2022留学常用英文申请书格式 有人把人生的选择比方成十字路口,不同的选择会有不同的人生,出国留学也是人生中最重要的选择之一。下面就是我给大家带来的2022留学常用英文申请书格式借鉴,希望能帮助到大家! 2022留学常用英文申请书 Dear _, Living in London, which is ranked as the number one city for business, innovation and culture, exposes me to the world of economics and business on a daily basis. It was a lecture from the NBCUniversal Vice President of Digital Marketing, Neil Wirasinha, that first opened my eyes to marketing and its potential. His lecture described the various marketing techniques used to promote the film Fast and Furious 7 and I was fascinated to learn about the interplay between traditional forms of marketing and newer digital marketing techniques, and how these overarching strands of the global campaign were realised for individual countries and audiences. I think it would have been exciting to work on this campaign which aided the film to break several box office records and go on to take $1.5 billion worldwide. I hope that one day I will be able to say I worked on such an inspiring campaign and that my marketing ideas could have the sort of influence and impact that would lead to such incredible success. I currently study A-Levels in Media, Film Studies and English Language. I believe these have taught me many transferable skills as well as providing me with a strong understanding of marketing principles. In Media Studies, I have learnt about marketing strategies used by key media industries and have developed my own marketing campaign to accompany my practical production of a film trailer/music video. In FIlm Studies I have learnt about a variety of marketing strategies used in the film industry from utilising digital technologies for viral campaigns to how marketing can help British film survive in the shadow of Hollywood to how marketing can be used to help create success for foreign films. English Language has taught me about the power of words and has helped hone my ability to use language in a clear and effective manner, which is useful in order to create successful marketing campaigns that appeal to the target audience. All three subjects have helped develop my analytical and critical thinking skills as they allow me to analyse and understand the construction and influence of a variety of different media products and texts. I was very pleased to win a place on my schools Media Academy programme. This has benefitted me greatly and led to some fantastic opportunities, including a six-week paid internship at Global Blue Inc which is a tourism shopping magazine company. Through this internship I gained knowledge and experience of the world of work and gained a great insight into marketing and the importance of brands. During the internship I was tasked with researching different fashion brands from all over Europe and Asia, making phone calls to potential clients abroad and setting up schedules for my group. This helped develop my networking and organisational skills which I feel will be beneficial at university. I also volunteered at the Hunter Fashion Show during London Fashion Week which helped polish my leadership and communication skills. As this was a live event these skills were critical in order to ensure the smooth running of the event. Fortunately I remained calm under pressure and was thrilled to be able to contribute to the success of the show. I am a conscientious, hardworking young person who is reliable and eager to learn new skills. I enjoy working in a fast paced environment and always bring a positive energy to the team. I can work well independently or as part of a larger team. In my spare time I love to play sports and watch films and documentaries. I have a real interest in marketing, as evidenced by the fact I have already gained two marketing work placements. I look forward to furthering my knowledge and passion of marketing by undertaking a degree in the subject. I am also looking forward to experiencing all the opportunities university life has to offer. As Cesare Pavese said, “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” I just hope to have many of these moments myself during my time at university. Yours sincerely, 法国留学法语要求介绍 一、法国留学法语要求 法语课程对留学生的法语水平有着必要的要求。依据欧洲委员会于2022年颁布的欧洲共同语言参考标准(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages),法语水平由低到高被为A1、A2、B1、B2、C1、C2,共6个等级。 对于学生的要求:通常B1是进入预科的标准,而B2是干脆进入专业学习的标准。法律类、文学类、艺术类的语言成果通常要求达到C1的水平。 二、法国留学英语要求 英语作为全球通用语言,相对于学习法语更为简洁。不过学生选择英授课程的话,须要供应英语语言成果单,最常见的就是雅思或者托福成果,一般要求雅思成果6.0分以上、托福85分、GMAT成果500分以上或GRE成果280分以上(部分专业须要)。不同的学校的要求会有差异。 三、法国留学法语考试类型 1. TEF考试(Test dEvaluation de Francais) 这是由巴黎工会组织的带有权威性的官方法语测试,全部学习法语的人,都可以通过参与这项考试来证明自己的法院水平,这门考试留学生可以参与,来法国办公和工作,以及移民法国的人也可以参与。 采纳机考的形式,考试的时间是两个小时非常钟,考试报名的费用是1750元,考试的题型都是选择题,分为听力、词汇和阅读三个部分,一共150道题,总分是900分,留学生入学要拿到B2的等级。 2. TCF考试(Test de Connaissance du Francais) 它是在教化部的要求下,由法国的教研中心设立的标准化的法院等级测试,它的地位和雅思以及托福是一样的,考核的方式也会更加严谨严格一些,是比较规范化的针对非母语国家的人的法语测试。 考试同样采纳机考好的形式,考试的时间是一个半小时,题型设置了三部分,分别是听力理解、阅读理解和语言结构,一共是80道选择题,大家须要支配好考试的时间,考试同样至少要拿到B2的等级。 3.终生性考试 DELF/DALF是有效期是终生的考试,只要大家参与考试并且通过了,对考试的结果也满足的话,就不须要在进行考试,获得的证明也是会终生有效的,不过这类考试的难度会比较大。 而且由于DELF/DALF属于普适性的考试,所以并不是全部的院校都认可这一考试的权威性,大家在起先打算前,先和学校进行沟通,确认是否认可考试的证书。 留学法国怎么申请住房补贴 一、住房补贴 首先我们须要知道什么是房补?是由政府审核并发放的符合APL协议的补贴,须要申请者租的房子满意协议中的基本要求,针对全部在法国常住的居民开放申请。 须要保证住房的面积在9平米以上,而且配有暖气、自来水和卫浴等基础设施;个人的收入不能够超过城市的平均收入水平,一般留学生都可以满意,不过假如有兼职的话须要出示相关的证明。 房补的金额可以达到租金的50%,但是详细金额会有明确的限制,巴黎居住者的房补不能够超过163欧,其他城市的房补则要在140欧以上,大家可以在此基础上找房子。 二、申请材料 学生须要先打算自己的护照,然后出示自己的居留证明(Carte de sejour)、学生证(Carte dEtudiant)的复印件,还有房补的申请表(Demande dAide au Logement Etudiant)。 住校的学生则须要出示由CROUS开具的入住证明,租房的学生要打算租房的合同(Bail)和交房租的收据(Quittance de Loyer),最终还要附上自己收补贴的银行的账户(RIB,Releve dIdentite Bancaire)。 三、申请流程 大家须要先登录CAF的,点击“Aide au Logement Etudiant”进入房补申请的界面,查找自己住的地方的邮编,确认可申请住房补贴的资格,假如未查到的话须要刚好联系房东。 进入申请页面在线填写基础的信息,包括完整的地址信息、本人的收入状况(留学生假如有获得奖学金的话填写项目名称和获奖金额)、合租的话还要供应室友的基本信息,最终填好自己的银行账户。 信息确认填写无误之后,进行确认,会获得一份申请号,这个时候再点击“Pour lancer la transmission,cliquez ici”提交,记得将生成的PDF文件下载下来留存。 2022留学常用英文申请书格式本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第9页 共9页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页