阿Q没有家,(他)住在本庄的土谷祠里;(他)也没有固定的职业,只给人家做短工,(人家叫他)割麦(他)便割麦,(人家叫 他)舂米(他)便舂米,(人家叫他)撑船(他)便撑船。(鲁迅阿Q正传)Ah Q had no family but lived in the Tutelary Gods temple at Weichuang.He had no regular work either,simply doing odd jobs for others.He would cut wheat if he was asked to.If they asked him to grind rice or put a boat he would also do for them.第1页/共3页My old friend Harrison,had lived in the Mediterranean for years before he returned to England.He had often dreamed of retiring in English and had planned to settle down in the country.He had no sooner returned than he bought a fine house and went to live there.Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather,for even though it was still summer it rained continuously and it was often bitterly cold.我的老朋友哈里森在地中海地区定居多年后,回到了英伦。他一直梦想着退休后,在乡间定居。刚一回国,他就买了一所雅致的房子,住了下来。谁知不久他就开始抱怨起天气来,此时虽说是夏天,但也阴雨绵绵,寒气逼人。哈里逊是我的旧友,侨居地中海多年,近返英国。哈早已梦想在英国本土退休,迁往乡间定居。归国伊始,便买下一栋清雅的别墅。可是刚一住下,就抱怨起英国的天气来;原来当时虽说炎暑未尽,但阴雨连绵,寒冷彻骨。(译文省略了代词,读来简洁清晰)第2页/共3页感谢您的观看!第3页/共3页