The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 1 QSM 754SIX SIGMA APPLICATIONS AGENDAThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 2Day 1 AgendaWelcome and IntroductionsCourse StructureuMeeting Guidelines/Course Agenda/Report Out CriteriaGroup ExpectationsIntroduction to Six Sigma ApplicationsRed Bead ExperimentIntroduction to Probability DistributionsCommon Probability Distributions and Their UsesCorrelation AnalysisThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 3Day 2 AgendaTeam Report Outs on Day 1 MaterialCentral Limit TheoremProcess CapabilityMulti-Vari AnalysisSample Size ConsiderationsThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 4Day 3 AgendaTeam Report Outs on Day 2 MaterialConfidence IntervalsControl ChartsHypothesis TestingANOVA(Analysis of Variation)Contingency TablesThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 5Day 4 AgendaTeam Report Outs on Practicum ApplicationDesign of ExperimentsWrap Up-Positives and DeltasThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 6Class GuidelinesQ&A as we goBreaks HourlyHomework ReadingsuAs assigned in SyllabusGradinguClass Preparation30%uTeam Classroom Exercises 30%uTeam Presentations40%10 Minute Daily Presentation(Day 2 and 3)on Application of previous days work20 minute final Practicum application (Last day)Copy on Floppy as well as hard copyPowerpoint preferredRotate PresentersQ&A from the classThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 7INTRODUCTION TO SIX SIGMA APPLICATIONSThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 8Learning ObjectivesHave a broad understanding of statistical concepts and tools.Understand how statistical concepts can be used to improve business processes.Understand the relationship between the curriculum and the four step six sigma problem solving process(Measure,Analyze,Improve and Control).The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 9What is Six Sigma?A PhilosophyA Quality LevelA Structured Problem-Solving ApproachA ProgramSCustomer Critical To Quality(CTQ)CriteriaCustomer Critical To Quality(CTQ)CriteriaSBreakthrough ImprovementsBreakthrough ImprovementsSFact-driven,Measurement-based,Statistically Analyzed Fact-driven,Measurement-based,Statistically Analyzed PrioritizationPrioritizationSControlling the Input&Process Variations Yields a Predictable Controlling the Input&Process Variations Yields a Predictable ProductProductS6 6 =3.4 Defects per Million Opportunities=3.4 Defects per Million OpportunitiesSPhased Project:Phased Project:Measure,Analyze,Improve,ControlMeasure,Analyze,Improve,ControlSDedicated,Trained BlackBeltsDedicated,Trained BlackBeltsSPrioritized ProjectsPrioritized ProjectsSTeams-Process Participants&OwnersTeams-Process Participants&OwnersThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 10POSITIONING SIX SIGMA THE FRUIT OF SIX SIGMAGround FruitGround FruitLogic and IntuitionLow Hanging FruitLow Hanging FruitSeven Basic ToolsBulk of FruitBulk of FruitProcess Characterization and OptimizationProcess EntitlementSweet FruitSweet Fruit Design for ManufacturabilityThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 11UNLOCKING THE HIDDEN FACTORYVALUE STREAM TO THE CUSTOMERPROCESSES WHICH PROVIDE PRODUCT VALUE IN THE CUSTOMERS EYESFEATURES OR CHARACTERISTICS THE CUSTOMER WOULD PAY FOR.WASTE DUE TO INCAPABLE PROCESSESWASTE SCATTERED THROUGHOUT THE VALUE STREAMEXCESS INVENTORYREWORKWAIT TIMEEXCESS HANDLINGEXCESS TRAVEL DISTANCESTEST AND INSPECTIONWaste is a significant cost driver and has a major impact on the bottom line.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 12Common Six Sigma Project AreasManufacturing Defect ReductionCycle Time ReductionCost ReductionInventory ReductionProduct Development and IntroductionLabor ReductionIncreased Utilization of ResourcesProduct Sales ImprovementCapacity ImprovementsDelivery ImprovementsThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 13The Focus of Six Sigma.Y=f(x)All critical characteristics(Y)are driven by factors(x)which are“upstream”from the results.Attempting to manage results(Y)only causes increased costs due to rework,test and inspectionUnderstanding and controlling the causative factors(x)is the real key to high quality at low cost.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 14INSPECTION EXERCISEThe necessity of training farm hands for first class farms in the fatherly handling of farm livestock is foremost in the minds of farm owners.Since the forefathers of the farm owners trained the farm hands for first class farms in the fatherly handling of farm livestock,the farm owners feel they should carry on with the family tradition of training farm hands of first class farms in the fatherly handling of farm livestock because they believe it is the basis of good fundamental farm management.How many fs can you identify in 1 minute of inspection.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 15INSPECTION EXERCISEThe necessity of*training f*arm hands f*or f*irst class f*arms in the f*atherly handling of*f*arm livestock is f*oremost in the minds of*f*arm owners.Since the f*oref*athers of*the f*arm owners trained the f*arm hands f*or f*irst class f*arms in the f*atherly handling of*f*arm livestock,the f*arm owners f*eel they should carry on with the f*amily tradition of*training f*arm hands of*f*irst class f*arms in the f*atherly handling of*f*arm livestock because they believe it is the basis of*good f*undamental f*arm management.How many fs can you identify in 1 minute of inspection.36 total are available.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 16SIX SIGMA COMPARISONSix Sigma Traditional“SIX SIGMA TAKES US FROM FIXING PRODUCTS SO THEY ARE EXCELLENT,TO FIXING PROCESSES SO THEY PRODUCE EXCELLENT PRODUCTS”Dr.George Sarney,President,Siebe Control SystemsThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 17IMPROVEMENT ROADMAPBreakthroughStrategyCharacterizationPhase 1:MeasurementPhase 2:AnalysisOptimizationPhase 3:ImprovementPhase 4:ControlDefine the problem and verify the primary and secondary measurement systems.Identify the few factors which are directly influencing the problem.Determine values for the few contributing factors which resolve the problem.Determine long term control measures which will ensure that the contributing factors remain controlled.ObjectiveThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 18Measurements are critical.If we cant accurately measure something,we really dont know much about it.If we dont know much about it,we cant control it.If we cant control it,we are at the mercy of chance.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 19WHY STATISTICS?THE ROLE OF STATISTICS IN SIX SIGMA.WE DONT KNOW WHAT WE DONT KNOWuIF WE DONT HAVE DATA,WE DONT KNOWuIF WE DONT KNOW,WE CAN NOT ACTuIF WE CAN NOT ACT,THE RISK IS HIGHuIF WE DO KNOW AND ACT,THE RISK IS MANAGEDuIF WE DO KNOW AND DO NOT ACT,WE DESERVE THE LOSS.DR.Mikel J.HarryTO GET DATA WE MUST MEASUREDATA MUST BE CONVERTED TO INFORMATIONINFORMATION IS DERIVED FROM DATA THROUGH STATISTICSThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 20WHY STATISTICS?THE ROLE OF STATISTICS IN SIX SIGMA.Ignorance is not bliss,it is the food of failure and the breeding ground for loss.DR.Mikel J.HarryYears ago a statistician might have claimed that statistics dealt with the processing of data.Todays statistician will be more likely to say that statistics is concerned with decision making in the decision making in the face of uncertaintyface of uncertainty.BartlettThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 21mSales ReceiptsmOn Time DeliverymProcess CapacitymOrder Fulfillment TimemReduction of WastemProduct Development TimemProcess YieldsmScrap ReductionmInventory ReductionmFloor Space UtilizationWHAT DOES IT MEAN?Random Chance or Certainty.Which would you choose.?The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 22Learning ObjectivesHave a broad understanding of statistical concepts and tools.Understand how statistical concepts can be used to improve business processes.Understand the relationship between the curriculum and the four step six sigma problem solving process(Measure,Analyze,Improve and Control).The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 23RED BEAD EXPERIMENTThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 24Learning ObjectivesHave an understanding of the difference between random variation and a statistically significant event.Understand the difference between attempting to manage an outcome(Y)as opposed to managing upstream effects(xs).Understand how the concept of statistical significance can be used to improve business processes.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 25WELCOME TO THE WHITE BEAD FACTORYHIRING NEEDSBEADS ARE OUR BUSINESSBEADS ARE OUR BUSINESSPRODUCTION SUPERVISOR4 PRODUCTION WORKERS2 INSPECTORS1 INSPECTION SUPERVISOR1 TALLY KEEPERThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 26STANDING ORDERSFollow the process exactly.Do not improvise or vary from the documented process.Your performance will be based solely on your ability to produce white beads.No questions will be allowed after the initial training period.Your defect quota is no more than 5 off color beads allowed per paddle.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 27WHITE BEAD MANUFACTURING PROCESS PROCEDURESThe operator will take the bead paddle in the right hand.The operator will take the bead paddle in the right hand.Insert the bead paddle at a 45 degree angle into the bead bowl.Insert the bead paddle at a 45 degree angle into the bead bowl.Agitate the bead paddle gently in the bead bowl until all spaces are Agitate the bead paddle gently in the bead bowl until all spaces are filled.filled.Gently withdraw the bead paddle from the bowl at a 45 degree angle Gently withdraw the bead paddle from the bowl at a 45 degree angle and allow the free beads to run off.and allow the free beads to run off.Without touching the beads,show the paddle to inspector#1 and wait Without touching the beads,show the paddle to inspector#1 and wait until the off color beads are tallied.until the off color beads are tallied.Move to inspector#2 and wait until the off color beads are tallied.Move to inspector#2 and wait until the off color beads are tallied.Inspector#1 and#2 show their tallies to the inspection supervisor.If Inspector#1 and#2 show their tallies to the inspection supervisor.If they agree,the inspection supervisor announces the count and the they agree,the inspection supervisor announces the count and the tally keeper will record the result.If they do not agree,the inspection tally keeper will record the result.If they do not agree,the inspection supervisor will direct the inspectors to recount the paddle.supervisor will direct the inspectors to recount the paddle.When the count is complete,the operator will return all the beads to When the count is complete,the operator will return all the beads to the bowl and hand the paddle to the next operator.the bowl and hand the paddle to the next operator.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 28INCENTIVE PROGRAMLow bead counts will be rewarded with a bonus.Low bead counts will be rewarded with a bonus.High bead counts will be punished with a reprimand.High bead counts will be punished with a reprimand.Your performance will be based solely on your Your performance will be based solely on your ability to produce white beads.ability to produce white beads.Your defect quota is no more than 7 off color beads Your defect quota is no more than 7 off color beads allowed per paddle.allowed per paddle.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 29PLANT RESTRUCTUREDefect counts remain too high for the plant to be Defect counts remain too high for the plant to be profitable.profitable.The two best performing production workers will be The two best performing production workers will be retained and the two worst performing production retained and the two worst performing production workers will be laid off.workers will be laid off.Your performance will be based solely on your Your performance will be based solely on your ability to produce white beads.ability to produce white beads.Your defect quota is no more than 10 off color beads Your defect quota is no more than 10 off color beads allowed per paddle.allowed per paddle.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 30OBSERVATIONS.WHAT OBSERVATIONS DID YOU WHAT OBSERVATIONS DID YOU MAKE ABOUT THIS PROCESS.?MAKE ABOUT THIS PROCESS.?The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 31The Focus of Six Sigma.Y=f(x)All critical characteristics(Y)are driven by factors(x)which are“downstream”from the results.Attempting to manage results(Y)only causes increased costs due to rework,test and inspectionUnderstanding and controlling the causative factors(x)is the real key to high quality at low cost.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 32Learning ObjectivesHave an understanding of the difference between random variation and a statistically significant event.Understand the difference between attempting to manage an outcome(Y)as opposed to managing upstream effects(xs).Understand how the concept of statistical significance can be used to improve business processes.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 33INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONSThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 34Learning ObjectivesHave a broad understanding of what probability distributions are and why they are important.Understand the role that probability distributions play in determining whether an event is a random occurrence or significantly different.Understand the common measures used to characterize a population central tendency and dispersion.Understand the concept of Shift&Drift.Understand the concept of significance testing.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 35Why do we Care?An understanding of Probability Distributions is necessary to:Understand the concept and use of statistical tools.Understand the significance of random variation in everyday measures.Understand the impact of significance on the successful resolution of a project.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 36IMPROVEMENT ROADMAPUses of Probability DistributionsBreakthroughStrategyCharacterizationPhase 1:MeasurementPhase 2:AnalysisOptimizationPhase 3:ImprovementPhase 4:ControlEstablish baseline data characteristics.Project UsesIdentify and isolate sources of variation.Use the concept of shift&drift to establish project expectations.Demonstrate before and after results are not random chance.The National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 37Focus on understanding the conceptsVisualize the conceptDont get lost in the math.KEYS TO SUCCESSThe National Graduate School of Quality Management v7 38Measurements are critical.If we cant accurately measure something,we really dont know much about it.If we dont know much about it,we cant cont