婚内协议双语版范文家庭财产协议书一、协议双方基本信息甲方:李XX,性别,民族,年 月 日生,住址:身份证号码:乙方:周XX,性别,民族,年 月 日生,住址:身份证号码:WILLIAM X X (以下简称“Bill” ),男,加拿大人,护照号码:GA80xxxxo 当事人关系:乙方周XX与WILLIAM X X为夫妻关系。乙方周XX与甲方李 XX为母子关系。二、协议目的基于婚姻和谐与家庭共同利益,甲乙双方现就房屋(包含车位、杂屋)相关 事宜,达成一致,并根据中华人民共和国有关法律、法规之规定,于2014年 月 日在中国省市签署本家庭财产协议书。本协议所涉房屋已由乙方周XX投入前期费用621327. 86元。其中,购房款 首付309881元、前期房屋贷款175964.86元、购买车库102000元、购买杂屋 13050元、房屋税费8元、非税收入费用200元。基于家庭经济原则的考虑,房屋现登记于甲方名下,甲方是房屋名义上的所 有权人。乙方为房屋的实际出资人和实际使用权人,甲方有责任配合乙方行使相 关权利。三、房屋基本情况本协议所涉房屋系坐落于湘潭市X路X号的X号楼280100X、290100X号屋 (以下简称“房屋”),预售许可证号:潭房预字(201X)第3X号。房屋配备一 间杂物间。合同约定房屋建筑面积共211. 8平方米,车位:7. 25平方米,四、乙方权利与责任乙方责任:乙方WILLIAM X X将剩余房屋贷款656110. 8元以及其他相关费 用(包括维修基金24680元、第一年物业管理费3863元、房屋办证费用1120 元、面积差额补缴房款16889元)46552元,共计702662. 8元。于2015年 月日 之前付清。乙方权利:乙方周XX和WILLIAM X X为房屋的实际共同使用权人。在乙方 周XX和WILLIAM X X婚姻关系存续期间,有对房屋行使占有、使用、收益、更 名等权利,甲方有责任予以积极配合。当乙方要求行使房屋处分权时(包括但不 限于房屋更名登记),甲方有责任联系房屋管理部门,按法律规定办理相应变更 登记手续。五、甲方权利与责任甲方责任:甲方将房屋提供给乙方居住,并不设期限。在乙方对房屋行使占 有、使用、收益等权利时,甲方有责任予以积极配合。乙方有权利要求处分房屋(包括但不限于房屋更名登记、与第三人交易等行 为),甲方有责任联系房屋管理部门,按法律规定办理相应手续。甲方权利:甲方有权依据本协议约定,以乙方WILLIAM XX提供的资金完成 房屋剩余贷款及其他费用的缴纳。六、行为约束第一,在乙方WILLIAM X X与周XX婚姻关系存续期间,除日常家事行为以 外,仅乙方有权对房屋进行重大处分(包括但不限于租赁、交易、抵押、更名等 行为)。进行重大处分需经WILLIAM XX和周XX共同同意并以书面方式认可。任 何一方不得以个人名义对房屋进行处分。第二,当乙方婚姻关系终止(离婚)时,由周XX与灯LLIAM X X按照各自 对房屋出资的比例对该房屋进行财产分割。第三,若乙方WILLIAM X X身故,本协议所涉房屋所有权转移给周XX所有。第四,若乙方周XX身故,本协议所涉房屋所有权由李XX和WILLIAMXX, 根据WILLIAM X X与周XX对该房屋的投资额按份共有。此后,WILLIAM X X可 以选择继续居住,也可以通过整体出售房屋的方式收回已经投入的部分资金。房 屋与第三人进行交易后,如存在增值利益,由WILLIAM XX和李XX各自享有房 屋增值利益的50%o八、补充协议本协议未尽事宜,双方可根据有关法律、法规的规定,共同协商签订补充协 议,补充协议非经特别声明,应视为本协议不可分割的一部分,与本合同具有同 等法律效力;当补充协议与本协议内容不一致时,以补充协议为准。九、生效本协议由甲乙双方在公平、自愿的前提下达成一致意见,并在律师的见证下 达成。本协议正本一式二份,双方各持一份,均具有相同法律效力。双方签字(指 印)后,本协议生效,并对双方具有法律约束力。甲方:乙方:见证律师:年 月曰年 月曰年 月曰Family property agreementThe first, Basic informationParty a: Lil ingfeng, male, han nationality, born on December 20, 1986, address: xiangtan city of hunan province YuHu districtWILLIAM JOSEPH HEINRICH (referred to as the "Bill"), male, Canadian, passport number: GA804673.Relationship between the parties : Zhou Yanju relationship with Bill for couples. Zhou Yanju is Lilingfcng 's mother.The second,theprotocol purposeThe agreement based on the harmonious marriage and the common interests of family, party a and party b regarding housing (including parking, miscellaneous house)to reach an agreement, party a and party b signed the family property agreement、“, in 2014 City in China Hunan Xiangtan city.Before this agreement is signed ,party b Zhou Yanju had costs 621327. 86 yuan. Including, The down-payment of the house 309881 yuan, Part of the mortgage 175964. 86 yuan, The garage 102000 yuan, the utility room 13050 yuan, the housing tax 8 yuan, non-tax revenue costs 200 yuan.Based on the fami 1 y economy into consideration, the principle of housing registration in Li lingfeng (party a)'s name, party a is the nominal ownership of the house. Bill and zhouyanju(party b) are the actual investors and the actual users of the house, party a has the responsibi 1 i ty to cooperate with party b to Realize their rightsThe third, Building basic situationThe house is located in xiangtan city Shuangyong road No. 9. Zhen jin yuan orientalcourtyard 11 floor, room No. 2901001 and No. 2901001, pre-sale license: (2011) No. 37 .construction area of The house:211. 8 square meters, a garage(7. 25 square meters)and a Utility room.The fourth, The rights and responsibilities of party bThe responsibilities of party b: Bill will pay for remaining home loans 656110. 8 yuan and other relevant expenses 46552 yuan (including the maintenance fund 24680 yuan, property management fees 3863 yuan, housing registration fee 1120 yuan, Other fees 16889 yuan), a total of 702662.8 yuan.The rights of party b: Zhou Yanju and Bill are actual users of the house. During the duration of Bill and Zhou Yanju marriage , They have the rights to possess, utilize, profit and change its registration, party a has a responsibility to cooperate with them, when the party b want to dispose the house (Including but not limited to change its registration ), party a has the responsibility to contact with the building management department.The fifth, The rights and responsibilities of party AThe responsibilities of party a: party a provides to party b the house to live for an indefinite period . When the party b want to realize their rights (For example possess, utilize, profit), party a has a responsibility to cooperate with them.Party b has the right to dispose the housing (including but not limited to change its registration, trade with other people , etc), party a has the responsibi1i ty to contact wi th the bui1 di ng management department.Rights of party a: party a has the right to according to this agreement, the Bill provides funds to pay the rest of the loan and other fees.The sixth , Behavior constraintsA: During the duration of Bill and Zhou Yanju marriage, in addition to the daily housework behavior, party b has the exclusive right to dispose the house (including, but not limited to, leasing, trading, mortgages, etc). The disposal of the house has to be agreed by Bill and Zhou Yanju and approval in writing.B: When party b marriage terminated (divorce), Zhou Yanju and Bill will have a division of property, according to their housing investment.C:When Bill died, the ownership of the house transfers to Zhou YanjuD: When Zhou Yanju died, the Lilingfeng and Bill own share of the house according to their housing investment. Since then, Bill can choose to continue to live, also can through the way of selling house to get his money back. If there are value-added benefits after sei ling the house. Bill and Lilingfeng each enjoy half of the value-added benefitsThe eighth, The supplementary agreementMatters not stipulated in this agreement, both parties tly enter into a supplementary agreement and supplementary agreement shall be deemed to be an integral part of this agreement, and equally valid. When the agreement is inconsistent with the supplementary agreement, the supplement agreement shall prevail.The Ninth, to take effectThe agreement reached under the premise of fair and under the witness of the lawyer . The original agreement in duplicate, both sides each hold one copy, All have the legal effect. After both parties sign (fingerprint), this agreement takes effect, and is legally binding upon both parties.Party a: party b: the lawyer:(date) (month) (year) (date) (month) (year) (date) (month) (year)