英语文化节闭幕式主持词 合:大家下午好 男:乘全球变幻之风云;顺国际进展之趋势。英语作为国际语言,已经不单单是一种沟通工具,更是一幅文化卷轴,将她的迷人魅力缓缓地呈现给我们。 女: By global change of the situation, along the trend of international development .English as a popular language, already not only is a communication tool, but also a cultural reel, unfolding her enchanting charm to us. 男 : 驿动的幻想随风启航;炫彩的青春魅力张扬。为制造学习和运用英语的良好环境,提高同学们的英语综合的.力量,所以我们开展了本次英语文化节。 女: Moving dreams set sail with the wind; Bright youthful publicize charm.To create the good environment of Studies and applying English , improve schoolmates English comprehensive ability, we have launched this English culture festival. 男:叙述的生动的英语故事,让我们懂得英语也同样可以演绎生动 女:The vivid story about English, let us know English also can deduce vivid 男:演唱的悦耳的英语歌曲,让我们懂得英语也同样可以唱响天籁 女:Singing beautiful English song, let us know English can also made sound 男:布置的崭新的英语环境,让我们懂得,英语也同样可以装饰生活。 女:The new arrangement of English environment, let us know, English can also deck lives. 男:开办的精致的英语报纸,让我们懂得,英语也同样可以描画精彩 女:Fine English newspapers offered, let us know, English can also painted and wonderful 男:第三届英语文化节历经一个月如火如荼的进展,今日马上落下帷幕。 女:The third English culture festival after two months time advanced, today, is about to conclude 男 两个月来,我们挥洒汗水;播种盼望。我们体验成长;收获感动。 女 :In the past month,we sprinkled the sweat hope and planned harvesting,we experienced growth and moved our harvest. 男:丰富多彩的英语文化节,带给我们全新的视野和制造的活力,培育了同学们良好的英语学习习惯 女 :The richly colorful English culture festival, takes to us the brand-new field of vision and the creation vigor, has trained schoolmates the good English study habits. 男 :今日,我们团聚在这里,进行第三届校园英语文化节闭幕式 女 :Today we gather all the students here to be held, on campus for the third English culture Festival closing ceremony . 男 :首先请允许我为大家介绍百忙之中前来参与本次闭幕式的嘉宾们: 他们分别是 男 :让我们对他们的到来致以最热闹的欢送,向为本次文化节付出辛勤劳动的校领导和院团委教师表示最真挚的感谢 完毕语 男:美妙的时间总是很短暂,又到了说再见的时候了 女:Good time is always short, its time to say goodbye 男:今日,每一颗青春的心都焕发出缤纷的颜色 女:Today, each a youth heart coruscate gives the colour of profusion 男:今日,语言的世界在我们眼前绚烂地伸展开 女:Today, the world of language in our eyes glowing stretch open 男:让我们以同样的激情,迎接下一次盛会的到来 女:Let us with equal passion, meet the next time the arrival of the event. 男:第三届英语文化节圆满闭幕,让我们期盼下一次相聚的时刻。 女:The third English culture festival has come to an end, let us look forward to the next meeting of the moment.