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2021年广东暨南大学英语翻译基础考研真题招生专业与代码:英语笔译(专业学位)考试科目名称及代码:357英语翻译基础考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。I. 词语翻译 (30分)1英译汉(15分)1. social media influencers 2. A fighting chance 3. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade 4. Digital divide 5. Work like a Trojan 6. livestream marketing 7. incubation period 8. FYI 9. Bite the bullet 10. Rat race 11. Freecycle 12. WASC 13. CIIE 14. national lockdown 15. contact tracing 2汉译英(15分)16. 本土疫情 17. 起诉 18. 社会福利养老机构工作人员19. 隐形飞机20. 人均预期寿命 21. 新亚欧大陆桥 22. 综合财务报表 23. 卡路里摄入量 24. 市场化改革 25. 方舱医院 26. 贸易逆差27. 人类命运共同体 28. 智慧型城市29. 国务委员兼外交部长30. 物质文化遗产II英汉互译(120分)1 英译汉(60分)As the world is in transition, so the English language is itself taking new forms. This, of course, has always been true: English has changed substantially in the 1500 years or so of its use reflecting patterns of contact with other languages and the changing communication needs of people. But in many parts of the world, as English is taken into the fabric of social life, it acquires a momentum and vitality of its own, developing in ways which reflect local culture and languages, while diverging increasingly from the kind of English spoken in Britain or North America.English is also used for more purposes than ever before. Everywhere it is at the leading edge of technological and scientific development, new thinking in economics and management, new literatures and entertainment genres. These give rise to new vocabularies, grammatical forms and ways of speaking and writing. Nowhere is the effect of this expansion of English into new domains seen more clearly than in communication on the Internet and the development of net English.But the language is, in another way, at a critical moment in its global career: within a decade the number of people who speak English as a second language will exceed the number of native speakers. The implications of this are likely to be far reaching: the center of authority regarding the language will shift from native speakers as they become minority stakeholders in the global resource. Their literature and television may no longer provide the focal point of a global English language culture, their teachers no longer form the unchallenged authoritative models for learners.2汉译英(60分)康桥的灵性全在一条河上;康河,我敢说是全世界最秀丽的一条水。河的名字是葛兰大,也有叫康河的,许有上下流的区别,我不甚清楚。河身多的是曲折,上游是有名的拜伦潭,当年拜伦常在那里玩的;有一个老村子叫格兰骞斯德,有一个果子园,你可以躺在累累的桃李树荫下吃茶,花果会掉入你的茶杯,小雀子会到你桌上来啄食,那真是别有一番天地。这是上游;下游是从骞斯德顿下去,河面展开,那是春夏间竞舟的场所。上下河分界处有一个坝筑,水流急得很,在星光下听水声,听近村晚钟声,听河畔倦牛刍草声,是我康桥经验中最神秘的一种:大自然的优美、宁静,调谐在这星光与波光的默契中不期然的淹入了你的性灵。