2022年湖南湘潭中考英语试题考生注意1.试题卷中听力录音材料以中速朗读两遍。2.作答时,所均应写在答题卡上。选择题所选答案须将相应字母代号涂黑,非选择题的答案要书写工整、清晰、规范、卷面整洁。选择题符合题意的答案只有1个,不选、多选、错选,均不给分。3.本试卷,时 量 100分钟。全部为四个部分,共 10页,71题,其中试题卷8 页,答题卡2 页。结束后,试题卷和答题卡均应交回。G ood l uc k t o you!第一部分听力技能(共两节,满分20分)第一节听对话(共 5 小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分)选择相应的图片或正确的答案。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。1.W h a t i s t h e g i r l s g i f t?2.W h a t a r e t h e y t a l k i ng a b out?3.W h a t c ol or i s t h e e l e c t r i c c a r?A.B l a c k.B.R e d.C.B l ue.4.W h a t d oe s D a ni e l wa nt t o b e?A.A d oc t or.B.A t e a c h e r.C.A c ook.5.H ow of t e n d oe s J e nny pl a y t h e pi a no?A.E ve r y d a y.B.T wi c e a we e k.C.T h r e e t i m e s a we e k.第二节听对话或独白(共 15小题;每小题1分,满 分 15分)每段对话或独白后有2-3个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料,回答第6、7 题。6.W h e r e d oe s t h e c onve r sa t i on pr ob a b l y t a k e pl a c e?A.A t a f r ui t sh op.B.A t a b ook st or e.C.I n a c l ot h e s st or e.7.H ow m uc h a r e t h e a ppl e s?3.B.3.B.4.C.4,C.$6.听第七段材料,回答第8、9题。8.W h e r e a r e t h e y g oi ng t h i s a f t e r noon?A.T o t h e l a k e.B.T o t h e c i ne m a.C.T o t h e l i b r a r y.9.W h o wi l l g o wi t h t h e m?A.T h e m a n,s b r ot h e r.B.T h e m a ns f r i e nd.C.T h e wom a ns si st e r.听第八段材料,回答第10、11题。10.W h e r e i s t h e f ood f e st i va l h e l d?A.I n H uxi a ng P a r k.B.I n Y a owa n.C.I n B a i sh i S qua r e.11.W h e n wi l l t h e y g o t h e r e?A.T h i s S a t ur d a y.B.N e xt M ond a y.C.N e xt T ue sd a y.听第九段材料,回答第12至 14题。12.W h a t s t h e we a t h e r l i k e t od a y?A.I t s r a i ny.B.I t s c l oud y.C.I t s sunny.13.W h a t i s t h e wom a n g oi ng t o d o t om or r ow?A.T o g o swi m m i ng.B.T o h a ve a pi c ni c.C.T o d o h om e wor k.14.W h y wa s t h e m a n b usy ye st e r d a y?A.B e c a use h e wa s t a k i ng t h e e xa m s.B.B e c a use h ewa s h a vi ng a m e e t i ng.C.B e c a use h e wa s se e i ng a d e nt i st.听第十段材料,回答第15至 17题。15.W h a t t i m ed oe s t h e t r a i n l e a ve?A.A t 8:30.B.A t 9:30.C.A t 10:30.16.W h i c h c i t y a r e t h e y g oi ng t o on va c a t i on?A.S a nya.B.G ua ng zh ou.C.S h a ng h a i.17.W h o k e e ps t h e t i c k e t s?A.N o one.B.T h e wom a n.C.T h e m a n.听第十一段材料,回答第18至 20题。18.W h a t wi l l t h e st ud e nt s d o t om or r ow?A.P l a nt i ng t r e e s.B.V i si t i ng m use um s.C.P l a yi ng spor t s.19.H ow m a ny t e a c h e r s wi l l t a k e pa r t i n t h e a c t i vi t y?A.6.B.8.C.10.20.How will they go there?A.By bike.B.By bus.C.On foot.第二部分阅读技能(共两节,满分50分)第 一 节(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面的材料,从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。ANoticeOur headmaster will give us a speech on Safety in the school hall at 8 a.m.on June 21st.All the students should be present.It,s mainly about:1.possible accidents around teenagers;2.proper ways to protect ourselves.You,re supposed to:1.arrive on time;2.listen carefully;3.take notes.StudentsJ Union1.The speech is about,A.sports B.science C.safety2.What can we do during the speech?A.Taking notes.B.Having a discussion.C.Arriving late.1.C2,ABHere are some fun activities after school!Come and join us!DaysPlacesTeachersActivitiesMondayMeeting roomMiss LiPaper cuttingTuesdaySchool HallMiss WhiteAI robotsWednesdayLabMr.YangBiology experimentsThursdayMedical officeDoctor BrownFirst aidFridayPlaygroundMr.SmithSoccer3.Who is the teacher of AI robots?A.Miss Li.B.Miss White.C.Mr.Yang.4.What can we learn from Doctor Brown?A.Paper cutting.B.First aid.C.Soccer.5.Where do we have biology experiments?A.In the lab.B.In the medical office.C.On theplayground.3.B4.B5.ACFive years ago,Jennifer,a girl from Australia,came to XiangtanUniversity to study Chinese.There she fell in love with Chinese culture andmet her husband,who is a local(当地的)young man.They got married after shefinished her study.Since then,she has started her new life in Xiangtan City.As Jennifer learned that tigers have important and special meaning in China,she decided to prepare some interesting gifts for her baby on the way.Likesome Chinese people,she d like to call it“Tiger Baby”,because 2022 is theYear of Tiger.She has already learned to make tiger hats and shoes in theshape of a tiger s head for her baby,hoping her baby will grow to be asstrong as a little tiger.Father has decided that his baby grows up,he will teach the baby to drawpictures of tigers.Grandma has helped make some cloth tiger to“eat up”illnesses.GrandpaJ s stories are ready,like those about Tiger General(虎威将军)and Hufu(虎符).Next week,Jennifer s parents will fly from Australia to take good care ofher.And in 3 months,the family will welcome a big day.Jennifer believes shewill be the happiest m om in the world.What a warm family!6.According to the text,Jennifer came to Xiangtan University.A.to see her friendsB.to study ChineseC.to leachE ng l i sh7.W h y h a s J e nni f e r m a d e t i g e r h a t s a nd sh oe s?A.T o h ope t h e b a b y wi l l b e a s st r ong a s a t i g e r.B.T o sh ow h e r pe r f e c t sk i l l s of m a k i ng t h i ng s.C.T o se nd t h e m t o h e r C h i ne se f r i e nd s a s g i f t s.8.W h o wi l l t e a c h t h e b a b y t o d r a w pi c t ur e s of 1i g e r s?A.G r a nd m a.B.G r a nd pa.C.F a t h e r.9.W h a t wi l l pr ob a b l y h a ppe n i n 3 m ont h s?A.T h e b a b y wi l l onl y g e t a c l ot h t i g e r a s a g i f t.B.J e nni f e r s m om wi l l se nd wi sh e s f r om A ust r a l i a.C.J e nni f e r wi l 1 g i ve b i r t h t o a b a b y a t t h a t t i m e.10.W h a t c a n we k now f r om t h e t e xt?A.J e nni f e r l i ve s a ve r y h a ppy l i f e i n C h i na.B.T h e b a b y wi l l b e a g e ne r a l i n t h e f ut ur e.C.J e nni f e r s pa r e nt s l i k e t h e st or y of H uf u.6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C I O.ADL i u M i n i s a n E ng l i sh t e a c h e r.T h e se d a ys,h e r f a m i l y a r e e xpe r i e nc i ng ad i f f e r e nt l i f e of wor k i ng a nd st ud yi ng.T h e y g e t up a nd d o m or ni ng e xe r c i se s a t6:30 i n t h e 1i vi ng r oom.A f t e r b r e a k f a st,t h e y st a r t t h e i r wor k a nd st ud y.H e rh usb a nd t ur ns on h i s c om put e r i n t h e st ud y(书房),r e a d i ng h i s e-m a i l s a ndm a k i ng a l i st of t od a y s wor k.B e f or e L i u M i n b e g i ns t o g i ve l e ssons onl i ne,she makes sure her students,including her daughter,are all there.Because of COVID-19,many people are now working and studying at home likethem,and they are called telecommuters(居家办公者).W hen they are working athome,they can follow their own plans and get connected with the workplacesthrough the Internet.Working at home brings them something good.There is more time than beforeto communicate with their family members.While working at home,they can lookafter their children,too.On the other hand,they save more time and moneywithout traveling to work.It also helps produce less pollution and fewertraffic problems.However,the family still hope they can come back to theirnormal life.Thanks to the Chinese government,things are getting better now.As amanager,the husband can talk with his workers face to face.Liu Min and herdaughter can return to school.11.Liu Min s husband does these things in the study except.A.reading his e-mails B.making a list of todayJ s workC.doingmorning exercises12.From the text,which of the following is one of the advantages of workingat home?A.They can have big meals with family.B.They can save more time and money.C.They can look after their old parents.13.In paragraph(段落)2,what does the underlined word“them”refer to(指代)?A.Liu Min s family.B.Liu Min s children.C.Liu Min sstudents.14.According to the text,we can know t hat.A.Liu Min is a Chinese teacherB.Liu Min is her daughterJ s teacherC.Liu Min,s family don t need to work15.What can be the best title (标题)of the text?A.Different Workplaces B.Liu Min s Teaching Online C.Working andStudying at Home11.C12.B13.A14.B15.CERecently,a study(研究),published in BM C Medicine,found that sitting infront of the TV for a long time was a risk for peopleJ s health.After scientists used data(数据)on 370,000 people,covering 12 years,they found about 9,000 developed heart disease.They found people with genes(基因)of heart problems were more likely to develop heart disease.However,they found that people without such genes watching more than four hours of TVevery day were also at the greatest risk of heart disease.People spending 2 to3 hours a day watching TV had a 6%lower risk.And those who watched less thana n h our h a d a 16%l owe r r i sk.T h e sc i e nt i st s of t h e r e se a r c h t e a m f i na l l y f oundc ut t i ng T V wa t c h i ng t i m e t o l e ss t h a n a n h our a d a y c oul d pr e ve nt 10%of h e a r td i se a se.I n l i f e,pe opl e wh o wa nt “one m or e e pi sod e (剧集)“m i g h t b e t h e g r oup a ta h i g h e r r i sk,f or t h e y a r e e a sy t o spe nd m or e t i m e wa t c h i ng T V.I f t h e y h a vem or e sna c k s wh i l e wa t c h i ng T V,i t m i g h t a d d t h e r i sk of put t i ng t h e i r h e a r t s i nd a ng e r.S o,i f pe opl e wa nt t o wa t c h T V l ong e r,st a nd i ng up a nd m ovi ng t h e b od y,or h a ng i ng out wi l l wor k.B ut l i m i t i ng t h e i r t i m e on T V c oul d b e a m or e use f ulwa y t o h e l p t h e m a voi d possi b l e h e a r t pr ob l e m s i n t h e f ut ur e.16.A c c or d i ng t o t h e t e xt,h ow l ong d i d t h e r e se a r c h c ove r?A.10 ye a r s.B.12 ye a r s.C.14 ye a r s.17.F r om pa r a g r a ph 2,wh i c h of t h e f ol l owi ng i s r i g h t?A.P e opl e wa t c h i ng one h our of T V a r e a t t h e g r e a t e st r i sk.B.T h e l e ss t i m e pe opl e spe nd on T V,t h e l owe r t h e r i sk i s.C.W a t c h i ng T V i s t h e onl y r e a son t o d e ve l op h e a r t d i se a se.18.W h i c h b e st e xpl a i ns“l i m i t i ng”und e r l i ne d i n pa r a g r a ph 3?A.限制B.记录花费19.W h e r e i s t h i s t e xt pr ob a b l y f r om?A.A t our g ui d e.B.A st or y b ook.C.A ne wpe r.20.W h a t i s t h e m a i n i d e a of t h e t e xt?A.W eJ d b e t t e r not wa t c h T V m or e t h a n one h our a d a y.B.H a ng i ng out a f t e r d i nne r i s g ood f or our h e a r t h e a l t h.C.Having snacks whi1e watching TV adds risks for heart.16.B17.B18.A19.C20.A第 二 节(共 5 小题,每小题2 分,满 分 10分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。More than fifty years has passed since the firs t sa te llite (人造卫星)inChina was sent into ce in 1970.From then on,many such inspiring moments wereleft in our memories.The latest encouraging moment happened on June 5th,2022.Shenzhou_14.China s ninth manned ceflight(载人宇宙飞行),successfully sent Chen Dong,LiuYang and Cai Xuzhe into the Tiangong ce Station,where they will work and livefor 6 months.More research work w ill be completed and great challenges areahead waiting for them.Years of preparations were made for the moment.For example,enoughknowledge and skil Is helped deal with problems:physical and mental(心理的)training helped to keep the best condition.Although i t s the second time forChen Dong and Liu Yang to fly into ce,they again with Cai Xuzhe received hardtraining.As for Liu Yang,now a mother of two young kids,she believes i t sher duty to do that for our country and set a good example for her children.The success also belongs to the team.Hundreds of engineers and workers arebehind them,offering all kinds of supports to help them finish more tasks.21.In China when was the firs t sa te llite sent into ce?22.How long will the astronauts stay in ce?23.W hy did they receive physical and mental training?24.According to the text,who will help the astronauts finish the tasks?25.What do you think of the three astronauts?21.In 1970.22.For 6 months.23.To keep the best condition.24.Hundreds of engineers and workers.25.They are hard-working,selfless and respectable.第三部分知识运用(共三节,满分35分)第 一 节(共 10小题;每小题L 5 分,满 分 15分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Zhang Ning was a volunteer at the Winter Olympics in 2022.W hen she wasinterviewed on the radio,she shared her stories and 26 with theaudience.I was 10 years old when Beijing hosted the Summer Olympics in 2008.W hen I was watching TV and 27 the amazing performances,I wasexcited.”She came to know that holding the Olympics was a chance to tell Chinay sstories to the world,showing the world a more beautiful China.It s awonderful experience to be a 28 at the Winter Olympics 14 years later.It made m y childhood dream 29.“Said Zhang Ning.1 learned a lot,30 I was busy and tired.”In order to 31 better service,Zhang Ning and her team were trainedseriously.They worked hard in the face of difficulties.One of the most32 things was the cold weather,as some of the work was outside.Withmore than 300 other volunteers,she might have worked for about 1,000 hours,like checking temperatures and tickets 33 at Wukesong Sports Center.“I 34 for our athletes when they were trying their best.I felt35 proud when I saw our national flag rising high,tears in m yeyes,“She said,Volunteering is unusual.I 11 do such jobs again andinvite more people to join us.”26.A.feelingsB.plansC.hobbies27.A.preparingB.givingC.enjoying28.A.playerB.volunteerC.coach29.A.come trueB.come outC.come up30 A.becauseB.unlessC.though31.A.findB.provideC.take32.A.d i f f i c ul tB.d i f f e r e ntC.d a ng e r ous33.A.h e a vi l yB.a ng r i l yC.c a r e f ul l y34.A.swa mB.c h e e r e dC.d r ove35.A.f r e e l yB.h a r d l yC.t r ul y26.A 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.C 31.B 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.C第二节语法填空(共 10小题;每小题1 分,满 分 10分)阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。S h a osh a n i s a f a m ous c i t y,t h e h om e t own of C h a i r m a n(主席)M a o Z e d ong.H eonc e l i ve d,st ud i e d,a nd 36(wor k)h e r e.S h a osh a n i s a c om f or t a b l epl a c e wi t h f l owe r s b l oom i ng (开花)a nd b i r d s si ng i ng a l l ye a r r ound.S h a osh a ni s a pl a c e 37 i s a l m ost i n t h e m i d d l e of H una n,a b out 40 k i l om e t e r sf r om X i a ng t a n C i t y a nd 100 k i l om e t e r s f r om C h a ng sh a C i t y.A s t h e h i g h-spe e d t r a i ns a r e a va i l a b l e,m or e a nd m or e pe opl e c om e h e r e38 t r a i n.F or e xa m pl e,i t onl y 39 (t a k e)l e ss t h a n h a l f a n h ourf r om C h a ng sh a C i t y t o S h a osh a n.O t h e r s st i l l wa nt 40(d r i ve)h e r e wi t hf a m i l i e s or f r i e nd s.I f pe opl e c om e h e r e on D e c e m b e r 26t h,i t wi l l b e t h e41(g ood)t i m e.O n t h a t d a y t h e r e a r e a l ot of c e l e b r a t i ons,b e c a usei t s C h a i r m a n M a o s b i r t h d a y.42(Visitor)from all over the country come here to show theirrespect.They also look forward to 43(watch)The Most MemorableShaoshan(最忆韶山冲),which can help them better understand Chairman M ao.They will be deeply moved and encouraged.Besides,it is not only 44good place for students to have school trips,but also an education base for45(they)to learn about the history of the Communist Party of China(中国共产党).36.worked37.that#which38.by39.takes40.to drive41.best42.Visitors43.watching44.a45.them第 三 节(共5小题;每小题2分,满 分10分)阅读下面的短