unit5 综合英语5.ppt
unit5综合英语5Advanced English 5高等教育出版社高等教育出版社高等教育出版社高等教育出版社Unit 5SUBJECT 2 Family MattersSUBJECT 2 Family Matters Study these topics in this unit.Different views on Different views on family and family lifefamily and family life 1Basic concepts of Basic concepts of marriage and divorce marriage and divorce 2Family in a historicalFamily in a historical perspective perspective 3高等教育出版社高等教育出版社高等教育出版社高等教育出版社Advanced English 5高等教育出版社高等教育出版社高等教育出版社高等教育出版社CONTENTCONTENTNEXTPREVNotesCONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsCONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsViews on the family and family life Who holds this view?1We have to accept this fact that marriage,divorce,and remarriage will probably be the normal state of family life in future.James Boswell 2Is marriage natural to man?Samuel Johnso3Love from parents for their children is based on animals instinct.General Paoli 4Marriage is not of human nature.Bertrand Russell 5Each family is different and therefore,we can hardly understand what kind of problems there are in other families.Arthur C.Clark 6Marriage is a natural bond between man and woman who please each other.Jane Austen CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsViews on the family and family life Who holds this view?1We have to accept this fact that marriage,divorce,and remarriage will probably be the normal state of family life in future.Arthur C.Clark2Is marriage natural to man?James Boswell3Love from parents for their children is based on animals instinct.Bertrand Russell4Marriage is not of human nature.Samuel Johnson5Each family is different and therefore,we can hardly understand what kind of problems there are in other families.Jane Austen6Marriage is a natural bond between man and woman who please each other.General PaoliCONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions On Tuesday,March 31,he and I dined at General Paolis.A question was started,whether the state of marriage was natural to man.Johnson,“Sir,it is so far from being natural for a man and woman to live in a state of marriage,that we find all the motives which they have for remaining in that connection,and the restraints which civilized society imposes to prevent separation,are hardly sufficient to keep them together.”The General said,that in a state of nature a man and woman uniting together would form a strong and constant affection,by the mutual pleasure each would receive;and that the same causes of dissension would not arise between them,as occur between husband and wife in a civilized state.Johnson,1CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions“Sir,they would have dissensions enough,though of another kind.One would choose to go hunting in this wood,the other in that;one would choose to go fishing in this lake,the other in that;or,perhaps,one would choose to go hunting,when the other would choose to go fishing;and so they would part.Besides,Sir,a savage man and a savage woman meet by chance;and when the man sees another woman that pleases him better,he will leave the first.”James Boswell1 CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions The basis of the family is,of course,the fact that parents feel a special kind of affection towards their own children,different from that which they feel towards each other or towards other children.It is true that some parents feel little or no parental affection,and it is also true that some women are capable of feeling an affection for children not their own almost as strong as that which they could feel for their own.Nevertheless the broad fact remains,that parental affection is a special kind of feeling which the normal human being experiences towards his or her own children,but not towards any other human being.This emotion is one which we inherit from our animal ancestors.In this respect Freud2 seems to me not sufficiently2CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsbiological in his outlook,for anyone who will observe an animal mother with her young can see that her behavior towards them follows an entirely different pattern from her behavior towards the male with whom she has sex relations.And this same different and instinctive pattern,though in a modified and less definite form,exists among human beings.If it were not for this special emotion there would be almost nothing to be said for the family as an institution,since children might equally well be left to the care of professionals.As things are,however,the special affection which parents have for children,provided their instincts are not atrophied,is of value both to the parents themselves and to the children.CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions The value of parental affection to children lies largely in the fact that it is more reliable than any other affection.Ones friends like one for ones merits,ones lovers for ones charms;if the merits or the charms diminish,friends and lovers may vanish.But it is in times of misfortune that parents are most to be relied upon,in illness,and even in disgrace if the parents are of the right sort.We all feel pleasure when we are admired for our merits,but most of us are sufficiently modest at heart to feel that such admiration is precarious.Our parents love us because we are their children and this is an unalterable fact,so that we feel more safe with them than with anyone else.In times of success this may seem unimportant,but in times of failure it affords a consolation and a security not to be found elsewhere.Bertrand Russell3 3CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions Twenty years from now humanity will be in the midst of one of its most painful and difficult social changes.This century will be the last in which families of more than two children can be tolerated;everyone knows this,and the only argument is over the means of achieving the goal4.But there is another aspect of the matter which is seldom given much serious consideration.The two-child family is not large enough to generate the interactions that develop a good personality;this is why single children are often monsters.Probably the optimum number of siblings is four or five twice the permissible quota.This means that,somehow,several families must be psychologically fused together for the health of the child,45CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsand of society.Working out ways of doing this will raise the blood pressure of a whole generation of lawyers and moralists.Arthur C.Clark5 Nobody who has not been in the interior of a family can say what the difficulties of any individual of that family may be.Jane Austen6,Emma 6CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsReading tasks 1.For the quote from Boswell,the tasks are:1.(1)What are the reasons of marriage raised by General Paoli in the conversation?2.(2)According to Johnson,what are the reasons for separation of husband and wife?3.(3)In the light of the traditional Chinese culture,what is the basis of marriage?Is this tradition still alive today in China?4.(4)Work in small groups to change the quote from Boswell into a dialogue among General Paoli,S.Johnson,and J.Boswell in conversational English.?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions2.For the quote from B.Russell,the tasks are:1.(1)According to Russell,what is the basis of a family?2.(2)What is Russells argument that parental love is more biological than psychological?3.(3)What is the difference between parental love and other forms of love?4.3.For the quote from A.C.Clark,the tasks are:5.(1)Do you agree with Clarks view that single children are often monsters,and the optimum number of siblings is four or five?6.(2)Why would it raise the blood pressure of a whole generation of lawyers and moralists to work out the solutions?How can families be psychologically fused together?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions4.For the quote from J.Austen,the tasks are:1.(1)How is Austen different from L.Tolstoy about family life?2.(2)Why is it hard to understand the interior dynamics of a family?3.(3)What is the Chinese saying similar in implication to this quote?KEYSCONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsSuggested points1.For the quote from Boswell Task 1 Husband and wife would please each other in a marriage.Husband and wife would not dissent from living together in a marriage.So marriage is a natural condition for man.Task 2 Separation may result from different interest of husband and wife.Separation may result from lack of understanding between husband and wife.?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions Separation may result from the change of mind in husband and wife.Task 3 There is an underlying assumption among the three gentlemen in their views on marriage.It must be based on“pleasure”each can give to the other in a harmonious family life.This bond would break up once this connection wears off.This is a typical Western view of marriage.In contrast,the traditional Chinese view of marriage is based on the following considerations:(1)The need to continue the family line(2)The need to maintain social,economical,and political power?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions(3)The need to give pleasure to everyone in the family(4)The need to please each other between husband and wife Encourage Ss to comment on this topic,and elaborate on/continue this list.?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsTask 4(for reference)J.Boswell:Do you think that a man and a woman remain together as husband and wife a natural way of life?S.Johnson:I dont think so.There is not enough reason to say that.Nevertheless,we find strong motives in ourselves in our society and the restraints in our culture to do so.General Paoli:But dont you think that a constant connection between husband and wife would foster mutual love and reduce dissensions among them?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsS.Johnson:Why!It is highly likely that dissensions may occur between them at any moment.Look,one would choose to go hunting in this wood,but the other in another;one would choose to go fishing in this lake,but the other in that and so on and so forth.The result is obvious.They will part from each other.Besides,people meet each other by chance.When the man sees another woman that pleases him better,he will leave the first.?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions2.For the quote from B.Russell Task 1 Parental love for children is the most important element in family life,without which family would be nothing because it is very different from other types of love in human society.Task 2 His argument is based on his observations of animal love.This kind of love would remain forever regardless of situation or environment.Nevertheless,love of other type,such as mutual appreciation between friends,or even between man and woman,would be changed as a result of change in environment.?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions Task 3 Parental love is unconditional,and will remain unchanged forever even in the worst conditions of life or death.3.For the quote from A.C.Clark Task 1 The possible response from Ss might be disagreement.Encourage Ss to think about these issues:As the only child in their families,what are the advantages or disadvantages in the family life?Possible advantages:(1)Having sufficient focus(maybe too much sometimes)from parents,grandparents,or even other relatives(2)Having good financial conditions for living(in materials)?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions(3)Having relatively light workload in family business/chores(4)Being able to inherit all property from parents Possible disadvantages:(5)Experiencing loneliness(6)Too much pressure from parents(7)Lack of privacy(8)Lack of socialization opportunities(9)Lack of rich life experience Encourage Ss to comment on or revise the list.?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsTask 2 Have Ss discuss the meaning of fuse a few families together psychologically.Discuss this cycles:marriage having children divorce remarriage with children divorce So psychologically people would experience multiple marriage and divorce cycles to reach that goal.In the cycle,the moral issues,and also financial issues will be a headache for many lawyers or moralists.?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions4.For the quote from J.AustenTask 1 They are different in that Austen emphasizes the difference and the dynamic relationships within families while Tolstoy emphasizes all happy families are alike,only unhappy families are unhappy in their unique fashion.Task 2 The interior dynamic relationships are often emotional or psychological,and therefore very difficult to define or solve.Task 3 Her quote is similar in meaning to the Chinese saying 家家有本难念的经,or 清官难断家务事.?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsExplaining and translationExplain the following sentences in English and then translate them into Chinese.1.It is so far from being natural for a man and woman to live in a state of marriage,that we find all the motives which they have for remaining in that connection,and the restraints which civilized society imposes to prevent separation,are hardly sufficient to keep them together2.and it is also true that some women are capable of feeling an affection for children not their own almost as strong as that which they could feel for their own.3.In this respect,Freud seems to me not sufficiently biological in his outlook,?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsExplaining and translationExplain the following sentences in English and thentranslate them into Chinese.4.If it were not for this special emotion,there would be almost nothing to be said for the family as an institution.5.As things are,however,the special affection which parents have for children,provided their instincts are not atrophied,is of value both to the parents themselves and to the children.6.Working out ways of doing this will raise the blood pressure of a whole generation of lawyers and moralists.?KEYSCONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positionsAnswers for reference1.It is so against the human nature for a man and a woman to live together under marriage that all the reasons they have for their marriage to continue and all the restrictions set by society for divorce to happen fail to prevent a couple from breaking up.让让让让一一一一个个个个男男男男人人人人和和和和一一一一个个个个女女女女人人人人在在在在婚婚婚婚姻姻姻姻状状状状况况况况下下下下生生生生活活活活与与与与人人人人的的的的自自自自然然然然本本本本性性性性相相相相差差差差甚甚甚甚远远远远。我我我我们们们们会会会会发发发发现现现现所所所所有有有有让让让让他他他他们们们们维维维维持持持持婚婚婚婚姻姻姻姻的的的的动动动动机机机机和和和和文明社会为离婚设下的限制都不足以将两人维系在一起。文明社会为离婚设下的限制都不足以将两人维系在一起。文明社会为离婚设下的限制都不足以将两人维系在一起。文明社会为离婚设下的限制都不足以将两人维系在一起。?CONTENTCONTENTHOMEHOMENEXTPREVUnderstand different positions2.It is also true that some women by nature can love o