Unit 1 Nature in the Balance Workbook A.B.D -高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册.pptx
work booknature in the balance 858840098858840098858840098858840098AFill in the blanks with proper words8588400988588400988588400988588400981-What has contributed greatly to local e_ development?-Tourism.2-What has an impact on all l_ things?-The sun.3-Do we have to move these plants into the greenhouse?-Yes.They cannot s _ in very cold conditions.4-What is recycling?-It is the p_ of turning used things into things which can be used again.5-Did the company make a _ on the project last year?-No.It lost a lot of money.6-How big is your schools swimming pool?-Its 25 metres in_ and 8 metres in width.7-The number of people living in _ has dropped significantly.-Well,further measures will be taken to help the poor.8-Did Sam leave his job a couple of months ago?-Yes.He is no longer in touch with his _ omicivingurviverocessprofitlengthpovertyformer858840098858840098858840098858840098BFill in the blanks with the correct forms of phrases in the box858840098858840098858840098858840098spring to mind 突然想起get rid of摆脱,除去;丢弃a variety of各种各样的come up with想出,提出 in defence of为辩护;捍卫give rise to造成,引起,导致call for需要;呼吁,要求be alive with充满8588400988588400988588400988588400981 The woods森林at the back of my house _the sounds of birds.2-Have you been to the newly opened shopping centre by the lake?-Yes.There are _ shops that sell all types of goods.3 A teenage boy _ this amazing idea of advertising online.4 They _ the company to apologize for making products of low quality.5 The moment I saw Robinson,the days when we were together on the island immediately_.spr6 Please open all the windows so that we can _the unpleasant smell quickly.7 _ the policy,he raised many powerful arguments.8 The icy roads and high speed might _ accidents.In defence ofare alive witha variety ofcame up withcalled forsprang to mindget rid ofgive rise to858840098858840098858840098858840098Dtranslate 8588400988588400988588400988588400981.这則新闻报道损害了公司的公众形象。(harm)先确定括号里的单词对应哪个中文:再确定中文对应的英语 主 谓 宾:2.她看着公共汽车,直到它完全消失在视线中。(disappear)损害(Vt.或者N.do/cause harm to)这则新闻报道损害了公众形象 The news report caused harm to the companys public image./The news report harmed the companys public image.She watched the bus until it completely disappeared from view/sight.8588400988588400988588400988588400983我们必领携手合作,以便共同进步。(hand in hand)4 通往山区的道路因大雪被封闭了。(due to)We must work hand in hand so as to make progress together.The roads leading to the mountains were closed due to heavy snow.8588400988588400988588400988588400985 人类活动正对环境产生巨大的影响。(impact)6我们欢迎能给公司注入活力的人。(breathe life into)Human activities are making a great impact on the environment.We welcome people who can breathe life into the company.8588400988588400988588400988588400987食物在胃里被分解。(break down)8 许多动物因为全球变暖有灭绝的危险。(in danger of)Food is broken down in the stomach.A variety of animals are in danger of extinction due to global warming.858840098858840098858840098858840098P62 appreciating language858840098858840098858840098858840098THERE WAS ONCE a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings.The town was surrounded by prosperous繁荣的farms,with fields of grain麦田and hillsides of orchards山地果园where,in spring,white clouds drifted漂泊;流动above the green fields.从前,在美国中部有一个小城镇,那儿的一切生命看起来都与周围的环境和谐相融。那个小城的周围是生机勃勃的农场。春天,白云点缀在绿色的原野。Along the roads,beautiful trees delighted the travelers eye through much of the year.Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty,where countless birds came to feed on the berries.The countryside was,in fact,famous for its rich bird life,and people traveled from great distances to observe them.Others came to fish the streams,which flowed clear and cold out of the hills.So it had been from the days many years ago when the first settlers raised their houses,sank their wells,and built their barns.858840098858840098858840098858840098Along the roads,beautiful trees delighted the travelers eye through much of the year.沿途的路、漂亮的树在一年中大部分时间里都可以让旅人觉得赏心悦目。Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty,where countless birds came to feed on the berries.即使在冬天,路边也很美,无数的鸟飞来啄食莓果。The countryside was,in fact,famous for its rich bird life,and people traveled from great distances to observe them.事实上,那儿正是以其鸟类的数量繁多而闻名,观鸟者会经过长途跋涉来这里观看。Others came to fish the streams,which flowed clear and cold out of the hills.还有人会到小溪边钓鱼,这些清澈而冰冷的小溪从山中流出.So it had been from the days many years ago when the first settlers raised their houses,sank their wells,and built their barns.那个小镇一直是这个样子,自从很多年前的某一天,第一批居民来到这儿盖房、挖井、筑仓时。858840098858840098858840098858840098Then everything began to change:mysterious illnesses swept the flocks of chickens;the cattle and sheep sickened and died.Everywhere was a shadow of death.后来,所有的一切都开始变了:神秘的疾病席卷了鸡群,牛、羊也纷纷病死,到处都有一层死亡的阴影。There was a strange silence.The birds,for example-where had they gone?Many people spoke of them,puzzled and disturbed.The few birds seen anywhere were unhealthy;they were shaking violently and could not fly.It was a spring without voices.On the mornings that had once been alive with birdsong,there was now no sound;only silence lay over the fields and woods.这里是一派奇怪的寂静。就说鸟儿们吧-它们都去哪儿了?许多人说起鸟儿的时候都充满了迷惑与不安。随处能见到的几只鸟都奄奄一息;他们猛烈地颤抖,却飞不起来。这是一个无声的春天。曾经充满鸟儿歌声的清晨如今却寂然无声。田野间、树林中也是一片寂静。858840098858840098858840098858840098The roadsides,once so attractive,were now lined with browned and withered plants as though swept by fire.These,too,were silent,deserted by all living things.Even the streams were now lifeless.People no longer visited them,for all the fish had died.曾经是如此迷人的路旁如今却林列着棕色的枯干的草木,仿佛是被一场大火烧过一般。那里也是一片寂静,因为所有的生物都遗弃了它。即使是溪流中也没有了生命。因为所有的鱼都已经死了,垂钓者也就不再来了。No black magic,no enemy action had silenced the rebirth of new life in this stricken world.The people had done it themselves.在这个遭受袭击的地球上,没有巫术,也没有敌人的行动抑制了新生命的复苏;这一切都是人自身造成的。858840098858840098858840098858840098This town does not actually exist,and I know of no community that has experienced all the thingsI describe.Yet every one of these disasters has actually happened somewhere.A dangerous threat has crept upon爬上;慢慢到来 us almost unnoticed,and this imagined tragedy may easily become a terrible reality we all shall know.这个小镇事实上并不存在,我知道没有一个社区经历了我所描述的所有不幸。但是其中的每一个灾难都已经在某个地方发生了。一个危险的威胁几乎是在不经意间已悄悄向我们走来了,而这个想像的悲剧也许很容易就成为一个我们都应该知道的严酷的事实。(Adapted from Silent Spring,by Rachel Carson)858840098858840098858840098858840098谢 谢 大 家THANK YOUR WATCHING.858840098858840098858840098858840098