The sky didn't look rainy. It was hot and sunny with just a few clouds. Looking back, 1 know that those clouds were wearing a disguise (伪装),and under that they wore the laughter from the godsMy girlfriend, Jocelyn, was at her brother's baseball game, and I wanted to surprise her. So that's what I set out to do. At 15,1 had only one means: my silver bicycle. I began my ride to the baseball field that was about 10 minutes away. As I rode, the sky remained a cool blue, still with just a few forming clouds.I passed my elementary school, then the Steak 'n Shake, crossed the bridge, and was just a block from the baseball field. But my eagerness to surprise Jocelyn must have slowed my awareness of the outside world, and 1 didn't realize that the sky had turned death-black and was ready to put an end to my love journey. With a cruel boom of thunder, the sky laughed and released an improper torrent of rain. I hadn't planned fbr rain.The storm ended the baseball game. In the downpour I searched fbr Jocelyn's mother's SUV while I absorbed the rain like a sponge - a very unwilling sponge. My eyes scanned the parking lot of spectators (观众)and players, all crazily fleeing as if the rain might destroy their sweet beings. I was not able to find my love or the car. Wei through, defeated, and slightly upset, I rode on my bike and began the terrible trip home.I rode with violence. As I rode I could imagine each little drop, falling through the air with a tiny smirk (幸灾乐祸的笑)across its non-existent face, with one target in mind. The back wheel of my bike brought more water onto my back. With the wind rushing past me, I began to feel cold. I felt most unpleasant by this point, and still was not close to my house.The rain decided to lighten up a bit when I was less than a block away, extremely cold and severely frustrated.But Jocelyn hadn't witnessed just how totally wet I was.参考答案The rain decided to lighien ud a bit when I was less ihan a block away, exiremely cold and severely frustrated. Shaking, I stepped into mu house and changed my clothes. I even used my mom's blowdryer to warm up a bit. Once I had recovered I dialed the all-too-familiar seven numbers to reach Jocelyn. Her voice was welcoming. I was convinced she would appreciate my story.Bui Jocelyn hadn't wimessed iusi how lotally wel I was. She hadn't seen me shake my hair out of my face like a wet dog trying to see as I rode home. So she had little appreciation for the absolute misery I had endured along the love ivurnev for her. So there I sat on the floor of my room, shivering in my pajama pants and mismatched shirt, with a blow-dryer in hand. My hair was still wet, and my spirits were low. I tried to be romantic, but my success was against the will of the gods. That day the rain won, but I want a rematch.