Chapter 12 Power&Politics12.1 Power power&leadership are closely intertwined,leaders use power as a means of attaining goals.Differences-1.goal compatibility between leaders&the led;2.direction of influence;3.research emphasis,style;tactics for gaining compliance 1.Definition The ability to get others to do sth.They would not do out of their self-interest A capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B does things he or she would not otherwise doimplication:1.a potential that neednt be actualized to be effective;2.a dependency relationship;3.B has discretion over his own behaviordependency:Bs relationship to A when A possesses sth.That B requires2.Base(sources)of Power 5 category classification scheme by French&RavenCoercive:being dependent on fear-the negative result due to applicationreward:compliance achieved based on the ability to distribute rewards that others views as valuable legitimate:the power received as a result of his position in the formal hierarchy of an organizationexpert:influence based on special skills or knowledgereferent:-possession by an individual of desirable resource or personal traits.Out of admiration3.The key to powerGeneral postulate:the great Bs dependency on A,the great the power A has over Bdependency increases when the resource you control is important,scarce,&nonsubstitutableimportance:who can absorb an organizations uncertainty will be perceived as importantscarcity:a resource needs to be perceived as scarcenonsubstitutability:elasticity of power:the relative responsiveness of power to changes in available alternative4.Identify where the power isAt the department level:the proportion of top-level managers coming;representatives on cross-functional teams&committee;salary comparison at the same level;comparison of the average size of offices for people;relative size growth,promotion rateAt the individual level:the ability to intercede favorably on behalf of someone in trouble;to get approval for extra expenditure;get agenda at major meetings,get fast access to top D-M.5.Power tactics ways in which powerholder translate power basis into specific actionsReason:logical or rational presentation friendliness:use of flattery,creation of goodwill,acting humble,friendly prior to making a requestcoalition:getting others support to back up requesbargaining:negotiation through favors exchange assertiveness:use of a direct&forceful approach such as demanding compliance with requesthigher authority:gaining the support of highersanction:5.Power tacticsUsage from most to least popular Upward influence:R,C,F,B,A,H Downward influence:R,A,F,C,B,H,S uncovered 4 contingent variables:the managers relative power,objectives for wanting to influence,expectation of the target persons willingness to comply,the organizational culture6.Power in group:CoalitionStrength in numbers.if its difficult,risky,costly or impossible to build a personal power base,efforts will be made to form a coalition by joining togethercoalition in organization often seek to maximize their size;more coalition will be created there being a great deal of task&resource interdependence;the more routine the task of a group,the great the likelihood of coalition formationChapter 12 Power&Politics12.2 Politics:Power in Action key elements:attempt to use ones power bases outside ones specific job requirement;influence the distribution of advantages&disadvantages 1.DefinitionThose activities that are not required as part of ones formal role in the organization,but that influence,or attempt to influence,the distribution of advantages&disadvantages within the organizationlegitimate-:normal everyday politics such as complaint,bypassing,coalition,excessive adherenceillegitimate-:extreme political behavior that violates the implied rules of games-sabotage,symbolic protests,group calling in sick concurrentl2.The reality of politicsDifferent values,goals,&interests-potential for conflict over resources Scarce resources-turns potential into real conflict.One gains at the expense of others,competitionmost decisions are made in a climate of ambiguity politicking3.Factors contributing to politicsIndividual factors:high self-monitors,internal locus of control,high Machiavellian;Individuals investment in the organization,perceived job alternatives,expectations of success organizational factors:reallocation of resources,promotion opportunities,low trust,role ambiguity,unclear performance evaluation system,0-sum reward practices,democratic D-M,high performance pressures,self-serving senior manager 4.Politicking improving your political effectiveness Frame arguments in terms of organization goalsdevelop the right imagegain control of organizational resourcesmake yourself appear indispensable-no substitutebe visibledevelop powerful alliesavoid“tainted”members-status is questionablesupport your boss5.Impression managementThe process by which individuals attempt to control the impression others form of themIM techniques:conformity-agree with others opinion to gain-excuses-explanations of a predicament event,apologies-admitting responsibility for undesirable event,acclaiming-explanations of favorable events,flattery-complimenting others about their virtues,favors-doing sth.Nice for someone,association-managing relevant information6.Defensive Behavior protection of self-interest as well as promotion Reaction&protective behaviors to avoid action,blame,or changeavoiding action:overconforming-rigid adherence to rules passing the buck-transfer duty to others playing dumb-falsely plead ignorance or inability depersonalization-ignore specific idiosyncrasies stretching&smoothing-prolong a task&cover up fluctuations in effort to make you appear busy stalling-supportive publicly while doing little 6.Defensive Behavior political strategy,negative effect in long runavoiding blame:buffing-rigorous documenting activity to project an image of competence;playing safe-evade unfavorably situation;justifying-lessen your responsibility;scapegoating-place the blame on external factors misrepresenting-manipulation of information escalation of commitmentavoiding action:-feel personally threatened by change.Resisting change;protecting turf-defending your territory from encroachment7.The ethics of behaving politically Motivated by self-interest vs.Organizational goalsrespect the right of other partiesconforms to standards of equity&justice演讲完毕,谢谢观看!