The Last of Us《最后生还者(2023)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
最后生还者第i季第六集我做了什么What did I do?把枪给我亨利Gimme the gun. Gimme the gun, Henry.一把枪给我一该死Gimme the gun.亨利不Henry, no!(三个月后)枪也拿出来And the gun.一你是谁一只是个路过的人Who the hell are you? Just someone passin' through.把枪拿出来只用两根手指放在你碰不到的地方Take the gun out, two fingers only, put it outta reach.一你为什么不对他开枪一枪在那么远的地方Why didn't you shoot him? The gun's all the way over there. 一对了他没有伤害我一我自己看得出来-He didn't hurt me, by the way. - Yeah, I got eyes.一你还煮汤给他喝一对啊You made him soup? Yeah, I did.外面很冷-It's cold out.我在找我弟弟"I'm lookin' for my brother.我没见过他一我还没告诉你他长什么样子-Well, I ain't seen him. -1 haven't told you what he looks like. 一他长得跟你像吗一有一点-He look anything like you? - A bit.那我就没见过他一他带着一个小女孩-Then I ain't seen him. - He's got a girl with him.我可以下去吗Can I come down?不行艾莉No. Ellie!我是怎么说的What did I just say?乔尔拜托他们都那么老了Ellie, let's mind our manners.看屁啊What?一你是怎么了 一她才没礼貌好吗-What's wrong with you? - What about her manners?她只是好奇这里的孩子通常外表或说话都不像你这样She was just curious. Kids around here don't usually look or talk like you.对也许我会教教他们Right, well, maybe I'll teach them.把枪还给我And I want my gun back.这里的孩广也不携带武器They also aren't armed.你知道吗我想大家可能有点误会You know what? I think maybe y'all got a little off on the wrong foot.一她要派她的手下杀了我们一我们在放人进来时必须特别小心She was gonna have her guys kill us. Well, we gotta be real careful about who we let in this place.只是虚张声势罢了我们只是想吓跑那些想挑战我们的人But it's all bark. We're just tryna scare off those who might wanna try us is all.你们让两个9 0岁的老人家吓得屁滚尿流Well, you got a couple of 90-year-olds shitting themselves out there.一艾莉一他们说你们到处留下尸体-Ellie. They say that you leave dead bodies around?那些就是挑战我们的人一名声不好不代表你就是坏人Those are the people who tried us. A bad reputation doesn't mean you're bad.至少并非总是如此Not always, at least.女士我们很感激你的热情招待Ma'am, we're grateful for your hospitality and all.但我们希望能一家人单独聚聚But it'd be nice to have a moment here, maybe just for family.其实Well玛丽亚是家人Maria is family, actually.是喔恭喜Oh, shit! Congrats.乔尔快说恭喜Joel, say congrats.恭喜Congrats.一要参观一下吗一好-How 'bout a tour? - Yeah.我们七年前在这里定居当时只有几个人We settled here about seven years ago. Just a handful of us back then.那一区本来就是有门禁的社区That section was already a gated community,所以我们从那里开始盖了剩下的围墙so we built the rest of the wall out from there.这阻挡了大部分的打劫团体但有时还是会有Stopped most of the raiding parties, but we still find pockets of them.那感染者呢-And you said Infected?有但通常数量比较少都是从城市向外扩散的-Yeah, but usually smaller colonies, wandered off from the cities.在这片空旷的荒野上要射杀地们易如反掌All this open country out here, it's a turkey shoot我的7 0。型步♥枪♥还在但我找到可变倍率瞄准镜I still got my 700, but I found a variable power scope.精准度小于一分度角我能从半哩外射爆那些混♥蛋♥的头Sub-MOA. Can headshot those fuckers from a half mile out.你可以教我吗一不他不行-Can you teach me how? - No, he can't.一你们是怎么让这里保密的一谨慎住在荒郊野外也有帮助-How do you keep this place quiet? - Carefully. Being in the middle of nowhere helps. 不要大肆宣扬不要用无线电Not advertising what we have, staying off the radio.这是礼拜堂多元信仰House of worship, multifaith.学校School.洗衣店Laundry.旧银行现在是监狱虽然我们并不需要Old bank works as the jail, not that we've needed it.你们靠水坝汲取电力And you draw power from the dam?两年前启用的Got that workin' a couple years ago.之后有了下水道水管热水器电灯After that, sewage, plumbing, water heaters, lights.这地方运作得还真该死的好This place actually fuckin' works. 乔尔你看Hey, Joel, check it. 那你是这里的老大吗 So are you, like, in charge? 没有谁是老大我是议员No one person's in charge. I'm on the council.透过民♥主♥选举产生服务三百人包括儿童在内 Democratically elected, serving 300 people, including children. 每个人都得出力Everyone pitches in.我们轮流巡逻准备食物修理打猎采收We rotate patrols, food prep, repairs, hunting, harvesting. 你们在我们镇上看到的一切Everything you see in our town, 温室牲畜等等全都共享 greenhouses, livestock, all shared. 集体所有制Collective ownership.所以是共♥产♥主义So, communism. 不不是那样的 Nah. Nah, it ain't like that.就是那样真的这是个公社我们是共&hea也产♥党 It is that. Literally. This is a commune. We're communists. 不会吧-No way!那是我们最新的一匹两个月大你想摸摸中也吗-That's our newest one. Couple months old. You wanna pet her? 好地叫什么名字一闪闪-Yeah, what's her name? - Shimmer. 闪闪你好漂亮Shimmer. You're so beautiful. 我想他们会想冲个澡换新衣服Well, I'm sure they'd like a shower, some new clothes. 可以让他们住我们对面的空房♥子We can put them in the empty house cross the street from us. 对那是个不错的地方Yeah. It's a decent place.2 0 0 3年后就没人住过了但里面有暧气Pretty much untouched since '03, but it's got the heat goin' in it. 一状况有可能更糟的一相信我我们经历过-Could do worse. - Trust me, we have been.我们还过得去We've been doin' fine.我先带艾莉过去你们叙叙旧Well, I'll take Ellie over there if you two wanna catch up?好Yeah. Okay.一乔尔一你不会有事的-Joel. - You'll be fine.走吧Shall we?好Yeah.好久不见Been a long time.你好像没怎么变老Doesn't seem like you aged much.倒是你You, on the other hand.谢谢你还在平我Thanks for still givin' a shit about me.我也在努力养猪Workin' on raisin' some hogs, too.等有了培根后夫复何求Once we get bacon, I mean, what's even left?圣诞树和培根Christmas trees and bacon?这里挺不赖的Pretty decent setup.泰丝怎么样So how's Tess?她很好没事She's fine. - All right.那就好-Good then.那孩子呢And the kid?对她是某个火萤大人物的女儿Oh, yeah. She's the daughter of some Firefly muckety-muck.她想在这附近找到她的家人Tryna find her family somewhere out here.我刚好也要往这个方向走所以.一是吗-1 was headin' in this direction, so. - Really?你好心帮忙Goodness of your heart?有报酬There's a payment.那你知道火萤的人会在哪吗So you know where they might be? These Fireflies?他们在东科罗拉多大学有个基地Well, they got a base down at the University of Eastern Colorado.往南骑大约一周It's a week's ride south.但从这里到那里的路况很糟But it is severely fucked up between here and there.有感染者劫掠者这趟旅程并不轻松Infected, raiders. It's not exactly an easy trip.对我们来说很轻松It'll be easy for us,毕竟你从半哩外就能射爆感染者的头seeing as how you can headshot Infected from half a mile away, 真是胡说八道which is a bunch of bullshit, by the way.一我不能去一少来了-Yeah, I can't go. - Come on.我都横跨美国来到这里了我们俩当然能从这里去科罗拉多I made it across the country. The two of us can make it from here to Colorado. 一因为你太太不让你去一乔尔What, 'cause your wife won't let you? - Joel.是她不让你用无线电-She the one who kept you off the radio?所以你才不回我的讯息Is that why you stopped messaging me back?我离开火萤后玛丽亚和她的同夥找到我After I ditched the Fireflies, Maria and her crew found me.他们是好人They're good people.他们不必收留我但他们还是这么做They didn't have to take me in, but they did.只要求我遵守他们的规定And all they ask is that I follow their rules.我是你哥哥一对我知道-I'm your brother. - Yeah, I'm aware.他们非常保护这个地方这是有原因的They're very protective of this place, and for good fuckin' reason.一要是有人发现我们在这里一我听过了-Folks find out we're up here- - No, I heard.可能会出现不该出现的人所以我是吗Wrong people might show up. So is that what I am?我是不该出现的人吗Am I the wrong people?一乔尔我想.一我做的那些事-Joel- - Those things I did, Tommy,你批判我的那些事都是为了让我们能活下去those things that you judge me for, I did those things to keep us alive.是我们做了那些事We did those things.那不是小事And they weren't "things."我们杀了人We murdered people.我不会因此批判你And I don't judge you for it.我们当时用唯一知道的方式活了下来We survived the only way we knew how.但还有其他方式存在But there were other ways.只是我们不擅长We just weren't any good at 'em.如果你知道我过去几个月来为了找你吃了多少苦If you knew the shit that I've been through, Tommy, tryin' to find you these last few months-我要当爸爸了I'm gonna be a father.玛丽亚怀孕几个月了Maria's a few months along now.所以我得更加小心So I just gotta be more careful.老实说我怕死了To be honest, I'm scared to death.但大晓得我觉得我会是个好爸爸But I don't know. I feel like I'd be a good dad.到时候就知道了Guess we'll find out.到时候就知道了你就只有这句话好说"I guess we'll find out"? " That's all you got?不然我还能说什么-What else am I supposed to say?你的人生停止了Just because life stopped for you不代表我也要跟着停滞不前doesn't mean it has to stop for me.我们去拿些物资明天一早就滚We'll grab some supplies and be outta your hair in the mornin'.(保持酷帅永远别变)(I 大帅哥永远的死党)(我在对街)好恶Gross.有人在吗Hello?玛丽亚Maria?(凯文生于2 000年4月3日卒于2 003年9月29日)(莎拉生于1 989年7月20日卒于2003年9月27日) 正好Oh, good.刚换来的你穿穿看Just traded for this. Go ahead, try it on.该死的超紫It's super fuckin' purple.一像茄子穿得下吗一可以-Eggplant. It fits? - Yeah.一鞋子不会太大吗一不会我其他的东西呢-Shoes aren't too big? - No. - Where's my other stuff? 拿去当抹布了有看到我留给你的东西吗-Rag pile. - Did you get the thing I left you?一有史上最怪的礼物一但很有用-Yeah. - Weirdest gift ever. - But useful.谁帮你剪头发的一世界级的发廊-Who's been cutting your hair? - World-class salons.-我去拿剪刀一不Let me get my scissors. - No. Tm-修一下而已只修发尾我保证-Trim. That's all. Just the ends, I promise.这是你以前的工作吗So, this was, like, your job back then or something?不我是内布拉斯加州奥马哈的助理检察官No, I was an Assistant District Attorney out of Omaha, Nebraska.我把坏人关进牢里I put bad guys in jail.酷喔应该吧Cool, I guess.但我一向喜欢弄头发也许这是妈妈的天性I always liked doing hair, though. Maybe it was a mom thing.你刚刚在看汤米做的纪念板You were looking at the little memorial Tommy made?对Yeah.很遗憾你失去了你的孩子们-I'm sorry about your kids.没关系是孩子只有凯文-It's okay. And kid. Just Kevin.莎拉是乔尔的女儿Sarah was Joel's daughter.一也许我不该说的一不没关系-Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. - No, it's okay.我想这多少能解释他的个性I guess that explains him a little.一我不会问你为什么跟他在一起一很好Look, I'm not gonna ask you what you're doing with him. Good.但显然乔尔有些事情你并不知道But there are clearly things you donrt know about Joel.比方说他以前杀过人吗这我知道Like how he used to kill people? I know about that.一那你就明白我的忧虑一他不再那么做了-So then you understand my concern. - He doesn't do that anymore. 他不再杀人了-He stopped killing people?不杀无辜的人-Innocent ones.汤米也干过同样的事你担心他吗And Tommy did it, too. Are you worried about him?汤米只是跟随乔尔就像你现在这样Tommy was following Joel. - The way you are now.无意冒犯但也许我比汤米聪明-Well, maybe I'm smarter than Tommy. No offense.你绝对很聪明会是个很棒的律师You are definitely smart. Would've made a hell of a lawyer. 你还有很多事没告诉我There's a whole lot you're not telling me.很好Good.这就是重点Therein lies the point.慎选你相信的对象Be careful who you put your faith in.唯一能背叛我们的人就是我们信任的人The only people who can betray us, are the ones we trust.你懂吗You understand?来吧拿着你该死的超级茄子外套Now, come on. Grab your super fuckin' eggplant coat.一我们要去哪一看电影-Where are we going? - The movies.我叫艾略特加菲尔我要搬到另一个房♥间Elliot Garfield. I'm moving into the other room.对我是东尼的朋友就是东尼迪佛瑞斯特Yeah. I'm a friend ofTony's, you know, Tony DeForrest.那很好That's nice.我也是演员I'm an actor, too.一是吗一你妈知道Yeah? Well, your mother knows.我明白了I see.好吧Well我想我们会再见面的guess I'll be seeing you around.我想是吧-I guess so.晚安-Night.我刚见到露西了Just met Lucy.你跟她说了什么What did you tell her?我说我要搬到另一个房♥间她似乎很能接受That I was moving into the other room. She seemed to take it in stride.他们说你会在这里The guys said I might find you here.我想帮你省点麻烦Figured I'd save you the trouble.我不该说那些话的I shouldn't have said what I said.连我自己都不那么想I don't even believe it.我知道你为我高兴只是I know you're happy for me. It just-这对你来说很复杂It's complicated for you我很抱歉and I'm sorry.你到底要不要放我一马So you gonna let me off the hook, or what?去大学的路是自杀任务吗This ride to the University, is it a suicide mission?不是虽然危险但没什么你应付不来的No. It's dangerous, but it's nothin' you can't handle.只要做好准备做你该做的事Just prepare and do what you do.有人去过那里再回来吗You've had people go that way and come back?多的是All of'em.你的目的到底是什么What is this?她有免疫力She's immune.一什么一艾莉-What? - Ellie.她受到感染但没有发病She got infected but she didn't get sick.Joel, come on. They're like a thousand.这个小疯子是谁一别管她-Who's this little psycho? - Never mind her.一告诉我们这是哪里一你有地图为什么还会迷路I need you to tell us where we are. If you got a map, why you lost?肯定是在该死的大森林里错过路标了Must've missed all the street signs in the enormous fucking forest.天啊Ho-Iy.我们在这附近确切位置在哪里We're somewhere here. Exactly where?你的答案最好跟你老婆一样And your answer better be the same as your wife's.你有跟他说实话吗Did you tell him the truth?有啊Yeah.你有跟我说实话吗Are you tellin' me the truth?有啊Yeah.看来你们找到避风头的好地方了Well, you found a great place to hide, I guess.避风头Hide?你还没出生我就来这里了小子离大家远远的Came here before you were born, sonny. - Get the hell away from everybody. 我当时可不想来-1 didn't want to.听着我无意拿你弟弟的事让你烦心Listen, I didn't mean to upset you about your brother,但既然你都大老远跑来了那你应该知道外面有什么but if you've come this far, then you know what's out there.一看到科迪那里的状况了吗一有够接近了-You seen Cody? - Yeah, got close enough.到处都是感染者It's crawling with Infected.对拉勒密和风河保留区也是Yeah, Laramie and Wind River Reservation.以前有人的地方现在都不能去了Anywhere people used to be, you can't go there no more.汤米Tommy.汤米我亲眼看到她被咬Tommy, I saw her get bit myself.那是几个月前的事好几个月前That was months ago. Months.她有免疫力She's immune.从头说起From the beginning.是玛琳It was Marlene.她雇用我们偷渡她交给火萤的人She hired us to smuggle her to some Fireflies.结果出了差错It went bad.泰丝被咬了Tess got bit.她要我发誓带这孩子走She made me swear to take the kid.这是她的遗愿我还能怎么办It was her dyin' wish. What the hell was I supposed to do?我们到了堪萨斯城然后We made it as far as K.C., and then她从另一个孩子手中救了我的命You know, she saved my life there from another kid.五年前的我会轻松干掉那孩子Five years ago, 1 would've destroyed him.但她必须对他开枪来救我But she had to shoot him to save me.她才1 4岁Fourteen years old.就只因为我动作太慢耳朵又聋r没听见他接近我Because I was too slow and too fuckin' deaf to hear him cornin'.我看到And I saw我看见一个人杀了自己的亲弟弟I saw a man kill his own brother好救她一命而我却只能看着to save her, while I just watched.今天我以为那只狗会把她撕成碎片因为牛也闻到她身上的味道And today, I thought that dog was gonna tear her apart because it smelled somethin' on her. 而我只是站在那里And all I did was stand there.动弹不得我不知道该说什么I couldn't move. I couldn't think of anything to say. I just- 我很害怕I was so afraid.你以为我还应付得来You think I can still handle things but但我已经不是从前的我了I'm not who I was.我很软弱I'm weak.最近有些时候恐惧会无缘无故地涌上来Lately, there are these moments where the fear comes up outta nowhere我感觉我的心脏好像停止了and my heart feels like it's stopped.我还会做梦And I have dreams.每天晚上Every night.什么样的梦What kinda dreams?我不知道I don't know.我不记得了I can't remember.我只知道我醒来时I just know that when I wake up我失去了某些东西I've lost somethin'.我连在睡梦中都会失败I'm failin' in my sleep.我就是这样That's all I do.我只会让她失望一次又一次It's all I've ever done is fail her again and again.你要我带她走You want me to take her.我只会害死她我知道我很确定I'm just gonna get her killed. I know it.我必须离开她I have to leave her.乔尔Joel.这就是你离开我的原因对吧It's why you took off on me, right? 为了弥补我们做过的事To make up for the things we did?现在你的机会来了让你的孩子出生在一个更好的世界Well, here's your chance to bring your kid into a better world. 你比我年轻你还是很强壮You're younger than me. You're still strong. 你自己说过你能安全回来的你必须带她走You said it yourself, you'll come back. You have to take her. 你不能告诉任何人实情And you can't tell anyone, 连玛丽亚都不行 not even Maria.汤米你是我唯一信任的人Tommy, you're the only one I trust. 如果有人看到她身上的咬痕If anyone else sees those bites on her, 知道关于她的真♥相♥ what's under her skin, 他们会杀了她 they'll shoot her.这是我对你最后的请求It's the last thing I'll ever ask of you. 我发誓I swear.H出时我会带她走I'll take her out at dawn.我们把你安置在3 8号♥We got you in 38.左转两次然后右转It's left, left, right.我觉得他现在宁愿一个人小露I have a feeling you'd rather be alone, Luce.如果我们不去打招呼他会知道我们觉得戏很烂He'll know we thought it was lousy if we don't say hello. 好吧但试着圆滑一点All right. But try and be tactful.什么是圆滑一就是说谎-What's tactful? -Lie.你好Hello?加菲尔先生是我和露西Mr. Garfield? It's Lucy and me.我们只是回来告诉你我们有多喜欢那场戏We just came back to tell you how much we enjoyed it我觉得很好玩一开始我以为会很无聊I had the best time. At first, I thought it was gonna be boring.艾莉Ellie?