天津中德应用技术大学2022级新生入学考试C卷(客观题部分)您的部门:机械工程学院智能制造学院汽车与轨道交通学院软件与通信学院经贸管理学院艺术学院能源工程学院外院学院航空航天学院所学专业:机电工程材型工程金属材料机 电(专升本)自动化自动化(专升本)物流管理物 流(专升本)电气控制信息安全车辆工程汽车服务软件工程通信工程通 信工 程(专升本)物联网工程财务管理质管工程工艺美术数字媒体产品设计能动工程新能源工程德语飞行器工程飞 行 器(专升本)无人机工程其他所在班级:1班22班3班4班5班6班基本信息:姓名:学号:班级:P a rt I _ L iste n in g Comp r e h e n s i o n(2 5 m in ute s)S e c tio n AD ire c tio n s:_ I n this se c tio n,yo u will he a r thre e n e ws re p o rts.A t the e n d o f e a c h n e ws re p o rt,yo u will he a r two o r thre eque stio n s.B o th the n e ws re p o rt a n d the n que stio n s will b esp o ke n o n ly o n c e.A f te r yo u he a r a que stio n,yo u m ust c ho o sethe b e st a n swe r f ro m the f o ur c ho ic e s m a rke d A),B),C)a n dD).T he n m a rk the c o rre sp o n d in g le tte r o n A n swe r S he e t lwith asin g le lin e thro ug h the c e n tre.3Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have justheard.1.A)Land a space vehicle on the moon in 2019.B)Design a new generation of mobile phones.C)Set up a mobile phone network on the moon.D)Gather data from the noon with a tiny device.2.A)It is stable.B)It is durable.C)It is inexpensive.D)It is sophisticated.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have justheard.3.A)It lasted more than six hours.B)No injuries were yet reported.C)Nobody was in the building when it broke out.D)It had burned for 45 minutes by the time firefighters arrived.4.4A)Recruit and train more firefighters.B)Pull down the deserted shopping mall.C)Turn the shopping mall into an amusement park.D)Find money to renovate the local neighborhood.Questions 5 and 6 are based on the news report you have justheard.5.A)Shrinking potato farming.B)Heavy reliance on import.C)Widespread plant disease.D)Insufficient potato supply.6.A)It intends to keep its traditional diet.B)It wants to expand its own farming.C)It is afraid of the spread of disease.D)It is worried about unfair competition.7.A)Global warning.B)Ever-rising prices.C)Government regulation.D)Diminishing investment.Section B5Directions:_In this section,_you will hear two longconversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hearfour questions._Both the conversation and the questions willbe spoken only once._After you hear a question,_you must choosethe best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)andD)._Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet l_witha single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have justheard.8.A)Informative.B)Inspiring.C)Dull.D)Shallow.9.A)She types on a keyboard.B)She does recording.C)She take photos.6D)She take notes.10.A)It keeps her mind active.B)It makes her stay awake.C)It enables her to think hard.D)It helps her kill time.11.A)It enables her to improve her pronunciation.B)It helps her better remember what she learns.C)It turns out to be an enjoyable way of learning.D)It proves to be far more effective than writing.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have justheard.12.A)To spend her honeymoon.B)To try authentic Indian food.C)To take photos of the Taj Mahal.D)To trace the origin of a love story.13.A)In memory of a princess.B)In honor of a great emperor.C)To mark the death of an emperor of the 1600s.7D)To celebrate the birth of a princess,s 14th chi Id.14.A)It looks older than expected.B)It is built of wood and bricks.C)It stores lots of priceless antiques.D)It has walls decorated with jewels.15.A)Their streets are narrow.B)Each on has a unique character.C)They are mostly crowded.D)Life can be tedious in some places.Section CDirections:_In this section,you will hear three passages._Atthe end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer fromthe four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single linethrough the centre.8Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)They help spread the latest technology.B)They greatly enrich people s leisure life.C)They provide residents with the resources they need.D)They allow free access to digital books and videos.17.A)By helping them find jobs.B)By keeping them off the streets.C)By inspiring their creativity.D)By providing a place of relaxation.18.A)Their interaction with teenagers proved fruitful.B)They used libraries less often than teenagers.C)They tended to visit libraries regularly.D)Their number increased modestly.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)It is the cleverest cat in the world.B)It is an unusual cross breed.C)It is the largest cat in Africa.9D)It is a large-sized wild cat.20.A)They are as loyal as doges.B)They are fond of sleeping in cabinets.C)They have unusually long tails.D)They know how to please their owners.21.A)They shake their front paws.B)They shower with them.C)They teach them to dive.D)They shout at them.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)Contented and relieved.B)Anxious and depressed.C)Proud but a bit nervous.D)Excited but somewhat sad.23.A)It starts the moment they are born.B)It depends on their parents for success.C)It is gaining increasing public attention.D)It is becoming parents,biggest concern.io2 4.A)C ho o se the rig ht sc ho o l f o r the m.B)He lp the m to le a rn b y the m se lve s.C)R e a d b o o ks a n d m a g a zin e s to the m.D)S e t a g o o d e xa m p le f o r the m to f o llo w.2 5.A)T he ir in te llig e n c e.B)T he ir ho m e 1 if e.C)T he qua lity o f the ir sc ho o l.D)T he e f f o rt the y p ut in le a rn in g.3 0.P a rt I I _ _ _ R e a d in g Compr eh ens i on(4 0 m in ute s)S e c tio n AD ire c tio n s:I n this se c tio n,_ the re is a p a ssa g e with te nb la n ks.Y o u a re re quire d to se le c t o n e wo rd f o r e a c h b la n k f ro ma list o f c ho ic e s g ive n in _ a _ wo rd b a n k f o llo win g thep a ssa g e._ R e a d the p a ssa g e thro ug h c a re f ully b e f o re m a kin g yo urc ho ic e s.E a c h c ho ic e in _ the b a n k is id e n tif ie d b y a le tte r.P le a se m a rk the c o rre sp o n d in g le tte r f o r e a c h ite m o n A n swe rS he e t 2 _ with a sin g le 1 in e thro ug h the c e n tre.Y o u m a y n o t usea n y o f the wo rd s in the b a n k m o re tha n o n c e.iiQuestions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Millions die early from air pollution each year.Airpollution costs the global economy more than$5 trillionannually in welfare costs,with the mostserious_26 occurring in the developing world.The figures include a number of costs_27 with airpollution.Lost income alone amounts to$225 billion a year.The report includes both indoor and outdoor air pollution.Indoor pollution,which includes28 like home heating and cooking,hasremained_29 over the past several decades despiteadvances in the area.Levels of outdoor pollution have grownrapidly along with rapid growth in industry and transportation.Director of Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Chris12M urra y_ 3 0 it a s a n “urg e n t c a ll to a c tio n.”O n e o fthe risk f a c to rs f o r p re m a ture d e a ths is the a ir we b re a the,o ve r whic h in d ivid ua ls ha ve little _ 31,“he sa id.T he e f f e c ts o f a ir p o llutio n a re wo rst in the d e ve lo p in g wo rld,whe re in so m e p la c e s lo st-la b o r in c o m e _3 2 n e a rly 1%o f G D P.A ro un d 9 in 1 0 p e o p le in lo w-a n d m id d le-in c o m e c o un trie slive in p la c e s whe re the y_ 3 3 e xp e rie n c e d a n g e ro usle ve ls o f o utd o o r a ir p o llutio n.B ut the p ro b le m is n o t lim ite d _ 3 4 to the d e ve lo p in gwo rld.T ho usa n d s d ie p re m a ture ly in the U.S.a s a re sult o fre la te d illn e sse s.I n m a n y E uro p e a n c o un trie s,whe re d ie se l(柴油)3 5 ha ve b e c o m e m o re c o m m o n in re c e n t ye a rs,tha tn um b e r re a c he s te n s o f tho usa n d s.A)a b ili ty I)e xc lusive lyB)a sso c ia te d J)in n o va te dC)c o n sc io usly K)re g ula rly13D)constant L)relatesE)control M)sourcesF)damage N)undermineG)described 0)vehiclesH)equals_Section BDirections:_In this section,you are going to read a passagewith ten statements attached to each statement containsinformation given in one of the paragraphs.Identify theparagraph from which the information is derived.You may choosea paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with aletter.Answer the questions by marking the correspondingletter on Answer Sheet 2.14Food-as-Medicine Movement Is Witnessing ProgressA Several times a month,you can find a doctor in the aislesof Ralph s market in Huntington Beach,California,wearing awhite coat and helping people learn about food.On one recentday,this doctor was Daniel Nadeau,wandering the cereal aislewith Allison Scott,giving her some idea on how to feed kidswho persistently avoid anything that is healthy._ Have youthought about trying fresh juices in the morning?”he asksher._ The frozen oranges and apples are a little cheaper,andfruits are really good for the brain.Juices are quick and easyto prepare,you can take the frozen fruit out the night beforeand have it ready the next morning.”B Scott is delighted to get food advice from a physician whois program director of the nearby Mary and Dick Allen DiabetesCenter,part of the St.Joseph Hoag Health alliance.The centerrs_ Shop with Your Doc,program sends doctors to the grocerystore to meet with any patients who sign up for the service,plus any other shoppers who happen to be around with questions.15C Nadeau notices the pre-made macaroni(通心粉)-and-cheeseboxes in Scott s shopping cart and suggests she switch to wholegrain macaroni and real cheese._ So I d have to make i t?”she asks,her enthusiasm fading at the thought of how long thatmight take,just to have her kids reject it._ m not surethey d eat it.They just won t eat it.”D Nadeau says sugar and processed foods are big contributorsto the rising diabetes rates among children._ In America,over50 percent of our food is processed food,“Nadeau tells her._“And only 5 percent of our food is plant-based food.I thinkwe should try to reverse that._Scott agrees to try more fruitjuices for the kids and to make real macaroni and cheese.Scoreone point for the doctor,zero for diabetes.E Nadeau is part of a small revolution developing acrossCalifornia.The food-as-medicine movement has been around fordecades,but it s making progress as physicians and medicalinstitutions make food a formal part of treatment,rather thanrelying solely on medications(药物).By prescribingnutritional changes or launching programs such as Shop withyour Doc,they are trying to prevent,limit or even reverse16disease by changing what patients eat.There s no questionpeople can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes,reversing high blood pressure,even preventing cancer by foodchoices,v Nadeau says.F In the big picture,says Dr.Richard Afable,CEO andpresident of ST.Joseph Hoag Health,medical institutionsacross the state are starting to make a philosophical switchto becoming a health organization,not just a health careorganization.That feeling echoes the beliefs of theTherapeutic Food Pantry program at Zuckerberg San FranciscoGeneral Hospital,which completed its pilot phase and is aboutto expand on an ongoing basis to five clinic sites throughoutthe city.The program will offer patients several bags of foodprescribed for their condition,along with intensive trainingin how to cook it.We really want to link food and medicine,and not just give away food,says Dr.Rita Nguyen,the hospitals medical director of Healthy Food Initiatives.We want peopleto understand what they re eating,how to prepare it,the rolefood plays in their lives.”G In Southern California,Loma Linda University School of17M e d ic in e is o f f e rin g sp e c ia lize d tra in in g f o r its re sid e n tp hysic ia n s in L if e style M e d ic in e 一 tha t is a f o rm a l sp e c ia ltyin usin g f o o d to tre a t d ise a se.R e se a rc h f in d in g s in c re a sin g lysho w the p o we r o f f o o d to _ tre a t o r re ve rse d ise a se s,b ut tha td o e s n o t m e a n tha t d ie t a lo n e is a lwa ys the so lutio n,o r tha te ve ry illn e ss c a n b e n e f it sub sta n tia lly f ro m d ie ta ry c ha n g e s.N o n e the le ss,p hysic ia n s sa y tha t the y lo o k a t the c o lle c tived a ta a n d a c le a r p ic ture e m e rg e s:_ tha t the sa lt,sug a r,_ f a t a n dp ro c e sse d f o o d s in the A m e ric a n d ie t c o n trib ute to the n a tio n s hig h ra te s o f o b e sity,d ia b e te s a n d he a rt d ise a se.A c c o rd in gto the W o rld He a lth O rg a n iza tio n,8 0 p e rc e n t o f d e a ths f ro mhe a rt d ise a se a n d stro ke a re c a use d b y hig h b lo o d p re ssure,to b a c c o use,e le va te d c ho le ste ro l a n d lo w c o n sum p tio n o f f ruitsa n d ve g e ta b le s.H I t s a d if f e re n t p a ra d i g m (范式)_ o f ho w to tre a t d ise a se,vsa ys D r.B re n d a R e a,who he lp s run the f a m ily a n d p re ve n tivem e d ic in e re sid e n c y p ro g ra m a t L o m a L in d a U n ive rsity S c ho o l o fM e d ic in e.T he lif e style m e d ic in e sp e c ia lty is d e sig n e d to tra ind o c to rs in ho w to p re ve n t a n d tre a t d ise a se,in p a rt,b yc ha n g in g p a tie n ts n utritio n a l ha b its.T he m e d ic a l c e n te r a n dsc ho o l a t L o m a L in d a a lso ha s a f o o d c up b o a rd a n d kitc he n f o r18p a tie n ts.T his wa y,p a tie n ts n o t o n ly le a rn a b o ut whic h f o o d sto b uy,_ b ut a lso ho w to p re p a re the m a t ho m e.I M a n y p e o p le d o n t kn o w ho w to c o o k,R e a sa ys,a n d the y o n lykn o w ho w to he a t thin g s up.T ha t m e a n s d e p e n d in g o n p a c ka g e df o o d with hig h sa lt a n d sug a r c o n te n t.S o te a c hin g p e o p le a b o utwhic h f o o d s a re he a lthy a n d ho w to p re p a re the m,she sa ys,c a na c tua lly tra n sf o rm a p a tie n t s lif e.A n d b e yo n d tha t,itm ig ht_ tra n sf o rm the he a lth a n d 1 ive s o f tha t p a tie n t s f a m ily.“W ha t p e o p le e a t c a n b e m e d ic in e o r p o iso n,“R e a sa ys.A sa p hysic ia n,n utritio n is o n e o f the m o st p o we rf ul thin g s yo uc a n c ha n g e to re ve rse the e f f e c ts o f lo n g-te rm d ise a se.”J S tud ie s ha ve e xp lo re d e vid e n c e tha t d ie ta ry c ha n g e s c a nslo w in f la m in a tio n (炎症),f o r e xa m p le,o r m a ke the b o d yin ho sp ita b le to c a n c e r c e lls.I n g e n e ra l,m a n y lif e stylem e d ic in e p hysic ia n s re c o m m e n d a p la n t-b a se d d ie t 一p a rtic ula rly f o r p e o p le with d ia b e te s o r o the r in f la m m a to ryc o n d itio n s.K A s wha t ha p p e n e d with to b a c c o,this will re quire ac ultura l shif t,b ut tha t c a n ha p p e n,sa ys N g uye n.I n the19same way physicians used to smoke,and then stopped smoking andwere able to talk to patients about it,I think physicians canhave a bigger voice