1. 犹豫了一下,他打开了店门,走了进去。2. 他穿着破旧的外套和破鞋,低声告诉店主他想要什么。3. 转眼间,他坚定地补充道,“现在钱不够,但你能坚持三个星期吗?4. 我一定会买得起,作为即将到来的妇女节送给我母亲的礼物。5. 布鲁斯向店主鞠了一躬,一脸感激,自信地走了出去。6. 他一定要筹集足够的钱,不要告诉任何人,因为他认为妈妈会得到一个惊喜。7. 转过拐角时,他听到了敲打用过的指甲袋的声音。8. 然后他想到了一个好主意,他可以通过出售用过的袋子来筹集资金。9. 当放学的铃声响起时,布鲁斯开始了他的计划。10. 又冷又饿,布鲁斯四处走动,仔细寻找指甲袋。11. 为了凑更多的钱,这个意志坚定的男孩一路上也捡起了瓶子。12. 所有的疲倦都神奇地消失了,因为每一枚硬币都会放进锡罐变成了他的秘密“银行”。13. 每次他经过时,店里那个吸引人的手提包都会提醒他所做的一切都是值得的。14. 一天一天,三个星期过去了,他的储蓄罐越来越重。15. 布鲁斯溜进自己的房间,偷偷拿出锡罐,倒出所有的硬币,开始数数。16. 他的不懈努力得到了回报。17. 牢牢握住锡罐,他没有耽搁一秒钟就赶往了商店。18. 店主忍不住为布鲁斯竖起了大拇指。19. 布鲁斯兴奋地回到家,迫不及待地把手提包送给妈妈,并自豪地宣布“妇女节快乐”。20. 妈妈的惊喜让她愣了一分钟。21. 得知礼物背后的故事后,妈妈张开双臂搂住了布鲁斯,眼里闪着泪光。22. 家人的爱是渡过难关最温暖的阳光。23. 他大部分时间都和我的哥哥住在拉合尔,十年来,为了保持健康他一直坚持早上散步一小时的习惯。24. 在任何地方都没有发现他,我去警察局报告了我父亲的失踪。25. 由于只有上午10点,我开车回到公园,希望能发现一些痕迹,但徒劳无功。26. 我完全不知道下一步该做什么,回到家,不耐烦地在屋子里来回踱步。27. 上午10点35分,门铃响了,父亲微笑着站在门外,身边跟着一个小伙子。28. 我紧紧地、深情地拥抱着父亲。29. 年轻人大大松了一口气,他告诉我,我父亲早上散步回家时迷了路。30.他能提供的唯一描述是我的房子在公园附近,房子是红砖砌成的。参考答案:1. Hesitantly, he opened the door of the shop and entered it.2. Standing in his shabby coat and won-out shoes, he whispered to the shopkeeper what he wanted. 3. In a flash,he added firmly,”T don't have enough money now, but can you hold it for three weeks?4. I am sure to afford it then as a gift for my mother for the coming Women's Day.5. Bruce bowed to the shopkeeper with a clear expression of gratitude and walked out confidently.6. He was bound to raise enough money and not tell anybody for he thought Mom would get a surprise.7. On turning the corner, he heard the sound of hammering used nail bags. 8. Then a good idea struck him that he could raise money by selling the used bags.9. When the bell for the end of the school day rang,Bruce started his plan. 10. Cold and hungry, Bruce wandered around searching for nail bags carefully.11. In order to collect more money, the determined boy also picked up the bottles along the way. 12. All the tiredness disappeared magically as every coin went to a tin, his secret “bank”.13. Each time he passed by,the appealing handbag in the shop would remind him what he did was worthwhile. 14. Day by day,three weeks passed with his saving tin becoming heavier.15. .Bruce slipped into his room, secretly took out the tin, poured all the coins and began to count. 16. .His constant efforts paid off.17. Holding the tin firmly,he rushed to the shop without a seconds delay. 18. The shopkeeper couldnt help thumbing up for Bruce. 19. Back home excitedly, Bruce couldnt wait to present the handbag to his mother, and announced proudly “Happy Women's Day” 20. His mother got such a big surprise that she froze there for a minute. 21. After knowing the story behind the gift, the mother threw her arms around Bruce, eyes sparkling with tears. 22. The love from family was the warmest sunshine through hard times.23. He lived with my elder brother in Lahore most of the time and for ten years had stuck to his habit of going for an hour-long morning walk to keep fit.24. Not spotting him anywhere, I went to the police station to report my fathers disappearance. 25. Since it was only 10 am, I drove back to the park, in the hope of discovering some trace but in vain.26. Totally at a loss for what to do next, I returned home and waited impatiently walking back and forth in the house.27. At 10: 35 am the doorbell rang and my father stood outside the door smiling, accompanied by a young man.28. I hugged my father tightly and affectionately. 29. Enormously relieved, the young man told me that my father had lost his way while returning home after the morning walk. 30. The only description he could provide was that my house was near the park and that the house was made of red bricks. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司