蒸汽锅炉安全技术监察规程 (英文版).doc
TECHNICAL SUPERVISION REGULATION FOR SAGETY OF STEAM BOILERSBOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL SAFETY ADMINISTRATION CHINA STATE BUREAU OF QUALITY AND TECHNICAL SUPERVISIONTECHNICAL SUPERVISION REGULATION FOR SAFETY OF STEAM BOILERSContentsChapter 1 General Principles (2)Chapter 2 General Requirements (3)Chapter 3 Materials (8)Chapter 4 Structure (18)Chapter 5 Welding of Pressure Parts (31)Chapter 6 Expanding Connection (53)Chapter 7 Major Appurtenances and Instruments (55)Chapter 8 Boiler Room (72)Chapter 9 Operation and Management (75)Chapter 10 Inspection and Test (78)Chapter 11 Supplementary Articles (83)Appendix Welding Procedure Qualification (83)Appendix Tension and Bend Test Specimens of Welded Joints (100)Chapter 1 General PrinciplesClause 1.This Regulation is formulated in accordance with ?Provisional Act On Safety of Boilers And Pressure Vessels?in order to ensure safe operation of boilers,to protect life and promote the development national economy.Clause 2.This Regulation is applicable to design, fabrication, installation, use, inspection, repair and alternation of stationary boilers and pipings inside with water as the working media.Steam-waer dual-purpose boiler shall comply with the requirements of ?Technical Supervision Regulation for Safety of Hot Water Boilers?as well as those of this Regulation.This Regulation is not applicable to stationary boilers with water capacity less than 30 L and nuclear boiler.Clause 3. Each related unit and responsible department must follow the rules of this Regulation.All governmental administrative departments of labour of county level and above responsible for the safety supervision of boilers.The boiler and pressure vessel safety supervision agency of the administrative department of labour of all levels (hereinafter called safety supervision agency, SSA) is responsible for the implementation of this Regulation. Clause 4.The rules of this Regulation are fundamental requirements for the safety administration and technology of boilers.This Regulation shall be taken as mandatory in case a related technical standard is not in conformity with this Regulation.Clause 5.The stationary steam boiler, imported or manufactured by domestic enterprises (including forging company investment enterprises) by introduced foreign technologies according to foreign standards and used domestically, shall conform with the requirements of this Regulation as well. When the fundamental requirements of this Regulation are not met under special circumstance, the SSA of the Ministry of Labour (MOL) must be asked for approval in advance.Clause 6. When a related unit employs new structure, process or material in boiler construction and this Regulation is not met, the test conditions and test data of the boiler and the related technical documents must be submitted to the SSA of the MOL for approval following examination and agreement having been made by the province-level SSA.Chapter 2 General RequirementsClause 7.Boiler design must comply with the requirements for safety and reliability. The structure of boiler shall conform with the requirements in Chapter 4 of this Regulation. The strength of pressure part of boiler shall be calculated and verified according to ?Strength Calculations for Pressure Parts of Water-Tube Boilers?or ?Strength Calculations for Pressure Parts of Shell-Type Boilers?.Clause 8.The following safety-related technical documents of the boiler must be provided on delivery;(1) Bolier drawings (general drawing, installation drawing and main pressure (2) Strength calculation sheets of pressure parts or summary of calculations;(3) Relieving capacity calculation sheets of safety valve or summary of calculations;(4) Boiler quality certificates (including certificate of compliance, metal material certificate ,welding quality certificate and hydrostatic pressure test record);(5) Boiler installation manual and operation manual;(6) Date for major design change of pressure part.For boilers with rated steam pressure of 3.8MPa and above, the following technical date shall also be provided as a minimum;(1) Thermal calculation sheet or summary of calculations;(2) Superheater tube wall temperature calculation sheet or summary of calculations;(3) Draft resistance calculation sheet or summary of calculations;(4) Thermal expansion system drawing.For the boilers with rated steam pressure of 9.8MPa or above, the following technical data shall also be provided:(1) Reheater tube wall temperature calculation sheet or summary of calculations;(2) Water circulation calculation sheet (including resistance of water and/or steam flow) or summary of calculations;(3) Water and/or steam system drawings;(4) Set-point value of each protective device.Clause 9.A metal nameplate indicating the following items, shall be fixed on visible position of the boiler on delivery:(1) Boiler type;(2) Boiler product serial number;(3) Rated output (t/h) or rated power (MW);(4) Rated steam pressure (MPa);(5) Rated steam temperature ();(6) Inlet and outlet reheat steam temperature ()and inlet and outlet steam pressure (MPa);(7) Name of manufactory;(8) Class and serial number of License of Boiler Construction;(9) Name of Supervisory Inspection Agency (SLA) and inspection stamp;(10) Year and month built.The product serial number of the major pressure parts such as drum, superheater header, reheater header, water-cooled wall header, economizer header, attemperator and starting-up separator shall be stamped on heads or end closures on separated delivery.Clause 10. Boiler installation shall comply with be requirements of this Regulation, in addition, for the boilers with a rated steam pressure of 2.5MPa or lower,the relevant rules in Volume six TJ231 (6)-?Installation of Crushing-Pulverizing Equipment?may be referred to .For boilers with a rated steam pressure greater than 2.5MPa, the relevant rules in SDJ245-?Technical Specification for Power Construction and Acceptance (Bolier Unit)?may be referred to.Clause 11.Before and in course of boiler installation, if the installation unit finds that quality problems affecting safe use exist in a pressure part ,the installation shall be halted and the problems shall be reported to local SSA who shall put forward proposed resolutions as soon as possible.Clause 12. The interim acceptance inspection of the installation quality and the hydrostatic pressure test of the boiler shall be carried out by the installation unit and user together. For the overall acceptance inspection,besides the boiler installation unit and the user, relevant SSA shall generally appoint a representative to participate.After the installation quality of the boiler is satisfied through acceptance inspection , the installation unit shall hand over the technical documents, the construction quality certificate ,etc. to the user for keeping them on file.Clause 13.The user shall make his boiler be registered according to the requirements of the?Boiler Registration Procedures?issued by the former Ministry of Labour and Personnel(MOLP).It is not permissible for non-registered boilers to be put in use.Clause 14. The firemen shall be qualified by the user according to the requirements of the?Safety Technique Qualification Procedures for Boiler Firemen?issued by the former MOLP. Boilers shall not be put into use in case there is no qualified firemen suitable for the type of the boiler.Clause 15.The use and management of utility boilers and the management and qualification in power industry shall be conducted according to the relevant rules of ?Utility Boiler Inspection Code?.Clause 16.Boiler user and his competent authority shall appoint fulltime or part-time person (s) to be responsible for the safety management of the boiler in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.The user shall work out and enforce the Operating Rules for guaranteeing safe boiler operation and the Rules of Safety Management for prevention form explosion, fire and poisoning, and accident -handling procedure according to structural according to structural type, burning method and use requirements of the boiler.The user work out and enforce the Rules for Maintenance and Periodic Inspection and Its Safety Appurtenances. For boiler with automatic control system, the system, the Rules for periodic Calibration, Inspection and Repair of Automatic Instruments shall also be established.Clause 17.Drawings and schemes for construction shall be available for major repairs of boiler pressure part, such as the replacement and the patching of drum (shell), internal furnace, returning furnace, head, crown sheet, tube sheet, water leg, header, the re-welding of main welds, the change from expanded to welded joint, the massive heating tube replacements, etc. Applicable boiler technical standards and specifications may be referred to for technical requirements for repairs, After completing the repairs, the user shall keep the technical data such as drawings, material quality certificate, repair quality inspection certificate on file.Clause 18.When the boiler in service is to be repaired, it is forbidden to repair the parts with pressure inside or with a high boiler water temperature. It is not permissible to repair a pressure part with water inside.Clause 19.The technical standards of boiler and applicable technical specifications may be referred to for technical requirements of construction for boiler and pressure parts alternation For alternation aiming to raise operation parameters, necessary calculation shall bi included in alternation scheme. Water treatment measures and safety accessories shall be suitable when change of structure and operating parameters occur.Clause 20. After the boiler alternation is completed the user shall keep the technical data such as drawings, material quality certificate, certificate for construction quality on file.Chapter 3 MaterialsClause 21.Metal material and welding consumables for boiler pressure parts shall comply with relevant National Standard and Industrial Standard. Material producer must guarantee material quality and provide quality certificate. Metal material and weld metal shall be of specified strength, toughness and extensibility, and shall have sufficient fatigue and corrosion-resistant properties under service condition.Steel plate, steel tube and welding consumables for repairing boiler pressure parts shall be of the same designation or of similar properties with the original material of the parts to be repaired.Clause 22.Metal material for fabricating boiler pressure part must be of killed steel. For plate material, the extensibility 5 at 20 shall not be less than 18%. For carbon steel and carbon manganese steel, the Charpy V impact value shall not be less than 27J.Clause 23.Metal material for boiler pressure parts shall be selected and used according to the following rules:(1) Steel plateTable 3-1 Steel Boiler PlateSteelTypeDesignationStandard Serial numberRange ApplicableWorkingPressure (MPa)Wall Temperature()CarbonSteelQ235-A,Q235-BQ235-C,Q235-DGB700GB3274See Note 15,20GB710,GB711GB1323720RB6654,YB(T)4045020g,22gGB713,YB(T)415.9 450Alloysteel12Mng,16MogGB7123,YB(T)4140016MnRGB6654,YB(T)40400 Note: The component shall not be in contact with flame when the plate is used to fabricate the pressure component of the boiler with rated steam Pressure exceeds 0.1MPa.Aging impact test shall be done and qualified.For the fabrication of the durm (shell) that does not receive heat radiation, the working pressure is not limited.(2) Steel tubeTable 3-2 Steel Tube for BoilerSteelTypeDesignationStandardNumberRange ApplicableUseWorkingPressure(MPa)WallTemperature()CarbonSteel10,20GB8163Heating Surface TubeHeader, Steam Pipe10,20GB3087YB(*T)33Heating Surface Tube480Header. Steam Pipe43020GGB5310YB(T)32Heating Surface TubeNotLimited480Header, Steam Pipe430AlloySteel12CrMoG15CrMoGGB5310Heating Surface TubeNotLimited56012Cr1MoVGHeader, Steam Pipe550GB531012Cr3MoWVTiBHeating Surface Tube580GB531056512Cr3MoVSiTiBHeating Surface Tube600Note: It may be raised up to 450 if the required service life is within 20yearsIt may be used up to 620 if oxidization loss is taken into account in strength calculation.(3) Forged Component 第33 Forging for BoilerSteelTypeDesignationStandard Serial NumberRange ApplicableWorking Pressure(MPa)Wall Temperature()CarbonSteelQ235A,Q235BQ235C,Q235DGB7002535020, 25GB69959450AlloySteel12CrMoGBJ98016Not Limited54015 CrMo55012CrlMoV56530CrMo35CrMo45025Cr2MoVA510 Note: Working pressure is not limited if the forged component is not in contact with flame. Except various types of flanges, the bollow cylindrical tube fittings in conformity with following requirements can be formed by machining rolled or forged round bar steel employing the corresponding designation in the table: aThe outside diameter of carbon steel tube fitting is not greater than 160 mm, the outside diameter of alloy steel tube fitting or tube cap fitting is not greater than 114 mm; bThe machined tube fittings pass non-destructive examination;cThe longitudinal axis of tube fitting is parallel to the axis of the round bar steel. (4) Cast Steel Component Table 34 Cast Steel Component for BoilerSteelTypeDesignationStandard Aerial NumberRange ApplicableNominal Pressure (MPa)Wall Temperature()CarbonSteelZG200400GB11352ZBJ9801563450ZG230450Not Limited450AlloySteelZG20CrMoZBJ98015Not Limited510ZG20CrMoVNot Limited540ZGl5CrlMolVNot Limited570(5).Cast Iron ComponentTable35 Cast Iron Component for BoilerType of Cast IronDesignationStandard Aerial NumberRange ApplicableNominal DiameterOf Fittings (mm)Nominal Pressure (MPa)TemperatureOf Media()Gray Cast IronNot LessHT150GB9439JBT26393000823020016230Ductile Cast IronKTH30006KTH30008KTH30010KTH35012GB944010016300Nodular Graphitic Cast IronQT40018GBl348TBT2637