Unit 5 Unit 5 Orders,Acceptances Orders,Acceptances and Rejectionsand Rejections By David XuBy David XuIntroduction订单是每一个供应商、制造商最乐意听到的一个词。除非供不应求,订单总是多多益善。订单是一份完整的购销合同的一部分。在下订单之前。绝大部分条款和条件双方已经谈妥,或在其他地方由买方或卖方做了明确的规定,订单以及条款和条件一起构成一份完整的合同。因此条款和条件的完整程度,决定了订单内容的简略在老客户之间,常规的订单甚至已经格式化,卖方只要填写品名、数量和交货期便可。订单的布局都是开门尖山,平铺直叙。收到订单后都要及时的回复确认。有些公司以为马上就发货,就免去了确认这一关键的步骤。有些公司回一张发票了事,也有的公司回一份格式化的确认书。其实一封好的确认函,是培养客户感情的有效手段。Effective Writing I:Avoid Inflated Words王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。夸大不实之词出现在商业广告中,大家也许都习以为常。广告的作用之一是通过煽情来激发消费者的购买冲动。而外贸函电的读者对象是进口商、经销商等。他们的购买行为,是一种理性行为。如果采用浮夸的辞藻,不但起不到预想的结果,往往还会适得其反,影响你在客户心目中的形象,降低你的可信度,所以类似sensational,amazing,fantastic以及revolutionary等词汇,函电中应该坚决杜绝。Effective Writing I:Avoid Inflated Words夸大不实之词一般容易分辨。我们要做的就是将这些删除掉。例如:The workn offers extraordinary challenges and a very large salary.实际上extraordinary 和very这里没有什么意义,删除为好。例如:Already thousands of new customers are beating paths to the doors of Martin dealers.Never has there been,nor will there be,a fan as smooth running and whispering quiet as the North Wind.So that you may be able to buy Kantrell equipment at an extremely low price and sell it at a tremendous profit,we now offer you the complete line at a 50 percent price reduction.以上例句很像广告词。在函电中使用广告语可能会降低可信度。以上例句很像广告词。在函电中使用广告语可能会降低可信度。Effective Writing II:Avoid Clich(陈词滥调)陈词滥调刚开始也许并不是没有新鲜陈词滥调刚开始也许并不是没有新鲜内容的老一套,但用的人太多太烂,内容的老一套,但用的人太多太烂,又没有什么创新,再加上用词不简练,又没有什么创新,再加上用词不简练,于是变成了陈词滥调于是变成了陈词滥调clich。事实上,。事实上,部分陈词滥调也可以归纳到罗嗦的词部分陈词滥调也可以归纳到罗嗦的词语中去。语中去。函电当中常见的陈词滥调主要有:函电当中常见的陈词滥调主要有:陈词滥调陈词滥调简明词语简明词语Acknowledge receipt ofThank you for,receiveBe in the receipt of ReceiveAs perAs,according toAt an early dateSoon或给出确切日期At this timeNowAt(the)presentNowAttached heretoAttached,here或encloseDue to the fact thatAs,because,sinceEnclosed please findEnclose,hereI have before meI have receivedHerewithHere或删除Take the liberty of删除The writerI,meUnder separate cover删除At your(earliest)conveniencesoonUp to this morningSo far或删除非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于,等 l.We regret to inform you that(of)2.We are sorry to have to draw your attention to3.We regret to have to say that4.We regret to advise you that5.We very much regret to announce you that6.It is most regrettable that we have to inform you that(of)7.It is with our greatest regret that we must inform you that(of)8.To our greatest regret we must herewith inform you that(of)9.It is a matter for regret that I have to inform you that(of)10.It is to be regretted that I must inform you that(of)11.It is with regret and reluctance that we have to inform you that(of)12.It gives us a deep sorrow that we have to announce you that13.It causes me much sorrow to have to say that14.I feel sorry for having to announce you that15.I express my sorrow for announcing you that当我们得悉甚为遗憾等。1.We are very sorry to hear(know)that2.we are grieved to hear of(about)3.We are indeed sorry to hear that4 We very much regret to hear that5.We regret to hear of(that)6.It is with great regret that we just learn that7.Much to our regret we have heard that8.We regret to receive your information re9.We regret that we have been informed that(of)10.To our deep regret we were informed that(of)请宽恕某某事项 1.Please excuse this clerical error.2.We tender you our apology for the inconvenience this error may have caused you.3.We request you to accept our regret for the error of our clerk.4.We greatly regret that we have caused you such a inconvenience.5.We wish to express our regret for the annoyance this mistake has caused you.6.We frankly admit we were at fault and we are anxious to repair the consequences.请原谅我的回信延迟 1.Please excuse my late reply to your very friendly letter of March 1.2.I hope you will forgive me for not having written you for so long.3.I hope you will excuse me for not having replied to you until today.4.I humbly apologize you for my delay in answering to your kind letter of May 5.5.I have to(must)apologize you for not answering your letter in time.6.I must ask you to kindly accept our excuses,late as they are.我们盼望于近日内接获回信 1.We hope to receive your favour at an early date.2.We hope to be favoured with a reply with the least delay.3.We await a good news with patience.4.We hope to receive a favourable reply per return mail.5.We await the pleasure of receiving a favourable reply at an early date.6.We await the favour of your early(prompt)reply.7.A prompt reply would greatly oblige us.8.We trust you will favour us with an early(prompt)reply.9.We trust that you will reply us immediately.10.We should be obliged by your early(prompt)reply.11.Will your please reply without delay what your wishes are in this matter?12.Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do.13.We request you to inform us of your decision by return of post.14.We are awaiting(anxious to receive)your early reply.15.We thank you for the anticipated favour of your early reply.16.We should appreciate an early reply.特此奉告等 1)We are pleased to inform you that 2)We have pleasure in informing you that 3)We have the pleasure to apprise you of 4)We have the honour to inform you that(of)5)We take the liberty of announcing to you that 6)We have to inform you that(of)7)We have to advise you of(that)8)We wish to inform you that(of)9)We think it advisable to inform you that(of)10)We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that(of)11)We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice 12)Please allow us to call your attention to 13)Permit us to remind you that(of)14)May we ask your attention to 15)We feel it our duty to inform you that(of)Content in details1.ORDERS2.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT3.ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERS4.OFFERING SUBSTITUTE5.LETTERS OF REGRET HAVE A GOOD WEEKWND!Writing ProcessWriting ProcessSome Reference Books:MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers,Joseph Gibaldi,5th Edition*Writing Research Papers:A Complete Guide,James D.Lester,10th Edition*Writing for Social Scientists:How to Start and Finish Your Thesis,Book,or Article,Howard BeckerDissertations and Theses from Start to Finish:Psychology and Related Fields,John Cone and Sharon FosterPublication Manual of the American Psychological Association,Fifth Edition*(*available from Bookman)