翻译资格考试高级笔译试题 In appreciation of the snow scene he suddenly caught sight of the bent cypress, lie grumbled to himself. The gardeners were indeed very negligent. They didnt even come out to patrol the campus in such a heavy snow as last nights. They should he held partially responsible for the ruin of the harmonious beauty of nature. The amateur artist was staring at the bent cypress when inspiration flashed into his mind. He quickly opened his sketch book and drew an outline of the cypress with his charcoal pen. He planned to develop the sketch into a cartoon, when he got back to the dormitory. He had even figured out a title for it, A Cypress Complains.” He left with a sigh of sympathy for the bent tree and a flicker o# disappointment in his eyes. In the dim sunlight, a young worker, with a worst bag on his shoulder, was hurrying to the Chinese Department to audit a selective course. All of a sudden a gust of wind blew over the bent cypress, shaking the overlaying snowflakes down onto the young mans head and shoulders. He looked up and noticed the tree. Then he slowed his steps, took a glance at his watch and hurried away. In a short while, he came back with a spade, an old bamboo stick and a piece of rubber hand. He worked with his deft hands on the bent cypress, until it was straight again. The bell for class was ringing and he dashed to the classroom. Silence reigned. Faint bluish footprints, of all shapes and sizes, farmed in the snow lines of illegible words with subtle implications. That cypress was quietly gazing at the snow, as if meditating on the mystery of beauty. 参考译文 他在观赏雪景之余,猛然发觉倾斜的龙柏,不满地轻声嘀咕:“搞环境爱护的同志真马虎,昨晚下那么大的雪,竟没来校园巡察,他们对美的统一性的被破坏负有间接的责任!”这位美术爱好者注视片刻,灵感的火花映亮心窗,他立即翻开速写本,涅着炭精棒,勾画这棵龙柏的体态轮廓,预备回宿舍细心画一幅漫画,连画名也想好了,就叫做:一株龙柏的控诉。他离去时圆满地摇头叹息,眼波里抖动着一丝绝望的心情。 微弱的阳光下,急匆忙地走来一个肩挎旧书包的青年工人,他是来旁听中文系选修课的。突然,一阵风吹拂龙柏树,扬起很多雪沫,洒在他头上、身上。青年工人仰脸看看那株龙柏.脚步放慢了,他一看手表立即加快步伐走去。 一会,他带来一把铁锹、一截旧茅竹、橡皮带,手脚麻利地不停地劳作,那株倾斜的龙柏最终挺直了脊梁,牢牢地矗立在校园。 上课铃声响了。他疾步如飞地向教室奔去! 静谧。点点不同的浅蓝色脚印留在雪地里,组合成一行行无人辨识的文字,隐藏着精巧微妙的内涵。那株龙柏悄悄凝视着面前的雪地,仿佛苦心思考关于美的神奇的定义。 part 2 Snowflakes are light, each having six tiny silver needles. Last night, they worked together to weave a well-fitted crystal outfit for the campus of S University. However, nothing is perfect, not even in a fairyland. Me young dragon cypress at the north wall of the Humanities Building was bent over at a 30 degree angle after the nights snowstorm. Several students carne from a distance, each carrying a camera. Among them was a girl in a black wool overcoat. She was a real beauty, her almond-shaped eyes like pools of clear water or bright stars in the sky. It was hard to tell which they resembled more, but she herself was certainly eye-catching! These members of the towns College Photographers Society had come out to capture the beautiful scenery endowed by nature. Laughing and talking merrily, they were approaching the leaning cypress. Lets take a shot just in front of the Building! a rich baritone voice suggested. No, this cypress is bent by the storm and lacks natural beauty, the girl responded. Pointing to a place nearby, she proposed, Why dont we go to the small garden they went, leaving their carefree laughter behind. Another slim young man appeared at the Building, his coatstained with paint somewhere down the right corner. 一朵雪花的体态是轻快的,犹如六枚小银针,千针万线,给S大学校园绣出了合身的水晶外套。但是,正如童话世界也有缺陷一样,文史楼北墙畔一株年轻的龙柏,由于一夜风摧雪压,已经倾侧成30斜角了。 远处走来几个身背照相机的.年轻人二其中那位穿黑呢外套的姑娘真美,一双亮晶晶杏核儿大眼,似湖?似星?谁也说不清,只惹得路人不时朝她张望。这群市大学生摄影协会会员预备捕获大自然赏赐的奇妙镜头,心情舒服地说笑着,慢慢地走近这棵倾斜的龙柏。 “在文史楼前拍张雪景吧!”一个浑厚的男中音提议。 “不,这棵龙柏被风雪压斜了,缺乏自然美。”姑娘那双纤手朝不远处一指。“喏,到生物系的小植物园去,那儿不仅有龙柏,还有雪松、扁柏呢。” 她的声波在清冽的空间集中,像清甜的冰糖慢慢溶化。年轻人留下了一串无邪的笑声。 又一个竹骨梅肌的青年消失在文史楼前,衣服右下摆模糊可见斑驳的油画颜料污迹。