了吗You're gonna need 'em. You hear me?你会需要他们的You're gonna fucking need 'em!睡袍不错Nice robe.你就笑吧臭小子Keep smiling, pup.你两次死里逃生You cheated death twice.You'll kill her, brother.上帝是我的见证人With God as my witness.等等Wait-他把你伤的很重He beat you up pretty good.你还站得起来吗Can you stand?愿你的灵魂下地狱Goddam your fucking soul.我让小船载你们过去这样快些I'll have a skiff run you in. It'll be faster.这样可以不用海关登船I can do without customs boarding the vessel.明白Understood算我欠你的I'm in your debt.你不欠我什么You're in no such thing.我觉得大海也许是最后一个I think perhaps the sea is the last place where men 人类会纯粹凭着良心做事的地方do the right thing for that reason alone.也许整个世界都该搬到海上Maybe the whole world should be put to sea.那样世界会倾覆的Whole world would drown.如果有朝一日我被豹子盯上If ever I find myself in the company of a leopard, 到时候还要你帮忙I'd appreciate some assistance.我从没说过我是猎人I didn't tell you I was a hunter.你是个名人斯宾塞达顿You're famous, Spencer Dutton.就怕你还不知道In case you are unaware.我逐渐知道了I'm becoming aware.说到大野猫Speaking of wild cats,带着这样一位新娘会让大家虎视眈眈you've a tiger by the tail with your new bride 墨索里尼不让民众配枪Mussolini's not a fan folks carrying guns. 西西里虽说规矩不同但要是去内陆Different rules in Sicily, but if you go inland, 最好把枪藏起来you'll need to hide that thing.以免引起黑♥手♥党♥注意 Mafia won't like it too much either, though. 黑♥手♥党♥是什么 What's the mafia?待几天你就会知道的Stay here long you'll find out, mate.谢谢Thank you.咱们找家旅馆吧Let's find a hotel.说得好像这个家你做主一样Spoken like a man who thinks he's in control.咱们找家咖啡馆吧我想吃意面喝红酒了Let's find a cafe. I need pasta and wine.你内心深外还是喜欢听我指挥的Deep down you love being told what to do.有一种自♥由♥的感觉There's a freedom in it.谁都知道你们美国人And we all know how you Americans 多么爱自 ♥由♥feel about your freedom.我可以听你的I'll follow you.但我得走在前面but I ain't walking behind you.确定吗我的背影不够美吗You sure? It's a pretty good view.我猜你这这会儿嘴都合不上了If I was a betting man, I'd bet you're smiling.你订好船票了吗You booked us passage?周四出发We leave on Thursday.你怎么不吃You're not eating.我不饿I'm not hungry.怎么可能How is that possible?不知道就是不饿Don't know. Just ain't.你快变成自己手下的狮户了You*ve become the lions you hunted.抓住猎物美餐-顿在太阳下Gorging yourself on a kill then sleeping in the sun睡上一个星期直到恢复精力与母狮交♥配♥for a week till you muster the energy to bed a lioness.先说好我可等不了一周I won't wait a week, I'll have you know.这是我离开蒙大拿之后This is the first time I've been in a restaurant第一次跟人在餐厅吃饭with somebody since I left Montana.哎你这些讨厌的心魔Pesky, these demons of yours.我担心我们离危险越远你的心魔会越盛The further we move from danger the more we'll see them, I fear.我们离危险不远We're not moving further from danger.吃饭这是命令Eat. I demand it.这是什么What is it?米饭Rice看起来不像Don't look like rice.是面粉糊着米饭炸了的It's rice rolled in flour and fried.你怎么会了解这些美食How do you know the food here?我是英国人I'm British我们的专长就是环游世界对所到之处All we do is travel the world and become experts如数家珍on the places we visit这说不通啊That don't make sense.我说了我是英国人Like I said, I'm British.所以你们的文化是建立在对其他文化So, your culture is based on pretending to be experts 不懂装懂的基础上on things you know nothing about.不亲爱的No, baby.那是法国人的专长That's the French.我让你笑了Made you smile.我的终极日标My Holy Grail.你目标得定高点-不需要You need loftier goals. - No, I don't.吃吧Eat.怎么样Well?好吃Pretty good.早说过这是我专长嘛Experts. I told you.亚历山德拉Man: Alexandra?下一次就不那么幸运了You won't cheat it a third time.你这是供认不讳了吗班纳That sounds a lot like a confession to me, Banner.天呐Woman: Oh, God.都设置好了We're ready.清场Clear 'em out.往后站站Clear back!雅各达顿我看见他了Jake Dutton.,.1 saw him.看到他了Saw him?在城里他与治安官一起In town. With the sheriff.去了班纳家Went to Banner's house.他们把他杀了吗Did they kill him?逮捕了他Arrested him.这是他们犯的第一个错误That was their first mistake.我是来见我委托人班纳克莱顿的I'm here to see my client, Banner Creighton.来的倒是挺快That was fast.传讯时间定了吗Has arraignment been set?明早8点Eight AM. Tomorrow morning.已经指派法官了吗Has a judge been assigned?嗯罗林斯法官Uh.Rawlins.2314的律师Council for 2314.保释金额定下后我们就交款We'll post bond once bail is set.谋杀罪是不能保释的They'll not set bail for a murder charge.保释金会定下的Bail will be set.不要跟任何人说话Don't speak to anyone.包括你的狱友警探任何人都不行Not your cell mate, not the detectives, no one.让他们来找我Refer them to me.我家里还有俩妓♥女♥There's two hookers in my house.能把她们轰走吧否则得把我家搬空Can we have them run off before they rob me blind? 房♥子里有能证明你罪证的东西吗Is there anything incriminating in the house?证明罪证是什么意思I don't know what incriminating means.任何能坐实Any evidence that would support对你的指控的证据their charges against you.房♥子里什么都没有There's nothing at the house.房♥子地址是什么What's the address?汉考克418号♥418 Hancock.你真觉得我明天就能出狱吗You really think I'll be out of here tomorrow?我很确定I'm certain.传讯在早上法官是罗林斯Arraignment is in the morning. Rawlins is the judge. 确保他明白班纳对我的行动Make sure he understands how essential Banner is 至关重要to my operations.我今晚就去找他I'll find him this evening.克莱顿先生提到他家还有Mister Creighton mentioned there are two women 有两个女人名声不太好听of ill repute in his residence.他让我帮忙赶走He asked that I remove them from the premises.名声不大好听Ill repute?是妓♥女♥先生Prostitutes, sir.你想除掉她们吗Would you like them removed?我去除掉I'll remove them.没有客人你俩也玩得这么开心Seems like you two don't need a customer at all.你是谁Who are you?这是我的房♥子This is my house.我以为这里是班纳家I thought it was Banner's house.班纳只是住在这Banner lives here.但房♥主是我But I own it.房♥子很棒It's lovely.谢谢你Thank you.我猜班纳走之前没付钱I assume Banner failed to pay you before he left.是没付Not yet.够吗Does that cover it?太多了That's too much.但你们只做了一半儿不是吗Well, we haven't finished yet, have we?你喜欢玩什么What do you like?我给你看I'm going to show you.他玩得很淘气He's a naughty one.你想象不到If you