1Prepared by:Marketing Dept.,LOCATION OF SIHANOUKVILLE AUTONOMOUS PORTSituated in the South-West of Cambodia,which linked to Phnom Penh Capital by NR4,NR3,and Railroad.第1页/共19页2PORT DEVELOPMENT PLANSEZPrepared by:Marketing Dept.,Gulf of ThailandCAMBODIAKoh KongKompong SpeuKompotTakeoKandalPhnom PenhSihanoukvilleSIHANOUKVILLE AUTONOMOUS PORTSpecial Economic Zone(SEZ)Project:-In early 2002,the study on Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Growth Corridor was started by JICA Team in cooperating with the Royal Government of Cambodia.-Studied Areas:5 provinces(Kandal,Kampong Speu,Takeo,Kampot and Koh Kong)and 02 cities(Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville).-Population of growth corridor:4.8 million people 37%of the total.-One national deep sea port:Sihanoukville Autonomous Port.-The first study took nearly 2 years period,which granted by JICA.-Conclusion:After completing the 1st feasibility studythe total land area of 70ha behind the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port to be selected as a Pilot Project for Sihanoukville Port Special Economic Zone(SEZ),and-To promote the whole Sihanoukville as a Special Promotion Zone.第2页/共19页3PORT DEVELOPMENT PLANPrepared by:Marketing Dept.,SIHANOUKVILLE AUTONOMOUS PORTSihanoukville Port SEZ Project:Sihanoukville Port SEZ Project:Location Location :Adjacent tothe Sihanoukville PortAdjacent tothe Sihanoukville Port Land Area Land Area :70 ha 70 ha Commencement of construction in early 2009Commencement of construction in early 2009 Completion of construction by early 2011 Completion of construction by early 2011 Goals Goals:Supporting Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Growth Corridor Reducing the Poverty of Cambodian People Supporting the Private Sectors.Creating around 25,000 to 30,000 jobs in Sihanoukville.Supporting the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port as a back up services.第3页/共19页Sihanoukville Port SEZ Project:Sihanoukville Port SEZ Project:第4页/共19页Why to choose Sihanoukville Port SEZ?1.The most strategic and potential location for Cambodian Industrial Base,along the Cambodia Growth Corridor,and adjoining the Sihanoukville Port which is the deep sea port as the national gateway.2.With special support from the central Government.3.With high standard“one-stop-service”administrative policy as well as simple and quickly performance.4.The preferential mechanisms and policies referring to taxes and business rights are very attractive.5.Reliable,transparent and predictable SEZ management operated by the State Company.6.Availability of young workforce with competitive wages,who are eager to be skilled up.第5页/共19页Investment Incentives for investing into Port SEZ lExemption from duties and taxes(Under application)lProfit tax(trigger period+3 years+priority period)lImport duty(production equipment,construction materials,etc.)lExport tax lSimplified Customs Control(Under application)lSimplified customs control and thorough application of risk management system lSimplified and freer procedure in applying for duty-exempt import lImplementation of pre-shipment inspection at own discretion lOthers(Under application)lTransparent service charges and other feeslRetail business in the Port-SEZlProvision of various labor-related serviceslLimitation on labor strikelSimplified payment term of pre-payment of tax on profit第6页/共19页Investment Guarantees No discriminatory treatment for a foreign investor except the land ownershipNo nationalization policy to adversely affect private properties of investorsNo price or fee fixation by Government for the products or services of a QIPPermission for the remittance of profits and repatriation of invested capital (Article 8-11 of the law on the amendment to the law on investment)第7页/共19页Sihanoukville Port SEZ 第8页/共19页Outline of Port SEZ(1)Land Use Composition AFactory area 49.5 haBCommercial and multipurpose area 3.5ha CIntermodal Logistic Park 2.4ha DGreen area 5.2ha ESEZ Administration,Maintenance Office and Parking 0.9ha FUtilities(Power,Water,Wastewater,etc.)&Roads8.5ha Total70.0ha第9页/共19页Outline of Port SEZ(2)InfrastructureAWater supply system2,000 m3/daySource:GroundwaterProcess:DisinfectionBPower supply systemPower source:22 kV from EDC distribution line CTelecom&IT systemProvided by CAMINTEL DWastewater disposal system2000 m3/dayESolid waste disposal systemServiced by CINTRI FRoadsAxle load 15 tonDesign speed 35 km/h 第10页/共19页Commercial&Common Service Facility AreaExport Processing Zone&Free Trade AreaRailway Container YardThe PortFUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE OF PORT SEZEPZ for industries 49.6ha SEZ adm&OM 1.1 haUtilities 1.5 haGreen area 3.7 haRoads&Others 8.8 haBoundary of Different Customs Territory66.6 haBoundary of Port SEZ70.0 haBonded warehouse&Container Freight Station(CFS)1.9 haResidence,Shops,Market,Restaurant,etc 3.4 haPort Container Yard(Different Custom Territory)LogisticAreaMAIN GATECONNECTION GATE第11页/共19页POTENTIAL INDUSTRIESPREFERABLE INDUSTRIESNon-traditionalFrequent container movementValue-added productEnvironmental friendly12PREFERENTIAL INDUSTRIESAssembles(motor bike,bicycle,electric,vehicle,etc.)/Assembling and manufacturing(umbrella,footwear)/Rubber processing /Plastic processing(bag,tape,container,toy,etc.)/Jewelries /High-end international brand goods第12页/共19页SEZ ADMINNISTRATIONCEO&Director General(DG)SEZ Board(Regulator)i.Planning dept.ii.Handling dept.iii.Harbor Master dept.iv.Technical dept.v.Financial deptvi.Marketing dept.vii.Warehouse dept.viii.Machinery dept.ix.Billing dept.x.Personnel dept.Deputy DG-Porta.Planning&service officeb.Administration officec.Logistic service officed.Marketing officee.Labor&vocational training officef.Operation officeExecutive Director SEZ deptPORT DIV.SEZ DIV.(additional)第13页/共19页TIME TABLEDescriptionsEstimated dateIssuance of Final Registration Certificate by CSEZBSep.2008SEZ Construction WorkDec.2008-Dec.2010Marketing Promotion(sales of lot)Jan.2009-Construction Work by Tenant in SEZDec.2009-第14页/共19页15Prepared by:Marketing Dept.,SIHANOUKVILLE AUTONOMOUS PORTAirport(2500m)SIHANOUKVILLE PORT SEZ(70ha)Sihanoukville-SEZ(China)Site of SEZ in Sihanoukville第15页/共19页:Deep Sea Port (Container,Bulk Passenger):Airport:National Road:Other Road:Railway:Export Processing:Agricultural Products:International Resort:Industrial Complex:International Residential,Commercial oil:Oil Port:Future DevelopmentSOURCE:JICA Study on Maritime&Port Sector M/P,2007第16页/共19页17Prepared by:Marketing Dept.,SIHANOUKVILLE AUTONOMOUS PORTLong Term Development Plan of Sihanoukville PortContainerMulti-purpose(Container use)SEZPassengerContainerExpansion Area for Bulk/SEZBulk and/orPassenger(East Port)(Option)ICDAccess to Railway TSOURCE:JICA Study on Maritime&Port Sector M/P,2007第17页/共19页18Prepared by:Marketing Dept.,SIHANOUKVILLE AUTONOMOUS PORT第18页/共19页19感谢您的观看。第19页/共19页