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高考英语单词中的237对双生词高考3500英语单词中,有 237对单词是同根词、双生词等。这 237对 474个单词,在高考单词中比独源词好掌握,毕竟还有一个同根词可以助记。我们看看237对有哪些吧:d r in kd r un kg uil tyg uil tg uita rsita rh a r m f ulh a r mh ea rh ea r in gh el ph el p f ulm a idm a id enm a ilm a il b o xn o wn o wa d a ysp en c ep en n yf a r r o wp o r kr ea c hr ig idsa ilsa il o rsl eevesl ipso un dso n icsweepswif ttr o o pth o r pur g eur g en twh itewh ea ta d o r eo r a lA siaA sia nb a n kb en c hb l o wb l a stb o o kb eec hb o xb o xin gc ub ec ub icd ir tyd ir tea ted ib l efeefellowfindfoundhunthunterkneekneellitreliterlongloungeluckluckyprayprayerrandomrunroughruinseniorsirsnowsnowyteateapotzipzipperbowelbowclaygluecoldcoolcropgroupdropdripfocusfuelfogfoggygraspgrabhouryearfitunfitpoempoetpourpuresingsongtrialtryareaashchewjawmudmuddyantmadtooltawhiheyatad-agogofrontfrontierfruitfunctiongreetgreetingharvestscarceintervalwallMoslemMuslimfreshrefreshnecknecklacenighttonightnotenotebookoceanOceaniao clockclockpotatotomatoscenescenerysicksicknesssnakesneakersocketsow(母猪)streamrhythmsweatsweaterboardborderbrightbirchlunchbrunchchickencockcloudcloudycombgem(超纲)cupcupboarddollDorothydrivedriverhamhamburgerhungerhungryiceice-creamkeykeyboardlamplanternmeetmeetingnamepronounnephewniecepainpainfulroutinerouterubberrubshadeshadowshallshouldsorrowsorrywageweddingbagbaggagebriefmerrylaughlaughterlemonlemonademarriagemarrynervousneuropersuadesweetsensesentencesewseam(cet6)silencesilentspellspel1ingvotevow(cet6)againagainstamazeamazingashamedshameattachattackaudienceobeyawesomeawfulbalconyblockbravebraverycarpetscarcecoastoystercousinsisterdarkdarknessd ustb in d ustyen l a r g el a r g ep a p erp a p er wo r kp a ssivep a ssio np l a yp l a yg r o un dr em a inp er m a n en tsp a c esp a c esh ipsta insta in l essva r ietyva r io uswh isp erwh istl ewip ewh ip(c et4)A f r ic aA f r ic a na l l o c a tel o c a la l th o ug hto ug ha l um in iumb eerb r o a d c a stc a stc l ea nc l ea n erc o n d em nd a m a g ef ishf ish er m a nc o r n (玉米)g r a inwo n d erwo n d er f ula l l o wa l l o wa n c ea p p l a udexp l o d eb l a m em a l ic io usc a l c ul a tec h a l kc h o p stic k sc o p ed esp er a tesp eedd ivid ed ivisio nf a m il ia rf a m il yf o r tn ig h tf o r tyh ur r yh ur l(c et6)wir ewith y(柔韧枝条)f l exib l er ef l ec tmorningtomorrowmelonwatermelonneatnet(v.净赚、净得)queengyno-(女性的)sacredsacrificeskateskateboardtrafficfrictionveryverify(cet4)violinviolinistearthearthquakefirefirework(s)governgovernmentAntarcticArcticathleteathleticbotanicalbotanycigarcigaretteunfairfair(adj.)pollutepollutionpunishpunishmentquakequiver(cet6)fundamentalbottominvitationinvitejust(adj.)justicebarberbarbershopbasketbasketballpeachPersian(波斯人)rootradical(cet4)lotallot(cet6 分配)millionairemillionmottomutter(cet6)honesthonour=honorsympathysystematictroubletroublesomewoolwoollen=woolenbowlingbull(教皇敕令)c o n sul tc o n sul ta n td i stur bd istur b in gg r eed yyea r n(c et6)l a un d r yl a th er (肥皂泡)extr aextr a o r d in a r yb a r (巴(气压单位)g r a vityh um o r o ush um o ur=h um o rm ic r o sc o p em ic r o wa vetr o l l eyb ustr o l l (G R E)um b r el l aum b r a g e(G R E)sa n dsa n d wic h (典故,沙地村)b a r(棒、栏杆、闩)b a r r ierc el eb r a tec el eb r a tio nwif ewo m a n(p l:wo m en)M a r c h (M a r.)M a r s(火星)extr em eexter io r(c et4)c o r p o r a tio nc o r p us(超纲)b r o th erb ul l y(n.恃强凌弱者)c h a l l en g ec h a l l en g in g(可与 c a l l 联系)m usta r dm ust(n.(发酵前或发酵中的)葡萄汁)c h i I d (p l:c h il d r en)c h il d h o o db ea nb ea n c ur d (c ur d 词根义 p r ess)l a b=l a b o r a to r yl a b o ur=l a b o rl ug g a g el ug(G R E,v.用力拉或拖;拖累)c a teg o r yseg r eg a te(超纲,分离)th iefth ief(p l:th ieves)d il em m asyl l a b l e(音节,超纲)l ea f(p l:l ea ves)l ib r a r yd a dd a d d yd o r m ito r yd o r mf r id g er ef r ig er a to rg r eyg r a yl ic en sel ic en c eth ea tr eth ea tertyr etir eyo g h ur tyo g ur tp r a c tic ep r a c tise以上单词仅限高考3500单词范围内,未遴选其他词汇。