Unit Four Language and Culture Warm-up I In a physics class Professor:What is matter?Students:Never mind.Professor:Then what is mind?Students:It doesnt matter.English to Chinese Translation Version I 教授:什么是物质呀?学生:非精神也。教授:什么是精神呢?学生:不是物质,就是精神。Version II 教授:什么是物质呀?学生:没什么要紧的啦!教授:什么是精神呢?学生:没什么关系的啦!Can your translation be as humorous as the original?2.Why time flies?Because somebody wants to kill it.3.两个人吵架。一个人气急骂起来:“你有什么了不得,能把我吃了!”“不能,我是回民”。4.恋爱“三草”原则:女:听说你很孤独,为什么不去找你以前的女挚友而来追求我呢?男:好马不吃回头草。女:你们班上也有女孩呀!我们隔那么远,你为什么却来追求我呢?男:兔子不吃窝边草!女:那你现在为什么由泡你我呢?你这个混蛋!男:天际何处无芳草。5.某人刻苦学习英语,终有小成。一日上街不慎与一老外相撞,忙说:I am sorry.老外应道:I am sorry,too.某人听后又道:I am sorry three.老外不解,问:What are you sorry for(four)?某人无奈,道:I am sorry five.II.Cultural Differences2.1.Theoretical Background2.2.Color Terms in Chinese and English2.3.Animal Words in English and ChineseTheoretical BackgroundCultural Differences of Languages 1.Lexical Level 2.Pragmatic Level 3.Discoursal Level 4.Stylistic Level Culturally Loaded Words文化负载词(Cultural Loaning Words)1.是指标记某种文化中特有事物的词组和短语.2.文化负载词是反映一个国家、一个民族特有的文化和历史的一些词汇.2.2 Color Terms in Chinese and EnglishGroup Work 1.红糖 2.红茶 3.眼红 4.开门红 5.红白喜事1.brown sugar2.black-tea3.green-eyed4.to begin well,to make a good start5.weddings and funerals 1.清白 2.白眼 3.青天 4.背黑锅 5.黄色书刊1.pure/clean/stainless2.supercilious look3.blue sky4.be made a scapegoat/be unjustly blamed5.filthy books blue booka blue Mondaya white liea green woundred-letter days蓝皮书(美)刊载知名人士的书倒霉的星期一善意的谎言新伤,未痊愈的伤口喜庆的日子Translating the Underlined Part1)Hes just a green recruit fresh from college2)I tried to call her many times but she was in a brown study and didnt hear me3)One day,out of the blue,a girl rang up and said she was my sister 4)The new office block has unfortunately become an expensive white elephant5 Mary was always regarded as the black sheep of the family6 Youd better do something to prove youre not 7 Can you see the green in her eyes?8 The mere thought of her husband with the secretary made her see yellow9)I got some black looks from the shopkeeper when I cancelled my order.10)When Im feeling blue,all I have to do is take a look at you,and then Im not so blue11)Dont tell me any white lie to make me feel good12)It may cost over a week to go through all the red tape to get permission13 His type of humor is a bit too black for my tastes14 Are you all right?You look absolutely white 15 He based his judgment on headlines and yellow journalismyellow journalism指不择手段的夸张,渲染以招揽或影响读者的黄色新闻编辑作风。如突出社会丑闻,把一般新闻写得骇人听闻,有时甚至歪曲事实以引起轰动等。Exercise Work together to make a tentative summary of the potential cultural implications of the following color terms.Red Yellow Green Blue Black WhiteSharing Knowledge:Language as an environmentColor ChineseEnglishRedFestive,revolution,progressive,successful,Envious,jealous Violent,armed revolution,tension,courage,danger,warning,anger,Yellow Royalty,power,Erotic,sensual Erotic,sensual,funk,sneak,spiritless GreenYoung,knightly,shamefulYoung,fresh,new,lack of experience,wealth,money,jealous,envious Bluewisdom,reasonableDepressed;nobility,unexpected,very rareBlack Wicked,sinister,secret,tricky,illegal,evil Tragic,unfortunate,evil,sinister,angry,depressedWhiteFuneral,sadness,failure,unvalued,foolish,trickypurity,bright,happy,faithful,honest,good luck,fortune,legal,no harmful PurpleNobility,dignity Nobility,dignity,Pink Few connotations Homosexual,the best condition Chinese Zodiac mouseoxtigersnakedragonrabbitChinese ZodiachorsesheepdogpigroostermonkeyAnimalChineseEnglishmousedisgust,timid,dirty,smart and agile pleasantly quiet,cunning,dishonest,selfish ox devotion/hardworking/strongfood/comfort and quiet of a country home tigerroyalty,power,courage,ferocity,strength,wrath,cruelty,treachery,authority ferocity rabbit cute and docilelovely,reproductivedragonmajestyevilsnakeslithery/harmfulslithery/evilAnimalChineseEnglishhorsesuccess/devotion/hardworkingdevotion/hardworking/beauty,strength sheepdocile and weak food monkeyclever,agile and a little impatient African-Americansrooster prostitute strong and proud doghumblelovepigstupid,lazy,dirty dirty,eats a lot,selfish and shallow AnimalChineseEnglishAntsolidarityhardworkingBeehardworkingbusyPhoenixqueenlyrebirth/resurrectionOwlbad luckwisdomTurtle/CranelongevitylovelyElephanthugeclumsy/useless longevityMagpiesymbol of good luckgossipAnimalChineseEnglishBeavereager/anxious impatient/diligentSwangraceful/noblegraceful/noblePeacocksymbol of luck/beautyproud/showyAss/goosestupid stupidBatgood fortune happinessugly/frightening blood-suckingLambfoodsymbol of religionFavorite AnimalsChinese:Crane,cat,rabbit,ox,horse,panda,swan,peacock,gold fish,birdsEnglish:Dog,cat,horse,birds,sheep状如牛 as strong as a horse犟牛 as stubborn as a mule蠢猪 as stupid as a goose拦路虎 a lion in the path河东狮 old gray mare胆小如鼠 chicken-hearted 落汤鸡 a drowned rat Reading IHow is Language Related to Culture1 Culture and language are interwined and shape each other,1)If we select language without being aware of the cultural implications,we may at best not communicate well and at worst send the wrong message.2)All language have social questions and information questions.3)The words in themselves do not carry the meaning which comes out of the context,the cultural usage2 Language reflects the environment in which we live3 Additionally,language reflects cultural values4 To communicate concepts effectively,cultural knowledge is as important as linguistic knowledge5 Communication across cultures and languages is difficult and full of hurdles and pitfallIII.Identifying Difference3.1 Denotations and Connotations3.2 Kinship terms and more Lexical LevelDenotations:the meanings that relate it to the objects or concepts refers to,the actual or fictional things that are symbolized.(Dictionary meaning)Connotations:refer to the additional meaning that a word or phrase has beyond its central meaning.(Associated meaning)Lexical Cultural Difference1.Words with the same denotational and connotational meaning 2.Words with the same denotational but different connotational meanings (Cricket,Willow)3.Words with different denotational and connotational meanings (Dragon,Propaganda,Intellectual)Different Connotational Meanings of the Word“Dog”1.watchdog 监察人监察团2.Love me,love my dog爱屋及乌3.Every dog has his day.人人皆有得意日4.Be as faithful as a dog.效犬马之劳5.An old dog will learn no new tricks.(=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)谚老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物。6.Hes top dog in the office.佼佼者,优胜者7.Give a dog a bad name and hang him.谚一旦给人加一个坏名声,他就恒久洗刷不掉;人言可畏。跳进黄河也洗不清 8.My aunt,always happy to help a lame dog over a stile.济人之急,帮助人渡过难关(通常指金钱上的帮助)1.狗胆包天:monstrously audacious2.狗急跳墙:a cornered beast will do something desperate 3.狼心狗肺:cruel and unscrupulous;brutal and cold-blooded;heartless and ungrateful4.仗势欺人:like a dog threatening people on the strength of its masters power,that is be a bully with the backing of a powerful person5.狗皮膏药:dogskin plaster quack medicine6.狗头军师:a person who offers bad advice;villainous adviser 7.狗血喷头:let loose a stream of abuse against somebody8.狗尾续貂:a dogs tail joined to sable a wretched sequel to a fine work 9.狗咬狗:dog-eat-dog10.狗腿子:hired thug;lackey henchman11.狗屁:shit12.狗崽子:son of a bitch13.狗拿耗子多管闲事:poke ones nose into other peoples business14.狗嘴里吐不出象牙来:a filthily mouth can not utter decent language15.落水狗:a bad person who is downLexical:风水 feng sui 磕头、叩头kowtow饺子jiaozi豆腐doufu Idiomatic:pull sbs leg(开某人的玩笑)拉后腿(hinder)move heaven and earth(尽一切努力)天翻地覆(earth-shaking)eat ones words (收回已说出的话)食言(break ones words)childs play (特别简洁做的事)儿戏(treat as a trifle)我们说语言总是模糊的,指的是我们所说所写的东西总不能完全表达我们的意图。我们通过说话和写作所传达的意思不仅仅由词语和句子本身确定,听众和读者的理解也起到了确定的作用。换言之,是交际双方共同创建了语言所表达的意思。语言的模糊性是与生俱来的。为了沟通,我们必需自己推断出对方的意思,除此之外别无他法。在理解别人说话时,我们必需推想这些话的意思。这些推想主要基于以下两个来源:(1)他们所运用的语言;(2)我们的世界学问。这种学问包括能够预知在某种特定语境下人们通常会说些什么。语言是模糊的。这意味着无论是读或写,我们恒久无法完全地领悟他人的意思。换言之,语言恒久无法完全地表达我们的意思。然而,这对跨文化交际意味着什么呢?首先必需明白,假如交际参与者拥有更多共同的预期和世界学问,交际便会有比较好的效果。共同的背景、历史和经验使得人们之间的交际较为简洁,因为任何一方对另一方用意的推想都基于共同的阅历和学问。来自同一个村子、同一个家庭的两个人当然要比来自地球不同半球不同城市的两个人少犯交际上的错误,至少不会在推想对方用意上闹笑话。Case 13This example vividly illustrates that failures in intercultural translation may lead to serious consequence,or even disasters to human beings.And translation is not such a simple process as rendering a word,a sentence or a text literally,but rather a far more complex one that most people assume.“Sweet Jade”Jade is used to compliment a womans beauty in China,but unfortunately,it was not an appropriate word to describe the beauty of a lady in Western cultures.The seeming equivalents between language may have different connotations in different cultures,thus the translator should be cautious in the process of translation so as to avoid misunderstandings.Thank you!Thank you!