2020年四川西南科技大学英语翻译基础考研真题I. Directions:Translate the following words,abbreviations and terminologies into their target languages respectively. If the item is in English, its target language is Chinese.Ifthe item is in Chinese, its target language is English. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test,15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point foreach.(30")1.trade commissioner2.Chamber of Commerce3.in-bound tourism4.the Human Genome Project5.market volatility6.product catalogue7.MDGs8.diplomatic corps9.noble aspirations10.avian influenza11. launch pad12.live up to the pledge13.board of directors14.capacity building15. hegemonism and power politics16. 主题馆17. 高级职称 18.民政部19. 外汇储备20. 单边主义21. 跟团旅游22. 政治思想教育23. 非物质文化遗产24. 投资回报率25. 热水器26. 贪污腐败27. 城乡一体化28. 节能减排29. 全方位外交30.原始社会II.Directions: Translale the following source texis into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English.(120')Source Text 1How can we understand the systemic interrelation between socioeconomic and ecological trends,between something like faltering accumulation and sharply rising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere? Effective answers are going to have to evolve, but to do that we cannot work in the old paradigm of adding up ecology and economy. The relation is much more intimate than such Green Arithmetic allows. We are also going to have to take history much more seriously. Clearly,we are at a moment of fundamental shift in the history of capitalism and in the history of the climate system. We are living through the closing moments of the Holocene, a period of unusual climate stability,which began about 12.000 years ago.Over that time,mild climate perturbations, compared to what we are going to experience, were very important in the histories of civilisations. Roman power in the West crumbled quickly after the end of the Roman Climate Optimum around 300 C.E.;feudal power withered in the face of a perfect storm of climate change, disease, and popular revolt after 1300.This leads to us to ask two big-two really big-questions. Is capitalism capable of surviving through the present climate crisis, which dwarfs the climate shifts experienced by Roman and feudal oligarchs? And what are the ways that capitalism has re-established its conditions for growth and accumulation?A compelling answer begins by recognising just how dependent capitalism has been on frontiers of Cheap Nature: those places where food,energy,raw materials and workers can be drawn for free or low cost.Most radicals- never mind the would-be technocratic managers of a geoengineered climate system -still ignore this history. Somehow it's easier to denounce the environmental degradation, the mass produced violence and genocide, the dynamics of domination, than it is to see how each of these moments is linked to the system of Cheap Nature and the endless accumulation of capital. But that won't do.An understanding of how capital accumulation works, how it unfolds through the web of life,is fundamental to understanding not just why capitalism drives planetary crisis, but how its contradictions compel it to continue down this deadly and self-defeating path.Such an analysis may also reveal capitalism's weaknesses - it may serve an antidote to the pervasive belief,even among radicals, that capitalism is all-powerful. It also won't do to keep the 'social' and environmental'separate because the questions of how capital works, how capitalism destroys life, and how modernity requires racialised, gendered, and colonial violence are interpenetrated. That interpenetration is key to how capitalism has thrived in the past,andto how capitalism's resilience is now in question.Source Text 2该自然保护区为岷山山系大熊猫栖息地,是全国大熊猫的最主要栖息地之一。据最新调查资料,区内 大熊猫种群数量为34只,栖息地面积1577公顷,占王朗自然保护区面积的48.5%。这里山体高拔、峰峦奇 伟、沟壑纵横、瀑布飞悬、景色秀美。区内原始森林茂密,林下灌木层有成片的缺苞箭竹和华西箭竹,为 大熊猫提供了丰厚的竹类储积量;林间大小溪汨汨流淌,为大熊猫饮水提供了方便。这里海拔为2300-3500 米,难以垦殖,少有人类侵扰,形成了现存大熊猫的自然庇护所。大熊猫性情孤僻,常独来独往于茂密的 林中,有独自的巢穴,但没有固定的卧穴。它酷爱活动,常边走边觅食边排便,每天需要一小部分时间进 行饮水、游荡、嬉戏等活动。大熊猫有时也攀大树,主要发生在求偶或逃避突然危险时,偶尔也上树休息、 晒太阳。幸运的游客能在保护区内看见体态憨拙、性情温驯的大熊猫在栖息地或坐卧,或饮水,或嬉戏,各得其所。