传媒英语UnitlOContents:> Key to the exercises> Translation> Supplementary ReadingPart One Key to the exercisesUnderstanding the textNo, actually at first, the company was very small. It was just a liny office above the Woolworth's on Nassau Street.1. No. At that time, the most convincing prediction was made by the Literary Digest and it predicted that Roosevelt would lose.2. The Literary Digest method was simple: to print up survey blanks and mail them to millions of households across the country. You simply had to fill in your choice for president, Landon or Roosevelt, and mail it back to the Digest. The Digest had chosen people to question based on phone numbers and car registries. But in that Depression year, millions of voters had no phones or cars. The Digest poll completely missed the great appeal Roosevelt had for the masses.3. Gallup conducted biweekly polls of a sample of perhaps 2,000 people - each one chosen, in the time-tested manner of market research, to represent a larger group, including all classes, races and regions. And instead of relying on mail-in ballots, Gallup sent pollsters to talk to people in person at work, at home or on the street.4. If he told everyone whom he voted for, that would be seen as a way to influence the election's outcome. But if he refused to say for whom he voted, he would not be able to ask others to answer such questions. So it is advisable for him not to vote.5. No. Public-opinion polling has actually been a money-loser for Gallup throughout its history, but public-opinion polling earned Gallup great fame.6. No. He once made a mistake by announcing a foregone conclusion that Truman would lose and stopped polling two weeks before the election. But at the end of the election, Truman won the election, instead. This failure made Gallup upset and decided to keep polling up to Election Day.7. The answer is open.I. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.1. 文学文摘有个当时美国声望最高的公众意见调查栏目,它预测罗斯福将输掉这次选 举,由于56%的人认为罗斯福会输,44%则持反对意见。文学文摘在过去曾经以精准的 百分比预测了五次选举的结果,因此对大多数人来说,这次预测足以使人信服。2. 在选举那天,罗斯福的共与党对手阿尔兰登仅赢得了两个州的支持,罗斯福却以其余 全部选民的支持率制造了美国选举史上最伟大的奇迹。3. 1936年的这次选举使盖洛普研究所一下子声名显赫,使它一跃成为美国政治文化的一支 重要力最。在接下来的6()年间,它始终是世界上最受欢迎的报纸民意测验。没有它提供的 数据,任何选举或者有关政策的辩论都是不完整的。4. 文学文摘根据电话号码与汽车登记情况送出问卷,然而在大萧条时期,数以百万计 的选民是没有电话与汽车的。文学文摘所作的调查忽略了罗斯福对大部分群众的吸引力, 而盖洛普研究所却不怕烦恼而与他们进行交流。5. 公众意见调查本身实际在经济上一直都是盖洛普亏损的项目。但通过为企业客户进行广 告宣传活动的有效性调查与对某些电视节目收视率的调查,盖洛普得到r高额利润。但是调 查本身使他成名并成为公众争论的焦点。B.Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.1. Smart money is supporting the conservative presidential candidate.2. The opposition party swept the election.3. The nursery teacher instilled the need for kindness into my children.4. He is a very kind person and always goes out of his way to help us finish our project.5. David and Jean bought a house complete with furniture.II. Fill in the blanks with the words given above.1 .pollster 2.talk to him in person 3.sampled 4. Return 5. samplepublic opinion 7. billed8.phrased 9. mail-in ballots 10. phrasedOral activityOpenPart Two TranslationSection A1935年那次民意测验一一为美利坚把脉作者乔恩.布莱克威尔职业为记者,报道常涉及新泽西州。曾做过阿斯巴利公园报 编辑及特伦顿人报记者,现担任纽约邮报的编辑。1936年精明的投资者们都认为富兰克林-罗斯福不可能再次赢得选举并担任下届总统 了,由于他太富争议,花钱无度,根本无力阻止大萧条。文学文摘有个当时美国声望最高的公众意见调查栏目,它预测罗斯福将输掉这次选 举,由于56%的人认为罗斯福会输,44%则持反对意见。文学文摘在过去曾经以精准的 百分比预测了五次选举的结果,因此对大多数人来说,这次预测足以使人信服。然而人们却看到一个名叫乔治-盖洛普的狂妄自大的民意调查者居然轻易预测罗斯福 会赢。这位民意调查员1935年才入行,他的大本营建在普林斯顿。乔治-盖洛普把自己的公司命名为“美国民意调查研究所”,并把盖洛普调查称之反映 美国选民心态可靠的晴雨表。大多数政治机构都对此嗤之以鼻,毕竟他那个所谓的研究所只 是是伍尔沃思商店楼上的一个小小的办公室而己。但是,乔治盖洛普却笑在了最后。在选举那天,罗斯福的共与党对手阿尔兰登仅赢得了两个州的支持,罗斯福却以其余 全部选民的支持率制造了美国选举史上最伟大的奇迹。1936年的这次选举使盖洛普研究所一下子声名显赫,使它一跃成为美国政治文化的一 支重要力量。在接下来的60年间,它始终是世界上最受欢迎的报纸民意测验。没有它提供 的数据,任何选举或者有关政策的辩论都是不完整的。温斯顿-丘吉尔也许会埋怨说:“没有比生活在盖洛普民意调查制造的这种变化无常的 气氛中更危险的事了。这个调查总在测量别人的温度。”但对盖洛普来说,民意调查之因此有用,恰恰是由于它确实能为民主“测量温度”。乔治-霍勒斯-盖洛普1901年11月18日出生于美国中部爱荷华州的一个名叫杰斐逊 的小镇。盖洛普的父亲是一位坚强而自立的农场主,因而盖洛普从小就被灌输了一种民主意识。 在他9岁那年,父亲给了他一群奶牛,让他为自己挣零花钱。在那之后,年轻的乔治自己挣 钱完成了在爱荷华大学的学业。尽管仍处二十世纪二十年代那个沉寂的年代,作为学生报纸的编辑,盖洛普就己经喜欢 挑起争论。他曾经在一期报纸中写道:“怀疑一切,质询一切,做激进者!"盖洛普获得了新闻学博士学位,并用最实际的方式把它迅速付诸实践一一为得梅因当地 的报纸做市场调查。主编们总主观地认为读者会把报纸头版的故事全部读完,盖洛普却发现 他们几乎很少这么做,而是更偏向于漫画,图片与轻松的特写报道。盖洛普的出色表现引起了纽约大型广告机构-扬与罗必凯公司的注意。1933年盖洛普 前往美国东部接管其市场调查部门。他在新泽西州布兰温堡的格丽特路邻近为自己选了一所 不太规则的白色农舍作为自己的房子,在那里还有一处正在经营的乳制品农场。即使在与妻了奥菲利亚与三个儿了一起吃饭的时候,盖洛普也会说一些容易引起争论 的、诱人思考的话。他的儿子小盖洛普说:“我们简直就是他民调方案的试验品。他总是让我们做调查问卷, '你更喜欢狗还是猫?喜欢哪种谷物?餐桌上的谈话与每天去曼哈顿的路上给了老盖洛普思考的时间。他其中的一个办法就 是:假如民意调查能够兜售牙膏,为什么不能够兜售政治?因此,盖洛普民意调查研究所在1935年秋天诞生了。这位骨子里仍是记者的广告人认为自己的政治民调结果会成为报纸上有轰动性的消息。 在拿梭街114号建立公司的总部时,他就列出了全国二十几家报纸,准备向他们出售自己的 调查结果。10月20 口首次出版的调查结果用了醒目的大标题:“美利坚如是说”。在对人们对大萧 条种种痛苦体验的提问中,盖洛普测验的第一个问题是:“你认为政府在经济缓与与恢复方 面的支出太少,太多还是恰到好处? " 60%的人选了太多。盖洛普的结果产生了轰动,但大多数权威人士仍在等待文学文摘对1936年大选提 供有见地的内容。文学文摘的方法非常简单:打印调查问卷并邮寄给全国数百万家庭。被调查者只需 在兰登与罗斯福之间打勾做出选择,再寄回就能够了。与这种方法形成鲜明参照的是盖洛普的调查方法。盖洛普每两周一次对2000名左右的 受试者进行民意调查。这2000名受试者是盖洛普使用市场调查中行之有效的方式抽取的, 每一位被选中的受试者都代表一个大的群体,所有的受试者能够代表各个阶层、种族与地区 的人们。盖洛普研究所没有使用让受试者寄回问卷的方式,而是让自己的调查员与被调查者进行 面对面的沟通,有可能在上班期间,有可能在家中,也有可能在大街上。在1936年7月自己的调查结果公布之前,盖洛普在一家报纸上发表文章说文学文摘 将得出兰登赢得大选的结论,并断言这个结论是错误的。由此,他陷入了孤立无援的境地。当然,盖洛普是正确的。但是为什么文学文摘在调查几百万人之后仍得出错误的结论,而盖洛普研究所仅仅 调查了几千人就能够胜出呢?原因非常简单。文学文摘根据电话号码与汽车登记情况送出问卷,然而在大萧条时期,数以百万计 的选民是没有电话与汽车的。文学文摘所作的调查忽略了罗斯福对大部分群众的吸引力, 而盖洛普研究所却不怕烦恼而与他们进行交流。通过说出广大民众的意见,盖洛普坚信自己是为国家服务。他曾说:“当一个总统或者者任何一位领导开始关注民意调查的结果的时候,他就开始 关注民意了。”有人认为民意调查木身也会左右公众意见,那么如何看待这种说法呢? “一个人或者 许能够认为是寒暑表制造了天气。”政治民意测验不是盖洛普发明的,但是他却把它变成了美国生活的一支重要力量。1935 年他设计的那些措辞严谨的旨在不影响选举结果的问题至今看来仍是典范:“目前国家面临的最重要的问题是什么? ”“你赞成某某作为总统所作的工作么? ”“假如今天举行大选,你会选谁? ”与此同时,盖洛普太好奇太激进了,仅仅“写写政治”对他来说是不够的。早在1936 年,他就向人们发问:“假如丈夫挣的钱足能够养家,妻子是否应该工作? ”只有18%的人 选了 “是”。公众意见调查本身实际在经济上一直都是盖洛普亏损的项目。盖洛普的高额利润要紧来 自于通过为企业客户进行广告宣传活动的有效性调查与对某些电视节目收视率的调查。但是 这种公众意见调查本身使他成名并成为公众争论的焦点。1948年,盖洛普失手过一次。当时他的调查结果一直显示杜鲁门的支持率低于对手托 马斯杜威。因此选裕前两周,盖洛普宣布结果己在意料之中并停止了调查。然而,杜鲁门赢了。选举第二天,总统手中举着头版头条为“杜威击败杜鲁门”的芝 加哥论坛报向人们微笑着招手,借此奚落那些认为他会失败的聪明人。1948年这次失手之后,闷闷不乐的盖洛普宣布:“我们不断尝试并学习改进”。他们学 到的第一课就是要把调查一直进行到大选当天。从那之后,盖洛普再也没有失手过。70多岁的时候,作为一名大师级推销者,盖洛普推销的不仅仅是他的调查,还有作为 一种制度的投票表决方式。然而自建立起自己的调查机构起,他就不再参加总统大选的投票 了,他的公司现己更名为盖洛普机构。盖洛普解释说,假如他告诉别人自己的投票意向,人们会认为他意在用此种方式影响大 选的最终结果。但是若拒绝回答与此有关的任何问题,“我又怎能问别人这样的问题呢? ” 还是干脆不投票的好。1984年,盖洛普在瑞士自己的夏季庄园小住时卒于心脏病。在其子亚历克与小盖洛普 的掌管下,盖洛普公司现今仍富有活力。Section B浅谈问卷的设计问卷中出现的大多数问题都能够追溯到问卷设计阶段。明确的目标是一个优秀问卷的重 要保证。当一项研究的目标能够用几句话清晰明白地表达时,问卷的设计就变得相当容易了。 问卷的要紧目的是用来直接表达研究目标。明确研究目标的最佳方法之一是决定如何使用问卷信息。在设计研究步骤之前一定要做 好这一步。这听起来显而易见,但是很多研究者却忽略了它。试想假如调查结果没有利用价 值,那么这项研究还有什么意义?一定要把研究目标写下来。当你对某个问题不太确定的时候,看看研究目标就会清晰地 明白该怎么办。在问卷中只问能够清晰表达研究目标的那些问题。要避免仅仅由于“某些问 题很有趣”就去问的倾向。通常来说,除了少数例外情况,长问卷比短问卷收到的回复少。因此要把问卷设计得短 些,事实上越短越好。唯有通过观察回收率你才能熟悉毕竟该对结果抱多大信心。问卷的回 收率太低对一项研究来说是灾难性的,而增加回复率的方法之一就是把问卷设计得短些。若你的问卷超过几页,那么试着去掉几个问题。许多人不明白该去掉哪几个问题,如今 能够阅读每个问题并问自己:“我会如何利用这些信息? ”若该信息会用于决策则保留它, 由于它的确很重要,否则就去掉它,不要犹豫。确保问卷设计成功的个重要方法之是邀请有关专家与决策者参与设计过程。他们的 建议将有助于提高问卷质量并最终增强他们对最后的结果的信心。在问卷设计阶段就为最后的统计分析列一个计划。明确应该怎么分析每个问题并随时准 备处理缺失的信息。若不能明确自己将如何分析某个问题或者利用某些信息,那就干脆去掉 它。尽量使用风格特殊的信封。我们都明白第一印象非常重要,问卷也是如此。问卷留给受 试者的第一印象通常来自装问卷的信封。最好的信封(就是让人想要打开看个毕竟的那种) 通常颜色鲜明,使用手写体,并贴有纪念邮票。人们通常认为信封上的大宗邮件邮寄标志或 者不干胶标签都显示这封信不重要,这通常直接导致回收率变低。设计i个书写精美的首页,受试者对问卷的下一个印象正来自于此。不可低估首页的重 要性,由于它能够为你说服受试者完成问卷发挥极其重要的作用。设计一个短小而有意义的题目。有题目的问卷看起来比没有的更可信。列出清晰而简单的说明以帮助受试者完成问卷。这些说明宜使用短句与基础词汇使之浅 显易懂。一定要把回复地址打印在问卷上(由于问卷与回复信封通常是分开的)。用几个温与而有趣的问题作开头。若前几个问题太富攻击性或者者十分无聊,受试者完 成问卷的可能性就不大。人们通常通过浏览前几个问题来决定是否完成问卷。把有趣的问题 放在开头,这样才能使他们继续下去。问卷用语要简单直接,使受试者很容易看憧每个问题。每个问题的用词都应该简单,直 切要点。不要用晦涩的词语或者者长句子,而要使问题简明扼要。这样做会减少受试者对问 题的误解,并使问卷看起来易于完成。减少误解的另i种方法是通过加粗,设置斜体或者者 下划线来强调句子中的关键词。为受试者留出充足的空间写评论。人们对问卷不满的原因之一是它不能保留类似回复评 论一类的东西。通过留出评论空间,你能够得到那些固定格式问题所不能捕捉的宝贵信息。 同时问卷留白还能够让问卷看起来更简单,同样能够提高回收率。把最重要的问题放在问卷的前半部分。受试者常会寄回没有做完的问卷,把最重要的问 题放在前面能够使没有做完的问卷依然能够提供重要信息。尽量抓住受试者的兴趣。达到此目的-种方法是使问题类型多样化。变换问卷格式同样 能够避免使受试者陷入“回复机器”的状态。同时,要把问题的各类别之间保持连贯性,问 题与问题之间的过渡应自然平稳。若问卷页数较多并订有订书针,那么在每页上都应显示一些基本数据(如受试者的身份 证号)以防止问卷意外散开。为填写完整的问卷的受试者提供奖励作为一种激励机制。完成你的问卷会得到什么呢? 仅仅对受试者利他主义精神的赞赏很难激发别人。在问卷后夹带一张一美元的纸币是个很好 的办法。若受试者对你收集的信息也很感兴趣,为他提供免费的总结报告也是很好的奖励。 不管你用何种方法,都要激励受试者完成问卷。使用专业方法印刷问卷。要有创新性。使用不i致颜色的墨与纸张印刷,这样能够确保你的问卷在受试者收到的一大堆问卷中更显眼。使回收工作简单易行。受试者感到越方便越好。一定记得在邮寄信封中放一个己经写好 回邮地址并己付邮资的信封。贴好邮票的信封比商业性回复信封效果要好得多,尽管这种方 式会由于要为无回复的问卷付费而贵一些。对问卷的最终测试是在目标受众的代表中试用。若问卷本身确有问题,如今就会显现出 来。若可能的话能够在一个受试者完成问卷时陪着他,并告诉他能够向你咨询有关问卷的任 何问题。他所问的正显示了问卷中存在的问题,也就是说问卷中的措辞不能有任何的模糊不 清,由于问卷一旦被寄出你就没有机会澄清了。Part Three Supplementary ReadingTodays GallupGallup has studied human nature and behavior for more than 70 years. Gallup employs many of the worlds leading scientists in management, economics, psychology, and sociology. Gallup Consultants help organizations boost organic growth by increasing customer engagement and maximizing employee productivity through measurement tools, coursework, and strategic advisory services. Gallup's 2,000 professionals deliver services at client organizations, through the Web, at Gallup University's campuses, and in 40 offices around (he world.Gallup PollThe Gallup Poll has built its reputation on delivering relevant, timely, and visionary research on what humans around the world think and feel. Gallup Poll consultants assist leaders to identify and monitor behavioral economic indicators worldwide.Gallup ConsultingGallup Consulting is a global rcscarch-bascd consultancy, specializing in employee and customer management. Gallup consultants draw on a suite of constructs and tools like HumanSigma to drive business performance.Gallup UniversityGallup University is a leading provider of degree and non-degree programs in management education and leadership development. Gallup University offers a complete curriculum on managing employee and customer assets and the factors that drive individual and organizational performance.Gallup PressGallup Press educates and informs the people who govern, manage, teach, and lead the world's six billion citizens. In addition (o offering books on ground-breaking management, social and political research, the Gallup Press produces the Gallup Management Journal, a monthly online business publication that is invaluable to business leaders and serious management thinkers.fjtI. Franklin D. RooseveltAssuming the Presidency at the depth of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt helped the American people regain faith in themselves. He brought hope as he promised prompt, vigorous action, and asserted in his Inaugural Address, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”Born in 1882 at Hyde Park, New York-now a national historic site-he attended Harvard University and Columbia Law School. On St. Patrick's Day, 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt.Following the example of his fifth cousin, President Theodore Roosevelt, whom he greatly admired, Franklin D. Roosevelt entered public service through politics, but as a Democrat.In (he summer of 1921, when he was 39, disaster hil-he was stricken with poliomyelitis. Demonstrating indomitable courage, he fought to regain the use of his legs, particularly through swimming.He was elected President in November 1932, to the first of four terms. By March there were 13,00(),0()() unemployed, and almost every bank was closed. In his first "hundred days," he proposed, and Congress enacted, a sweeping program to bring recovery to business and agriculture, relief to the unemployed and to those in danger of losing farms and homes, and reform, especially through the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority.By 1935 the Nation had achieved some measure of recovery, but businessmen and bankers were turning more and more against Roosevelts New Deal program. They feared his experiments, were appalled because he had taken the Nation off the gold standard and allowed deficits in the budget, and disliked the concessions to labor. Roosevelt responded with a new program of reform: Social Security, heavier taxes on the wealthy, new controls over banks and public utilities, and an enormous work relief program for the unemployed.In 1936 he was re-elected by a top-heavy margin. Feeling he was armed with a popular mandate, he sought legislation to enlarge the Supreme Court, which had been invalidating key New Deal measures. Roosevelt lost the Supreme Court battle, but a revolution in constitutional law took place. Thereafter the Government could legally regulate the economy.Roosevelt had pledged the United States to the "good neighbor" policy, transforming the Monroe Doctrine from a unilateral American manifesto into arrangements for mutual action against aggressors. He also sought through neutrality legislation to keep the United States out of the war in Europe, yet at the same time (o strengthen nations threatened or attacked. When France fell and England came under siege in 1940, he began to send Great Britain all possible aid short of actual military involvement.When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Roosevelt directed organization of (he Nation's manpower and resources for global war.Feeling that the future peace of the world would depend upon relations between the United States and Russia, he devoted much thought to the planning of a United Nations, in which, he hoped, international difficulties could be settled.As the war drew to a close, Roosevelt's health deteriorated, and on April 12, 1945, while at Warm Springs, Georgia, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage.II. Survey AudienceThis tutorial will examine the specifics of determining your survey audience, explore who should be part of your survey audience based on your survey goals, and give an overview of the various types of surveys available to meet the needs of your specific survey audience. Determining Your Survey AudienceBeing aware of the needs and preferences of your customers or clients is key to your success.Survey audiences are diverse, and you need to plan appropriately.Ask yourself: Who am I going to interview? How many people am I going to survey?The larger the sample, the more closely it will represent attitudes in your overall target population. Types of Survey Problems and Audience SelectionSurvey problems vary widely, depending on the specific goals and needs of each organization. Which Type of Survey Should I Choose?There are many types of surveys from which to choose. After determining your survey design including your survey audience use the comparison chart below to help you decide whether Web surveys, mail surveys, telephone suneys, or personal interview surveys are best suited to your specific needs and applications:Tjpe ofSurveyAdvantagesDisadvantagesRecommendationWebSurveyVery low cost Extremely fast Complex questioning assures belter dataAnonymityofrespondents results in more honest answers to sensitive topicsSurveysoftwaresimplifies compilation and analysis of data collected.Do not reflect population as a whole Respondent completion rates lower for longer surveysRandom respondents may reply if your survey appears on Web page.When desired target population consists mainly of Internet users.Exam