PEPPEP 小学英语六年级下册第三单小学英语六年级下册第三单元教案元教案Unit3Unit3 Last weekend Last weekend第一课时第一课时教学内容教学内容 PartA LetPartA Lets learnAs learnA教学目标教学目标 1.1.能听说读写短语:能听说读写短语:watched TV,washed clothes,watched TV,washed clothes,cleaned the room,played football and visitedcleaned the room,played football and visitedgrandparentsgrandparents。2.2.能够听懂问句:能够听懂问句:What did you do last weekend?What did you do last weekend?并能并能做出正确的答复。做出正确的答复。3.3.能够运用新学内容完成能够运用新学内容完成 Make a surveyMake a survey 的任务。的任务。4.4.教育学生熟悉身边的人所做的事情,并能做到经常关心别教育学生熟悉身边的人所做的事情,并能做到经常关心别人。人。教学重难点教学重难点 1.1.重点:重点:(1)(1)能听说读写短语:能听说读写短语:watched TVwatched TV,washed clotheswashed clothes,cleanedcleanedthe roomthe room,played football and visited grandparentsplayed football and visited grandparents。(2)(2)听懂会说句子听懂会说句子:What did you do last weekend?:What did you do last weekend?并能在并能在实际情景中灵活用。实际情景中灵活用。2.2.难点:难点:5 5 个加个加 e de d词组的读音和书写,词组的读音和书写,掌握动词过去式和发掌握动词过去式和发音。音。教具准备教具准备 1.1.教师准备本课时所需的六张词卡。教师准备本课时所需的六张词卡。2.2.教师准备录音机和录音带。教师准备录音机和录音带。3.3.教师准备调查表。教师准备调查表。教教 学过程学过程一、一、Warm upWarm up1 1、Lets chantLets chantEvery weekend I climb mountains,what do you do?Every weekend I climb mountains,what do you do?Every weekend I clean the room,what do you do?Every weekend I clean the room,what do you do?Every weekend I read books,what do you do?Every weekend I read books,what do you do?Every weekend I go shopping,what do you do?Every weekend I go shopping,what do you do?然后,问然后,问 What do you do on the weekend?What do you do on the weekend?复习与周末活复习与周末活动相关的动词短语。动相关的动词短语。2 2、Lets startLets startT:What do you usually do on the weekend?T:What do you usually do on the weekend?帮助学生回帮助学生回忆学过的动词短语忆学过的动词短语,并引导学生答复,如:并引导学生答复,如:I usually playI usually通过简短交流,让学生回忆周末所做的活动,既复通过简短交流,让学生回忆周末所做的活动,既复习了以前的单词,又为学习这些单词的过去式做了铺垫。习了以前的单词,又为学习这些单词的过去式做了铺垫。二、二、PresentationPresentation1 1猜周末活动呈现:猜周末活动呈现:last weekendlast weekendwashed the clotheswashed the clothes教师出示日历教师出示日历 T T:Whats the date today?Whats the date today?请学生答复请学生答复 Its.Its.然后教师将日历翻到上周日:然后教师将日历翻到上周日:What was that day?What was that day?然后帮助学然后帮助学生答复生答复 It was last Sunday.It was the last weekend.It was last Sunday.It was the last weekend.学习学习last weekendlast weekend。T:Now I know what you do on the weekend.Guess whatT:Now I know what you do on the weekend.Guess whatI usually do on the weekend?I usually do on the weekend?学生猜出后,学生猜出后,T:I usually cleanT:I usually cleanthe room on the weekend.Last weekend I cleaned thethe room on the weekend.Last weekend I cleaned theroom too.板书板书 clean the roomclean the room 和和 cleaned the room.cleaned the room.由由 clean the roomclean the room 到到 cleaned the roomcleaned the room 符合认知规律,符合认知规律,让让学生自己从几个词组中找出发音规律,这样更容易记忆。学生自己从几个词组中找出发音规律,这样更容易记忆。2.2.同样方法呈现:同样方法呈现:watch TVwatch TVwatched TVwatched TVwash thewash theclothesclotheswashed the clotheswashed the clothesplay footballplay footballplayedplayedfootballfootballvisit grandparentsvisit grandparentsvisited grandparentsvisited grandparents 然后然后让学生找规律,学生找出规律后,教师用不同颜色的粉笔标上让学生找规律,学生找出规律后,教师用不同颜色的粉笔标上过去式的后缀过去式的后缀-ed-ed 示范其发音,让学生试着找出发音规律。示范其发音,让学生试着找出发音规律。3.3.学生听录音,学生听录音,翻开课本跟读短语,翻开课本跟读短语,学生小组内相互指读短语。学生小组内相互指读短语。三、三、PracticePractice 1 1看动作猜词组看动作猜词组一名学生用动作表示上周末活动,一名学生用动作表示上周末活动,其他学生说出过去形式动词其他学生说出过去形式动词短语。短语。2 2接龙问答游戏接龙问答游戏T:What did you do last weekend?T:What did you do last weekend?S1:I watched TV.How about you.S2?S1:I watched TV.How about you.S2?S2:I played football.How about you.S3?S2:I played football.How about you.S3?S3:.S3:.3.3.摘苹果游戏摘苹果游戏黑板上画一棵大苹果树,每个苹果上都有一个过去单词,在树黑板上画一棵大苹果树,每个苹果上都有一个过去单词,在树下放三个筐,每个筐上标上下放三个筐,每个筐上标上t,d,id,t,d,id,让学生按正确发音把苹让学生按正确发音把苹果放入筐里。以游戏的方式进行,能够活泼课堂气氛,调动学果放入筐里。以游戏的方式进行,能够活泼课堂气氛,调动学生积极性,使学生乐于参与,提高了学生的语言辨音能力生积极性,使学生乐于参与,提高了学生的语言辨音能力四、四、ProductionProduction1 1Lets find outLets find out T:What did Zoom do last weekend?T:What did Zoom do last weekend?学生答复学生答复 He watched TV.He watched TV.教师补充教师补充 Yes,he watched TVYes,he watched TVwith his mother.They watched the news.What else didwith his mother.They watched the news.What else didhe do?he do?引导学生说,引导学生说,He watered his flowers.He did hisHe watered his flowers.He did hishomework,too.homework,too.2.Do a survey2.Do a surveyNameName What did you do last weekend What did you do last weekend?学生四人一个小组进行问答练习,学生四人一个小组进行问答练习,鼓励学生完成教师发的调查鼓励学生完成教师发的调查表。表。完成后请几位同学上台讲解自己组内同学的上周末活动情完成后请几位同学上台讲解自己组内同学的上周末活动情况。况。设计意图:让学生运用所学知识在小组内完成任务,有助于设计意图:让学生运用所学知识在小组内完成任务,有助于培养学生的合作精神和综合运用语言知识的能力。培养学生的合作精神和综合运用语言知识的能力。五、五、ProgressProgress1 1、总结规那么动词过去式词尾的读音:、总结规那么动词过去式词尾的读音:(1)(1)在浊辅音和元音后面发在浊辅音和元音后面发/d/d/(2)(2)在清辅音后面发在清辅音后面发/t/t/(3)(3)在在/t/,/d/t/,/d/音后面发音后面发/id/id/2 2完成配套练习上的练习。完成配套练习上的练习。板书设计板书设计Last weekendLast weekendWhat did you do last weekend?What did you do last weekend?WashWash washed clotheswashed clothesCleanClean cleaned roomcleaned roomWatchWatch watched TVwatched TVPlayPlay played footballplayed footballVisitVisit visited grandparentsvisited grandparents第二课时第二课时教学内容教学内容 Part A Lets talkPart A Lets talk教学目标教学目标 1 1能够听、能够听、说、说、读、读、写句型:写句型:What did you do lastWhat did you do lastweekend?I played football.weekend?I played football.2 2能够完成能够完成 Lets tryLets try 局部的练习。局部的练习。3 3能够正确运用重点句型进行对话,完成能够正确运用重点句型进行对话,完成 Lets find outLets find out 局局部的游戏。部的游戏。教学重难点教学重难点1 1重点是句型:重点是句型:What did you do last weekend?I playedWhat did you do last weekend?I 2难点是该句型的问句局部,以及认读语音局部的三个双元难点是该句型的问句局部,以及认读语音局部的三个双元音音标。音音标。教具准备教具准备 1 1、教师准备假设干张图片。、教师准备假设干张图片。2 2、教师准备录音机与磁带。、教师准备录音机与磁带。教学教学 过过 程程一、一、PreparationPreparation1 1、快举快读游戏,复习动词的原形和过去式,如、快举快读游戏,复习动词的原形和过去式,如 watchwatchTVTVwatched TVwatched TVwash the clotheswash the clotheswashed thewashed theclothesclothes2 2、一个比划一个猜。一名学生通过动作描述上周末活动,其、一个比划一个猜。一名学生通过动作描述上周末活动,其他学生说出过去式短语。他学生说出过去式短语。通过游戏的方式复习所学过的内容,活泼课堂气氛,让学通过游戏的方式复习所学过的内容,活泼课堂气氛,让学生更有兴趣参与,提高学生的主动性。生更有兴趣参与,提高学生的主动性。3 3、Chant:Last weekend I played football.Chant:Last weekend I played football.What did you doWhat did you do?Last weekend I watched TV.Last weekend I watched TV.What did you doWhat did you do?.二、二、PresentationPresentation1 1Lets tryLets tryT:What did Chen Jie do last weekend?Listen and circle.T:What did Chen Jie do last weekend?Listen and circle.2 2T T:Now we know what Chen Jie did last weekend.Now we know what Chen Jie did last weekend.What did you do last weekend?What did you do last weekend?请学生答复请学生答复I playedI playedfootball./.football./.教师板书并示范朗读句型教师板书并示范朗读句型 What did you doWhat did you dolast weekend?I played football.last weekend?I played football.学生跟读,口拼句型。利用学生跟读,口拼句型。利用听力活动进一步熟悉本单元新词,听力活动进一步熟悉本单元新词,并引入新句型并引入新句型What did youWhat did youdo last weekend?do last weekend?降低了难度,让学生更容易接受。降低了难度,让学生更容易接受。3 3接龙问答游戏操练主句型。如:接龙问答游戏操练主句型。如:S1:What did you do last weekend?S1:What did you do last weekend?S2:I watched TV.What did you do last weekend?S2:I watched TV.What did you do last weekend?S3:I played football.What did you do lastS3:I played football.What did you do lastweekend?/How about you?weekend?/How about you?S4:S4:4 4在接龙游戏尾声老师打断学生的答复,接下去问在接龙游戏尾声老师打断学生的答复,接下去问 Lets meLets meguess.Did you play football last weekend?guess.Did you play football last weekend?引导学生答复,引导学生答复,Yes,I did./No,I didntYes,I did./No,I didnt5 5同桌用课本配图进行意义操练。同桌用课本配图进行意义操练。三、三、PracticePractice1 1听录音听录音 Lets talk,Lets talk,学生逐句跟读。让学生跟着录音机读,学生逐句跟读。让学生跟着录音机读,纠正学生发音。纠正学生发音。2.2.组中两人分角色操练对话。组中两人分角色操练对话。3.3.学生展示:分角色朗读,表演对话。学生展示:分角色朗读,表演对话。4.Q:What did Wu Yifan do last weekend4.Q:What did Wu Yifan do last weekend?What didWhat didJohn do last weekendJohn do last weekend?学生听录音答复以下问题,然后跟读录音,同桌之间做对话练学生听录音答复以下问题,然后跟读录音,同桌之间做对话练习。习。通过不同的形式,通过不同的形式,由整体到局部再到个人的反复操练对话,由整体到局部再到个人的反复操练对话,进行朗读训练,培养学生的朗读能力,增强语感。进行朗读训练,培养学生的朗读能力,增强语感。四、四、ProductionProduction1 1连词成句连词成句(1)did you last what weekend do(?)(1)did you last what weekend do(?)(2)cleaned room I the(.)(2)cleaned room I the(.)2 2Lets find outLets find out(1)(1)、Make a surveyMake a survey教师先教学单词教师先教学单词 yesterday,yesterday,然后学生利用课本的调查表询问然后学生利用课本的调查表询问同学昨天的活动,操练句型:同学昨天的活动,操练句型:What did you do yesterday?What did you do yesterday?I.I.(2)(2)、Have a reportHave a report请几名学生汇报调查结果,请几名学生汇报调查结果,最后让学生把调查结果写成书最后让学生把调查结果写成书面文字。如:面文字。如:Zhang Peng listened to musicZhang Peng listened to musicI watchedI watchedTV yesterday.TV yesterday.五、五、ProgressProgress1.1.把把 Lets talkLets talk 局部读给家长或同伴听。局部读给家长或同伴听。板书设计板书设计What did you do last weekend?What did you do last weekend?I played football.I played football.第三课时第三课时教学内容教学内容 A A Lets readLets read教学目标教学目标 1 1、能听、说、认读、能听、说、认读Lets readLets read局部的内容,并完成局部的内容,并完成相应活动。并能模仿短文描述自己或他人的周末生活。相应活动。并能模仿短文描述自己或他人的周末生活。2 2、读懂、读懂 story timestory time 中的故事。中的故事。教学重难点教学重难点 1 1、理解短文内容,能模仿短文描述自己或他人的、理解短文内容,能模仿短文描述自己或他人的周末生活。周末生活。2 2、本课难点是、本课难点是 is is 的过去式形式的过去式形式 waswas 的用法。的用法。教具准备教具准备 1 1、教师准备一台录音机和相关录音带。、教师准备一台录音机和相关录音带。2 2、写有问题的小黑板、写有问题的小黑板教教 学学 过过程程(一一)preparation:)preparation:Ask and answer:Ask and answer:1 1、T T:Wang Qiang:What did you do yesterday?Wang Qiang:What did you do yesterday?S S:I watched TV and did homework.I watched TV and did homework.T ask the other Ss:What did Wang Qiang do yesterday?T ask the other Ss:What did Wang Qiang do yesterday?S:He watched TV and did homework.S:He watched TV and did homework.在这里告诉学生答在这里告诉学生答复他人的活动,只需要改变人称就可以了。其他地方跟答复第复他人的活动,只需要改变人称就可以了。其他地方跟答复第二人称时没有变化二人称时没有变化设计意图:通过转述他人的活动,让学生学会如何表达第三人设计意图:通过转述他人的活动,让学生学会如何表达第三人称活动形式。称活动形式。2 2、T:Li Tao:What did you do last weekend?T:Li Tao:What did you do last weekend?S:I washed the clothesS:I washed the clothes、cleaned the roomcleaned the room、read booksread booksand did homework.and did homework.T:What did Li Tao do last weekend?T:What did Li Tao do last weekend?S:He washed the clothesS:He washed the clothes、cleaned the roomcleaned the room、readreadbooks and did homework.books and did homework.T:Li Tao was busy last weekend.(T:Li Tao was busy last weekend.(板书板书)明确地向学生解释明确地向学生解释 is is 的过去式形式的过去式形式 waswas 的用法。的用法。二:二:Pre-readingPre-reading1 1、再询问两个学生,到达稳固、再询问两个学生,到达稳固was busy last weekend.was busy last weekend.这这句话的目的。句话的目的。2 2、根据学生的答复,教师可提出更细节性的问题:、根据学生的答复,教师可提出更细节性的问题:T:What did you do last Saturday morning/last SundayT:What did you do last Saturday morning/last Sundayevening?evening?SA:I(did)last Saturday morning/last SundaySA:I(did)last Saturday morning/last Sundayeveningevening。生边答,师边板书。生边答,师边板书。设计意图:让学生进一步明确设计意图:让学生进一步明确 Saturday morningSaturday morning、SundaySundayeveningevening等时间副词的用法。等时间副词的用法。三、三、In-readingIn-reading1 1、(1)Do you want to know what Wu Yifan did last(1)Do you want to know what Wu Yifan did lastweekend?weekend?展示小黑板展示小黑板 Lets read the passage and tick orLets read the passage and tick orcross:cross:Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.(Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.()Last Sunday was Wu Yifans grandmas birthday.(Last Sunday was Wu Yifans grandmas birthday.()让让学生带着简单的问题首次阅读短文,增加学生再次阅读的兴学生带着简单的问题首次阅读短文,增加学生再次阅读的兴趣。趣。(2)(2)、读后找生校正答案。、读后找生校正答案。2 2、(1)Read again and finish the sentences of the book.(1)Read again and finish the sentences of the book.(2)Point student answer the questions and check.(2)Point student answer the questions and check.3 3、(1)Please read the passage again and finish the form:(1)Please read the passage again and finish the form:再次展示小黑板并拿出下发的调查表再次展示小黑板并拿出下发的调查表Wu Yifans weekendWu Yifans weekendSaturday morningSaturday morningSaturday eveningSaturday eveningSunday morningSunday morningSunday afternoonSunday afternoon2 2看着调查表答复看着调查表答复 What did Wu Yifan do last weekend?What did Wu Yifan do last weekend?完成课本上的第二个问题。完成课本上的第二个问题。设计意图:层层递进,帮助学生正确答复以下问题。设计意图:层层递进,帮助学生正确答复以下问题。4 4、Do you have any questionsDo you have any questions?If you haveIf you have,pleas ask.pleas ask.5 5、(1)Listen to the tape and read after it.(1)Listen to the tape and read after it.(2)Read in groups(2)Read in groups四四Post-readingPost-readingWhat did you do last weekend?Please write a passageWhat did you do last weekend?Please write a passageabout your weekend.about your weekend.I was busy last weekend.II was busy last weekend.ISaturday morning.Saturday morning.I ISaturday afternoon.In theSaturday afternoon.In theevening .Sunday morning .evening .Sunday morning .Sunday afternoon .Sunday afternoon .(五五)Progress)Progress1.Summary1.Summary:今天我们学习了如何描述自己的周末活动,及:今天我们学习了如何描述自己的周末活动,及如何询问别人的周末活动。如何询问别人的周末活动。希望同学们能把所学知识运用到生希望同学们能把所学知识运用到生活中去。活中去。2.Homework2.HomeworkRead the story time and answer“What did Zoom do lastRead the story time and answer“What did Zoom do lastweekend?weekend?板书设计:板书设计:Unit3 A Lets readUnit3 A Lets readwas busy lastwas busy lastweekend.weekend.What did you doWhat did you dolast weekend?last weekend?I Iwatched TV.watched TV.四课时四课时教学内容教学内容Part B Lets learnPart B Lets learn教学目标教学目标 1 1能够听、能够听、说、说、读、读、写短语:写短语:went to a park,wentwent to a park,wentswimming,read a book,swimming,read a book,went fishing,went hikingwent fishing,went hiking。2 2能够听、说、认读句子:能够听、说、认读句子:What did you/(name)do lastWhat did you/(name)do lastweekend/yesterday?I(name)(did)last weekend/weekend/yesterday?I(name)(did)last weekend/yesterday.Did you.?Yes,I did.yesterday.Did you.?Yes,I did.教学重难点教学重难点 1 1重点是掌握四会词组重点是掌握四会词组2 2难点是掌握不规那么动词的过去形式难点是掌握不规那么动词的过去形式教具准备教具准备 1.1.教师准备本课时所需的五张词卡及教师准备本课时所需的五张词卡及 A A 局部所学单局部所学单词。词。2.2.教师准备录音机和的录音带。教师准备录音机和的录音带。教学教学 过过 程程 1.Warm-up 1.Warm-up1)Free-talk:1)Free-talk:T:What day is today?T:What day is today?A:Today isA:Today is T:What day was yesterday?(T:What day was yesterday?(强调强调 yesterday)yesterday)B:Yesterday/It wasB:Yesterday/It was T:What did you do yesterday?T:What did you do yesterday?C:I(did)yesterday.(C:I(did)yesterday.(用前几课时已经学的词组用前几课时已经学的词组)2)Chain-drill:2)Chain-drill:C:I(did)yesterday.What did you do yeC:I(did)yesterday.What did you do yesterday?sterday?D:I(did)yesterday.What did you do yesterday?D:I(did)yesterday.What did you do yesterday?E,F(ask the teacher)E,F(ask the teacher)T:I went to a park yesterday.T:I went to a park yesterday.2.Presentation2.Presentation1 1继续继续 Chain-drill,Chain-drill,由教师引出并出示新授词组由教师引出并出示新授词组:went:wenthiking.hiking.2 2学生已经了解了学生已经了解了 gogo 的过去式后的过去式后,教师边用教师边用 I went(I went(这个这个动词用动作表示动词用动作表示)yesterday.)yesterday.表达自己昨天去做什么了表达自己昨天去做什么了,边做动边做动作作.让学生帮老师说出让学生帮老师说出:went swimming,went fishing.:went swimming,went fishing.3 3同样的方式,教师引出新授词组同样的方式,教师引出新授词组 read a bookread a book。教师教。教师教授授readread 的过去式发音,的过去式发音,并让学生了解不规那么动词的过去式。并让学生了解不规那么动词的过去式。.3.Practice3.Practice1 1听录音,跟读,教师领读,学生小组内互读短语听录音,跟读,教师领读,学生小组内互读短语通过这个环节让学生准确掌握所学新单词的发音通过这个环节让学生准确掌握所学新单词的发音2 2自编自编 chant.chant.一起哼唱歌谣。一起哼唱歌谣。Park,park,went to a park,I went to a park yesterday.Park,park,went to a park,I went to a park yesterday.Swimming,swimming,went swimming.I wentSwimming,swimming,went swimming.I wentswimming yesterday.swimming yesterday.Book,book,read a book,I read a book yesterday.Book,book,read a book,I read a book yesterday.Fishing,fishing,went fishing,I went fishing yesterday.Fishing,fishing,went fishing,I went fishing yesterday.Hiking,hiking,went hiking,I went hiking yesterday.Hiking,hiking,went hiking,I went hiking yesterday.通过轻松自在的哼唱,让学生掌握所学的单词以及短语,通通过轻松自在的哼唱,让学生掌握所学的单词以及短语,通过这种方式可以激发学生的学习兴趣过这种方式可以激发学生的学习兴趣4.Production4.Production1)Pair work1)Pair workA:What did you do last weekend?/Did you?A:What did you do last weekend?/Did you?B:I(did)/Yes,I did.B:I(did)/Yes,I did.2)2)在问答过程中完成书中所示的表格在问答过程中完成书中所示的表格.3)3)邀请几组