宿迁市2022年初中学业水平考试英语一、单项选找(共15小废;期小IS 1分.满分15分)从A. B, C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.I .My brother often phixfixilboll with hi* clmnurtes after »:b(»oLA.a.B.anCJD.lhe2.springme <lays mv oflcn windi am! brihi.lCs a perGxt lime io tly a kite.AonBinC.AlD.Wiih.-G<xkI ne、! The Shenzhou XIV nwnned spKsrah has bccfi §cn< imo spo« successfully.-Tlui exciiin; und encoiiriinf!A.tum*.R.umc%C.wunifeD.smelk.clever girt Kicty it* She con come up with tome creitivc wuy% to Onhh the pn外,A.WhitB.How aC.HouD.Whai a.-People in(xir twn pUnted tree* on Tree Planting Day.-Good job? Evetyeme can do sccnrthing Io make our l(mn greener.A.hundredB.hundnrd of C.hundrtxkD.hundrvd ufwixxJcrful ihx we coukln'l slop cheering fur him.wixxJcrful ihx we coukln'l slop cheering fur him.6,YeMerday.Lin Tao% *<wcvh <m buw ki bv u gucnl volunleer winA.qB.vctyC.iooD.quiieT.-AII of us follow (he (raffle rules when fixing oul-Exactly! Safety comes firM.A.mighiB.muMD.couki8 .-Mi&s l.ixun you cell me how io improve my uTiting skilk?-CCTuinly.l Hvisc you a diary in English every day.A. co keepB.kwpingC.kcpcD.kccp9 .-Andy.what xre you doing M thi% (imc yettenhy afternoon?-I the Him The Battle at like Ctunjin with my xi%tcr.A.wulctiB.wuk-txxlC.wa* wak-hin$ D.am wMchinll),Ain)did very well in her rcpo<LSbe i$li> pay allcntion (o every detail. A.cnough oucful B.earcful enough Ccnough carclci D.CMdcss enough11 .Each of u§ in cnir qroup warns(o make fncmis w ith GitryMaug he k modest and now A.sho*olFB.uAc offC.pabiolfD.ivc off12 My ffMxlim k 20()d m puper<viting5be can cut mil pictures in theennixin chsimcers.A.ubilicyB.uvightC.thapeD.qujJityl3Wcwld you like io go to the youth centre with nw tanxirrow?A.Ycx.that% right.C.Of c<»un.e rx>l.1 can't wait for the robot show there.B.SurcJd kwe «>.D.Nol al >11.H. -Jcnny4o you kix»w?-ErjKM TUcxby.八.when (he *pnns meeting will mkc placeR when will the sptxis noting tukc pUccC.uhcre the ipnru meeting *11 take p4*ccD.wbere will the sports meeting take place15 Jackhviy$ gives his fnends. help when they need rt. because be -'*A. Il's nob too old to kamB.l noir rains but it pounC.Actiucw »peak luuclrr than ux>rd%D.A friend in need i$ a friend二,宪形填空(共15小施每小凫1分,满分15分)阅谡下面均文.从知文后每JR所给的A. B, C、D四个选I®中,信出可以步入空白处的最住选项."Whal's ihis?" Bot askod.poiming al u wooden box on (he sidcuJk (人行 ilb.The sign on il sud Lillie Free Libraiy.“Ve heard of ikiv/' Bobs elder siucr Lily Mid. ,People make them and pm books 16 .Other people uke away the KcmMm they want jmd mid the 17 they've already read.”*1 wunt ti> make Momethin5 like HuCaid Boh.*F<x- kid% to exctun5c bcokU'"Whal if (要是公怎么样)it down't ost ? MUly aslcd.HWhy wouldn't it 18 ? "asked Rob. Lily drugged (> /Maybe kids won't notice it.ee ma)bc they won't warn to19 their b(»ck4.wTd like ki lr>-anyway.'BubsairWill yuu help nw make oof?-Surv/ Lily/TII alwask Dud fur 20 .Bub ran inside Io cdlecl bwkm Mik Lily Ulked lo Dad.WiUi Dad% lielp.llury 21 wwden box.T1w> pul u door un i( 11nd alUichcd 1固定 J (he box k» < 6t) .Then Uk> dug a bok in (heir fr<m( yard and lilkd the po*4 Ho (he hukr.B心 pu( (he books inside the box 1md eloped (he 22 ."Now I just have io uaii/'hc said. Throe dmes Out <hy. Bob ran outside w check. 23 each lime. his boo" were the only oiks iiwiBFor (he next few &i”.Bob 24 1he box 吧nin and ugain. HwvevcrmR hooks were Mill thcrc.'l &gx you were rijhi, l.ily.' Rob hAxi., No kids want ti> exciunge books.* *1 know you really meed)viur 25 wixt.Bob.'l.ily ixl.Tm axiy h didn't/The next iwa dayk.Bob didn't check the box.'?rcn't you going to check your littk 26 .Bob?'Liiy usXcd.*Maybe _27 decided to cxchangcAau can ja and have a look."Bob walked Uemiy k> the box. Ik oprned the dow. Hi% boc& bctv j«ne. Imteud. the box wa$ 28 with new txwkxWbw.il wmked!" Bab shouted excitedly.ltxJixxl.il was Lily who helped her bnMhcr Bvb.Sbe culkd all (he 29 kids in the neighbciu"MX时 mx! asked diem(o (ell iheir >oungcr mmcts and broilxfvBo s ig 50 ,He was very lucky (o have nc* bo<Mw (o read and、e good msiccl61A.in»dcBxxiiMdeCfOAMAiD upward17Ale1MB.wonlsC.bra*'D.ppersB.wockC.k«pD.chincB.spdlC.xhnreHI20. A. funB.hopeCjoyD.help21. A.yveB.nudcC.brakcD.drcwB.nixwC.winikiwD.Ahx23A.AndB.SoC.BulD.Sincc24 A cheekedB.fixoiCknodciDxlixd25-A.<toryB.ideaCx)nkrD.jnke26-AxWTiccB.iiboiryC.mutcumDxlmsronm27.A.i«nciwu:B.an)x)ncC-nobcKiyD.nooc28u.lockedB.ccnntxlcdC .chargedD.filkdB.Qkk!”C.oldrrD.larer30-A.af kiYB in allC.al firMD.absxr all三、阖谈(共两节,满分35分)第一节共13小H;街小呢2分,满分和分)阑谡下列妞文,从妞文后等题所给的A、H、C. D四个选M中,选出最佳送MThe following is pun »>( real time Hight infivmaiion of Hon£qiuo Airport and Pudn” ImcmaiKinal ?irp<)n in Shan£htii <)n June1.20213LWhich phuo: numbersn a pa$M:nvrcull ifbeur ihc wanis tokno* “wne infmialkm aKwl Shanghai Airiim:*?Scheduled tkpMWrc (1*定离 开)TimeRightAirlineTenninal(T)(机场 大楼)Dcuinaiion (H的地)SchcMWArrivukC预定好达)Phones8:45FMW45ShAnpIku AirlinesHongqiao <T2>Nanchung10:15955301230HU732OHainan AidingKongqiao <T2>lUikou15:04953391230HOI 165Juncys AirlinesPudong (T2)Dalian14:30021-955201339c8759Spring AirlinesPutkmg(T2>Baoiou16:00021-95524A.95339.B.021-95524.C.95530.32 Which of the follou ing tlighis is from Sliaithai (o Haiku?D.021-95520.A.HU732O.BFW245.C.9C875933 1k»w king docs n uU io 0y from ShnnghAi io Bamou” A.Abnut one Hour.B.Aboui three hours.C.About two hourx.D.HO1165D.About four hour.The oil paper umbrella k a tmditionnl Chinese handicraft < :f- V. It ha« >> hi必ry of aver LOCK) yean in China. In early Tangic wjw incroduccd to Japan and Kcvcu. *o il calkd the 'TangUtnbrella' .Latcr ail paper umbcvllxt uw sprvad Io other A»un countries, such u» Viciium. Thailand and l.u<>9und each hud itk awn style. Hi>wcvct ax slccl ribbed(附计的umbrvllat appeared m the b。ccmury.the hand<niddt uil pprr umbcdlxs Ixcuiik lew used in daily lifr.They wenr Turned inlu decofulixr vtifacU 1装的性 LZ品).Yuh>ng in Hangzhtm w knsvn fur making oil (Mpcr umbrellas for muct (han 230 jvuivThcy are mainly nia加 “ Ain |xi|xrr (皮纸).baniXK>. & eaiing of Tgg oil(祐R). They ixvd io ukc(i*mc (han 70 Mcpio make. ifKludmg making Kunb«xi ribs, peuing papers(啕斌)and poimin pulWfn$图案)Il Ukc* M I«m a week to nuke per unt»re1la. In 208MI4c unt»rdla were MkJcd k> lnunj>iblc Cultural Henutfe Usi非物盛文fti收户名果) of China.A young nun called l.iu Wcixue kanvd the tnxli(i<xul an of making >ihnng oil paper umbrclUs firom hU gnindtathcr, "I uwm co bring (he ait io life厂 Liu said He improved the umbrellas(o win (he bcu/ts of youn* people. A、(he (Mdiuonal pupcr was cmco breA. he sinned to u*c a kind of thicker paper. In n 归a. his umbrclUrt were opened and ck)Md for 1.000 limes uiihoui hreuki 呻 He uvd ) kind* lighter hamboo co maie the umhrdM less.Now l.iu hope% the art can be pavicd on. He goes lo local whook lo tc*:h uudents. He also gee% lo events in diflcrvnc pUcc% co pmmixcthe art.34 .Whal i% the main idea 0f pururaph I?A .The hi(U>ry of oil paper urnbrcllax.B.The rtylex «f ml paper umbed12ts.C.Tbe deUn of oil paper umbrellas.D.lhe way* of using oil paper umbrvllg.WIkii is an oil pupa umbrclb mainly made of accotding to (he passive?A.WoolJxunboo and a coating “Tung oil.B PUsiKambc»o and « of TOn* oil.C.Skm pM(xr.boinboo *d a cooling of Tung oil D.Lcaihcr.bumboo and a cooling of Tung oil 36.Why did Uu Weixiic lc«m ihe ah “ nuking Yuhang oil ptiper umbrclUw?A. Bevuu he couldn't find n bcticr job.R.Recoup he wMUed u> bring the an to life.C.Because young people liked the futhnwi.D.Bccjusc his grandfuthcr cold him u» learn.37,Which part of a nwguxine is theprobably from?A.Culture.B.Mcdicinc.C.Mwic.Dpartx.CRcvtmlly.China has annuunevd Ihe li«4 of the Hnl Hve naliural parks.Each <>f iheni w divided info Iwo putHhe cw:'核心 >protection area and the general conlrul area. In the cure pKHeclkm area, unirvcurvh aiul wnvillanor(监视 J in soctxv arc alkiwed.And (he general comnil arva is open to (he public4kMing “avd 扰uviUcs MKh as cumping and hiking. In (he future, naional porks arc expated k) be nMuial d的uooim.People 5 gm atxiui diftcreiK kifuJs of unimals «nd plunts ttwougli cvo-fricndly ( 环保的)ua、d activities.The miiMXul ptirks c*n alw be bdpful u) locul poo* The building “ <hc*c nMioml pwis pn)vidcs muny joM for Iccul people.People living in or around (he pcirkx can *orl n,park nmgers 炉林员)imd guidefcThey cun vll %ome «o-fncnclly chia即 with local colour.So tbeir yearly inemnef收入)will grow a kx.Then let's take a look at the five nutkinal pirkt.I.,jHNiwW Pati on the Qinj»h«i-Tibci Plmc«u(fi1ft).is <he Inrjjc*! iwioniJpvk in China.Rccuu*e it m home io the sources of the Yangtze . Yellout iind lincung riverx .pcoflc cull "China% wjut towxr".NotthetM Otiiw Djier ant/ Ltud(杓fti/A is in Hcik»咽讪咤 und Jilin pcvviiKchcover% an nrci of 14.100 »quure kikxnetrcs .h k our councryk higgcu and only pluce for wiki SihehM) mm I (igerx wl Amur 届)punk id live in.WW>>Park m Fujian Pros mce is * UNESCO naiural and oiliuul hcriue skc( ifi址)The foreu nuikcs up over 96 pcrvcnc of the pari. The park is the gr-dk- uf btrds, kingeiom (王国) of snakes 皿I wiwicl of inis.Yixi on also w ihe Dnxia Undfban (地或)ihere.Clant MMmR Patt wmnccis panda iKibiiuts (柄2 地)in SkiMian. SIxumH and Gmku pfinincc*. Inside (he pmk arc more than 1,600 2ild fiunl ptindaxThcy make 少 over 70 pwcm of iKe pundix in Chinu.Hainan Tntpical热曲的)Ruinftrmi NEionat Park is (he UrgvM gpkul Rwesl in Qiina.P»erv mv inure (hun 4(K) kiiuh of plantx Oue cm only be found in HainanJhc well八 unly 35 Hainan gibbons KW %)live (here.38 Whm activity am be done in ihe core fwoicciion are*?A.Humin.B. Rcvurchinf,C.Hikin.D.Camping.39 .Whnt cun z kn(>w (n>m pmigniph 3?A.Building the nalHMul park% only need% runen. and guidesB.EiEiing nuke% local people impro*r their)varly incocncf.C.VisHoc can buy anything with local calix in the nalkinal parks.D.Locd peepk can get much advanUp: friMii the nalkmal pxks.A. A perhxt plate. B.A hippy feeling.41 What mighi be the bcM iiile for (lie jxismqic? A.The bcMuiiful s«ncs“ natureC.Thc minxiuciion to ihe five miikxwl purksC.A good example.D.A mavci smile.B. The home of animaK and pUnisD The rclniionships airnwj* the five iwioml ptirks40 . Wh;H the underlined uxird "pandiw" in (he fuan abict mean?One dny. Helen shtMiu. ,Roger, come jnci look M the c躇? It' < crocking(裂开)Slowiy a long beak (喙)appears.They arc un%ure whnt it X.Dad check% <m the computer. 'Iky. I»»k* II* a pccrodaciyl 1熨户龙).“'A punxbay门'khmn the childrm/ Ycs. rt'% a t)-pc of diniour. Ptcnxbctyl% can fly.'ap Dad.Then Helen nunes it Ducly.A iixmlh laler.he grvu* up. Bui (here i* Mwnrthing *nm with his wingt'My nkjoi is (w miall and Duel) keeps tunging(磁 报)Im wings on (he walk. I feel sorry for hinCsa” Helen. Finally, (hey take Dacty co u *vt(HE> .IV'o wedu iMCf. Davy's uingjs aic txticr However, he mi'i willing co Hy 1'hcy phone Auik Elizabeth Soot» 4 arrivcK ,My oltlcc is very big, h< pcrf«t for DueliSuriiix the cUy. And ui night. *hen ilw musoim k Dacty e八 Hy arotmd happily.'Thcn she lakes them to the muwum. On arriv mg. ihe> lake Daciy oui of the br»kci Hc MrcKhcst WIK )hk winjjs. 11* high up and ImmIs on a stone siutue.(IxxA.hc likes here: shnubi Helen. *,Cnn he sec in the dork?, ask« Roger. W, they we clcurly in the tLirk.juu likeowk( 明 失&),"sayfc Aunt EHziibcih.Six months pmso and Dacty is very big now. One niche. Dnty %«、lights moving inside the museum. T*o men-Bert xxl Eric come in with lorvhc% (手电K) . They arc wearing iraxks and trying Id open u caw:(箱 f) .Itwide it k a mummy (木乃 伊).Suddenly Eric UmAa up and mxs Dacly. He w、iry wdLoak Bert, then: i» a huge bird up thenr/Bert I(mA,4 up. Djety dixsn hk>*v. *Erk-. Am,l be stilly. Il'4 only a iLilue., lay% B<rt. "Con>e on. I will open the case.Yuu kwk fur (he 50W nwdaHiom (A奖章 > ."Al (he morncni. I>*c(y flic* down and culche* Eiic. The ihtct “、0 x«vd mxI he catfl say *nythinj.Duc<> flies up and lifts him g <op of a simuc Hc*s swek Ai once D«ty flics dou n aguin ami catclics Bciuoo Bmh of them mc Muck <hctc.The ncxi momin.when Aum Diz4bdh comes in. she sees the broken mummy c。辎 and the i*o men They are shoutinfloudly.r>M(y flics (o her 'Here yov are. , Xhc s*ys nnd pets (量扰)his hcM'Thnnk you, did f real job/Then he pbiMKs the police.The nu)vir< 市 长 hhakc Daciyk wing and puts a big shiny nvilxl over his bend. *CongrAtulatiom,ytm dxi n great job " Then he tumx to Aunt Elizbclh/h'% great to have a big bird a4 a guird! *"Dacty i$ a pirrodaclyl!" Roger %>y$."Dacly is a hero nw/'sayx Aunl Elizubclh.*A pccrodactyrr shixiC( anolhcr min. "Wow! Theylsv warm wealhcr and jungle (丛林).1 wixk in (he BoUnkal Gardens < 机构四).We have a ukhuKHuI fxilm < 锦树)huuie. big and warm, jurt like a jungk. Ik will love ihcrv.You can conic to visit it anxiimc."So no* Dxty is living in the Bounicnl Ganfcm.Rogcr nnd Ifckn him every day(Adapted from ?7卬 Su/prhf)42. Haw Unes Dzy bun hk win新?A. He pUy« g4me< with the children.B. Ik folk off the irec wh«:n flying.C. Ik bang> an the wulh in Hele心 nxim.D. He peueMs flying in the inuMrum.43. Which word cun best ckuribe IXwly?A.Curiuut.B. HonestC. Generous.D. SnuiftM. WIkh is (he coned ccder of what luppen、in (he uory?a.Daciy is lukcn «»ma vet.b.Hclcn turner (he pccnxiMfyl MtyDxty lives in ihe Ratunicul Girfdau.c. The thieves stealhin即 in the museum.A. b-d-u-cB.d-a-b-cD. cd*b45.What can we infer荆析 J from the vory?A.AIl dincMuiv% enjoy cold weather and jungleB.llumans and aninult should care abciul cwh other.C.Childrvn think i< iwoury U» niise an Miinul ul hcitne.D ll» bt«vr tor a dinawur «> live wilh huimn, than in nulurv.第二号(共5小依;何小UH分,旖分3分)网谈下西运文,从均文后的送项中送出可以填入空白处的最佳法攻,送项中石两项为多余送欢.When you do DIY. you nuke.repuir or dcv<xine (hinjjfc yourself inaed “ puyin enw io do it. For one <hinj>. ifs wonderful time <o enjoy ycniwclf when you nwke Q>mcihing. 46 Toddy.l will show you bow to make a fruit «alud.Fiwt. cbtKHtf yaufavourite fruit. Use fruit in sej>xin. 47NcaI. w»h the fruit. 48 Foe exampk. mixing red opplcK$rccn pear% and purpic erapct can make)x»ur uLid look very cokicful.Then.cut mxiw t>f the larger fhiil ink» «nal! pieces. 49Finally.mix then) together And add Qmc Mad cream if >ou like.5D Jusx prefure ii before you are foinj* io cm H.bccnuw <o<nc of the fruit will quickly (urn bro*n when you gvc i( in the air for «)me time.A.Make sure chat i(沦 freth.B. Please take cure when you uw a knife.C. You'd belter use fruit af different colors.D. It will uic you a U of lime k» du DIY.E Try mx(o pyurc the fruit Had too cafly.F. For another thi咚k cjn 3c you money.G. DIY %laiuh far*do-it-xxjnicir.四、根据句意及所给中文提示.首字母或英文解释.写出句中所注值词,短空限塘一词.(共10小题;每小