【浙江新中考】中考英语总复习 第三讲 阅读理解名师课件(专题突破+讲练结合) 人教新目标版.ppt
第三讲阅读理解第三讲阅读理解专题训练专题训练 4 阅读阅读理解理解(一一)()1.What kind of life has Jack lived?AA short life.BAn interesting life.CA lonely life.DA poor life.解解析析:由由第第一一段段第第一一句句“My grandfather Jack is 96 years old,and he has had an interesting life.”可可知知“我我”的的爷爷爷杰克过着有趣的生活。故选爷杰克过着有趣的生活。故选B。答案:答案:B()2.Which of the following does Jack think is the most beautiful place?AKathmandu.BThe Pyramids.CThe Sahara Desert.DTaj Mahal.解解析析:由由第第一一段段最最后后一一句句“He says the most beautiful place he has travelled to is Kathmandu in Nepal.”可可知知“我我”的的爷爷爷爷杰杰克克认认为为他他曾曾经经去去过过最最漂漂亮亮的的地地方方是是尼尼泊泊尔尔的加德满都。故选的加德满都。故选A。答案:答案:A()3.How many times has Jack married?AOnce.BTwice.CThree times.DFour times.解解析析:由由第第二二段段第第一一句句“Jack has married twice.”可可知知“我我”的爷爷杰克一生结过两次婚。故选的爷爷杰克一生结过两次婚。故选B。答案:答案:B()4.Where did Jack meet Maria?AIn India.BIn Nepal.CIn France.DIn Egypt.解解析析:由由第第二二段段第第三三句句“He met his second wife Maria while he was cycling round France.”可可知知当当杰杰克克骑骑车车环环法法旅行的时候遇见了他的第二任妻子玛利亚。故选旅行的时候遇见了他的第二任妻子玛利亚。故选C。答案:答案:C()5.What does Jack do every night?AHe has a glass of wine.BHe goes swimming.CHe hunts lions.DHe rides a camel.解解析析:由由最最后后一一段段倒倒数数第第二二句句“He also has a glass of wine every night!”可可知知杰杰克克每每天天晚晚上上都都喝喝一一杯杯葡葡萄萄酒酒。故选故选A。答案:答案:APassage 2(2013长长沙沙)阅阅读读下下列列图图表表,从从每每题题所所给给的的A、B、C三三个个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。主主旨旨大大意意本本文文为为应应用用文文,分分别别介介绍绍了了Lily的的八八岁岁生生日日的的邀邀请请函函、Mary Connor的的个个人人信信息息、图图书书馆馆开开馆馆时时间间、网上购物统计表及旅馆宣传册。网上购物统计表及旅馆宣传册。1From the information in the picture,we know that Lily was born on_.AJune 8,2005 BJune 22,2005CJune 22,2013解解析析:从从“Lilys 8th Birthday”与与“June 22,2013”可可推推测出测出B项正确。项正确。答案:答案:B2According to the personal information,we know that Mary Connor lives in_.ACanada BAmerica CEngland解解析析:根根据据信信息息中中“Address:63 Lily Road,London SW1,England.”可知可知C项是正确的。项是正确的。答案:答案:C3You can borrow books_.Aat 10:30 am on MondayBat 10:00 pm on ThursdayCat 3:30 pm on Saturday解解 析析:从从“Thursday:8:00 am9:00 pm”和和“Saturday:Closed”可可以以得得出出周周四四早早上上8:00至至晚晚上上9:00开馆,周六全天闭馆,排除开馆,周六全天闭馆,排除B、C。故选。故选A。答案:答案:A4According to the survey(调调查查)of 2,000 American online shoppers,_ people shop online from 5 pm to 8 pm.A320.B640.C800.解解析析:从从柱柱形形图图分分析析下下午午5点点至至8点点进进行行网网上上购购物物的的人人数数占占32%,故故从从下下午午5点点至至8点点网网上上购购物物的的人人数数为为:2 00032%640,故选,故选B。答案:答案:B5Which of the following is NOT TRUE?AYoud better wear your sun hat to enjoy wonderful sunshine.BThe boats will take you to different places for swimming.CMr Smith and his child need to pay$160 for the tour.解析:解析:由信息中由信息中“Adult:80.00 Child:40.00”说明成人票价说明成人票价80美元,小孩票价美元,小孩票价40美元。他们共需要美元。他们共需要花费花费120美元。因此美元。因此C项错误。项错误。答案:答案:C()1.How many days does the Beer Festival last?A3.B4.C5.D6.解解析析:由由文文中中“Beer Festival 29 April2 May”可可知知,啤啤酒节将持续酒节将持续4天。故选天。故选B。答案:答案:B()2.Traditional pub food is served every day except _.AMonday&Friday BSaturday&SundayCMonday&Saturday DFriday&Sunday解解析析:由由文文中中“Traditional pub food served Mon.Fri.”可知,周六和周日不会提供传统食物。故选可知,周六和周日不会提供传统食物。故选B。答案:答案:B()3.Which information helps you if you want to order at home from the pub?A18 Brinkley Rd Dullingham.BNewmarket.CTel:01638 507327.DFree House.解解析析:根根据据题题中中“if you want to order at home from the pub”的要求可知,广告中的电话最为重要。故选的要求可知,广告中的电话最为重要。故选C。答案:答案:C()4.According to the advertisement,the pub is run by_.Aa family Ba friendCa farm Da boss解解析析:根根据据“a friendly family run pub”可可知知,小小酒酒馆馆是是家庭经营的。故选家庭经营的。故选A。答案:答案:A()5.During Beer Festival,guests can easily get _.AAdanms Best Bitter BBroadsideCGuest Beers Dall above解析:解析:根据根据“ALWAYS AVAILABLE:Adanms Best Bitter,Broadside&Guest Beers”可知,在这家酒馆里,三种可知,在这家酒馆里,三种牌子的啤酒都可以喝到。故选牌子的啤酒都可以喝到。故选D。答案:答案:D()1.When did Mr Mendel discover why we look the same as other people in our family?AIn 2000.BIn 1961.CIn 1953.DIn 1860.解解析析:由由第第二二段段第第二二句句“In 1860,Mr Mendel discovered why we look the same as other people in our family.”可可知选知选D。答案:答案:D()2.What did the two scientists find in 1961?They found _.Aall the words in the DNA map Bsmall things called“genes”in our bodyCthe first“word”they could understand in that languageDthose small parts are written in the DNA with a special language解解析析:由由第第三三段段第第一一句句“In 1961,another two scientists found the first word that they could understand in that language.”可知选可知选C。答案:答案:C()3.How can we help sick people if we understand more“words”in the DNA map?AMake better medicine.BMake them get jobs.CMake maps for them.DMake them attractive.解解析析:由由最最后后一一段段第第一一句句“Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine and help sick people.”可知选可知选A。答案:答案:A()4.Which one is not true according to the article?AWe look like our parents because of“genes”in our body.BWe have understood what all the words in the DNA map do.CDNA is the whole“map”of the human body.DDNA tells the cell to build its parts.解析:解析:由第三段第三句由第三段第三句“So far,scientists have found all the words in the DNA map,but we still do not understand what they all do.”可知,可知,B项与短文内容不符。项与短文内容不符。答案:答案:B()5.What do people think about this research about DNA?AIt can be only bad.BIt can be only good.CIt can be good but wont work.DIt can be good and bad.解解析析:由由最最后后一一段段“Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine and help sick people.Other people worry that when we learn more wordsand find out more information,we will use it in a wrong way.”可知,可知,DNA有利也有弊,故选有利也有弊,故选D。答案:答案:D专题训练专题训练 5 阅读阅读理解理解(二二)()1.Who created Sudoku?AHoward Garnes.BSudoku.CKaji Maki.DNikoli.解解析析:由由第第一一段段第第四四句句“It was created by Howard Garnes in 1979.”可可知知是是Howard Garnes在在1979年年发发明明了了九宫格数独。故选九宫格数独。故选A。答案:答案:A()2.Which is true about Kaji Maki according to the reading material?AHe was the boss of Nissan Company.BHe helped to make Sudoku popular in Japan.CHe was the president of The Times.DHe is an American.解解析析:由由第第一一段段“The puzzle was first introduced into Japan by Nikoli Puzzle Company in 1984.In 1986,Kaji Maki,the president of Nikoli made the rules strict and clear.Soon in the same year Sudoku became popular in Japan.”可可知知Kaji Maki对对九九宫宫格格数数独独的的主主要要贡贡献献在在于于促促进了其在日本的流行,故选进了其在日本的流行,故选B。答案:答案:B()3.Which is NOT true about Sudoku?ASudoku wasnt invented in Japan.BIt was The Times that first printed Sudoku in the newspaper.CEach grid has more than one number.DIt became popular around the world in 2005.解解析析:结结合合全全文文可可知知九九宫宫格格数数独独并并非非起起源源于于日日本本,在在2004年年被被泰泰晤晤士士报报第第一一次次刊刊登登印印刷刷,大大约约在在2005年年的的时时候候才才开开始始在在国国际际上上流流行行开开来来,但但其其每每个个格格子子只只能能填填一个数字,故选项一个数字,故选项C表达是错误的。表达是错误的。答案:答案:C()4.In the puzzle above,what should“X”be?A5.B4.C3.D1.解解析析:由由第第二二段段的的第第一一句句“The rule of the puzzle is to fill in the grids so that every row,every line and every 33 box has the numbers 1 to 9.”可可知知九九宫宫格格数数独独的的游游戏戏规规则则是是每每一一行行分分别别填填满满数数字字1至至9,并并结结合合游游戏戏表表格格可可知知X所在的横行和纵行所缺数字均为所在的横行和纵行所缺数字均为1,故,故D选项正确。选项正确。答案:答案:D()5.What should“Z”be in the puzzle?A8.B5.C2.D4.解解析析:九九宫宫格格数数独独的的游游戏戏规规则则是是每每一一行行分分别别填填满满数数字字1至至9,首首先先确确定定出出Y在在此此拼拼图图中中应应为为8,进进而而判判断断Z所所在在的的横横行和纵行所缺数字均为行和纵行所缺数字均为5,故,故B选项正确。选项正确。答案:答案:B()1.If you want to watch microvideos,youd better choose _.A BC D解析:解析:由表格第三列第二行的网址和第六行中的由表格第三列第二行的网址和第六行中的Watching microvideos on the C2C service platform可知可知选选C项。项。答案:答案:C()2.Tudou was founded _ months earlier than Youku.Aseven BfourteenCtwentyone Dfour解解 析析:比比 较较 第第 三三 行行 中中 April,2005和和 June,2006可可 知知,Tudou比比Youku早建立早建立14个月。故选个月。故选B项。项。答案:答案:B()3._founded Tudou in April,2005.AGu Yongqiang BYang BoCWang Bo DWang Wei解解析析:由由第第二二列列第第四四行行可可知知,Tudou网网是是Wang Wei创创建建的。故选的。故选D项。项。答案:答案:D()4.If you are on Douban,you will have a chance to _.Amake friends with others Buse the C2C service platform Cshare videos with other peopleDchat with others as you like解解析析:由由第第四四列列第第六六行行中中Making friends with others.可可知,在知,在Douban网,你有机会交朋友。网,你有机会交朋友。答案:答案:A()5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?ADouban is the youngest of the three.BThe idea of Youku is“Let the whole world watch us.”CYou can edit what you like on Tudou.DYou can share videos with others on Youku.解解析析:由由第第三三列列第第五五行行中中“Let the whole world watch us.”可知选可知选B项。项。答案:答案:B()1.You can visit Lions Nature Education Centre _.Ain the city centreBat Hirams Highway Con a government farm Dinside the exhibition halls解解析析:细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章中中“Address:Hirams Highway”可可知知,可可以以在在Hirams Highway参参观观Lions Nature Education Centre。故选。故选B。答案:答案:B()2.In the centre,visitors can learn about _.Arural clothes and shoesBdifferent kinds of seafoodCoutdoor lions in natureDthe environment around us解析:解析:细节理解题。根据文章中细节理解题。根据文章中“We also hope to educate people about the environment.”可知,在那里游可知,在那里游客可以了解周围的环境。故选客可以了解周围的环境。故选D。答案:答案:D()3.Before your school go to the centre,you should tell them _.Anot to visit the Farmers MarketBnot to make a noise or wear hatsCto care for the wildlife and waterDto look for rubbish and take it away解解析析:细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章中中“do not make the water dirty”,“Care for other visitors and wildlife”可可知知,在去之前应该告诉他们爱护水和野生动植物。故选,在去之前应该告诉他们爱护水和野生动植物。故选C。答案:答案:C()4.Lions Nature Education Centre is closed _.Aat weekends B.after 4:30 pmCduring weekdays D.before 9:30am解解析析:细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章中中“We are open daily from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm”可可知知,Lions Nature Education Centre在上午九点半之前是关着门的。故选在上午九点半之前是关着门的。故选D。答案:答案:D()5.For more information about the centre,youd better _.Acall at 2792 2234 Bask other visitors Cstudy the facilities Dprovide the website解解析析:细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据“Phone:2792 2234”可可知知,你你可以打电话了解更多信息。故选可以打电话了解更多信息。故选A。答案:答案:A()1.When they visit the places of interest on an East Bus,the visitors_.Aneed to watch their cars Bhave to worry about the drivingChave to find places to park the bus Dcan sit back and relax themselves解解析析:根根据据第第二二段段“Sit back,relax and see all there is to see,with no need to worry about driving,finding a parking place or leaving your car with no one to watch it.”的描述可知,参观者可以很放松,故选的描述可知,参观者可以很放松,故选D。答案:答案:D()2.From the advertisement,we can see that East Bus is a kind of_.Atourist bus Bvillage bus Cairport bus Dschool bus解解析析:根根据据车车所所去去的的景景点点以以及及第第三三段段最最后后一一句句“The whole tour will take you three days.”可可以以推推断断出出,East Bus是一种旅游车,故选是一种旅游车,故选A。答案:答案:A()3._ on an East Bus can speak two languages.AThe guide BThe driver CThe visitors DThe children解解析析:根根据据“Chinese&English speaking guides.”可可知知,车上导游可以说汉语和英语两种语言,故选车上导游可以说汉语和英语两种语言,故选A。答案:答案:A()4.Children under 1.2 m tall need to pay _ for the trip.A230 yuan B290 yuan C320 yuan D460 yuan解解析析:根根据据“¥580.00 per person(half price for children under 1.2 m tall).”可可知知,1.2米米以以下下的的孩孩子子要要支支付付290元,故选元,故选B。答案:答案:B()5.Which of the following is NOT true?AThe tour price includes six meals.BVisitors can see six places within three days.CVisitors must go to the company to book the tickets.DThe office hour of the company is eight hours a day.解解析析:根根据据“Booking by phone four days in advance.”可可知知,游游客客可可以以通通过过电电话话提提前前订订票票,因因此此C项项“必必须须去去公司订票公司订票”是错误的。故选是错误的。故选C。答案:答案:C专题训练专题训练 6 阅读阅读理解理解(三三)()1.According to the article the Chinese spaceman traveling in space twice is_.AYang Liwei BFei JunlongCNie Haisheng DZhai Zhigang解解析析:第第二二个个表表格格及及第第四四个个表表格格分分别别都都提提到到了了Nie Haisheng。由由此此可可知知,只只有有聂聂海海胜胜进进入入太太空空两两次次。故故选选C。答案:答案:C()2.Shenzhou went around the earth in space_.Aonce B4 timesC5 times D14 times解析:解析:从第一个表格中从第一个表格中“He went around the earth 14 times in his oneday flight.”可知,可知,“神舟五号神舟五号”一天绕一天绕地球飞行地球飞行14圈。故选圈。故选D。答案:答案:D()3.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng stayed in space for_.A1 day B4 daysC5 days D14 days解解析析:从从第第二二个个表表格格可可知知,发发射射时时间间为为October 12th,2005,返回时间是,返回时间是October 17th,共,共5天时间。故选天时间。故选C。答案:答案:C()4.Zhai Zhigang made our countrys first spacewalk in_.A2013 B2008C2005 D 2003解析:解析:从第三个表格中的时间信息及主要事件内容中从第三个表格中的时间信息及主要事件内容中“Zhai Zhigang made our countrys first spacewalk.”可可知答案。故选知答案。故选B。答案:答案:B()5.The space lesson about microgravity to all Chinese teenagers lasted_.Aone day Bfive daysC15 minutes D40 minutes解解析析:从从第第四四个个表表格格最最后后一一句句话话“This space lesson lasted 40 minutes.”可知答案。故选可知答案。故选D。答案:答案:D()1.Lin Shuhow was born and grew up _.Ain the US Bin LondonCin Hong Kong Din Shanghai解解析析:细细节节理理解解题题。由由第第一一段段最最后后一一句句“Lin was born and grew up in the United States.”可知选可知选A。答案:答案:A()2.Lin helped his team to _ wins after the game on February 5,2012.A5 B6 C7 D8解解析析:细细节节理理解解题题。由由第第二二段段最最后后一一句句“.after that game,he helped the Knicks to 7 wins.”可知选可知选C。答案:答案:C()3.When did Lin enter the NBA?AIn 2009.BIn 2010.CIn 2011.DIn 2012.解解析析:细细节节理理解解题题。由由第第四四段段第第一一句句“Lin entered the NBA in 2010.”可确定答案。可确定答案。答案:答案:B()4.The New York Knicks signed Lin,because _.ALin had much experience in the NBABLin was very hot in the NBA at that timeCLin graduated from Harvard UniversityDthey needed a new player instead of an injured one解解析析:细细节节理理解解题题。由由最最后后一一段段内内容容可可知知,林林书书豪豪是是因因代替一名受伤的运动员才与尼克斯队签约的,故选代替一名受伤的运动员才与尼克斯队签约的,故选D。答案:答案:D()5.Which is the right order of Lins basketball career(生涯生涯)?Athe Golden State Warriorsthe Houston Rocketsthe KnicksHarvard UniversityBHarvard Universitythe Golden State Warriorsthe Houston Rocketsthe KnicksCHarvard Universitythe Houston Rocketsthe Golden State Warriorsthe KnicksDHarvard Universitythe Golden State Warriorsthe Knicksthe Houston Rockets解解析析:综综合合理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章内内容容可可知知,林林书书豪豪从从Harvard University到到the Golden State Warriors,然然后后到到the Houston Rockets,最最后后在在New York Knicks,故故选选B。答案:答案:B()1.There are _ people in this story.A3 B5 C4 D6解解析析:推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第二二段段中中的的“Mr Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium.”可可知知,Mr Jackson一一家家是是四四口口人人,再再加加上上售售票票员员,则则故故事事中中出出现现了了五个人。故选五个人。故选B。答案:答案:B()2.Mr Jackson paid _ for their tickets to the aquarium at last.A20 dollars B40 dollars C60 dollars D80 dollars解析:解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The price is 20 dollars for each adult or any kid older than five.”和和“I think I must buy three tickets.”可知,他买了三张票,每可知,他买了三张票,每张票张票20美元,共美元,共60美元。美元。答案:答案:C()3.Children can see _ in the Blue Ocean Aquarium.Adolphins Bpandas Ckoalas Dtigers解解析析:推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第一一段段可可知知,他他们们去去的的是是水水族族馆,可以看到海洋动物。故选馆,可以看到海洋动物。故选A。答案:答案:A()4.The underlined word“honesty”means _.A激情激情 B友谊友谊 C乐观乐观 D诚实诚实解解析析:词词义义猜猜测测题题。根根据据最最后后一一段段中中的的“We should tell the truth to the people around us,especially to the kids.”可推知,此词的意思是可推知,此词的意思是“诚实诚实”。故选。故选D。答案:答案:D()5.What can we learn from the passage?AMr Jackson was very rich.BMr Jackson wanted to save some money.CMr Jackson paid for his two sons tickets in the end.DMr Jackson thought honesty was more important than money.解解析析:推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第二二段段中中的的“Yes,that sounds right,but my kids know the difference.”可可推推知知,Mr Jackson宁愿多花钱,也要诚实,故选宁愿多花钱,也要诚实,故选D。答案:答案:D()1.The passage may be from _.Aa science book Ba magazine Ca storybook Dschool rules 解解析析:推推理理判判断断题题。通通读读全全文文可可知知,文文章章主主要要介介绍绍了了让让自自己己感感觉觉良良好好的的一一些些方方法法。再再结结合合四四个个选选项项可可知知,这这篇篇文章最有可能摘自杂志,故选文章最有可能摘自杂志,故选B。答案:答案:B()2.According to this passage,when you are helping others,you will _.Abe special Bbe sure Cbe remembered Dfeel nice 解析:解析:细节理解题。根据建议中的细节理解题。根据建议中的“Helping others always makes you feel good.”可知,帮助别人会使你感觉可知,帮助别人会使你感觉良好,故选良好,故选D。答案:答案:D()3.What does the underlined phrase“a sense of accomplishment”mean in Chinese?A成就感成就感 B忧伤感忧伤感 C挫折感挫折感 D信任感信任感解解析析:词词义义猜猜测测题题。根根据据下下文文“when you have finished”可可知知,此此处处的的a sense of accomplishment的的意意思思是是“成成就就感感”。句句意意为为“新新的的挑挑战战很很有有趣趣,当当你你完完成成时时,它它们们会会给你一种成就感给你一种成就感”。故选。故选A。答案:答案:A()4.Which of the following should you say“No”to when you are unhappy?AYou should always look for the good t