同乐学校20172018学年第一学期九年级上期中考试英语试卷第一部分听力15分I. 听录音,在A. B、C选项中送出你所听到的句子.每小级金两造)(共3小荒,每小题1 分)()1. A. She always takes my things without telling me.B. She never takes my things without telling me.C. She likes to cake my thing withjout celling me.(> 2. A. New fashions soon go out of date, don' t tlwy?D. N±w fashions soon disappear, dun' l ihey?C- New Uvhiuns xoon be out of the lime, don, I they?()3. A. He then asked such <i diflicult qucMion thiit Hans had no idai what he wax saying.E. He then asked a question so difTlcult that Hans didn * t undenitand him a( all.F. He then asked a question so difficult that Hans had no idea what he was taking about.II. 听禁匕 在A、B、C it)。中选出与你所听到的句子法型最扣近的逸中每小超金两域) (央3小理.4小通1分)()4. A. Thu city has enough water.B. Thi. cily dtxisn' I have enough water.C. This city is full of waler.()5. A. They asked me some questions after the meeting ycMcrday.D. They questioned me something ate the meeting yesterday.E. They asked me some questions about the iiKcting yesterday.()6. A. How nice the fresh apple arc? B. T d like some big apples.C. How much are these apples?III.听对话.根提时话内容速探戢住答案,(每小起念两遍我4小息,每小通1分)()7. Who will come to their English classA. Some Amerkan friends. B. Some French friends.C. Some English friends.()8. what will the speakers do after class?A. Have an English party. B. Listen to a talk. C. Play football.()9. When will (hey have a talk?C. The day after (omorrow.A. IbmoiTOw.B. This Sunday.()10. What will the man und the woman do ?A. They will go to have a talk.B. They will visit France.C. They will go to the library.IV.听对话.回芬何通.(拳小遭金两谑)表5小理.4小1分)11. A. Nanjing()12. A. Labs.B. Tianjin.C. BeijingB. The tKadnuiskr' x oHke. C. The dining room.)13. A. I:ivc yuan.()14. A. In their fnx time.B. Ten yuan.C. Twenty ymin,B. In class.C. A< any time.)15. A. Purt-timc work can help students with everything.B. Some parents don' t agree with the idea of part-tiinc work.C. Only those students whose parents have lost jobs can do part-tinK work.第二部分选择题(60分)I.蝎工间试.(15i.从下面与小更杓A. B, C三个逸福中逸也可以替收塔浅坪分的民化逸瑁,并在等里卡上肝和血的字母骗子濠X.(要8小生,,小超1分)()16. I doubi whai he said was based on facts.A. believeB. thinkC. ain ikm sure()17. Successful people always Inta Ihemselves 31Ml lheir idras.A. believe inB. supportC. agree()18. Going Gshing in his thx (imc is u pIcMirc for my grandfather. He likes doing it very much.A. happy thing B. bad thingC. surprising thing()19. All the boys were aitractcd by an exciting football match.A. were angry whh B. were interested inC. wee afraid of()20. When my moilwr our cloths yesterday, she hurt her haiki.A. added . <oB. made. j*iiKKXh C. look . out()21. He won (be match because he【ook Ik 、加1;1"。hi、height.A. played a joke o<i B. made full use of C. came up withA. businesses.B. inviuiioosC. possessions35 in (exts. 1 Ie or she cun help you 36 you have problem.()23.1 try to be on / did And 1 can't cot too much meat.37 a kid in middle school, you're a( the wonderful time in your life. You're learning Iocs of newA. lose weightB. put on weightC. be on timeand exciting things and arc able to think aboiK all (his infonnation 38 new ways. Your teacher knowsi i.檀林“于志壬.从下面与小我险A. B. C三个造收中工出恰当的词语克或句于,畀在冬母卡上将相以险字母that.He or she wants to give you all39 and help you put it together. Remember teachers arc名号津黑.关7小理.务小足1分)people. 40 and they feel great if you're open(o what thy'tv (caching you.(> 24. To _一 somebody mean* to ask somebody in a friendly way to go soinewlwre or do()31. A. withB. forC. onM)me<hing.()32. A. more happilyB. happilyC. happierA. leachB. inviteC. order()33. A. howB. whal toC. how io()25. The between (wo things is the way in whkh they arc connected.()34. A. helpB. helpingC. helpsA. agreementB. competition C. relationship()35. A. wllB. carefulC. good()26. Tdmeans to feel sorry for a sad fact or a mistake (hat one has made.()36. A. xvhyB. howC. whenA. obeyB. refuseC. regret()37. A. ForB.AsC.To(> 27.Ybu look very sad. What has happened?()38. A. inB.byC. with一Eveiyoiwio win the match, but we lost.()39. A. problemB. booksC. knowledgeA. e.xpeciedB. believedC. experienced()40. A. cilherB. tooC. alMj<)28. My dream _a famoiw actor. Wlwl about you ?III.阅仇立杆.(30分)A. inB. is toC. is to be同旗下列收X.从下西e小2的A、8、C. DD个逸M中逸士展住逸升在jH卡上应的字哥编号*)22. Pleaxe (ake care of vimr ixrsimid bekwixinu、in crowded places.asking questions and gelling Mxnc 34 . This makes il easier (o undcn>Uind new knowledge and doX. (A 20 小我.4小 1.5 分)29.1f you something, you make it smulkr in size or amount.A. increaseB. considerC. reduce()30. 一I'm afraid you've made a. I'm Lucy. no< lily.Oh. sorry. But you both look alike.A. misukeB. decRionC. de 4 ripl ionII.先附短文.C15分)傅谈下得电文.从也;t后所心的A. B. C三个造嗯中送出佗靖人桐立交由我的长住遑项.并在禽M卡上杵钿 应的华牛端号沙家(共10小口句小4 1.5分)It's good to get along 31 your teacher because it makes (hat time you spend in the classroomWe live on Planet Earth, the third planet from the sun. But think about this, what if we lived on the fourth plaiKt from the sunMars? Earth aiki Mars both belong to the solar system. There are many things about them tlui arv the same and diOetvnl. Lei compare them and think about how diflerent things would be if we lived on Mars.FactsEarthMarsmuch 32 . It's also a very good idea to learn 33 get along with different people youll meet in your life.In fact, kids who gel along with their teaclteis n<x only learn nxxe. but【bey've nkwe cointbrtahkOrt>it(筑道)around thesunJMMoves at about 99.999 kilometers per hourTakes 365 days to make one trip 3nxind the sunEarth always keeps ihe same distance from Ihe sunMoves at 87.226 kilometers per hourTakes 687 Earth days to make one trip around the sunMars is nm always (be same disUnce fn)m (he xun. Il is 205.996.032 kilometers from the sun when il is closest. It is 249,448.320 kilometers from the sun when it is furthest away.Seas onsAutumnabout 90 days146 daysWinterabout 90 days160 daysSpringabout 90 days199 daysSummerabout 90 days90 daysLength of Day24 hour%24 hourx 7 minutesA 45-kilograni person on Eaith would feel 6"% lighter in vcighi becauseGnivilythere is less gravity a( the Maitian surface. Thai is abiiui 17 kilogranti.Aunosplwtv21% oxygen95% carboo dioxide - nooxygen Number of MoonsOneTwo( )41. How many kilometers docs Earth move every h<nir'?A. 99.999. B. 87.226. C. 205.996.032. D. 249.448320.()42. How many Earth days docs it take Mars to make a trip around (Ik sun?A. 365. B. 322. C. 687.,D. 1052.()43. On Mats aikl Earth, which season has the sanw length?A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.D. Winter.()44. A person (eel lighter on Mars than on Earth bccauM:.A. there is lew gravity on Earth B. there is kss gravity cm Man*C. there is morv oxygen on Earth D. Ihcrv i、more oxygen on Mars( )45. The following fuels arc mcnlicxicd to compare Earth to Mars exeqM.A. Length of DayB . Numben; of MoonsC. Orbit around the sunD. Size of Earth and MarsBOn Thanksgiving Day. about 88 percent Americans cat curtcy. But one lucky turkey no( only will i)ot be eaten but ako will become famous. Every year, turkey farmers, ptvsent turkeys to the US pivsideni. But instead of eating ihis turkey, (he presidenl give$ it a fc,pardon*. The turkey is flown to Florida for a thanksgiving parudc(游行).Then il lives on (he farm for the 3 of its life.Turkeys come from America and h«ivc been pan of American culture for centuries. Benjamin Franklin even wanted the (urtccy to be America's national bird.Turkeys that arc kept on forms arc large, awkwanj birds that can not fly. But wild turkeys arc quite fast. They can fly at speed up to 88 kilometers per hour. They can also run at 40 kilometers per hour.Turkeys don't liavc cars. They hear by using the growth of beaks (咏).But their hearing is about five lime、better tluin human's hearing.Turkeys are >uch inlerexling bircU. No wtMider Benjamin Franklin wanted【hem io be American nalionM birds.()46.people in America eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.A. A few B. Some C. MostD. All()47. The underlined word "pardon'' means.A.故免B.赐死C.礼物D.朦谏(H8. A wild (uiley can fly at the speed of.A. kilonteiers per hourB. 40 kilometers per hourC. as last 弊 a kepi oneI), five (imes faster Ilian man()49. The turkey doesn't have.A. eyes B. carsC. u mouth D. wings()50. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Turkeys don't have cars so they can't hear.B. After the lucky turkey had a parade, it will be eaten by the president.C. Benjamin Fiunklin nude the (uikey become the natioiui bud of America.D. Turkeys' Iwaring are better than human's.One day at a school, an old tcachcr was trying to explain the word选)“in class.“Boys and girls/* said the teacher. 'Imagine I stood on (he roof of u ten-floor building, lost my balance and fell off. Then suddenly, in the air. a wind blew me up and brought me safely to the ground. Now whai word would you use to describe this?”TKe studenu thought for a long lime. Then a boy raised his haiki and said. ''Lock?*',4Tme, in*e.w, answered the teaeher.noi the 30cd I wanted. I'll repeal (he story. I am on(up of Ihe lcn-fliH)r building agin, and I fill I. A wind catches me in I be air and places me safely im I be ground. Think now. word would you use (o describe it? ,Accident!', cried out a girl.°No. no" he answered. *Tn>c. true. Listen for the third time. Tm on that same building. I fall and am saved by a wind. What word could describe kT'Th boys and girls shouted together. ''P/acike!1*()51. Whe could (his story iikwi protxably luippen?A. During a holidayB. A( lunch limeC. IMiring a classD. On a weekend()52. How many times did the teacher try to explain the wonTA. Once B. Twice C. Three times D. Four times()53. The students shouted "Praaicc!'' because they thought.A. the old teacher was practising falling off the buildingB. the old tcachcr told then)(o do more sportsC. (he old teacher wanted (hem(o practise w ithD. the old (eacher ilidn*! mean anything al ull()54. Which of the following is TRUE about the story?A. The teacher (old u true stoQ- in classB. The students understand what the tcachcr said.C. The students gave the answer that (he tcachcr wanted.D. The teacher didn't get what be wanted at last.()55. We can infe"扣惭)from the passage (lut.A. one of (he MudeiKs had an aecidenl in classB. the sludcnlx were not liMening hi (he leather carefullyC. the teacher would explain i( again in .mother wayD. the teacher was very happy with the siudcms' answersDVer), often, ncwly-bom babies arc noi bcaulifu). They arc wrinklcdl 多皱的)or hairless, or dwy have an angry look on tlwit face. They seem to say, "Get away! lute everybody.'* Bui to a parent, that haiiiess. wrinkled, angry-fced bahy is the hhki l>eau(iful and jierteci child in (he world. Wlwn ilmt proud father or nuitbcr asks you» wlul do you thinkisn" $hc beautiful?* Whal arv you going to say"? h this the time tor (be truth? Of course nol!You look u( that proud father or mother in the eye and say. "Yes. she is! She is really a beauty. She's one in a million. She's going to be a mo、沁 star! I can tell! She's as beautiful as a pkturc/'In English, this is a white lie. White lies don't hurt people. They arc not cruel or angry ''ords. People use them to make a diftlcult thing a link easier. When people don't want to meet someone, or eat something new (hat【bey really don*t like at a frietui's houjte, tl«y tell a white lie. They are trying to be kind. They feel (ha( being kind is UMnetiiiies more imporUinl (han (elling the (ru(h.()56. Panmls are uvuallywhen (heir new babies are bom.A. angryB. proudC. sadD. surprised()57. When a parent asks what you think of their new baby, they want you to.A. tell the trnth B. say what you like C. tell lies D. say good words(>58. TIk underlined wool "while“ in this passage means “1A. kiikl or hamilcss B. unkiiid C. the white colour D. angn,(>59. From ihe passage we can know ihai .A. a newlybvE baby hales everycxie ;ir<)un<! herB. a newly-born baby is the nxx$< bc;mtiful oneC. people who tell white lies arc not kindD. people who tell white Iks want to be kind(160. Which of the following is a white lie?A. You broke the window but you say you didn't.B. You know Jack was late but you say you don't.C. Your fnend's hag isn't beautiful but you say it is.D. you Idl a parent thal Ihc nwly-bom baby isn't beautiful.第三部分,星次邦分共计25分)I.诵济”点.(10分)檀林勺于童壬.用所外彳诩杓连当附K填交.未发供单词的律境一封,杵写及写&否理卡上关10小4 小赵1分)No oiw needs to face big (ivxibk alone . When people 6I trouble look for ai)d receive help from others ,(hey often lind ii much 62 (easy )to live ilirough.Yuu may Hix! il hurxl lo ask hx or accept help . After all. you arc used Io hiking care of yourself. Maybe you think thut asking for help shoux 63(wcak).Or perhaps you do ncx w«mt (o Id others knowthat socnc things arc hard for. you to do . All these feelings arc ncx 64(usual). As one man withgreat 65(difHcul(k>ncc sakk " I had always been the strong one . Then ! had to turn(o others66 help. It wasn't easy at first. but the support of others 67(hclp>mc get throwgh a loc ofhard times.*People feel good wl>en they help others . Your 沁nda may ik>t khow whai io say ch bow I。act when (hey are with you. Some pe<»p.le may even avoid you . But (bey may feel 68(<xx!) when you ask(hem (u cook a meal w pick up 69<youX:hild after school .There arv many way% llml famil); (riendx ,other people who have similar troubles and many othcn» can help. In turn、there arc also you can help 70 support them !61. 61 65. 64. 65.66. 67. 郎. W. 70.11.品而表达.(.15分)侬如你叫T。”.最近你也你的网学Joe讨他了警以荚讼的方正.说在请你携我以下内定.用荚诲生你的 什精老那Mr Miller芍一共电子耳外.告诉也你们的戏Joe Read English newspapers Talk with friends in EnglishTony Read English articles on the Inteniet Write emails to pen pals要求,1.字数:"字左右eWdM削8巳给出不计入总李羯 2.文拿奶余包含所有提示内容石川】/ 当发挥I 3. JfrHirttt.语句通h。患连猊,书田i戏范.Oear Mr Miller.Rccendy I h;id a discussion ab<iul ways to learn English with my classmateJoe.同乐学校20172018学年第一学期期中考试试趣九年线英语答题卡非选择题(25分)I.语法地空(共10小包.每小题I分).61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. II.书面表达(15分)Dear Mr. Miller.Recently 1 had a discussion about ways to learn English with my classmateJoe.