中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: The Application of Cooperative Principle in the Business English Correspondence 姓 名 : 00000000 班级、学号 : 00000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 0000000 开题时间: 2008-8-15 完成时间: 2009-10-30 2009 年 10 月 30 日18目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-20答辩委员会表决意见21答辩过程记录表22课 题The Application of Cooperative Principle in the Business English Correspondence 一、 课题(论文)提纲0.引言1.格莱斯的合作原则2.写作原则3The Application of Cooperative Principle in the Business English Correspondence3.1数量准则的运用商务书信内容的完整性3.2质量准则的运用3.2.1专业术语的准确性3.2.2内容的充实性3.3相关准则的运用主题的相关性3.4方式准则的运用3.4.1商务函电中的礼貌性3.4.1.1 恰当选用词语3.4.1.2疑问句的表达3.4.2 商务函电中的体谅性4.结语5.参考文献二、内容摘要商务英语函电是国际商务往来最为经常使用的联系方式,也是开展对外贸易及有关商务活动的基础和工具。商务英语函电的写作是从事外贸业务工作人员必备的基本业务技能。在商务交流中,双方都希望得到合作达成交易。就商务书信的写作要求,本文试从合作原则理论出发,通过实例论述了The Application of Cooperative Principle in the Business English Correspondence。希能够为商务英语含电的写作提供一些帮助。三、 参考文献1 保罗格莱斯. 哲学家和语言学家M.Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan出版,2005 . 2张莉,张海林.谈在商务英语写作教学中如何贯彻六C原则J.中国期刊,20083谈芳, 朱慧萍.外经贸英语函电M.学林出版社,20064刘文广 ,张小明.国际贸易实务M.高等教育出版社,2006The Application of Cooperative Principlein the Business English Correspondence00000Abstract:Business English Correspondence is an important approach in international business communication and it is a basic ability for the people who are involved in this field. There are some principles of business letter writing (namely clarity, coursesy, correct, completeness, concrectess, conciseness, and consideration) and the cooperative principle (namely The maxim of quantity, The maxim of quality The maxim of relation , The maxim of manner .Employing the application of cooperative principle in business English correspondence, the thesis analyzes the writing principle and cooperative principle through specific examples and contrasts. Key words: Cooperative Principle; Business English Correspondence0.Introduction Business English Correspondence referred in this study is a kind of letter dealing with business activities in international trades. In this modern society, it is still the major means of written communication in business. “Broadly speaking, the functions of a business letter may be said to be: firstly, to ask for or to convey information; secondly, to make or to accept an offer; thirdly, to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business. Good communication is so essential in business activities that it requires principles to guide communication. Business letters, as one of a firm's main means of communication with others, its quality is one of important elements for successful business, thus it needs to be attached much importance to improve the skills of writing good business English correspondance . Paul Grices Cooperation Principle In social science generally and linguistics specifically, the cooperative principle describes how people interact with one another. As phrased by Paul Grice, who introduced it, it states, “Make your contribution such as it is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged." Though phrased as a prescriptive command, the principle is intended as a description of how people normally behave in conversation. The cooperative principle can be divided into four maxims, called the Gricean maxims, describing specific rational principles observed by people who obey the cooperative principle; these principles enable effective communication.1.1The maxim of quantity:1.1.1Make your contribution as informative as required;1.1.2 Do not make your contribution more informative than required.1.2 The maxim of quality:1.2.1 Do not say what you believe to be false;1.2.2 Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.1.3 The maxim of relation:Make your contribution relevant.1.4 The maxim of manner:Be perspicuous, and specifically: 1.4.1 Void obscurity 1.4.2 Be brief 1.4.3 Be orderly.Put more simply, people who obey the cooperative principle in their language use will make sure that what they say in conversation furthers the purpose of that conversation. Obviously, the requirements of different types of conversations will be different.2. Various Principles of Business English Correspondence Writing Business English Correspondence is widely used in international business communication. It serves to develop foreign trade business and commercial activities. Business English Letter is the major means of written communication between two parties in the international trade .In business correspondence writing, conciseness means to write in the fewest word and without sacrificing the quality of the letter. Based on the cooperative principles there are seven principles, commonly calls seven Cs, because the seven words all begin with the English letter C. they are conciseness, clarity, courtesy, correctness, completeness, concreteness and consideration. In business letter writing, conciseness means to write in the fewest word and without sacrificing the quality of the letter .Charity means the write must try to express his meaning clearly so that the reader will understand it well .courtly tone must be sincere ,the efforts to create friendly and pleasant tone in business letters can be people to build goodwill .Correctness means the expression in business letters must be correct ,words and figures must be accurate and should not be over started and understated. Completeness means the letter must contain all the necessary information to the readers and writes all the questions and requirements .concreteness means try to put you in the readers place and to give the consideration to the readers demands, wishes, and interests.3. The Application of Cooperation Principle in Businesses English CorrespondenceJudging from examples of the application of cooperative principle in successful communication, we had better to emphasize the role of applying the principle which will contribute to the improvement of business letters writing.3.1The Maxim of QuantityIn Business English correspondence completeness content just reach the requirement of the maxim of quantity .Completeness requires the letter to contain all the necessary information .Generally speaking, it contents who, what, when, where, why and how.Dear Sir,This is to confirm your E-mail of 2July, 2002, asking us to make your firm offers for rice and soybeans C&F Singapore.We E-mail you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of polished rice at AUD 2400 per metric ton, C&F Singapore, for shipment during August/September 2002.This offer is firm, subject to the receipt of your reply before 16 July 2002Please note that we have quotes most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.With regard to soybeans, we advise you that the few lots we have at present are under offer. If, however, you were to make us a suitable offer, there is possibility of our supplying them.As you know, of late it has been a heavy demand for these commodities and this has resulted in increased prices. You may, however, take advantage of the strengthening market if you send an immediate reply.Sincerely yoursAbove-mentioned quotation includes 5W and 1H .if not completeness in content, it would lead the potential customer puzzled, even breaking up the cooperation relationship.3.2The maxim of qualityTo achieve the maxim of quality business letters should be correct and clear and concise. Business letter must have correct information, expression and concise language. 3 .2.1 Correct in Business LetterA correct business letter can embody the writeworking attitude and culture quality .It has advantage for writer to establish the good relationship of trade .Be care for that commercial terms .E.g1 You commission 3% on FOB value has been include in the above in the above price.E.g2 The shipping date under S/C NO.EH-201 is approaching.E.g3 Your goods will be affected against All Risk, War and S.R.C.C. Risk.Above-mention commercial terms are short but making sense and the meaning is rich. These terms embody the feature of business. When the write the use the memorial terms they will express their function correctly. Some words have different meaning in different writing or sentence .The write should pay attention to these words.3 .2.2 Concreteness in Business Letter WritingAs a part of the maxim of quantity, concreteness means the information of the business letter is concrete enough. In business letter writing concreteness is particular important. In the process of foreign trade, every detail should be considered. In order to achieve concreteness we can try to follow: using specific facts and figures, and using specific date, subject and number.According to the instruction from Masers Browning sons, and thought our Hong Kong office. We have to opened an irrevocable letter credit for $8000 in favorable until 30 November next .You have may draw on us at 60 days against this credit for the amount of your invoice value upon shipment of 2000 tons of Steel to Messrs Browning Sons.3.3. The Maxim of RelationThe maxim of relation suggests making your language relating to the subject .It ensures the conversation be coherent and require the content of business English correspondence closely related with the present trade. Time is money. Business requires fast and efficient operation, or it is not only a waste of time, but also affects the express of theme. The maxim of relation in Grices four maxims are the most important one .Business correspondence is usually aim at specific industries, contents and projects ,relating to the two partners ,so its words ,sentences, structures all serve for the business purposes.Using the flowery langue at the beginning of the business correspondent may be attractive at first, but the reader cannot get into the theme quickly and will not know what benefit he can receive .Then he will lose interest even will not like to reader ,Especially when respond to a letter, the best way is to mention the date ,main content and code of letter at first, then answer their questions and mention writes demands. The purpose is to help the reader judges the importance of the letter, in order to deal with the related issues. Look at the following example:Dear Sir or Madam,Re L/C FOR CANDLES ART.NO.501We have received your L/C No.8543 covering the captioned goods issued by Royal Bank of Canada on January 1st in which the following points are not found in conformity with the contract stipulated foregoing.(1)The total value is US$1560.00 instead of US$1460.00.(2)L/C asks for 60 days sight whereas 30 days sight is agreed in the contract.(3)The S/C allows partial shipment but the L/C states Partial shipment is not allowed." We shall be obliged for your prompt necessary amendment accordingly.Yours faithfullyThe letter requites the reader to modify the letter of credit. The beginning of the letter is to point out and follow the subject closely. Furthermore, it indicates which content dose not in accordance with the contract, then it requires the reader to modify the litter of according to the demand .This letter is concise and clear .The first way to show consideration is emphasize the words you and your, so that it will leave a good impression in the reader mind .look at the following example:Improper: We allow a 5%discount for cash payment.Proper: You earn a 5%discount when you pay cash.3.4. The maxim of MannerIn Business English correspondence ,people use polite words in the order, and consider the readers demands wishes and interests. If the writer just pay attention to the fewest words and ignore the completeness, concernedness and courtesy, the reader will feel rudeness and suddenness. Courtesy not only means politeness, but also means thinking about the interests of the customers and offering the convenience to the customers. Consideration means to give the consideration just reach the requirement of the maxim of manner.3.4.1 Courtesy in Business LetterCourtesy is an important business letter writing principle, especially for international business letters. It is the quality that enables to refuse perform a favor and at the same time keep a friend ;to refuse a customers request for credit without killing all hope of future to show the honest friendship ,thoughtful appreciation ,sincere politeness, considerate understanding and heartfelt respect for the reader. Inserting Useful Expression to Gentle the Tone First, we should insert positive tone .in a word, a good rule for a business letter writer is to select words and insert them into the express a positive tone , let us have a look the follow examples:Please accept our sincere thanks for our pleasant association together during the year.The using of positive words likes please, sincere thanks. Pleasant association shows the writer attempt to seek the readers interests. Wants and needs.Using the positive expression instead of using such negative words as cannot .fail, impossible and so on, it is important for the writer to business express their meaning.Secondly, in order to avoid a direct blame business letter s usually insert passive voice can made the letter less disagreeable to reader .moreover. Expressing requests in passive voice shows the politeness, and it is more like to bring satisfactory results. Look at the following example:Eg1. You did not enclose the price lists in your letter. The price lists were not enclosed in your letterEg2 .You fail to deliver the goods in time. The goods have not been delivered in time. Thirdly, the subjective mood we used to express thoughts, wishes, suggestion, supposition or something contrary to tracts .it often in clues a reason .when a reason is presented .the negative letter is more like to be accepted by reader. subjunctive mood usually employs such conditional expression as l wish ,as if ,could ,might and so on .In the other hand ,subjunctive mild is able to transfer the negative un a projective way .let us look at the example:We wish you would let us have the quotation soon.We should be grateful if you would hold us with your suggestions. Using Interrogative Sentences When the writer wants to express his or her own ideas and request to the reader, the writer can use interrogative sentences, besides using imperative sentences, because the interrogative senten