哈存滨工业大学上二英语名展扑克敖材(年义)上学英语闰稼时阶(第四版)Part I Ten Steps To Improving College Reading Skills1 Vocabulary in Context|P 19 example 3|A interesting sentence:I prefer the occasional disturbance of ear-splitting thunder 震耳欲聋的 to the incessant dripping of our kitchen sink.P20 Line 10: Working vocabulary:working /'wSLklg/Z'wS1:-/ adjective before noun USEFULdescribes a plan, idea or knowledge that is not complete but is good enough to be useful 基本够用的;尚可应付工作的We have a working theory/hypothesis about what caused the crash, which we shall test.She's fluent in French and English and has a working knowledge of Spanish.Line 12: shade /feld/ nounSlight difference in sth 细微的差别|l Examples P21(The numbers indicate the number of the sentences of the exercises)1. nocturnal nDk't3:.noi/naik'ty:-/ adjective formal 夜间活动的 happening in or active during the night, or relating to the night nocturnal wanderings/nocturnal light/Most bats are nocturnal2. feathery /'fed. a r.i/ l-M.V adjective 轻而软的;长有语羽毛的 soft or delicate, or made of many very small and delicate pieces feathery clouds/foliage/leaves3. adverse:/兔d.v3:s/,/aed'vyis/ adjective before noun having a negative or harmful effect on somethingThe match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions .4. nausea:/'nDl.zi.a/,/-Ja/Z'na:-/ noun | U 恶心;作呕 when you feel as if you are going to vomit Signs of the illness include fever, nausea and vomiting.5. euphemism: juLfd.ml.z a m/ noun C or U 委婉语a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word 'Senior citizen* is a euphemism for old person,.offensive /s'fen t .slv/ adjective UPSETTING1. causing offence冒犯的;使人恼怒的;得罪人的This programme contains language that some viewers might find offensive.Opposite inoffensive2. unpleasant使人反感的 offensive smells6. intoxicated:/in'tok.sl.kel.tld/-'talk.si.kel.t id/ adjective1. formal drunkShe was charged with driving while intoxicated.2. excited, happy and slightly out of control because of an experience such as love, success, etc 陶醉的:极度兴奋的;忘乎所以的She was understandably intoxicated by her success in the national competition.practice 1: examples P221. mundane:/mAn'dein/ adjectivevery ordinary and therefore not interesting 单调的;平凡的Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping fbr food do not interest her.2. turmoil:/'t3:.m0ll/'ty:-/ noun 骚动:混乱a state of confusion, uncertainly or disorderThe whole region is in turmoil.3. longevity:/lDn'd5ev.a.ti/la:n'd5ev.9.t i/ noun U formalU formal living for a long time 长寿;长命To what do you attribute your longevity?4. diversion /d a l'v3:._f q n/dl'vy:-/ noun(1) C something that takes your attention away from something else 转向:转移 Shoplifters often work in pairs, with one creating a diversion to distract the shop assistants while the other steals the goods.(2) (FORMAL) an activity that is done fbr pleasure, especially because it takes your attention form sth else消遣:娱乐Reading is a pleasant diversion.5. avocation兴趣:爱好:副业:职业6. adapt /o'daept/ verbI to become familiar with a new situationThe good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to new environments.It took me a while to adapt to the new job.T to change something to suit different conditions or uses+ to infinitive We had to adapt our plans to fit Jack's timetable.The play had been adapted for (= changed to make it suitable for) children.7. distraught: dl'strDIt/-'strait/ adjectiveextremely worried, nervous or upset 心烦意乱的;忧心如焚的The missing child's distraught parents made an emotional appeal fbr information on TV.mugging /'mAg.li)/ noun I C or U 行凶抢劫an act of attacking someone and stealing their moneyPolice are concerned that mugging is on the increase.8. cognitive /'kDg.ni .tl v/'k a :g.nl .tv I v/ adjective before noun specializedconnected with thinking or conscious mental processes 认知的Some of her cognitive functions have been impaired.受损的cognitive behaviour/development9. bizarre /bi ' za : r/-' za : r/ adjectivevery strange and unusuala bizarre situation /bizarre behaviour10. white-collar: relating to people who work in offices, doing work that needs mental rather than physical effortwhite-collar work。rs/unionsSynonyms 同义词| P231. enhance Zl n'h a :n t s/-' ha:n t s/ verb T to improve the quality, amount or strength of something 增强:美化:使更好These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.garlic/'g a :.li k/'g a :r-/ noun U 蒜a plant of the onion family that has a strong taste and smell and is used in cooking to add flavour spaghetti /spa' get.i/-' ge-/ noun U 意大利面条pasta made in the form of long, thin threads2. flippant:/'fl I p. o nt/ adjective ( UK informal flip )not serious about a serious subject, in an attempt to be funny or to appear clever 轻率的;轻浮的 a flippant remark/attitudeI think she just thought I was being flippant.3. assuage:/s1 swel dj / verb T formal 短和;减轻to make unpleasant feelings less strongThe government has tried to assuage the public's fears.soothe /su :6/ verb T ANGER1. to make someone feel calm or less worriedto soothe a crying babyPractice 2 Synonyms P231. disconcert:/.d I s.kon's 3s于:t/ verbI or T to make someone feel suddenly uncertain and worried n 使不安、困惑、尴尬The whole experience had disconcerted him.2. scrutinize:/'sknj :.ti .nal z/-tw o n.al z/ verb T 彻底仔细检查to examine something very carefully in order to discover informationHe scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.lease/li :s/nounC|租约;租契a legal agreement in which you pay money in order to use a building, piece of land, vehicle, etc. for a periodHe has the flat on a long lease.fine print: inconspicuous details or conditions printed in an agreement or contract, esp. ones that may prove unfavorable:read the fine print of whatever loan document is shoved under your nose.极小的字体;(契约中滩懂的条文3. pragmatic:/pncg'maet I k/-' maitv -/ adjective mainly approving 务实的;实事求是的;注重实效的 solving problems in a realistic way which suits the present conditions rather than obeying fixed theories, ideas or rulesIn business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.4. obscure:/ob'skj ua r/-' skjur/ adjective NOT KNOWN 表述不清楚,晦涩难懂的:费解的1. not known to many peoplean obscure island in the Pacific /an obscure 12th-century mystic2. not clear and difficult to understand or seeOfficial policy has changed, for reasons that remain obscure.His answers were obscure and confusing.5. condone: Zkon'd aun/-' doun/ verb T to accept or allow behaviour that is wrong 纵容;宽恕;原谅If the government is seen to condone violence , the bloodshed will never stop.6. indispensable:/, I n.dl ' spent .ss.bl,/ adjectiveSomething or someone that is indispensable is so good or important that you could not manage without themThis book is an indispensable resource for researchers.His long experience at the United Nations makes him indispensable to the talks.7. adversary:/'aed.v o.s o r.i/'a0d.v .ser-/ noun C formal 小j手;敌手a person that sb is opposed and competing with in an augument or a battleHe saw her as his main adversary within the company.8. advent:/'aed-vent/,/-vant/noun S事物、事件的)出现,到来the arrival of an important event, invention_or personLife in Britain was transformed by the advent of the steam engine.9. benvolent:/bi ' nev. o 1. o nt/ adjective行善的;慈善的;与人为善的:助人为乐的(especially of a person in authority )kind and helpfulHe was a benevolent old man, he wouldn't hurt a fly.Doing good rather than making profit; charitablepublicity /pA b'l I s.l .ti/-o.tw i/ noun U (媒体的)关注;宣传;报道the activity of making certain that someone or something attracts a lot of interest or attention from many people, or the attention received as a result of this activityHe attracted a lot of adverse/bad publicity with his speech about unmarried mothers.10. prevalent:/'prev. o l.ont/ adjectiveexisting very commonly or happening often at a particular time or in a particular place 普遍存在的;盛行的;流行的These diseases are more prevalent among young children.Trees are dying in areas where acid rain is most prevalent.patriarchy Z'pe I .tri.a :.ki/-a :r-/ noun C or U 父权制(的社会或国家)a society in which the oldest male is the leader of the family, or a society controlled by men in which they use their power to their own advantagePatriarchy has not disappeared - it has merely changed form.She rails against patriarchy and hierarchy.matriarchy /'me I .tri.a :.ki/-a :r-/noun CorU母权制(的社会或国家)a type of society in which women have most of the authority and power, or a society in which property belongs to women and is given to children by women rather than menAntonyms 反义词| P241. salutary:/'sael.j U.tri/-ter.i/ adjective formal 有益的causing improvement of behaviour or charactera salutary experience /a salutary reminder of the dangers of mountain climbing2. impede:/I m'pi :d/verb T formal 阻碍;妨碍:阻止to slow down or cause problems fbr the achievement or finishing of somethingAlthough he's shy, it certainly hasn't impeded his career in any way.3. simulate:/'s I m.ju.lel t/ verb T 模拟拓;假的to do or make something which looks real but is not realIn cheap furniture, plastic is often used to simulate wood.Some driving teachers use computers to simulate (= represent) different road conditions for learners to practise on.Practice 3 Antonyms P251 succinct:/sak's I gkt/ adjective approving 简明的:简洁的:简耍的said in a clear and short way; expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary wondsKeep your letter succinct and to the point.2. lucrative:/'lu :.kro.tl v/-tw I v/adjective 赚钱的;可获利的(especially of a business Job or activity) producing a lot of moneyThe merger 合并 proved to be very lucrative fbr both companies.3. surreptious:/,S A r.op't ij".as/,S 于:-/ adjective 偷偷的;暗中进行的done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowingShe seemed to be listening lo what 1 was saying, but I couldn't help noticing her surreptitious glances at the clock.4. flamboyant:/fliem'b Di .ant/ adjectiveBrightly coloured or decorated 艳丽的;装饰华丽的His clothes were rather flamboyant for such a serious occasion.very confident in behaviour, or intended to be noticed, especially by being brightly coloured 炫耀的;卖弄的a flamboyant gesture / The writer's flamboyant lifestyle was well known.flashy /'flae J .i/adjective disapproving 东丽而俗气的;炫耀的looking too bright, big and expensive in a way that is intended to get attention and admiration flashy clothes /a flashy carPlainly:1. clearly or obviouslyThis is plainly wrong./Every footstep could be plainly heard.2. simply and without a lot of decoration 朴素地,简朴地a plainly furnished room5. stagnant:/'st3eg.n snt/ adjective NOT FLOWING1. (of water or air) not flowing or moving, and smelling unpleasant 不流动而污浊的 a stagnant pond2. not growing or developing 不变化的 a stagnant economy6. ambiguous:/xm'b I g.ju.as/ adjectivehaving or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionallyHis reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.The wording of the agreement is ambiguous.The government has been ambiguous on this issue.7. detriment /'det.r I .mont/ noun | U formal 伤害;损害 harm or damageAre you sure that I can follow this diet without detriment to my health?She was very involved with sports at college, to the detriment of (= harming) her studies.8. depreciate /di irate /al ' rel t/ adjective发怒的;愤怒的;被激怒的very angry /We have received some irate phone calls from customers.wreck /rek/ verb T 1. to destroy or badly damage somethingThe explosion shattered nearby windows and wrecked two cars.Our greenhouse was wrecked in last night's storm. informal to spoil something completelyHe has been warned that his behaviour might wreck his chances of promotion.2. proximity /pro k's I m.i x! /pra :k's I m.o.tw i/ noun U formal 接近,附近the state of being near in space or timeThe best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the town centre. fiasco fi'aes.k au/ /-kou/ noun C plural flascos or mainly US fiascoessomething planned that goes wrong and is a complete failure, usually in an embarrassing way 彻底的 失败;惨败;大出丑The show was a fiasco - the lights wouldn't work, one actor forgot his lines and another fell off the stage. Practice 4 General Sense of the Sentence of Passage P28 pri :.J i.ei t/ verb I or T to (cause something to) lose value, especially over time 贬值、跌价Our car depreciated (by)£1500 in the first year we owned it.Since they set up a builder's yard next door, our house has depreciated in value .appreciate /o' pri :J i.ei t/ verb INCREASE 增值;升值 to increase in valueThe value of our house has appreciated by 50% in the last two years.Our house has appreciated (in value) by 50% in the last two years.9. meticulous/mo' tl k.ju.bs/adjeclive approving 十分注意细节的;一丝不苟的very careful and with great attention to every detailMany hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.10 stringent /'st ri n.d39 nt/ adjective SEVERE1. having a very severe effect, or being extremely limiting 严格的;严厉的The most stringent laws in the world are useless unless there is the will to enforce them.We need to introduce more stringent security measures such as identity cards.Stringent safety regulations were introduced after the accident.2. specialized involving not enough money being available fbr borrowing as a result of firm controls on the amount of money in an economy 紧缩的;紧缺的;银根紧的Already low living standards have been worsened by stringent economic reforms.|4. General Sense of the Sentence or Passage 语句或语彘的大匐 P271. lethargic /b'9a :.dsi k/-'0a :r-/ adjective 无精打采的;没有热情的;冷漠的having little energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anythingI was feeling tired and lethargic.lethargy leO.d.dS i/-a*-/ noun U the state of not having any energy or enthusiasm fbr doing things2. the gist /G3 d$l st/ noun S the most important pieces of information about something, or general information without details That was the gist of what he said.I think I got (= understood) the gist of what she was saying.3. fabrication /.faeb.r I 1 kel Jan/ noun C or U 编造、虚构、伪造The evidence he gave in court was a complete fabrication.fabricate /'faeb.r i .kei t/ verb T to invent or produce something false in order to deceiveHe was late, so he fabricated an excuse to avoid trouble.He claims that the police fabricated evidence againstbe at faultto have done something wrongHer doctor was at fault for/in not sending her straight to a specialist.confession Zkon'fe J .9 n/ noun C or U 1. when you admit that you have done something wrong or illegal 供认:承认I've got a bit of a confession to make - I've lost that book you lent me.I can't ask fbr