CHAPTER 1AN INVESTMENT PERSPECTIVE OFHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTPowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reservedCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.12The Strategic View of Human ResourcesEmployees are Employees are human assetshuman assets that increase in value that increase in value to the organization and the marketplace when to the organization and the marketplace when investments of appropriate policies and programs investments of appropriate policies and programs are applied.are applied.Effective organizations recognize that their Effective organizations recognize that their employees do have value,much as same as the employees do have value,much as same as the organizations physical and capital assets have organizations physical and capital assets have value.value.Employees are a valuable source of sustainable Employees are a valuable source of sustainable competitive petitive advantage.Copyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.13Copyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.14Sources of Employee ValueTechnical KnowledgeTechnical Knowledge Markets,Processes,Customers,EnvironmentMarkets,Processes,Customers,EnvironmentAbility to Learn and GrowAbility to Learn and Grow Openness to new ideasOpenness to new ideas Acquisition of knowledge and skillsAcquisition of knowledge and skillsDecision Making CapabilitiesDecision Making CapabilitiesMotivationMotivationCommitmentCommitmentTeamworkTeamwork Interpersonal skills,Leadership abilityInterpersonal skills,Leadership abilityCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.15Valuation of Human AssetsImplications for Individuals and OrganizationsImplications for Individuals and Organizations Determination of compensationDetermination of compensation Internal and external equity for employees in return for their Internal and external equity for employees in return for their contributions to the organization.contributions to the organization.Organization placement of resources and returns on employee Organization placement of resources and returns on employee development are aligned and well-matched.development are aligned and well-matched.Advancement opportunitiesAdvancement opportunities Developing current employees creates motivation and permits Developing current employees creates motivation and permits promotion from within.promotion from within.Development of retention strategiesDevelopment of retention strategies Effective means of retaining valuable employees allows for Effective means of retaining valuable employees allows for the recapture of the invested costs of their development.the recapture of the invested costs of their development.Copyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.16Investment OrientationCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.17The Investment-Oriented OrganizationOrganizational CharacteristicsOrganizational Characteristics Sees people as central to its mission/strategy.Sees people as central to its mission/strategy.Has a mission statement and strategic objectives that Has a mission statement and strategic objectives that espouse the value of human assets in achieving goals.espouse the value of human assets in achieving goals.Has a management philosophy that encourages the Has a management philosophy that encourages the development and retention of human assets and does not development and retention of human assets and does not treat or regard human assets in the same ways as physical treat or regard human assets in the same ways as physical assets.assets.Copyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.18Investment Orientation FactorsSenior Management Values and ActionsSenior Management Values and Actions An organizations willingness to invest in its human An organizations willingness to invest in its human resources is determined by the“investment orientation”of its resources is determined by the“investment orientation”of its managers.managers.Attitude Toward RiskAttitude Toward Risk Investment in human resources is inherently riskier due to Investment in human resources is inherently riskier due to lack of absolute“ownership”of the asset.lack of absolute“ownership”of the asset.Nature of Skills Needed by EmployeesNature of Skills Needed by Employees The more likely that skills developed by employees are The more likely that skills developed by employees are marketable outside the firm,the more risky the firms marketable outside the firm,the more risky the firms investment in the development of those skills.investment in the development of those skills.Copyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.19Investment Orientation FactorsUtilitarian(“Bottom Line”)MentalityUtilitarian(“Bottom Line”)Mentality An attempt is made to quantify employee worth to the An attempt is made to quantify employee worth to the organization through a organization through a cost-benefit analysiscost-benefit analysis.The“soft”benefits of HR programs and polices are difficult The“soft”benefits of HR programs and polices are difficult to objectively quantify because they affect many different to objectively quantify because they affect many different organizational areas and have differential effects on organizational areas and have differential effects on individual employees.individual employees.Availability of OutsourcingAvailability of Outsourcing If cost-effective outsourcing is available,investments will be If cost-effective outsourcing is available,investments will be made only in HR activities producing the highest returns and made only in HR activities producing the highest returns and largest sustainable competitive advantages.largest sustainable competitive advantages.Copyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.110Reading 1.1:The SWA Value CycleValue at Southwest Airlines is:Value at Southwest Airlines is:1.1.C Createdreated through satisfaction of employee needs.through satisfaction of employee needs.2.2.ConvertedConverted to customer and share holder value to customer and share holder value via organizational capabilities(the design of via organizational capabilities(the design of specific operating processes).specific operating processes).3.3.CapturedCaptured by SWA as competitive advantage by SWA as competitive advantage through lower costs and superior service through lower costs and superior service(productivity)in relation to its competitors.(productivity)in relation to its competitors.Copyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.111 Reading 1.2:Effective HRM Practices Employment SecurityEmployment Security Selectivity in RecruitingSelectivity in Recruiting High WagesHigh Wages Incentive payIncentive pay Employee OwnershipEmployee Ownership Information SharingInformation Sharing Participation&Participation&OwnershipOwnership Self-Managed TeamsSelf-Managed Teams Training&DevelopmentTraining&Development Cross-Utilization&Cross-Utilization&Cross-TrainingCross-Training Symbolic EgalitarianismSymbolic Egalitarianism Wage CompressionWage Compression Promotion From WithinPromotion From Within Taking the Long ViewTaking the Long View Measurement of PracticeMeasurement of Practice Overall PhilosophyOverall PhilosophyCHAPTER 2TRENDS AFFECTINGHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTPowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reservedCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.113Major Factors Affecting HRMStrategicHRMTechnologicalTechnologicalAdvancementAdvancementDemographicsDemographicsand Diversityand DiversityGlobalizationGlobalizationCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.114Technology and HRMCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.115Technology Challenges for HRMCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.116Workforce Demographic ChangesThe The“Graying”“Graying”of the Workforce of the WorkforceNegative Aspects of Older WorkersNegative Aspects of Older Workers Perceived resistance to change by older workers.Perceived resistance to change by older workers.Increased health-care costs for senior workersIncreased health-care costs for senior workers Blocking advancement opportunities for younger workersBlocking advancement opportunities for younger workers Higher wage and salary costs for senior workersHigher wage and salary costs for senior workersPositive Aspects of Older WorkersPositive Aspects of Older Workers As productive or more productive than younger workersAs productive or more productive than younger workers Have more organizational loyalty than younger workersHave more organizational loyalty than younger workers Possess broader industry knowledge and professional Possess broader industry knowledge and professional networksnetworksCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.117Workforce Demographic ChangesBaby Boomers(1945Baby Boomers(1945 1962)1962)In excess supply in middle management ranksIn excess supply in middle management ranks HR challenge is to manage“plateaued”workersHR challenge is to manage“plateaued”workersBaby Busters(1963mid-1970s)Baby Busters(1963mid-1970s)Are career bottlenecked by the BoomersAre career bottlenecked by the Boomers Who have skills in high demand are doing and will do wellWho have skills in high demand are doing and will do wellGeneration“X”ers(late 1970searly 1980s)Generation“X”ers(late 1970searly 1980s)Have life-long exposure to technology and constant changeHave life-long exposure to technology and constant change Seek self-control,independence,personal growth,creativitySeek self-control,independence,personal growth,creativity Are not focused on job security or long-term employment.Are not focused on job security or long-term employment.Copyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.118New Employee/Workplace DynamicsEmphasis on the Management of ProfessionalsEmphasis on the Management of Professionals Establishment of separate career tracksEstablishment of separate career tracks Technical/Professional,Managerial/AdministrativeTechnical/Professional,Managerial/Administrative Use of project teamsUse of project teamsLess Employee Loyalty,More Loyal to SelfLess Employee Loyalty,More Loyal to Self Staying with employers for shorter periods;demanding more Staying with employers for shorter periods;demanding more meaningful work and involvement in organizational decisionsmeaningful work and involvement in organizational decisionsIncreased Personal and Family Dynamic EffectsIncreased Personal and Family Dynamic Effects More single-parent families,dual-career couples,and More single-parent families,dual-career couples,and domestic partnersdomestic partnersIncreased Nontraditional Work RelationshipsIncreased Nontraditional Work Relationships Part-time,consulting,and temporary employment flexibilityPart-time,consulting,and temporary employment flexibility Outsourcing and entrepreneurial opportunitiesOutsourcing and entrepreneurial opportunitiesCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.119Managing Workplace DiversityUnderstanding and Appreciating DiversityUnderstanding and Appreciating Diversity Is critical to effectively marketing to ethnic and minority Is critical to effectively marketing to ethnic and minority groupsgroups Is promoted by having a diverse workforce at all organization Is promoted by having a diverse workforce at all organization levelslevels Helps ensure that hiring and promotion decisions are Helps ensure that hiring and promotion decisions are unbiased by person differencesunbiased by person differencesDiversity Management Programs/InitiativesDiversity Management Programs/Initiatives Must be integrated with organizations mission and Must be integrated with organizations mission and objectivesobjectives Help key decision makers identify diversitys benefits to the Help key decision makers identify diversitys benefits to the organizationorganization Make critical decisions about implementing the optimal Make critical decisions about implementing the optimal program/initiative contingent on the organization and its program/initiative contingent on the organization and its people,mission and culture.people,mission and culture.Copyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.120Reading 2.1:TelecommutingBenefitsReduced work Reduced work commuting timecommuting timeEmployee retentionEmployee retentionIncreased Increased geographic recruiting geographic recruiting flexibilityflexibilityReduced costs of Reduced costs of doing business doing business(reduced office(reduced office space)space)Significant Significant productivity gainsproductivity gainsObstaclesDifficulty in measuring Difficulty in measuring performanceperformanceDetermining eligible Determining eligible jobsjobsIndividual employee Individual employee characteristicscharacteristicsAssumption of home Assumption of home office office expenses/liabilitiesexpenses/liabilitiesManagerial resistance Managerial resistance to telecommutingto telecommutingIncreased networking Increased networking costcostCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.121Reading 2.2:Workplace DiversityIssues Affecting Diversity PolicymakingIssues Affecting Diversity Policymaking Why diversity is internally and externally important to the Why diversity is internally and externally important to the organization?organization?How is diversity related to the current and future mission and How is diversity related to the current and future mission and strategic objectives of the organization?strategic objectives of the organization?How is diversity to be defined in its inclusion and exclusion How is diversity to be defined in its inclusion and exclusion of the extent,composition,and recognition of“differences”?of the extent,composition,and recognition of“differences”?Should the organization make special efforts to attract a Should the organization make special efforts to attract a diverse workforce?and for what purposes?diverse workforce?and for what purposes?How do existing employees and constituents feel about How do existing employees and constituents feel about diversity?diversity?What specific types of diversity initiatives will be What specific types of diversity initiatives will be undertaken?and to meet what objectives?undertaken?and to meet what objectives?CHAPTER 3STRATEGICPLANNINGPowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reservedCopyright 2002 South-Western.All rights reserved.123Strategic ManagementStrategic Human Resource ManagementStrategic Human Resource Management Involves aligning initiatives involving how people are Involves aligning initiatives involving how people are managed with the organizational mission and objectives.managed with the organizational mission and objectives.Strategic Management ProcessStrategic Management Process Determining what needs to be done(how)to achieve Determining what needs to be done(how)to achieve corporate objectives over a three-to five year time span.corporate objectives over a three-to five year time span.Examining the organization and the competiti