John Galsworthy完整版文学史 约翰.盖尔斯华绥.ppt
JohnGalsworthy完整版文学史约翰.盖尔斯华绥Brief IntroductionvJohn Galsworthy(1867-1933)was one of the most distinguished English criticized realistic writer and playwright of the 20th century.vHe produced 20 novels,2plays,3collections of poetry,173 short stories,5 collections of essays,700 lettersvThe Nobel Prize in Literature 1932 was awarded to John Galsworthy“for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga(福尔赛世家).”His special featurevHe was a conventional writer,having inherited the fine traditions of the great Victorian novelists of the critical realism.vTechnically,he was more traditional than adventurous,focusing on plot development and character portrayal.vHe was also successful in his attempt to present satire and humor and straightforward language.vHis fictional world was honestly and compassionately constructed with interesting stories,lively characters and vivid dialogues.His Major WorksuFrom the Four Winds,1897-first volume of short storiesuJocelyn,1898-first noveluMan of Devin,德尔郡的一个人,1901uThe Island Pharisees,海岛,1904-his first important work,which criticizes bourgeois lifeuThe Silver Box,1906-his first playuFraternity,喜悦,1909uStrife,斗争,1909vThe Forsyte Saga 福尔赛世家-his masterpieceThe first Forsyte trilogy includes:vThe Man of Property,有产业的人,1906vIn Chancery,骑虎,1920vTo Let,出租,1921The second Forsyte trilogy includes:vThe White Monkey,白猿,1924vThe Silver Spoon,银匙,1926vSwan Song,天鹅之歌1926The third,End of the Chapter,1934The Forsyte Saga有产业的人有产业的人v有产业的人(1906)是Galsworthy所创作的福尔赛世家三部曲中的第一部。书中所描写的福尔赛世家正处于由兴盛到衰落的转折时期。福尔赛一家是金融家、交易所经纪人、拥有房地产或者股票的资产阶级。他们对立身处世、待人接物,对衣食住行、家庭关系,对殖民地、不列颠帝国等都形成了本质上相同的看法,这就是书中所讲的“福尔赛精神”,它的主要特征是“紧抓住财产不放,不管是老婆,还是房子,还是金钱,还是名誉”。v有产业的人中的主人公索米斯Soames被作者称为“福尔赛军队的先锋”。他把一切东西都当作商品、当作资本。每看见一幅名画、一件古玩,总要想到这在拍卖行里能拍卖多少钱。他买地造屋,首先考虑地价会不会上涨,房子将来能否卖上高价。在对待妻子伊琳Irene的态度上,更加明显地暴露出这种观念。他看中她的美貌,想占为己有,便用金钱收买了伊琳的后母,达到了目的。但他并没有把妻子看做是有独立人格的人,只是像收藏名画一样占有她,自己则由于“在全伦敦面前感到是这个尤物的占有者而沾沾自喜,自觉身价百倍”。The thing that proves to be most troublesome for the Forsyte is the fact that Soames knows that his wife Irene is not his property in its real sense.She has her way of thinking and is drifting away from him.She does not love him.And this is surely more than what Soames can stand.Therefore,the already tense relationship between husband and wife gets even worse.The free-minded Irene is determined not to be possessed by the hard-headed Soames and she comes to a face-to-face confrontation with her husband.Points of ViewlHe was essentially a bourgeois liberal,a reformist.lHe was preoccupied with the social injustice in his time,and regarded human life as a struggle between the rich and the poor.lHis sympathies were always engaged on the side of the suffering poor.小说的主题小说的主题v小说对于福尔赛一家表面上一团和气、你来我往,骨子里却勾心斗角、互相猜忌、幸灾乐祸的自私心理,作了细致的揭露。v小说对资产阶级作了犀利的讽刺,是最能体现Galsworthy进步思想和艺术手法的现实主义杰作。思想局限性v描写的生活圈子过于狭隘,局限于资产阶级中上层的道德、婚姻、家庭领域,而没有展现出那一时代广阔的社会风貌。v在揭露和讽刺“福尔赛精神”的同时,却又对福尔赛家族某些重要成员,如老乔里恩等人进行理想化的描写。此此课件下件下载可自行可自行编辑修改,修改,仅供参考!供参考!感感谢您的支持,我您的支持,我们努力做得更好!努力做得更好!谢谢!