2022年[英语小笑话]英语小笑话 短一点爆笑.doc
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2022年[英语小笑话]英语小笑话 短一点爆笑.doc
2022年英语小笑话英语小笑话 短一点爆笑冷笑话一般指笑话本身因为无聊、谐音字、翻译、或省去主语、不同逻辑、断语或特殊内容等问题,或由于表演者语气或表情等原因,导致一个笑话不能达到好笑的目的,较难引人发笑而成冷场。下面是小编带来的简单的英文小笑话,欢迎阅读! 简单的英文小笑话篇一 说实话 One Sunday morning a minister apologized to his congregation for the bandage on his face. I was thinking about my sermon while shaving, he explained, and cut my face. 一个星期天的早上,牧师向公众道歉自己脸上的胶布, 刮脸的时候,我在考虑我的说教词, 他解释着, 所以就把脸划破了。 Afterward,in the collection plate,he found a note: Next time,why not think about your face and cut the sermon. 布道之后,在捐款盘上,他发现一个纸条,上面写着: 下次,为什么不考虑一下你的脸,而把说教词划了呢? 简单的英文小笑话篇二 忠告 My father s health was greatly impaired after a serious operation,but his sense of humor vwas intact. 手术后,我父亲的健康状况有所下降,但他的幽默感却依然如故。 Teddy, the doctor told him, you know you won t be able to work the way you ve been used to. 泰德, 医生对父亲说: 你知道,你可不能像以前那样工作了。 Well,doctor, said my father, if I won t be able to work the way I ve been used to,you won t be able to charge me the way you ve been used to ! 大夫, 我父亲说: 如果我不能像以前那样工作,你也不能像以前那样向我索价了。 简单的英文小笑话篇三 我还多一个! I was asked in by the company commander to explain why a report was in error:. Sir; I said, you have to understand that I have four-idiots working for me. 我被叫到经理办公室,经理问我为什么在报告中出了个错。 先生, 我说: 你必须了解,我有四个白痴下属. He looked up from his desk-and said, You are lucky. I have five idiots working for me. 经理抬起头看了看我说: 你已经够幸运的了,我有五个呢! 简单的英文小笑话篇四 借口 Knowing my husband s habit of sampling everything I bake,I left a note on a dozen mince tarts reading: Counted one dozen. When I returned,two tarts had disappeared, and the note had been altered to read: Think metric. 我丈夫有个习惯,凡是我烧烤的东西,他都要认真检查清点。一次,我做了12个馅饼。临走,我在旁边留了个条子, 已数好 一打. 等我回来时,我发现少了两个饼,而且条子上多了一行字: 按公制法计算。 简单的英文小笑话篇五 成熟的年龄 When my great-grandfather became a centenarian,a newspaper reporter asked him how he felt. Fine, Grandpa replied. In fact,I get around better now than I did a hundred years ago. 我曾祖父百岁的时侯,一位记者问他感受如何。 很好, 曾祖父说: 事实上,我现在的活动范围要比一百年前大多了。 看了 简单的英文小笑话 的人还看了:1.简单英语小笑话2.简短的英语幽默笑话3.简单的英文小笑话4.简短英语小笑话5.最搞笑的英语小笑话十则第 3 页 共 3 页