英语电影赏析 .pptx
Character Function and Cast DesignThree basic character functions:1.main characters2.secondary characters3.minor characters第1页/共29页1.main characters“Protagonist”,the character whose actions trigger the chain of causes and effects that drive the plot forward.第2页/共29页2.secondary charactersSecondary characters are those who interact with the protagonist and have significant impact on the development of the narrative.Secondary characters can be divided into three main functions:the opposition character,the mirror character,and the romance character.第3页/共29页2.1 The opposition characterThe opposition character(antagonist)is the character who opposes the intentions of the protagonist;antagonists stand in the way of protagonists and create obstacles for them.The final climax of the film is normally a direct confrontation between the protagonist and the antagonist/forces of antagonism.第4页/共29页2.2 The mirror characterThe mirror character(support)is the character most clearly aligned with,and supportive of,the protagonist.第5页/共29页2.3 The romance characterThe romance character(love interest)is the character with whom the protagonist is or becomes romantically involved.第6页/共29页Voglers Seven Character ArchetypesVoglers seven basic character functions:hero,mentor(导师),threshold guardian(关卡守卫者),herald(信使),shapeshifter(变化者),shadow(影子),and trickster(骗子,魔术师).第7页/共29页Hero英雄Mentor导师Threshold guardian关卡守门人Herald使者Shapeshifter变化者Shadow影子Trickster小丑Voglers Seven Character Archetypes第8页/共29页英雄主要角色影子代表英雄的“黑暗面”的反面角色导师给英雄以建议和帮助的角色使者传唤或召唤英雄踏上征途的角色原型简单介绍第9页/共29页变化者迷惑、误导英雄的角色,他们代表着英雄将会发生一些内在转变小丑带来喜剧调剂的角色守门人暂时阻挡英雄前进的角色第10页/共29页Vogler worked as a consultant for Disney during the production of the Lion King.How do Voglers character archetypes help one better understand the film?Question:第11页/共29页How is Voglers character archetypes applied in this film?Discussion第12页/共29页Motivation,Conflict,and Character GrowthMotivation:outer motivation,inner motivation;Conflict:outer conflict,inner conflictCharacter grow第13页/共29页Example:The Lion King1.Motivation:A:Outer motivationSimba must recover his kingdom.B:Inner motivationSimba must recover himself as“his fathers son”.2.Conflict:A:Outer conflictconflict with Scar,Scar seizes the kingdom from Simba,and Simba must take it back.第14页/共29页 B:Inner conflict conflict with himself due to self-doubt and unwillingness to confront difficulties from is own past3.Character GrowthDevelopment of new abilities(i.e.the self-confidence to challenge Scar)Reconsideration of goal(i.e.the goal is not just to rule,but to rule well,as his father did)Reflection and increased knowledge of self and world(i.e.knowledge that courage is not the same as“looking for trouble”,)第15页/共29页 Cinematic PerformanceQuestion:In what ways do cinematic performance differ from its theatrical equivalent?第16页/共29页The importance of AccentOne important aspect of performance is accent.In Hollywood films,accent is never neutral;it is value-laden(价值承载的)and highly significant.Since accents are associated with certain racial,national,ethic or regional groups,they can be used as a shortcut for expressing character.第17页/共29页The stereotypes of accentsWhite American=heroic,honest,brave,intelligentAfrican-American=amiable but easily led and easily deceivedEnglish=evil,imperial,dictatorial,sinister,deceitful,twofaced,pompousJapanese=either a source of ancient wisdom or a modern economic threat第18页/共29页 The Concept of“the Actors Two Bodies”Richard Maltby:From the perspective of the audience,the film actor has “two bodies”the audience experiences the presence of the performer as well as the presence of the character.第19页/共29页Presentational style representational stylePresentational style and representational style are corresponding to the“two bodies”of the actor and the character.Presentational style is the performance style that emphasizes the realty of the actor.第20页/共29页Representational style is the style that downplays the reality of the actor,as the actor does not present himself but instead represents the character he is playing.Method acting and star system are the extreme forms of these two performance style.第21页/共29页 Method ActingMethod acting sought to employ the personality of the actor as a kind of psychical resource in the construction and performance of the fictional role.The Method aims at producing an“authentic”performance by subordinating the actors personality to that of the character.第22页/共29页Central to the theory of Method acting was the concept of“affective memory”.In Method acting,the actor employs his own emotions to fully identify with the character第23页/共29页吴彦祖-why are you so good at playing bad guy?-I just displayed the dark side of myself.窃听风云2新警察故事第24页/共29页 The Star SystemWhat is a“star”?The 4 main elements in the production of a star:promotion,publicity,films and criticism/commentary.Why are audiences attracted to stars?第25页/共29页Typecasting and offcastingTypecasting:To typecast is to repeatedly assign certain kinds of roles to a performer.Offcasting:Offcasting is the assignment of a role to a star which is quite different toand even the opposite of their usual“typecast”role.第26页/共29页Leonardo 第27页/共29页Discussion questions:What makes a film character interesting to you?What factors do you think should be taken into account when casting decisions are made?第28页/共29页感谢您的观看!第29页/共29页