金钱镇痛理论述评 VSVS The Symbolic Power of Money 一:金钱在缓解痛中起到一:金钱在缓解痛中起到 次要补充作用,社会次要补充作用,社会 支持是首要痛缓冲支持是首要痛缓冲二:具体的情景信息确定二:具体的情景信息确定金钱在金钱在 缓解痛中地位的主次缓解痛中地位的主次 周欣悦等人通过“金钱概念启示”和“难过感测试”两个重点部分,实行“数钱法”、“造句法”、生理难过测试、社会性难过测试等6个试验证明白金钱对于生理难过和社会难过(即社会排斥)的抵挡作用,即金钱概念的启动能够减缓人们感受到的难过,包括社会难过(社会排斥)和生理难过(高温难过)。The Symbolic Power of MoneyExprement 1 social rejection increased the desire for moneyExprement 2 thoughts of physical pain increased the desire for moneyExprement 3 money reduced distress and maintained self-esteem in the face of social exclusionWashing Away Your(Good or Bad)Luck:Physical Cleansing Affect Risk-Taking BehaviorExperiment 1 Experimenters manipulated participants percep-tion of good luck by asking them to recall an incident in which they had good luck financially(e.g.,“You purchased a lottery ticket and won a prize”);we manipulated their perception of bad luck by asking them to recall an incident in which they had bad luck financially(e.g.,“You purchased many lottery tickets but won nothing”)Experiment 2Participants received an initial endowment of$100,which they could use to gamble.The experimenter showed participants one pink and one green ball and placed the balls in abag.Participants chose one of the colors as their“winning”color and blindly picked a ball from the bag.If they picked their winning color,they won$50;otherwise,they lost$50 from their endow-ment.Participants repeated the gamble until they lost their$100 endowment,won$100(ending up with a total of$200),or com-pleted four rounds,whichever came firstIncidental Haptic Sensations Influence Social Judgments and DecisionFirst Study AND Second Study:weightStudy Three AND Study Four :textureStudy five AND Study six :hardness and tactile sense灵感来由灵感来由1.售货员供应商品的外观对顾客心情的影响售货员供应商品的外观对顾客心情的影响2.顾客被心情化后对售货员的评价顾客被心情化后对售货员的评价3.顾客对售货员的印象对顾客是否再次走进该店顾客对售货员的印象对顾客是否再次走进该店 的影响的影响课题的构想课题的构想视觉信息产生的心情化对决策的影响视觉信息心情反应相应决策试验意义试验意义1.心理学上可以较完整的了解视觉信 息的接收到决策的形成。2.实际生活中可以运用。