2 02 1年职称英语考试综合类(B)级试题词汇选项第 1 题、A l lho u s es w it hin 100 m et r es o f t he s ea s a r e a t r is k o f f l o o d in g.A.in d a n g erB.o u t o f c o n t r o lC.bet w een eq u a l sD.in p a r t ic u l a r我的答案:参考答案:A答案解析:本句意思:海边100米之内的房屋都有遭遇洪水的危险。a t r is k o f 意思是“冒着 的危险”,与 in d a n g er o f (处于 的危险中)意思相近。o u t o fc o n t r o l 失去控制;bet w een eq u a l s 平等地;in p a r t ic u l a r 尤其,特别。第 2 题、T hec o u r s e g iv es y o u ba s ic in s t r u c t io n in c a r m a in t en a n c e.A.id eaB.t er mC.a s p ec tD.c o a c hin g我的答案:参考答案:D答案解析:本句意思:这一课程教你汽车保养的基本知识。in s t r u c t io n 意思是“指导,使用说明,与 c o a c hin g(指导)意思相近。id ea 想法,概念;t er m 术语,学期;a s p ec t 方面,形式。第 3 题、W e a r ea w a r e o f t he p o t en t ia l p r o bl em s.A.p o s s ibl eB.g l o ba lC.o n g o in gD.c en t r a l我的答案:参考答案:A答案解析:本句意思:我们意识到潜在的问题。p o t en t ia l 意思是“潜在的,可能存在1的,与p o s s ibl e(可能的)意思相近。g l o ba l全球的;o n g o in g不间断的,持续存在的;c en t r a l中心的。第4题、S t o c km a r k et p r ic e t u m bl ed a f t er r u m o r o f a r is e in in t er es t r a t e.A.r eg u l a t edB.in c r ea s edC.f el lD.m a in t a in ed我的答案:参考答案:C答案解析:本句意思:有谣言称利率上涨,股票市场价格因此暴跌。t u m bl e意思是“暴跌,下跌,与f a l l(下跌,下降)意思相近。r eg u l a t e调节,调控;in c r ea s e增加,上涨;m a in t a in保持。第5题、T her ev el a t io n o f his p a s t l ed t o his r es ig n a t io n.A.im a g in a t io nB.c o n f ir m a t io nC.r ec a l lD.d is c l o s u r e我的答案:参考答案:D答案解析:本句意思:对他过往行为的揭发导致了他的辞职。r ev el a t io n意思是“揭露,泄露,透 露,与d is c l o s u r e(披露,揭发)意思相近。im a g in a t io n想象力;c o n f ir m a t io n确认,证实;r ec a l l回忆,回想起,召回。第6题、T hed et a il s o f t he c o s t u m e w er e t o t a l l y a u t hen t ic.A.r ea lB.o u t s t a n d in gC.c r ea t iv eD.f a l s e我的答案:参考答案:A答案解析:本句意思:服装道具的细节十分逼真。a u t hen t ic意思是“真实的,逼真的”,与r ea l (真实的)意思相近。o u t s t a n d in g杰出的,突出的;c r ea t iv e富有创造力的;f a l s e错误的,假的。2第 7题、T hen ew g a r m en t f it s her p er f ec t l y.A.ha ir c u tB.p u r s eC.c l o t hesD.n ec k l a c e我的答案:参考答案:c答案解析:本句意思:这身新衣服很适合她。g a r m en t 意思是“服装,衣服”,与c l o t hes (衣服)意思相近。ha ir c u t 理发,发型;p u r s e女式钱包;n ec k l a c e项链,吊坠。第 8 题、W e a r ew o r r ied a bo u t t his f l u id s it u a t io n f u l l w it h u n c er t a in t y.A.s t a bl eB.s u it a bl eC.c ha n g ea bl eD.a d a p t a bl e我的答案:参考答案:C答案解析:本句意思:我们很担心这个充满未知的动荡局势。f l u id 意思是“流动的,不稳定的,与 c ha n g ea bl e(变化的,不稳定的)意思相近。s t a b l e 稳定的,牢固的;s u i t a b l e 合适的;a da pt a b l e 可适应的,适应性强的。第 9题、T h ei de a qu i t e b r i l l i a n t.A.pos i t i v eB.k e yC.or i g i n a lD.c l e v e r我的答案:参考答案:D答案解析:本句意思:这是个好主意。b r i l l i a n t 意思是“绝妙的,有才智的”,与c l e v e r (巧妙的,聪明的)意思相近。pos i t i v e 积极的,肯定的;k e y 关键的;or i g i n a l 原本的,最初的。第 10题、T h e y3h a v e b u i l t c a n a l s t o i r r i g a t e t h e de s e r t.A.de c or a t eB.c h a n g eC.w a t e rD.v i s i t我的答案:参考答案:C答案解析:本句意思:他们修筑运河以灌溉荒漠。i r r i g a t e意思是“灌溉,与w a t e r (浇灌,浇水)意思相近。de c or a t e装饰;c h a n g e改变,变化;v i s i t参观,访问。第11题、He rov e r a l l l a n g u a g e pr of i c i e n c y r e m a i n s t h a t of a t oddl e r.A.di s a b l e dB.pu pi lC.b a b yD.t e e n a g e r我的答案:参考答案:C答案解析:本句意思:她整体语言水平仍停留在幼儿时期。t oddl e r意思是“刚学走路的孩子,幼儿”,与b a b y(婴幼儿)意思相近。di s a b l e d残疾的;pu pi l学生;t e e n a g e r青少年。第12题、T h ec oa s t a l a r e a h a s v e r y m i l d w i n t e r,b u t t h e c e n t r a l pl a i n s r e m a i n e x t r e m e l yc ol d.A.w a r mB.s e v e r eC.h a r dD.dr y我的答案:参考答案:A答案解析:本句意思:沿海地区冬季温和,但中部平原地区冬季则十分寒冷。m i l d意思是“温暖的,温和的,与w a r m(温暖的)意思相近。s e v e r e严峻的,严重的;h a r d困难的,坚硬的;dr y干燥的。第13题、T h eph ob i a m a y h a v e i t s r oot i n a c h i l dh ood t r a u m a.A.f e a r4B.j oyC.h u r tD.m e m or y我的答案:参考答案:C答案解析:本句意思、:恐惧症可能来源于儿童时期的心灵创伤。t r a u m a意思是“精神上的创伤,痛苦经历,与h u r t (伤害,痛苦)意思相近。f e a r恐惧,担心;j oy喜悦,快乐;m e m or y记忆,回忆。第 14题、Y ou 11 h a v e t o s pr i n t i f y ou w a n t t o c a t c h t h e t r a i n.A.j u m pB.r u nC.e s c a peD.pr e pa r e我的答案:参考答案:B答案解析:本句意思:如果你想赶上火车,就快跑吧!s pr i n t意思是“冲刺,快速奔跑”,与r u n (奔跑)意思相近。j u m p跳跃;e s c a pe逃跑,逃脱;pr e pa r e准备。第15题、J e n s e n i s a da n g e r ou s m a n,a n d c a n b e v e r y b r u t a l.A.c a r e l e s sB.s t r on gC.c r u e lD.h a r d我的答案:参考答案:C答案解析:本句意思:詹森是个很危险的人,他有时候会很野蛮。b r u t a l意思是“野蛮的,残暴的,与c r u e l (残忍的)意思相近。c a r e l e s s粗心大意的;s t r on g强壮的,有力的;h a r d困难的,坚硬的。阅读判断T i m e t o S t op T r a v e l i n g b y A i rT w e n t y-f i v e y e a r s a g o a y ou n g Br i t i s h m a n c a l l e d M a r k E l l i n g h a mde c i de d t h a t h e w a n t e d a c h a n g e of s c e n e r y.S o h e w e n t t o A u s t r a l i a,s t oppi n g of f i n m a n y c ou n t r i e s i n b e t w e e n.He a l s o de c i de d t o w r i t e a b ou tt h e e x pe r i e n c e a n d pr odu c e d a g u i de f or ot h e r t r a v e l e r s m a k i n g s i m i l a rj ou r n e y s.5In 1970,B ritish airports were used by 32 million people.In 2004,the figure was 216 million.In 2030,according to government forecasts,it will be around 500 million.Its a growth driven by the emergence oflow cost airlines,offering access to all parts of the world for less than100.This has made a huge contribution to global warming.One returnflight from B ritain to the US produces the same carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)as a years motoring(驾车).A return flight to Australia equals theemissions(排放)of three average cars for a year.And the pollution isreleased at a height where its effect on climate change is more than doublethat on the ground.Mark Ellingham built his business on helping people travel.Nowhe wants to help people stop一at least by air.He is calling for 100 green tax on all flights to Europe andAfrica,and 250 on flights to the rest of the world.He also wantsinvestment to create a low-carbon economy,as well as a halt to airportexpansion.Mark Ellinghams commitment is important because his readers arent just the sort of young and adventurous people who would happily jumpon a plane to spend a weekend exploring a foreign culture.They are alsothe sort of people who say they care about the environment.Its a debatethat splits people down the middle.The tourist industry has responded by offering offsetting(补偿)schemes.A small increase in the price of a ticket is used to planttrees.B ut critics say that it is not enough to just be carbon neutral.We should be actively cutting back on putting greenhouse gases into theatmosphere.And for the average person,making a plane journey will behis or her largest contribution to global warming.It may be good to repairthe damage we do.B ut surely it is better not to do the damage in the firstplace.第 16题、MarkEllingham spent quite a few days in C hina on his way to Australia 25 yearsago.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned我的答案:参考答案:c答案解析:本句意思:25年前马克 艾林汉姆去澳大利亚的途中在中国停留了好几天。由第一段 uTwenty-five years ago a young B ritish man called Mark Ellinghamdecided that he wanted a change of scenery.So he went to Australia,stopping off in many countries in between.“口J 矢 口,Mark Ellingham 去澳6大利亚的途中曾在许多国家停留,但并未提及中国,事实不可知,故 选 C。第 17题、Traveling from B ritain to any other part of the world may cost you lessthan 100.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned我的答案:参考答案:A答案解析:本句意思:从英国到世界上任何地方旅游花费不超过100英镑。由第二段最后一句 Its a growth driven by the emergence of low cost airlines,offering access to all parts of the world for less than 100.“可 矢 口,越来越多的人喜欢乘飞机出行,得益于便宜的旅行价格一一从英国到世界上的任何地方花费都不超过100英镑。题干叙述正确,故 选 A。第 18题、Around trip flight from B ritain to Australia produces the same amount ofcarbon dioxide as three average cars do in a year.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned我的答案:参考答案:B答案解析:本句意思:从英国到澳大利亚往返飞行所产生的二氧化碳量与三辆普通小汽车一年内的排放量是一样的。由第三段第三句话 A return flight to Australiaequals the emissions of three average cars for a year.”可 矢 口,返航至U澳大利亚所产生的二氧化碳排放量等于三辆普通小汽车一年的排放量,而不是往返的航班。题干叙述错误,故 选 B。第 19题、MarkEllingham has never hesitated to encourage people to travel by air.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned我的答案:参考答案:B答案解析:本句意思、:马 克 艾林汉姆从来都是毫不犹豫地鼓励人们坐飞机出行。由文章第四段 aMark Ellingham built his business on helping people travel.Nowhe wants to help people stop-at least by air.可知,马 克 艾林汉姆曾经给那些旅行者提供建议,这也是他所做的生意,但是现在他希望人们能不乘飞7机出行。说明他希望为环境保护出力,而且下文也提到他以实际行动提倡低碳出行。题干叙述错误,故选B。第 20题、MarkEllinghamz s readers are not interested in environmental protection.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned我的答案:参考答案:B答案解析:本句意思:马 克 艾林汉姆的读者并不对环境保护感兴趣。由文章第六段第一、二句话中的“his readers aren t just the sort of young and adventurouspeople who would happily jump on a plane to spend a weekend exploring aforeign culture.They are also the sort of people who say they care aboutthe environment.可知,他的读者并不是那些高高兴兴坐飞机到国外旅游的年轻人,相反地,他们也很关注环境保护。题干叙述错误,故 选 B。第 21题、C ritics argue that the best way to protect our environment is not to doany damage to it.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned我的答案:参考答案:A答案解析:本句意思:批评家认为保护环境的最好办法是不破坏环境。由文章最后一段最后两句话It may be good to repair the damage we do.B ut surely it isbetter not to do the damage in the first place.可知,弥补造成的损害是很好,但是最好一开始就不要破坏环境。题干叙述正确,故 选 A。第 22题、MarkEllingham will collaborate with the critics in his efforts to fight globalwarming.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned我的答案:参考答案:C答案解析:本句意思:马克艾林汉姆将与批评家们合作,抵抗全球变暖。文章最后只提到了一些批评家的看法:光是保持碳平衡是不够的。但并未提及马克艾林汉姆将与他们合作,故选C。8概括大意与完成句子Tunguska Event1 A hundred years ago this week,a gigantic explosion ripped(撕裂)open the dawn sky above a forest in western Siberia,leaving ascientific riddle that endures to this day.2 A dazzling light pierced the heavens,followed by a shock waveas strong as 1,000 atomic bombs.The explosion flattened 80 million treesacross an area of 2,000 square kilometers.The fireball was so great that,a day later,Londoners could read their newspapers under the night sky.What caused the so-call Tunguska Event,named after the nearbyPodkamennaya Tunguska river,still remains a mystery.3 Experts suspect it was a rock that,after traveling in space formillions of years,was destined to crash to Earth at exactly 7:17 a.mon June 30,1908.This possibility worries scientists.Imagine anunspotted asteroid(小 行 星)hitting a significant chunk(块)ofland.and imagine if that area,unlike Tunguska,were populated,z,theB ritish science journal Nature commented recently.4 B ut no fragments of the rock have ever been found.Finding suchevidence would be important,for it would increase our knowledge aboutthe risk posed by dangerous Near Earth Objects(NEOs),say Italianresearchers Luca Gasperini,Enrico B onatti and Giuseppe Longo.When thenext Tunguska NEO approaches,scientists will have to decide whether totry to deflect(使偏转)it or blow it up in space.5 However,several rival theories for the Tunguska Event exist.Wolfgang Kundt,a professor at Germanys B onn University,believes theTunguska Event was caused by a massive escape of 10 million tons of methane(甲烷)-rich gas from deep within earths crust.Some people hold that theexplosion was caused by an alien spaceship crash,or a black hole in theuniverse.23-26选项A.C ompeting ExplanationsB.Unknown AttacksC.Mysterious ExplosionD.Star WarE.Importance of Finding EvidenceF.Explanation that Worries Scientists27-30的选项A.has remained a puzzleB.lacks sufficient evidenceC.is a university professorD.was generated by the explosionE.will kill many animalsF.arc attacked by aliens9第 23题、Paragraph 2我的答案:我的答案:参考答案:C答案解析:第二段主要描述了通古斯爆炸事件的场面以及之所以这样命名的原因。至今为止,人们都未解开爆炸之谜。故 选 C。第 24题、Paragraph 3 _我的答案:我的答案:参考答案:F答案解析:第三段主要介绍了专家们怀疑引起爆炸的原因是陨石撞击地球,并且他们很担心类似事件发生在人口密集的区域。故 选 F。第 25题、Paragraph 4我的答案:我的答案:参考答案:E答案解析:第四段首先提到,科学家们没有找到“陨石”的任何碎屑,接着又说找到证据就能加深人们对近地天体的认识与了解。本段主要强调找到爆炸事件证据的重要性,故 选 E。第 26题、Paragraph 5我的答案:我的答案:参考答案:A答案解析:第五段提到对通古斯爆炸事件的其他解释,有些科学家认为是大量富甲烷气体从地壳中逃离引起的,有些则认为是外星人的飞船撞击造成的,各种意见争执10不下,故选A。第27题、Thegigantic explosion that occurred a hundred years ago.我的答案:我的答案:参考答案:A答案解析:本句意思:一百年前发生的这场大爆炸 o由文章第一段“A hundredyears ago this week,a gigantic explosion ripped open the dawn sky abovea forest in western Siberia,leaving a scientific riddle that endures tothis day.”可知,这场一百年前的大爆炸破坏力巨大,即便到今天仍旧是个谜,riddle对应选项A中的puzzle。故选A。第28题、Theshock wave which fol lowed the dazzling light.我的答案:我的答案:参考答案:D答案解析:本句意思:随着闪光而来的冲击波 o根据文章第二段对爆炸场面的描述A dazzling light pierced the heavens,followed by a shock wave as strongas 1,000 atomic bombs.”司知,闪光和冲击波都是大爆炸造成的。故选D。第29题、Thehypothesis that the explosion was caused by a rock colliding with the Earth我的答案:我的答案:参考答案:B答案解析:本句意思:爆 炸 是 由 陨 石 撞 击 地 球 造 成 的 假 设。根据第四段中科学家们未找到“陨石”的任何碎屑可知,这项假设缺乏足够证据。故选B。第30题、Wolfgang Kundt,who has developed an alternative theory,.我的答案:我的答案:11参考答案:C答案解析:本句意思:提出了另一个理论的沃尔夫冈孔特 o文章第五段出现该人名,根据“Wolfgang Kundt,a professor at Germanys B onn UniversityM可知,他是德国波恩大学的一位教授,故选C。阅读理解Sports Star Yao MingIf Yao Ming is not the biggest sports star in the world,he isalmost certainly the tallest.At 2.26m,he is the tallest player in theNational B asketball Association(NB A)and holds the record as the mosttowering Olympian ever to compete in the Games.B ut what really stands out about the giant center is his celebrity(名气).Few,if any,C hinese athletes are as well-known as Yao around theworld.People across the globe are fascinated with Yao,not only for hisbasketball prowess(杰 出 的 才 能)but also for being a symbol ofinternational commerce.When Yao joined the Houston Rockets as the No.1 pick in the 2002NB A draft(选拔),he was the first international player ever to be selectedfirst.His assets on the court are clear enough一no NB A player of his sizehas ever possessed his mobility,so he is a handful(难对付的人)foropponents on either end of the court.B ut what makes Yao invaluable tothe Rockets organization is his role as a global citizen and as a bridgeto millions of potential basketball fans in C hina.When it was announced in February that Yao would miss the restof the NB A season and possibly the Olympics with a stress fracture(骨折)in his left foot,a collective shudder(震动)spread across C hina.After considerable debate and discussion,Yao opted to get his footsurgically treated in an operation that placed several tiny screws acrossthe bone,to offer his overburdened foot more support.The surgery wasa success,and though the estimated four-month recovery period will leavehim little time to prepare with Team C hina,Yao has vowed to be ready forthe B eijing Olympics.Yao wrapped up a 10-day trip to C hina,where he underwent a seriesof traditional C hinese medicine(TC M)treatments,hoping to acceleratehis recovery process.Western experts are generally skeptical of TC Ms benefits,although new research from the University of Rochestersuggests that a certain compound derived from shellfish may indeedstimulate bone repair.“There is no reason to dismiss TC M,Yao told a press conferencein B eijing.Its been used in our country for thousands of years.I dont think that its short on science./z12第31题、Theword towering in Paragraph 1 means.A.largeB.fatC.tallD.great我的答案:参考答案:C答案解析:词义猜测题。由第一段“If Yao Ming is not the biggest spots star inthe world,he is almost certainly the tallest.”(如果姚明不是世界上最闪耀的球星,那他一定是最高的那个)可知,姚明的身高很突出,是奥运会参赛运动员的一项纪录,而且第一段都在强调他的身高。另外,根 据“tower(塔)”一词也可猜测联想到“towering(像塔一样)高耸的。故选C。第32题、Opponents find it very difficult to control Yao Ming because of his.A.mobilityB.assaultC.defenseD.celebrity我的答案:参考答案:A答案解析:事实细节题。由文章第三段第二句His assets on the court are clearenough一no NB A player of his size has ever possessed his mobility,so heis a handful for opponents on either end of the court.可知,姚明在场上的优势很明显,没有哪个