decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety management objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date: year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement "safety first, prevention first" approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safety management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, any person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 points as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement "security first, prevention" approach, implemented "who tube who is responsible for" principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention "three big hurt" of occurred, developed security target decomposition following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness,regulations. The revised regulations from the original 3 series, Chapter 15, 178, more than 24000 words reduced to 3, Chapter 11, 133, 17000 words. For example, before theWith criminal law coincidence of corruption and bribery, dereliction of duty dereliction of duty and other content, not a separate provisions in the party. Special supervisors of the Commission, Ma, vice president of China University of politics and law said, current disciplinary punishment regulation of December 2003 promulgated and implemented, but with the development of the situation, have been unable to fully meet the strictly new needs. The biggest problem is discipline law, of which nearly half of the content and the criminal law, the law on administrative penalties for public security, such as repeated, in fact, it is difficult to use, but also a waste of administrative costs, even in very few cases will appear to Ji generation method, pre empt. The revised implementation of the strictly, the party must manage the party, strengthening discipline check , for the party to "overweight", before the law for the party delineated discipline bottom line, from wrong grabbed, not to become Dang Jiyan Yu Guofa empty. The amendment Ordinance: to strengthen the role of the negative list, the provisions of the original Ordinance 10 categories of misconduct combing the integration and scientific revision for six categories: violation of political discipline, discipline, honesty and discipline, discipline of the masses, work discipline and discipline, the party constitution about discipline specific requirements, and sorting in the provisions of chapters in accordance with the similar similar and severely to the principle of National School of administration Professor Wang Yukai says, in the past, in violation of the party constitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of misconduct lack seriously In terms of responsibility, to amend the legislation integration clear the members of the "negative list, of Party members and cadres prohibited behavior of the scope of the facts were adjusted, refining the content, operation and not only told party members and cadres, what kind of behavior is not, also put forward clear basis for punishment, disciplinary action is no longer available drilling. The Central Party School professor Xin Ming said that the old regulations is a prominent issue is what are the tube, but some problems did not manage well. For example, political discipline, political rules previously difficult to grasp, there is a gray area, the amendment clarifies lists can" condemnation ", the discipline can not luck. Amendment: strict since the eighteen Political discipline and rules, organization and discipline, the implementation of provisions of the eight, against the "four winds" strictly administering the practice results of the institutionalized, normalized. Regulations clearly increased the some disciplinary terms, such as honesty and discipline increased trading rights, using in position or positions of influence as relatives and close to profit etc.; breach of discipline of the masses in the new against the interests of the masses,Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator application began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this robot to get people's attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standards. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of automation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didn't opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like welding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of "sense", when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand*体育馆改扩建工程施工方案一、工程总体概况建筑面积:改造排球比赛馆39797平米,改造训练馆10500平米,改造院区功能性用房2090平米,新建售票大厅及物品寄存处1700平米,扩建排球比赛馆外电梯620平米。层数:比赛馆地下一层,地上五层;训练馆地下一层,地上两层;变配电室、清洁用房、餐饮用房库地上一层;垃圾楼、调度楼地上三层;餐饮后备区地下一层,地上一层;新建售票大厅地上两层,地下有一夹层;其余新建物品寄存用房四个,均为地上一层。结构形式:钢筋混凝土框架结构檐高:比赛馆,训练馆本工程拆除加固单体九个,仅比赛馆及综合训练馆、消防水泵房为拆除、加固及装修,其余六个单体为拆除后恢复及重新装修。新建售票大厅及物品寄存处共五个单体,另有扩建排球比赛馆外电梯。二、结构加固改造概况一、比赛馆加固 1、将原来的框架结构体系变为框架剪力墙结构体系,增加的剪力墙可以吸收大部分水平地震力,同时可以降低框架柱的抗震等级和轴压比要求。 2、为满足建筑功能要求,看台以上楼层无法设置剪力墙的部位增设软钢阻尼器,软钢阻尼器在小震下仅为结构提供足够的抗侧刚度,在中震和大震下提供抗侧刚度和耗能作用,其耗能作用作为中震和大震下的重要抗震措施,提高结构抗震安全性。 3、考虑到屋架近年刚刚翻新改造,本次原则上不动屋架结构。 4、对基础进行加固,新增加电梯、楼梯的基础为桩基础。新增加的剪力墙下增加桩基础及承台,并与原承台浇筑为一个整体。 5、加固方法:(1)对于截面不足或配筋不足时,采用增大截面加固方法处理;(2)对于抗剪配筋不足的钢筋混凝土梁,采用粘钢方法进行加固;(3)对于混凝土梁支座附近局部存在的斜裂缝,采取粘钢方法加固; (4)对于混凝土梁中部的裂缝采取灌胶封闭的方法进行处理; (5)对于屋顶上开裂维护墙采用钢筋网片混凝土进行加固,具体部位根据现场确定; (6)对钢架支座处混凝土柱顶局部裂缝采用包钢的方法进行加固; (7)对钢屋盖支座进行抗震加固; (8)对残疾人坡道转弯平台进行局部加宽改造; (9)对综合训练馆到比赛馆之间运动员通道不满足高度要求的梁进行局部改造成上反梁,反梁截面保持原截面大小; 二、综合训练馆加固 综合训练馆仅进行局部加固,仅极少量楼板粘碳纤维加固,极少量梁粘钢加固,主要为装修,基础也不需加固。 三、改造加固部分混凝土强度等级: 部位承台及桩身垫层柱加固、新增墙顶板楼梯地下各层C30C15C40C30C30地上各层C40C30C30 四、粘钢、钢筋及粘碳纤维加固材料: 钢板材质为Q345B 钢筋:HPB235,HRB400 碳纤维布:布厚0.3毫米,重量300克/平米四、工程特点、重难点及对策一、工程特点1、政治地理位置重要、现场管理要求高:本工程为奥运工程的一部分,地处*比较繁华的地带,车流比较大,政治地理位置比较特殊。对现场安全文明施工、环境保护等规范化管理要求严格,施工单位不但要尽一切可能减少施工对周边单位正常工作秩序的干扰,而且要力保施工现场干净整洁,有条不紊。2、设计施工图纸还未完善,未确定因素较多:本工程为加固工程,有的部位的加固还要待现场拆除后进一步确认是否加固及加固方法。细部问题没有完全揭露,结构设计、专业设计还有许多具体形式和设备系统有待进一步确定。通过设计单位的再次设计,专业公司二次设计或施工现场设计变更洽商,同时会影响电气、设备及其他各种专业的连锁改动。势必给工程在短期施工完成增添更大的难度。3、协调工作量大:本工程为大型综合性工程,且有多个单体施工。拆除加固单体九个,又有五个新建。外幕墙工程、内装修工程、强电工程、弱电工程、设备安装工程、通讯工程、安保工程、火灾自动报警工程、绿化工程等多专业、多工种、多工序工作集中在有限的空间和时间内作业,本单位内部、专业分承包单位之间现场组织协调工作数量相当巨大。4、工期紧迫:招标工期要求531天,但结构加固工程具有一定的特殊性,往往由于拆除后现场实际情况与设计相去较远,土建变更量比较大,连锁反应到其他专业跟着变,势必会耽搁工期,另外,施工单体多达十四个,加固、拆除、新建、装修,工序比较多。所以,要在技术、人员、施工机械设备等各方面加大投入,以保证工程如期完成。5、工程质量要求高:本工程作为“奥运工程、窗口工程”,在施工材料、施工质量、施工装修效果方面要求一流。这就要求施工单位“精耕细作”,在紧迫的工期要求下无疑是对施工企业综合管理水平的全面考验。二、工程重、难点:工序复杂、繁多、基础加固作业面小:由于比赛馆面积将近4000万平米,而且从基础开始加固,一直到柱、梁结构、楼板,各种加固方法比较齐全,楼板开洞、局部新增楼板、新增剪力墙、柱的包钢加固及梁板的粘钢加固、板的粘碳纤维加固、新增雨棚钢结构制作加工及安装、新增室外电梯及楼梯。基础增加人工挖孔灌注桩100多根,且在原基础范围内作业,作业面比较狭窄,有一定难度。针对上述施工过程中的特点、重点,我单位将认真编制针对性方案和预案,并借鉴以往类似工程施工经验,充分发挥我单位在管理和技术上的优势,采用新材料、新工艺、新设备和新技术,运用完备的施工管理手段和措施,精心组织施工,确保本工程按工期、质量、安全目标完成。序号工程特点或重难点对 策 措 施 1 政治地理位置重要,现场管理要求高1、对工人进行素质教育,在进行严格政审和专业技能考核后,对获得留用资格的工人进行不少于5天的治安、安全、环保、队列训练、文明举止等内容的素质教育的培训。2、项目为此专门设立现场管理小组,严抓现场管理建设,定期与政府及招标单位管理部门沟通,定期征求周边单位的意见,及时改进管理方法。3、现场办公区、库区、露天堆码区、施工机械、现场绿化等按施工阶段规划布置,实行单位规范化管理,做到现场整洁大方,有条不紊。4、土方及出渣时易造成遗撒,必须加强降尘设备投入,工地设流动洒水车进行时时降尘,出入口50m轮胎除泥道路,加强施工土方和垃圾运输车辆的管理,保证所有车辆符合北京市环境保护有关要求。5、在征得市容管理部门的同意后,设置对外施工宣传标语、灯箱、旗帜等宣传设施,精心布置九图一板、工地倒计时牌、宣传报等各种形式的宣传,弘扬正气,倡导主旋律。2设计施工图纸还未完善,未确定因素较多1、对于施工过程可能出现的投标中未确定的设计问题,及时和设计与招标单位沟通,制定相应的应变方案。特别是碰到重大变更及新发现的问题,及时报告给招标单位、设计院、监理,必要时邀请专家组进行会诊,及时拿出解决方案,尽量减少因方案性变化对工期的影响。2、在结构施工过程中,结构加固、预应力钢筋等问题应紧跟施工进度解决,同时尽量在结构施工阶段协调各相关专业完成各种管线及孔洞的预留预埋施工,为后期电气、设备等专业施工赢得时间。3、如果结构加固过程中出现较大方案性改变,应及时调整网络计划,调整劳动力组织。4、我单位配备专职设计人员、技术人员进行现场节点详图的细化工作,起到现场与设计的桥梁作用。3协调工作量大1、本工程综合性强,多工种交叉、多专业交叉、多工序交叉,结构施工完成之后各专业分包人相继进入现场,交叉施工、协同作业、相互配合成为施工中的主流。认真领悟、贯彻招标单位、监理的各种意图、指令,充分发挥总包方的管理、协调、服务职能是总包方义不容辞的责任,总包方任何时候都要以服务招标单位为关注焦点,带好头,服好务。2.项目组织机构设立专门组织协调机构现场管理小组,对现场的施工作业面卫生、施工运输机械、施工脚手架作业平台、临时施工用水用电、现场卫生设施进行统一管理,生产管理部设立专门人员负责我方与相关分包人及招标单位直接承包人之间的关系,建立实施有效的例会制度,协调安排生产,使各承包商的施工安排紧紧围绕总进度计划运行。3、及时进行信息沟通,尊重对方,理解对方,服务对方是总包管理协调工作的出发点。4、现场专业多、队伍多、人员多,为方便现场管理,设置现场摄像监视系统。4工期紧迫1、工程总招标工期要求531天。结构加固保证如期完成是本工程的关键。单位和项目部对此要高度重视,做好参施人员动员工作,树立吃苦观念、人人为奥运做贡献的观念。2、建立工期倒计时牌,时刻提醒参施人员。3、项目全体参施人员明确工期奖罚措施,每月兑现,年底算总帐。对办事拖拉,对延误工期者予以严惩。4、作好施工机械、材料供应、管理保障、技术保障。5、准备1000人的后勤基地,为保工期建立充足的劳动力保障5工程质量要求高1、根据本工程“奥运工程、窗口工程”的特点,确保“北京市建筑长城杯”,制定严格的质量创优计划。2、建立项目创优机构,明确职责和工作标准,积极开展“质量比武”、“QC小组”等创优活动。3、对全体参施人员实施质量奖罚措施,并做到及时兑现,对工程质量提出合理化建议的给予积极鼓励。4、认真执行方案先行、样板引路的原则,促使工程一次成优,全面成优,过程优质。6工序复杂、繁多、基础加固作业面小1、制定结构加固详细、可行的施工方案。2、配备专职设计及技术人员,及时与设计、监理进行沟通、协调,确保不因图纸耽搁施工进度。五、施工目标一、质量目标根据本工程为“奥运工程、窗口工程”的特点。将按照质量管理体系文件ISO9001要求,实行全方位、全过程质量管理。确保工程一次验收合格率100%,分项工程一次验收合格率100%,单位工程质量达到合格标准,创“北京市建筑长城杯”。二、工期目标奔工程招标单位要求的总工期为531日历天,我方承诺工期489天,即2006年5月18日开工,2007年9月18日完工。三、安全文明施工目标根据职业健康安全管理程序文件GB/T28001要求,保证本工程安全文明施工管理目标达到:杜绝重伤以上事故;员工因工轻伤率小于 ; 。创“北京市文明安全工地”。四、环境管理目标根据单位环境管理程序文件ISO14001要求,项目所有活动符合北京市环境保护法律法规和要求。确保不发生环境污染事故,使施工对周边单位影响降低到最低。我单位是采用现代化管理模式的大型建筑企业,将根据ISO9001质量标准体系、ISO14001环境管理体系和GB/T28001职业健康安全管理体系;建立施工现场各项管理工作的程序化和标准化制度。在施工过程中加强关键环节的控制,严格执行单位的质量、环境、职业健康安全管理体系的管理手册和程序文件,编制适合本项目特点的质量计划、职业健康安全计划、环境计划、施工进度计划。现场采用计算机对质量、工期、职业健康安全、环境保护等诸多因素进行过程跟踪控制,制定预防保证体系,及时纠正过程偏差,消灭萌芽中的不合格项目,保证本项工程成为工期短、质量优、安全保障有力、绿色环保工程。六、总体施工方案一、总体施工安排由于本工程单体较多,比赛馆面积将近39797万平米,综合训练馆10500平米,改造院区功能性用房2090平米,新建售票大厅及物品寄存处1700平米,扩建排球比赛馆外电梯620平米。但仅有比赛馆加固工程量较大,装修工程量也大。比赛馆从基础加固开始,人工挖孔灌注桩增加100多根,剪力墙增加将近40片,相对应的柱子均须进行加大截面加固,植筋、增加钢筋并灌注混凝土,部分柱子包钢加固,梁粘钢加固,另新增压型钢板上浇灌混凝土,板进行粘碳纤维加固。又增加室外钢梯、楼梯、电梯,增加部分钢结构。可以说各种加固方法在这里得到了运用。综合训练馆仅有极少量加固,其余的为装修。功能性附属用房均为拆除装修,单体六个,没有加固。新建四个单体比较简单,仅售票大厅为地上两层,其余新建为一层。 根据本工程单体较多,但工程量较大的单体仅有比赛馆一个。所以,比赛馆的加固装修成为重中之重。在一开始进场,首先集中兵力进行比赛馆的拆除,拆除完成后即进行基础的开挖及桩的施工,然后从下向上顺序进行加固。加固完成后从上向下进行装修。在比赛馆拆除的同时,单独安排一部分劳动力进行综合训练馆及其余几个单体的拆除。新建部分也是单独安排劳力进行土方开挖及基础、结构施工,新建部分售票大厅为五个新建的重点,面积m2,其余四个面积分别是m2。五个新建工程基本上同时开挖,进行流水施工。在结构加固及新建主体完成并经验收后,开始进行装修,比赛馆仍然作为重点单独安排劳力施工。综合训练馆也单独安排劳力进行装修。其余的小单体互相进行流水施工。二、施工区域的划分1、在结构加固施工阶段,比赛馆分四个施工区。具体分区见下图。宏观上统一协调,微观上各个施工区自行组织流水施工,同时兼顾其他各区施工,相互协调配合。2、结构加固施工完成,电气、设备安装、二次结构和装修施工阶段,比赛馆按照层、使用功能分区