the walden in my heartThis is a book of quiet,indifferent,full of wisdom,Analysis of life,critical practices,amazing language,the word flash,maverick,thought provoking.Many page image is depicting,beautiful detail,like lake water pure and transparent,like dense green Woods;also some page argument thoroughly,very insightful,give people enlightenment.这是一本宁静、恬淡、充满智慧的书。其中分析生活,批判习俗处,语语惊人,字字闪光,见解独特,耐人寻味。许多篇页是形象描绘,优美细致,像湖水的纯洁透明,像山林的茂密翠绿;也有一些篇页说理透彻,十分精辟,给人启迪。第1页/共13页This is a fresh,healthy,interesting and progressive books,spring,dawn,there are descriptions of the most touching.Here nature gives the clear air without environmental pollution of industrial society.Read it,readers will feel the purity of the soul,the spirit of sublimation。这是一本清新、健康、引人向上的书,对于春天,对于黎明,都有极其动人的描写。这里有大自然给人的澄净的空气,而无工业社会带来的环境污染。读着它,读者自然会感觉到心灵的纯净,精神的升华 第2页/共13页In 1845 a man began a two-year residence at Walden Pond.He went to the woods,because he wants to live deliberately,and to front only the essential facts of life.He lived at Walden in a hut built by his own hands.He shied away from all kinds of social organization.In 1847,he left Walden Pond,not because the experiment was a failure,but because it was completed.He had fresher experience to discover.who is he?第3页/共13页Henry David Thoreauhe is one of the best-known non-fiction books written by an American.No Americans live more real than Thoreau-Ralph Waldo Emerson第4页/共13页He wrote He wrote WaldenWaldenbecause of this book the walden become theSpiritual paradise of american because china do not have the walden so theHaizi go to the another world to find the walden第5页/共13页why we need it?Who has time to increase his spiritual wealth is truly enjoy the comfort of people.The biggest reward is far from being and value appreciation.Its easy to wonder whether they exist.We soon forgot them.They are the Supreme reality.Perhaps most dramatically,the real facts have never been in interpersonal communication.True harvest of my daily life,just as elusive as the dawn haze,cant explain in words.That was I caught a little dust,a rainbow 第6页/共13页瓦尔登湖的伟大之外就在于梭罗能够通过艺术来实现自己决意要做的事业。通过创造一个有机的形式,他使自己的决定获得了新生:通过有意识的努力,他重新获得了一种成熟的恬静,如果说那不是黄金年龄的清纯狂喜的话。整个瓦尔登湖记录着自我在微观宇宙历程中的经历。如果梭罗仅仅给我们留下一部一个男人在林中生活的记载,或者说他仅仅退隐到森林之中,在那儿记载着他对社会的抱怨,甚至说,如果他想把这两者都合到一本书里,那么瓦尔登湖就不会有这一百年的生命。The greatness of the Walden is Thoreaul can be achieved through art we are determined to do business.By creating an organic form,he makes his decision to be renewed through conscious effort,he regained a mature tranquil,if that is not the golden age of pure ecstasy.The Walden records its own micro-universe as a whole in the course of experience.If Thoreau left us just a record that a man lived in the forest,or he just retired to the forest,where he recorded his complaints about social.Even said that if he wants to put both in the book,then the Walden Pond will not have the life of 100 years.第7页/共13页正像一切所进展的一样,梭罗记下了人跟自然的关系,人在社会中的困境和人希望提高自然的关系,人在社会中的困境和人希望提高自我精神的习性,连他自己恐怕也没有意识到自己在做什么;他一会儿为自我辩护,一会儿充满了喜悦、自由、奔放、创造出了一个独特的煎蛋卷,让人们在饥饿的一天不断从中汲以营养。瓦尔登湖是最早一盘充满维生素的菜肴之一 As all by progress of as,Thoreaul has noted the relationship between human and nature,people in social in the of dilemma and people hope improving natural of relationship,people in social in the of dilemma and people hope improving self-spirit of habits.Even he himself do not realize what he do.He defends for himself,and be full of joy,free,unrestrained,and created out a unique of fried egg rolls,he lets people constantly draw nutrition in a hunger day.The Walden Pond is one of the first dishes to a plate full of vitamins第8页/共13页“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,to front only the essential facts of life,and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,and not,when I came to die,discover that I had not lived.”-P186我到林中去,因为我希望谨慎地生活,只面对生活的基本事实,看看我是否学得到生活要教育我的东西,免得到了临死的时候,才发现我根本就没有生活过。excerp of Walden第9页/共13页The millions are awake enough for physical labor;but only one in a million is awake enough for effective intellectual exertion,only one in a hundred millions to a poetic or divine life.To be awake is to be alive.几百万人清醒得足以从事体力劳动,但是一百万人中,只有一个人才清醒得足以有效地服役于智慧;一亿人中,才能有一个人,生活得诗意而神圣。清醒就是生活第10页/共13页 Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.I drink at it;but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is.Its thin current slides away,but eternity remains.I would drink deeper;fish in the sky,whose bottom is pebbly with stars.-P194 时间只是我垂钓的溪。我喝溪水,喝水时候我看到它那沙底,它多么浅啊。它的汨汨的流水逝去了,可是永恒留了下来。我愿饮得更深;在天空中打鱼,天空的底层里有着石子似的星星。第11页/共13页thank you!made in 7-6-109 第12页/共13页感谢您的观看!第13页/共13页