Want to provide the kids a good education system with advanced knowledge Want to widen their kids vision so that their children could get more chances in the future.Want to Learn foreign languages and cultures easily.Want to get rid of the pressure of the College Entrance Examination.Why are they crazy about studying abroad?Nowadays,there are an increasingly large number of people who choose to have their educations in abroad,varying from students in secondary schools to postgraduate students who want to pursue their higher degrees.There is a tendency of studying abroad in China now.Statistics from Education Ministry shows that in 2010 only,the number of Chinese who successfully applied to study abroad is more than 280,000,that is almost the half of the population here in Dalian.Every November will see the crowds,as busy as bees,applying to study abroad.Whats more shocking here,the smallest applicant is only three years old.Could this little kid survive there?Whats the advantages of studying abroad?can provide good education learn foreign languages and cultures can widen their horizonWhats the best title of the passage?Abroad:Is it worthwhile?Is it worthwhile to study abroad?my opinion:some people:not worthwhileworthwhileIt costs too muchLoses the close bond of family and friends.It can not always provide good education and experience compared with home ones.some people:It is worthwhile to study abroad.WHY?1.Studying abroad can achieve better education.a century ago:_ today:_ whats more:_2.Students oversea can widen their horizon and learn foreign languages and cultures.?But the truth is that it is just this exotic environment that makes studying abroad turns out to be a great problem.Students who have problems in listening or speaking the foreign language are like deaf and dumb living in pitch dark.They live their everyday life painfully,let alone to have efficient study and do dependent research works.Many of the students cant get used to the life there even after a long period of time.Living abroad makes them feel nervous and suffering,and they are inclined to isolate themselves and become even more unsocial and eccentric.While by Studying in domestic schools,all these problems can be avoided.Studying in domestic schools has many advantages.On the contrary,Studying abroad.costs too muchloses the close bond of family and friends.can not always provide good education and experience compared with home ones.The first advantage is that it can save a lot of money.Secondly,the student can still keep close relation with his family and friends.Last but not least,the student may even have more useful study and experience in his home country.Having considered all the disadvantages of studying abroad,we now may have a clear rational overview of the whole matter.Is it worthwhile to study abroad?What makes so many people believe that studying abroad is better than studying domestically?如今,越来越多的父母想把自己的孩子送到如今,越来越多的父母想把自己的孩子送到国外去留学,期盼着有朝一日能学有所成,国外去留学,期盼着有朝一日能学有所成,有一个辉煌的前程。有一个辉煌的前程。针对这一情况针对这一情况,以以“Is it worthwhile to study abroad?”为题写一篇为题写一篇120词左右的词左右的英语短文阐述你的观点英语短文阐述你的观点,给英文报投稿给英文报投稿.现在社会、经济、政治各方面水平都提高了,很多都与国际接轨了,不知从从什么时候开始慢慢的流行起了家长把孩子送到国外去念书。支持者认为,在中国的学习压力太大了,不想看到孩子整天对着书把这些知识塞到孩子的脑壳中去。即使你认真了考得上大学还是另回事,现在中国的升学和就业压力实在是太大。有些家长认为自己的孩子应该在中国读小学,因为中国小学的数学众所周知可以与国外的高中数学水平差不多,这样再到国外去有些优势。去国外留学还能学习一门外语,这也是一项很宝贵的财富。通常出国留学的人回到国内来身价会有所提高,何乐而不为呢。国外的学习氛围轻松愉悦,和国内的相比大相径庭。然而,很多人认为,出国留学需要大量的资金,对于一般家庭而言是不现实的。再者,国外的轻松的学习环境比较适合自觉性高的孩子去,对于有些孩子来说一下去了一个新的轻松环境会把大部分的时间放在玩上,加上家长不会在身边,只能通过电话联系,根本不知道孩子在那的具体状况如何。国外的学校和国内的学校不同,国内的学校会压着孩子学习,在国外则不然,让学生自主学习等等。在送自己的孩子去国外学习还是在国内发展,是要值得深思熟虑的,这关系到孩子的未来,所以请广大的家长好好考虑。