OBJECTIVE 目的Provide clean facility for guests to use so as to show our welcome and respect.提提供供清清洁洁的的设设施施供供客客人人使使用用显显示示我我们们的的欢欢迎和尊重迎和尊重第1页/共18页清洁设施设备的介绍:工具篮工具篮马桶刷万能清洁剂胶手套玻璃刮绿色百洁布面盆刷第2页/共18页牙刷(清洁小便器盖)钢丝球喷壶拖布84消毒剂擦铜水第3页/共18页PROCEDURES 流程过渡页第4页/共18页点击添加标题1.Clean toilet 1.Clean toilet 清洁卫生间清洁卫生间Prepare instrument-basket,the close Prepare instrument-basket,the close stool-brush,the basin cleanser(Jie Kang stool-brush,the basin cleanser(Jie Kang and all-around cleaning agent),the green and all-around cleaning agent),the green cloth,and the notice board.cloth,and the notice board.准备工具篮,马桶刷,面盆刷清洁剂准备工具篮,马桶刷,面盆刷清洁剂(全能清洁剂),绿色百洁布(全能清洁剂),绿色百洁布To work effectivelyTo work effectively以便更有效的工作以便更有效的工作 Start to work,put the notice board Start to work,put the notice board outside the toilet,make sure it is obvious outside the toilet,make sure it is obvious to be seento be seen开始工作。将工作牌放在卫开始工作。将工作牌放在卫生间门口明显位置。生间门口明显位置。To remind the guests.To remind the guests.以便提醒客人以便提醒客人第5页/共18页点击添加题2 2 2 2、Knock the doorKnock the doorKnock the doorKnock the door敲门敲门敲门敲门Knock the door of the toilet,use the second joint of the middle Knock the door of the toilet,use the second joint of the middle figure to knock it for three times,and wait for three seconds,figure to knock it for three times,and wait for three seconds,then ask if there is anyone in it.After knocking for three times,then ask if there is anyone in it.After knocking for three times,push the door softly,to make sure theres nobody push the door softly,to make sure theres nobody there.(Refers specifically for going into the toilet of the there.(Refers specifically for going into the toilet of the opposite sex)opposite sex)开始敲卫生间门,用中指第二关节轻轻敲门三声、间隔开始敲卫生间门,用中指第二关节轻轻敲门三声、间隔三秒同时问三秒同时问“卫生间里面有人吗?卫生间里面有人吗?”连敲三次。轻轻推连敲三次。轻轻推开门时,为了确保里面没有人,再进入。(这里专指进开门时,为了确保里面没有人,再进入。(这里专指进入异性卫生间时)入异性卫生间时)To notice the guests to get prepared.To notice the guests to get prepared.以便提前通知客人,让客人做好准备以便提前通知客人,让客人做好准备第6页/共18页3.Pick up rubbish.收垃圾 Collecting the rubbish first,then use the dry cloth to clean the rubbish ban.And put the new rubbish bag in it.Clean-up the ashtray,then put it back.进入卫生间后先收垃圾,用干湿抹布擦干净 垃圾桶内外。并套上干净的垃圾袋。清倒烟灰缸内垃圾,并擦干净内外放回原出处。Make the guests feel cozy,and easy to stay.让客人感到干净整洁,便于客人使用。第7页/共18页4.Clean establishment4.Clean establishment清洁设施设备清洁设施设备Put the Kang Jie cleanse in the close stool and the urinal to soak.将马桶、小便器内倒入康洁洁厕剂浸泡几分钟。将马桶、小便器内倒入康洁洁厕剂浸泡几分钟。To help to make the cleaning work.Easily.为了让其反应便于清洁干净Ps:洁厕剂不能与洁厕剂不能与84消毒剂混着用!消毒剂混着用!第8页/共18页5.Clean close stool洗马桶During the soaking time,the cleaner use the wet and dry cloth to clean the separate board,the wall and the toilet paper rack.make the toilet paper in the shape of triangle.在浸泡时保洁员分别用干湿抹布擦分隔板、墙面、卫生卷纸架,并将卫生纸折成三角形。To safe time.为了节省时间Time to clean the close stool,make the brush dig into the cleanser,and brush the flat water tank,the seat,the base and the outlet in it.反应时间到时,开始清洁马桶,将马桶刷上蘸上清洁剂开始刷水箱盖板、座圈、底座和马桶内部表面出水口和下水口。To make the rooms be cleaned completely,to make the guests use it assured.为了达到彻底清洁效果,让客人用得放心。第9页/共18页6.Wash,water冲洗,过水Push the flash switch,put the brush into the water and clean the flat water tank,the seat,the base and the outlet in it.然后将冲水开关按下,将马桶刷放到马桶内边冲水边用蘸上水的马桶刷刷干净马桶水箱盖板、座圈、底座和马桶内部表面出水口和下水口。To clean the cleanse on the brush.为了将刷上的清洁剂过水过干净。Use the wet cloth to clean the flat water tank,the seat,the base and the outlet in it.And use the dry one to clean them again.用半湿抹布干净马桶水箱、冲水开关、盖板、座圈、底座用干抹布擦干净马桶水箱、冲水开关、盖板、座圈、底座第10页/共18页8.Clean urinal清小便器Move the ashtray from the urinal to another one.将小便器上烟灰缸及底座一起移至另一个小便器上Use the brush and the cleanser to clean the top,the both sides,the base,and the outlet of the urinal.用马桶刷蘸上清洁剂开始刷小便器顶部、两侧面、底部及小便器内壁出水口和下水口。9.Urinal watering小便器过水Use the brush and the cleanser to clean the top,the both sides,the base,and the outlet of the urinal.用马桶刷蘸上清洁剂开始刷小便器顶部、两侧面、底部及小便器内壁出水口和下水口。10.清洁干净小便器Use the sensor to water the urinal,brush the top,the both sides,the base,and the outlet Use the sensor to water the urinal,brush the top,the both sides,the base,and the outlet of the urinal,avoid the sensor.of the urinal,avoid the sensor.过感应器往小便器内放水过感应器往小便器内放水用马桶刷蘸上水刷洗小便器顶部、两侧面、底部及内壁,注意避开感应器。用马桶刷蘸上水刷洗小便器顶部、两侧面、底部及内壁,注意避开感应器。用湿抹布擦干净小便器顶部、侧面及底部用湿抹布擦干净小便器顶部、侧面及底部用干抹布擦干净小便器顶部侧面及底部。用同样方法擦洗其它马桶和小便器。用干抹布擦干净小便器顶部侧面及底部。用同样方法擦洗其它马桶和小便器。将烟灰缸复位,按标准要求摆放好将烟灰缸复位,按标准要求摆放好位置位置第11页/共18页11 Clean face-basin,face-board清面盆,面台,Use the wet cloth to clean the rest of the wall,separate board,frame,the drier,and the paper box.用半湿抹布擦剩余的墙面、分隔板、画框、烘手机、擦手纸盒Use the dry and wet cloth to clean the mirror,keep it out of the water marks用干湿抹布擦干净卫生间内镜子,保持干净整洁,无水印,无水渍。12,Clean tidy table-board清洁干净台面Spray the disinfectant on the basin brush,brush the sink,and make it spread well.将84消毒剂喷在面盆刷上,刷洗台面,均匀涂开。With the disinfectant to brush the tap,the basin,and the outlet.将消毒剂喷在面盆刷上,刷洗水龙头,面盆,出水口,下水口。Open the outlet,use the basin brush to brush the board and the basin.打开水龙头冲水,用面盆刷刷台面,面盆。Use the glass brush to brush the water on the sink,from the inside out.用玻璃刮刮洗台面上的水,由外向内,向台面内刮水。Use the wet cloth to clean the board of the sink,tap and the basin.用半湿抹布擦干净台面,水龙头,面盆。Use the pain dry cloth to clean the board of the sink,tap and the basin.用平纹干抹布擦干净台面,面盆,水龙头。第12页/共18页注意事项:1、如果遇到有的卫生间的台面是大理石的,切记千万别把洁厕灵错当消毒剂使用了。这样会使我们的台面受到损伤,留下难看的痕迹。2、如果遇到有的卫生间门把手是铜的,那么需要用擦铜水来清洁。第13页/共18页3、在清洁时 要注意到卫生间内的烘手机,我们的烘手机分为两种,有的是有托盘的,另一种则没有。在清洁时需擦除里面的水渍,以免托盘内细菌滋生。第14页/共18页13.Clean ground清地面Put the disinfectant on the green cloth,polish the floor,and make it uniform.将84消毒清洁剂喷在绿色百洁布上,均匀打磨地面,直至起泡。Clean the cleanser with the water.将地面上清洁剂用水冲洗干净。Use the glass brush to brush the water to the floor drain.用玻璃刮将地面上的水向地漏方向刮。Use the dry cloth to clean the water marks on the floor,including the floor drain,用干湿抹布擦干净地面上遗留下的水印,包括地漏。第15页/共18页 14.Ending收尾工作Put the instruments into the instrument basket.收起所有的工具,放入工具篮。Add the stuff that the guests need.补充客用品。卷纸洗手液擦手纸第16页/共18页2023/3/26谢谢观赏第17页/共18页感谢您的观看!第18页/共18页