Thank-you Letter.ppt
Thank-you Letterv Following the receipt of a gift,attendance as a guest,an interview,or any of the great varieties of circumstances,a thoughtful person will take a few minutes to express his/her appreciation.v Although in many cases thanks could be conveyed as well by telephone calls,letters seem much more thoughtful.By writing letters of appreciation,you can show your respect for others.A thankyou letter goes beyond simply thanking the receiver for being kind;it notes the consideration,the extra effort and the kindness extended.vA thankyou letter covering a business situation might be sent promptly.It also must sound sincere.A proper thankyou letter will:1.Begin with a statement of thanks.2.Be specific about which is appreciated,which reflects a sincere feelingof gratitude.3.End with a positive and genuine statement.Thanks for suggestions from an employee Dear Mr.Harrison:Many thanks for submitting your splendid suggestion that we should hold a meeting every week so that all the staff are able to freely take part in the discussion about the management of our firm.We have carefully looked into the suggestion.This will be helpful in smoothing the procedures of communication and giving employees a feeling of belonging and responsibility.In this way,we can solve many problems quickly.Please keep on giving such good suggestions.Having such help,we have made great strides in the past ten years.Well place a copy of this letter in your personnel file as a formal record of our appreciation.And your yearend bonus will grow by$1,000 for the suggestion.Best regards,Bill General ManagerThanks for arrangement for a visit Dear Mr.Park:Our visit to B&G is drawing to a close and we are leaving for Paris shortly.On the eve of our departure,I am pleased to get the opportunity to send you and your associates a message of deep thanks for the cordial reception and hospitality extended to us during our stay here.We all believe that this visit is very fruitful and we are confident that this visit will be helpful to the further strengthening of our business cooperation.We do hope that you will give us,on an early occasion,an opportunity to reciprocate your hospitality by visiting us in Paris as our guest.My associates and I would be delighted to entertain you in the near future.Both sides could examine further how we will work together more closely in order to expand business between us.Meanwhile,we wish you good health and every success in your work.Sincerely yours,Thanks for prompt payments Dear Customer:This is to acknowledge our appreciation for your prompt payments for the goods we supplied.Customers like you help us make profits in business.Please place your order again soon.We are looking forward to more cooperation with you.Cordially yours,Translation v请允许我代表全体与会者向你方所有员工表示感谢。vPlease extend my thanks,on behalf of all the attendees,to each of your employees.v十分感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间会见我。vIm particularly grateful to you for having taken time out of your busy schedules to meet me.v非常感谢你抽空帮忙安排我到你们工厂进行培训,期待有机会为你效劳。vI very much appreciate your taking the time to help me with the training program at your factory and look forward to an opportunity to return the favor.v本公司新建的办公大楼竣工时,承蒙您道贺,深表谢意。vI sincerely appreciate your warm congratulatory message on the completion of our new office building.Activity:vYou graduated from college with a double major in accounting and arts and accepted a job with a worldfamous company.During your 3year stay,you worked closely with other staff.However,an illness in your family has required you to relocate to another state.The senior manager was instrumental in helping you gain a similar position with another company.vWrite the manager a letter of appreciation.Dear Mr.Zhang:I think you will be pleased to know that I have been hired as an accountant.I will begin to work on May 1st.With your kind recommendation,I have been accepted by Merch Company in New Mexico.I am really grateful for all the help and instructions youve given me in the past.It was a memorable experience working under you.Please accept my sincere thanks for all you have done for me,especially for your reference.Your guidance and help will forever be appreciated.Yours faithfully,