6S管理培训课件(PPT 53页).pptx
2What is 6S?什么什么是是6S 6S is a participation program.6S是一个全员参与的工程是一个全员参与的工程It is a very effective approach to improving our work environment and total quality。是一个非常有是一个非常有效地改进我们工作环境和总体质量的方法效地改进我们工作环境和总体质量的方法It be es a base for continuous improvement in the organization.是在组织内实现持续改进的基础。是在组织内实现持续改进的基础。3 Why Why 6S 6S is widely usedis widely used为何为何为何为何6S6S被广泛地应用被广泛地应用被广泛地应用被广泛地应用 Work place be es clean and better organized.工作场所变得更清洁和更易于组织管理。工作场所变得更清洁和更易于组织管理。Shop floor and office operation be e easier and safer.工场的地面和办公室运作变得更容易和平安。工场的地面和办公室运作变得更容易和平安。Results are visible to everyone,insider and outsider.每个内部或外部的人都可以直观地看到结果。每个内部或外部的人都可以直观地看到结果。Visible results enhance generation of more and new ideas.可视的效果激发了更多的新的思路的产生。可视的效果激发了更多的新的思路的产生。People are automatically disciplined.人们自觉地遵守纪律。人们自觉地遵守纪律。People be e proud of clean and organized work place.清洁和有组织的工作场所使人们变得自豪。清洁和有组织的工作场所使人们变得自豪。Resultant good pany image generates more business etc 具有良好形象的公司会带来更多的业务。具有良好形象的公司会带来更多的业务。46 objectives of 6S Program6S工程的6个目标A clean workplace is high in PRODUCTIVITY一个清洁的工作场所代表高的生产力A clean workplace is high Quality一个清洁的工作场所代表高的质量A clean workplace keeps COST Down.一个清洁的工作场所能保持成本的不断降低。A clean workplace ensures Delivery on time一个清洁的工作场所有助于确保交付的准时.A clean workplace is SAFE for people to work一个清洁的工作场所对工作人员是平安的.A clean workplace is high in MORALE 一个清洁的工作场所有助于工作士气的高昂。5What are 6Ss?6S中的“S代表什么?1.SEIRI:Sort-out unnecessary items in the work-place and discard them 清理:将不必要的物品从工作场所清走并丢弃它们。2.SEITON:Arrange necessary items in good order so that they can be easily picked for use :将必需的物品按规定的位置存放,以便能容易地找到并使用。3.SEISO:Clean your workplace pletely so that there is no dust on floor,machine and equipment 清扫:彻底地清扫您的工作场所,保证在地板,机器和仪器上没有灰尘。4.SEIKETSU:Maintain high standard of housekeeping&workplace organization at all times 清洁:始终高标准地维护房屋的干净和工作场所的整洁。5.SHITSUKE:Train people to follow good housekeeping Disciplines 素养:教育人们遵守良好的保洁纪律。6.SAFETY:All work is based on safe production environment,Avoid any risk activities 平安:所有工作建立在平安的生产环境基础之上,防止任何有风险的活动。6Step-1Look around you.看看您的周围.Are there things not of use any more?.yes.有不经常使用的东西吗?有.Outdated diaries,pens run out of ink,tools 过时的日记,没有墨水的笔,工具which are broken and useless,Files which are never referred to,哪一个是破损的和无用的,从没有用过的文件Throw these away IMMEDIATELY.立即扔掉它.7Step-2First decide which things to be put where.首先决定哪一东西放在什么地方-Those which you need very often in your jobshould be placed very near to your workstation其中哪些是您在工作中非常需要的,将它定置于距您工作站最近的地方.Things not used often could be placed away如果不是使用频繁的物品,可以放得远一些.Keep a list of things with their location.在保存的地方存放一个物品的清单.8Step-3Do not wait for things to get dirty before you clean them.Clean regularly不要等到东西脏了才去清扫,要定期地做.Put aside 3 minutes every day to clean yourworkplace每天保持3分钟用于清扫您的工作场所.Never throw anything around or dirty any place.不随意向周围丢东西和将弄脏任何地方.Regularly clean the machines&tools.定期地清扫机器和工具.9Step-4If you do not consciously try to maintain the cleanenvironment,very soon you will find that your workplace is dirty again.如果您不是自觉地保持清洁的环境,您将会很快地发现您的工作场所又变得脏乱.Make schedule for cleaning and organizing yourworkplace.给整理和清洁您的工作场所制定方案.Inter departmental petitions on housekeeping在日常保洁中进行内部竞赛.10Step-5Management should train its staff and try todevelop a culture within the pany where bygood housekeeping be es every bodys habit管理者要培训员工,努力在公司内部形成一种文化,使良好的日常保持成为每人的习惯.Treat your workplace as the second home.将您的工作场所看作第二个家.Maintain your attitudes and habits.保持您的态度和习惯.11Some significant benefits observed一些可见的重要效果一些可见的重要效果 Happier Employee with high morale 具有高昴士气的快乐的员工 Greater people involvement 大量的人员参与.Low Employee turnover 低的员工流动.Increased number of suggestions 建议数量的增加.Better use of floor space 更好地使用空间.Less work-in-progress and inventories少的在制品和库存.Better flow of work.更好的工作流程.Low machine breakdown rates.低的设备停机率.Low accident rates.低的意外事故率.High yield of materials高的产出率.High product quality 高的产品质量.125 S5 5 SEquipmentsMaterialJigs/ToolsMethodsWorkersProductsTimelinessMaintainsEnsures Max.UtilizationUpkeepsImprovesMotivatesEnsures GoodPromotesQUALITY质量SAFETY安全EFFICIENCY效率CONTROL控制CUSTOMER SATISFACTION客户满意客户满意EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION员工满意员工满意13What are the 5 Ss 5S中的中的“S代表什么代表什么?Seiri -Sorting 整理分类Seiton -Systematic Arrangement 系统安排Seiso -Cleaning 清扫 Seiketsu-Standardization 清洁标准化Shitsuke-Training&Discipline 素养 培训和纪律5 S14TO CLEARLY DIVIDE OBJECTS INTO TWO GROUPS明确地区分两组不同的物体明确地区分两组不同的物体.-THOSE ITEMS THAT ARE NECESSARY.这些工程是必需的这些工程是必需的.-AND THOSE ITEMS THAT ARE NOT NECESSARY.这些物品不是必需的这些物品不是必需的.TO GET RID OF THE UNNECESSARY去掉不需要的去掉不需要的.AND TO KEEP THE NECESSARY保存必要的保存必要的.5 S151.1.Item is not needed物品不是必需的物品不是必需的.2.2.Item is needed however quantity in stock is more than what is needed for consumption in nearfuture 物品是需要的物品是需要的,但是贮存的比实际消耗的多但是贮存的比实际消耗的多3.3.Contingency Parts 偶然使用的部件偶然使用的部件 Critically decide the quantity of contingency parts to be retained and criteria for such parts精确地确定急需部件的数量并按标准保存它们。精确地确定急需部件的数量并按标准保存它们。What is unnecessary 什么是多余的什么是多余的?5 S16 Frequency of use 使用的频率使用的频率Storage Method 贮存的方法贮存的方法*Things you have not used in the past one yearThrow them out丢掉它*Things you have used once in the last 6-12 months Store at distance OR Keep in storeLOWLOW*Things you have used only once in the last 2-6 months Store it in central place in your zone*Things used more than once a month Store it in central place in your zoneAVERAGEAVERAGEHIGHHIGH*Things used once a week Store near the workplace*Things used daily or hourly Store near the workplaceOrganization 组织组织5 S17Identifying unnecessary 确定不必要的确定不必要的 1.1.Parts&Work in Process Parts&Work in Process WIPWIP 在流程中的部件和工作在流程中的部件和工作 Things fallen back behind the machine or rolled under it Broken items inside the machine 设备内部破损的部件 Things under the racks/platform在架子或工作台下面的物品 Extra WIP 额外的在制品 Stock of rejected items 拒收物品的贮存 Items accumulated over period for rework堆积的过期的返工物品 Material awaiting disposal decision 等待处理的材料 Material brought for some trial,still lying even after trial 用以试验甚至已经完成试验的材料 Small qty of material no longer in use 不久将要用到的小批量材料Contd.5 S18Identifying unnecessary 确定不必要的确定不必要的 2.Tools,Toolings,Measuring devices工具,工装,测量装置 Old jigs,tools not in use are lying Modified tools,tooling for trial,are lying after trial Worn out items like bushes,liners,toggles etc.lying Broken tools,bits,etc.may be lying Measuring equipment not required for the operation being performed,is lying3.Contingency Parts偶尔使用的部件 Many times storage place for contingency parts be e a last refuge for broken parts,surplus items and things nobody is likely to useContd.5 S19Identifying unnecessary 确定不必要的确定不必要的 4.Shelves and Lockers 架子和带锁柜子 Shelves and lockers tends to collect things that nobody ever uses,like surplus,broken items etc.5.Passages and Corners 通道和角落 Dust,material not required seem to gather in corner6.Besides Pillars and under the stairs柱子旁和楼梯下 These places tends to collect junk,spittoon etc.7.Walls and Bulletin Boards围墙和公告栏 Old out dated notices which have lost their relevance Posters or bulletins on wall Dust,remains of torn notices,cell tape pieces Contd.5 S20Identifying unnecessary确定不需要的确定不需要的8.Floor,Pits,Partitions 地面,凹坑,隔离物 Defective parts Protection caps,covers Packing material Hardware items,small items Even tools,toolingItems dropped on the floor are never picked9.puter Hard Disk 电脑的硬盘 Many unwanted,outdated,temporary files pile up5 S215 S2223How to achieve Systematic Arrangement?How to achieve Systematic Arrangement?怎样实现系统的安排怎样实现系统的安排?Decide where things belong 确定物品的归属确定物品的归属.Decide how things should be put away 确定怎样贮存物品确定怎样贮存物品.Obey the Put away rules 遵守存放规则遵守存放规则 .5 S24How to achieve Systematic Arrangement?How to achieve Systematic Arrangement?怎样实现系统的安排怎样实现系统的安排?Decide where things belong 确定归属确定归属 -Standardize Nomenclature标准化相关术语标准化相关术语.-Determine an analytical method of storage 确定贮存的分析方法确定贮存的分析方法.Decide how things should be put away 确定如何存放确定如何存放 -Name&locations to everything.Label both item and location 对每一件物品命名和定置对每一件物品命名和定置.标明工程和位置标明工程和位置.-Store material functionally存贮材料的功能存贮材料的功能.-Prevent mistakes with coding by shapes&colour 通过形状和颜色的标识来防止错误通过形状和颜色的标识来防止错误.contd.contd.5 S25How to achieve Systematic Arrangement?How to achieve Systematic Arrangement?怎样实现系统的安排怎样实现系统的安排?Decide how things should be put away 确定物品应怎样保存确定物品应怎样保存 -Follow first in first out rule遵守先进先出的原则遵守先进先出的原则.-If two identical items are to be located,then store them separately,colour code them.如果两个同样的物品被定置如果两个同样的物品被定置,贮存时要用颜色或代码区分它们贮存时要用颜色或代码区分它们 Obey the rules 服从规则服从规则 -Put the things back to their location after their use 将使用后的东将使用后的东西放回它们固定的位置西放回它们固定的位置.5 S26USE:USE:1 1 Signboards Signboards 布告板布告板布告板布告板2 2 2 2 Colour codes Colour codes 彩色代码彩色代码彩色代码彩色代码3 3 3 3 Outline markings Outline markings 不同形状的标识不同形状的标识不同形状的标识不同形状的标识4 4 4 4 Labels Labels 标签标签标签标签5 S27Functional功能功能Storage 贮存贮存5 S28UsageFrequency使用频率使用频率 Store frequently used material near the workplace and less frequently at some distance经常使用的材料靠近工作经常使用的材料靠近工作点,不经常使用的在远一些的地方。点,不经常使用的在远一些的地方。Weight&Shape of theMaterial材料的重量材料的重量和形状和形状 Heavy material should be stored at lower levels/layers Place directly on the material handling device for ease of handling 重的材料贮存在低重的材料贮存在低的地方以便容易处理的地方以便容易处理.Functional Storage Functional Storage 功能贮存功能贮存5 S29Category种类种类 Same category of material may be stored in one location.Eg.Allen Screws,Oil Seals 一些种类的材料可以贮存在一个地点一些种类的材料可以贮存在一个地点.如巩固类的螺丝类、密封件类等。如巩固类的螺丝类、密封件类等。OperationWise操作技巧操作技巧 All items required for an operation may be stored in one location.Eg.Allen key,spanner etc hand tools required for setting m/c和某个操作有关的所有物品可以贮存在一个地方。例如:和某个操作有关的所有物品可以贮存在一个地方。例如:Functional Storage Functional Storage 功能贮存功能贮存5 S30 Outlining and Placement Marks 不同形状的标识及布置不同形状的标识及布置 -Mark boundaries of dept.,aisles,Machines 部门、过道、机器间划出分界线。部门、过道、机器间划出分界线。-Follow straight line,right angle rule 按照直线和正确的角度规则摆放按照直线和正确的角度规则摆放 -Nothing shall be kept outside the boundaries 保持任何东西都不超越边界。保持任何东西都不超越边界。Stands and shelves工作台、架工作台、架 -Keep only required number of stands and shelves 仅保存必须数量的工作台、架。仅保存必须数量的工作台、架。-Standardize height,size 使高度和大小标准化使高度和大小标准化 -Provide casters where necessary so that it can be moved最好备有轮子以便当需要时可以移动。最好备有轮子以便当需要时可以移动。最好备有轮子以便当需要时可以移动。最好备有轮子以便当需要时可以移动。5 S31 Wires and Ducts线路和管路线路和管路 -Colour code 彩色的编码彩色的编码 -When there are multiple connections-bundle the wires,label them and make sure that they are in straight line/right angle and firmly anchored在布置多线路时:应将线在布置多线路时:应将线捆扎,给它们贴上标签,确保它们一直线上或在正确的角度上并且使它们固定。捆扎,给它们贴上标签,确保它们一直线上或在正确的角度上并且使它们固定。Machine-tools&Tools设备的工具和工装设备的工具和工装 -Put the tools in the order you need them 将工具按你要求的顺序排列将工具按你要求的顺序排列.-Location of the tool should be such that it can be put away with one hand 工具应定置于一个人伸手就能拿到的位置。工具应定置于一个人伸手就能拿到的位置。-Try to eliminate some hand tools by permanently attaching it to the bolt head 5 S32 Blades,Dies,Other important consumables 刀片、模具和其它重刀片、模具和其它重要的消耗品要的消耗品 -Store them in the protected place 将它们贮存在将它们贮存在平安的地方。平安的地方。-Maintain these things regularly by applying rust preventive,oiling etc.应用防锈,加油等方法定期地维护它们。应用防锈,加油等方法定期地维护它们。WIP-Work In Process 在制品在制品 -Designate a place for each ponent/part 给每一个零件或部件找一个地方给每一个零件或部件找一个地方 -Decide on how much quantity to be stored 决定需要贮存多少数量。决定需要贮存多少数量。-Ensure that there is no damage to good part during transit,they do not get rusty and they are not mislabeled。确保完好的部件在运输中没有被损坏、没有生锈和没有贴错标签。确保完好的部件在运输中没有被损坏、没有生锈和没有贴错标签。5 S33 Oils 油类油类 -Reduce number of oils used Standardize 减少使用油的数量减少使用油的数量 -Colour code for oil 给油品做彩色的编码给油品做彩色的编码 -Safety aspects-fire prevention,pollution,leak,spillage 平安方面防止着火,污染,泄漏和溢出。平安方面防止着火,污染,泄漏和溢出。Instrumentation&Measuring Devices 仪器和测量装置仪器和测量装置 -Label them,show direction of flow 标识并指出使用的去向。标识并指出使用的去向。5 S345 S35Activity-Keep workplace spotlessly clean 保持工作场所没有污点保持工作场所没有污点-Inspection while cleaning 边清洁边检查边清洁边检查-Finding minor problems with cleaning inspection 借助清洁检查发现小问题借助清洁检查发现小问题 Success-Reduction in machine down time Indicator 减少停机减少停机 成功的成功的 -Reduction in no.of accidents 指标指标 减少事故减少事故Clean workplace pletely so that there is no dust on the floor,machines and Equipments彻底地清扫工作场所,保证在地面,彻底地清扫工作场所,保证在地面,机器上和周围环境中没有灰尘。机器上和周围环境中没有灰尘。5 S36While Cleaning up and getting rid of dirt and unclear items potential defects such as Abrasion,Damage,Loose Parts,Deformities,Leaks,Vibration,Abnormal Sound etc.,are revealed and hence Seiso is inspection 当清扫干净、去掉污垢后,不清楚的潜在缺当清扫干净、去掉污垢后,不清楚的潜在缺陷工程如:磨损、破损、部件松动、变形、陷工程如:磨损、破损、部件松动、变形、泄漏、振动、异常的声响等被显露。因此,泄漏、振动、异常的声响等被显露。因此,清扫是检查。清扫是检查。5 S37 Here cleaning means more than just keeping things Here cleaning means more than just keeping things clean.Cleaning should be viewed as a form of Visual clean.Cleaning should be viewed as a form of Visual Inspection Inspection 这里的清扫的意义不仅是保持物品的干净,而应是以这里的清扫的意义不仅是保持物品的干净,而应是以这里的清扫的意义不仅是保持物品的干净,而应是以这里的清扫的意义不仅是保持物品的干净,而应是以目视检查的形式观察。目视检查的形式观察。目视检查的形式观察。目视检查的形式观察。Preventive measures should be taken to tackle Preventive measures should be taken to tackle problems of dust,grim,burrs,leakage etc.Root cause problems of dust,grim,burrs,leakage etc.Root cause of the problem should be identified and it should be of the problem should be identified and it should be eliminated eliminated 预防的措施应该被采用如工具的灰尘、粗糙、异响、预防的措施应该被采用如工具的灰尘、粗糙、异响、预防的措施应该被采用如工具的灰尘、粗糙、异响、预防的措施应该被采用如工具的灰尘、粗糙、异响、泄漏等问题的根本原因应该被识别和被消除。泄漏等问题的根本原因应该被识别和被消除。泄漏等问题的根本原因应该被识别和被消除。泄漏等问题的根本原因应该被识别和被消除。5 S38 5 5 Minutes Every day for cleaningMinutes Every day for cleaning 每天用每天用5 5分钟清扫卫生分钟清扫卫生Devote 5 minutes everyday for cleaning your work area 每天投入每天投入5 5分钟用于您的工作场所的清洁分钟用于您的工作场所的清洁 Participation of everyone is required 要求每个人都参加。要求每个人都参加。Attack hard to clean places regularly 有规律地突击难点。有规律地突击难点。5 S39 Cleaning-Inspection points for mostCleaning-Inspection points for most equipment equipment 清扫检查更多是针对设备清扫检查更多是针对设备 Tightening 拧紧拧紧Loose bolts,welding detachment,loose parts,vibration or bumping noise,friction 松动的螺栓、焊缝、松动的部件或振动的松动的螺栓、焊缝、松动的部件或振动的噪声、磨擦。噪声、磨擦。HeatOil tanks,motors,heater,axles,control panels,washing/cleaning water,bearing,wiring etc.油桶、发动机、加热器、轴类、控制板、冲油桶、发动机、加热器、轴类、控制板、冲/洗洗用的水、轴承、配线等。用的水、轴承、配线等。5 S40 Cleaning-Inspection points for mostCleaning-Inspection points for most equipment equipment 清扫检查更多是针对设备清扫检查更多是针对设备 Breakage,Cracks破损和裂纹破损和裂纹Breakage,cracks,dent on sliding parts,handle has e off,broken switches,wire joints e off,wires are broken or crack,crack dial of various pre.gauges,meters etc.破损、裂纹、滑行部件的凹凸不平、手柄脱落、开关损破损、裂纹、滑行部件的凹凸不平、手柄脱落、开关损坏或开裂、标准尺和米尺等不同刻盘的破损。坏或开裂、标准尺和米尺等不同刻盘的破损。5 S415 S42 Activity-Innovative visual management 创立目视管理创立目视管理-Colour coding 彩色的编码彩色的编码-Early detection of problem and early action 尽早地发现问题和尽早地行动。尽早地发现问题和尽早地行动。Success -Increase in 5S indicatorIndicator 增加增加5 5S的标识的标识Setting up Standards/Norms for a Neat&Clean workplace and details of how to maintain the Norms Procedure 对一个整洁的或清洁的工作场所建立标准或标准及怎样保持的对一个整洁的或清洁的工作场所建立标准或标准及怎样保持的详细资料程序详细资料程序5 S435 S44 Regularizing 5S activities so that abnormalities are revealed 有规则地有规则地5S活动使异常被显示。活动使异常被显示。Make it easy for everyone to identify the state of normal or abnormal condition 使每个人都可以容易地识别正常的或异常的使每个人都可以容易地识别正常的或异常的状态。状态。For maintaining previous 3S,deploy visual management 对保持以前的对保持以前的3S,要配置目视管理。要配